2016년 11월 3일 목요일

War to the Knife 65

War to the Knife 65

SCOTSMAN._--"All three stories have a fine literary flavour and an
artistic finish, and within their limited scope present some subtle
analyses of character."
_NORTHERN WHIG._--"Anything from the pen of the late Mrs. Oliphant
will always be welcome to a large number of readers, who will
therefore note with pleasant interest the publication by Messrs.
Macmillan of a neat volume containing three tales, 'That Little
Cutty,' 'Dr. Barrère,' and 'Isabel Dysart.' Of the three, although
all are most readable, the most skilfully constructed is the second
named, the plot and climax of which are decidedly dramatic. The last
story deals with the still unforgotten period of the horrible Burke
and Hare revelations in Edinburgh."
Crown 8vo. 6s.
_SPECTATOR._--"_The Forest Lovers_ is no mere literary _tour de
force_, but an uncommonly attractive romance, the charm of which is
greatly enhanced by the author's excellent style."
_DAILY TELEGRAPH._--"Mr. Maurice Hewlett's _Forest Lovers_ stands
out with conspicuous success.... He has compassed a very remarkable
achievement.... For nearly four hundred pages he carries us along
with him with unfailing resource and artistic skill, while he unrolls
for us the course of thrilling adventures, ending, after many
tribulations, in that ideal happiness towards which every romancer
ought to wend his tortuous way.... There are few books of this
season which achieve their aim so simply and whole-heartedly as Mr.
Hewlett's ingenious and enthralling romance."
_WORLD._--"If there are any romance-lovers left in this
matter-of-fact end of the century, _The Forest Lovers_, by Mr.
Maurice Hewlett, should receive a cordial welcome. It is one of
those charming books which, instead of analyzing the morbid emotions
of which we are all too weary, opens a door out of this workaday
world and lets us escape into fresh air. A very fresh and breezy
air it is which blows in Mr. Hewlett's forest, and vigorous are the
deeds enacted there.... There is throughout the book that deeper
and less easily defined charm which lifts true romance above mere
story-telling--a genuine touch of poetic feeling which beautifies the
_DAILY MAIL._--"It is all very quaintly and pleasingly done, with
plenty of mad work, and blood-spilling, and surprising adventure."
JAMES LANE ALLEN, Author of _The Choir Invisible_, writes of _The
Forest Lovers_: "This work, for any one of several solid reasons,
must be regarded as of very unusual interest. In the matter of style
alone, it is an achievement, an extraordinary achievement. Such a
piece of English prose, saturated and racy with idiom, compact and
warm throughout as living human tissues, well deserves to be set
apart for grateful study and express appreciation.... In the matter
of interpreting nature there are passages in this book that I have
never seen surpassed in prose fiction."
Crown 8vo. 6s.
_DAILY MAIL._--"Distinctly enjoyable and suggestive of much
profitable thought."
_SCOTSMAN._--"The book has a deal of literary merit, and is well
furnished with clever phrases."
_ATHENÆUM._--"Remarkably clever.... The writing throughout is clear,
and the story is well constructed."
W. D. HOWELLS in _LITERATURE_.--"A very clever new novel."
_GUARDIAN._--"The novel is well written, and full of complex
interests and personalities. It touches on many questions and
problems clearly and skilfully."
_DAILY CHRONICLE._--"A book which entirely interested us for the
whole of a blazing afternoon. He writes uncommonly well."
_BOOKMAN._--"The excellence of Mr. Herrick's book lies not in the
solution of any problem, nor in the promulgation of any theory, nor
indeed in any form of docketing and setting apart of would-be final
answers to the enigmas of existence. He simply tells a story and
leaves us to draw what conclusion we like. The admirable thing is
that his story is a particularly interesting one, and that he tells
it remarkably well.... There are some delightful minor characters."
_MANCHESTER GUARDIAN._--"The characters, all American, have
originality and life. The self-engrossed Adela is so cleverly drawn
that we are hardly ever out of sympathy with her aspirations, and
Molly Parker, the 'womanly' foil, is delightful."
Crown 8vo. 6s.
_PALL MALL GAZETTE._--"Remarkable for the fulness of its author's
knowledge.... Nor does the interest of Mr. Hamblen's volume depend
solely on its vivid account of sensational escapes and dramatic
accidents, though there is no lack of exciting incidents of this kind
in his story.... What charmed us chiefly in the story was the close
and exact account of the everyday working of a great railroad....
There was not a page that we did not find full of interest and
instruction. It was all real, and most of it new, while Mr. Hamblen's
vivid and straightforward style does much to enhance the intrinsic
merits of his narrative.... We venture to think that no one will be
able to leave the breathless and realistic account of such an episode
as the chase of the runaway engine--not a figment of the imagination,
but a sober and hideous fact, accounted for and explained by the
most intelligible of mechanical reasons--without a thrill of genuine
_SCOTSMAN._--"Mr. Hamblen shows a mastery of detail, and is easy and
fluent in American railwaymen's jargon, much of it more expressive
than polite. His book is well written, instructive, and of thrilling
interest. There are almost a score of capital illustrations."
_DAILY MAIL._--"The pages are full of rough, but attractive,
characters, forcible language, brakemen, locomotives, valves,
throttles, levers, and fire-scoops; and the whole dashing record is
casually humorous amid its inevitable brutalities, and is of its kind
_ATHENÆUM._--"The story is vividly told, and decidedly well kept up
with tales of hairbreadth escapes and collisions commendable for
vigour and naturalness.... A book which holds the interest."
_WORLD._--"Better worth reading than half the romances published, for
it contains matter that is as interesting as it is absolutely novel."
_ACADEMY._--"A monstrous entertaining little book. Open it anywhere
and your luck will hardly fail you. And for real gripping adventure
you begin to doubt whether any career is worthy to show itself in the
same caboose with that of an 'engineer.'... His life is as full of
adventure as a pirate's.... A valuable contribution to the literature
that is growing around the Romance of Steam."
_WESTMINSTER GAZETTE_.--"Singularly fascinating. It is just crammed
with moving episodes and hair-raising adventures, all set down with
a vivid and unadorned vigour that is a perfect example of the art of
narration. The pulses quicken, the heart bounds, as we read."
_DAILY CHRONICLE._--"A most interesting volume."
100,000 copies of this work have been sold
Fcap. 8vo. 6s.

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