2016년 7월 3일 일요일

Commodore Paul Jones 4

Commodore Paul Jones 4

This may be considered as the real and actual beginning of the
American navy. There had been numerous naval encounters between
vessels of war of the enemy and private armed vessels acting under the
authority of the various colonies; and Washington himself, with the
approval of the Congress, which passed some explicit resolutions on
the subject on October 5th, had made use of the individual colonial
naval forces, and had issued commissions to competent men empowering
them to cruise and intercept the transports and other vessels laden
with powder and supplies for the enemy, but no formal action looking
to the creation of a regular naval force had been taken heretofore.
Congress had long clung to the hope of reconciliation with the mother
country, and had been exceedingly loath to take the radical step
involved in the establishment of a navy, for in the mind of the
Anglo-Saxon, who always claimed supremacy on the sea, a navy is
primarily for offense. To constitute a navy for defense alone is to
invite defeat. Aggression and initiative are of the essence of success
in war on the sea. Now, in the peculiar condition in which the United
Colonies found themselves, a naval force could be used for no other
purpose than offense. The capacity of any navy which the colonies
could hope to create, for defensive warfare, would be so slender as to
be not worth the outlay, and the creation of a navy to prey upon the
enemy's commerce and to take such of his armed vessels as could be
overcome would controvert the fiction that we were simply resisting
oppression. It would be making war in the most unmistakable way.
It is a singular thing that men have been willing to do, or condone
the doing of, things on land which they have hesitated to do or
condone on the sea. The universal diffusion of such sentiments is seen
in the absurdly illogical contention on the part of the British
Government subsequently, that, although a soldier on land was a rebel,
he could be treated as a belligerent; while a man who stood in exactly
the same relation to the King of England whose field of action
happened to be the sea was of necessity a pirate.
At any rate, by the acts of Congress enumerated, a navy was assembled,
and the plan of Rhode Island was adopted. It was Rhode Island, by the
way, which, by preamble and resolution, sundered its allegiance to
Great Britain just two months to a day before the Declaration of
Independence. To the naval committee already constituted, Stephen
Hopkins, Richard Henry Lee, John Adams, and Joseph Hewes were soon
added. The committee at once undertook the work of carrying out the
instructions they had received. On the 5th of November they selected
for the command of the proposed navy Esek Hopkins, of Rhode Island, a
brother of the famous Stephen Hopkins who was a member of the
committee and one of the most influential members of the Congress.
Other officers were commissioned from time to time as selections were
made, and commissions and orders were issued to them by the committee,
subject, of course, to the ratification or other action by the
Congress. Paul Jones' commission as a lieutenant, as has been stated,
was dated the 7th of December, 1775.
Esek Hopkins, who was born in 1718, was therefore fifty-seven years of
age. He had been a master mariner for thirty years. He was a man of
condition and substance who had traded in his own ships in all the
then visited parts of the globe. As a commander of privateers and
letters of marque he was not without experience in arms. He had been
created a brigadier general of the Rhode Island militia on the
threatened outbreak of hostilities, a position he resigned to take
command of the navy. On the 22d of December Congress confirmed the
nomination of Hopkins as commander-in-chief, and regularly appointed
the following officers:
Dudley Saltonstall,
Abraham Whipple,
Nicholas Biddle,
John Burroughs Hopkins.
First Lieutenants:
John Paul Jones,
Rhodes Arnold,
---- Stansbury,
Hoysted Hacker,
Jonathan Pitcher.
Second Lieutenants:
Benjamin Seabury,
Joseph Olney,
Elisha Warner,
Thomas Weaver,
---- McDougall.
Third Lieutenants:
John Fanning,
Ezekiel Burroughs,
Daniel Vaughan.
These were, therefore, the forerunners of that long line of
distinguished naval officers who have borne the honorable commission
of the United States.
In addition to the regular course pursued, other action bearing upon
the subject of naval affairs was had. On Saturday, November, 25th,
Congress, enraged by the burning of Falmouth, adopted radical
resolutions, looking toward the capture and confiscation of armed
British vessels and transports, directing the issuance of commissions
to the captains of cruisers and privateers, and creating admiralty
courts and prescribing a scheme for distributing prize money. On
November 28th resolutions prescribing "Regulations for the Government
of the Navy of the United Colonies" were adopted, the first appearance
of that significant phrase in the records, by the way.
On December 5th the seizure of merchant vessels engaging in trade
between the Tories of Virginia and the West Indies under the
inspiration of Lord Dunmore, was ordered. On December 11th a special
committee to devise ways and means for "furnishing these colonies with
a naval armament" was appointed. Two days later the report of the
committee was adopted, and thirteen ships were ordered built, five of
thirty-two, five of twenty-eight, and three of twenty-four guns. They
were to be constructed one in New Hampshire, two in Massachusetts, one
in Connecticut, two in Rhode Island, two in New York, four in
Pennsylvania, and one in Maryland; the maximum cost of each of them
was sixty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six
and two thirds cents. They had a fine idea of accuracy in the
construction corps of that day.
But, while Congress had been therefore preparing to build the navy,
the regular marine committee had not been idle. By strenuous effort
the committee assembled a squadron. A merchant vessel called the Black
Prince, which had lately arrived from London under the command of John
Barry (afterward a famous American commodore), was purchased and
renamed the Alfred, after King Alfred the Great, who is commonly
believed to be the founder of the British navy. She was a small,
stanch trading vessel, very heavily timbered, and with unusually stout
scantlings for a ship of her class, although of course not equal to a
properly constructed ship of war. The committee armed her with twenty
9-pounders on the main deck, and four smaller guns, possibly 6- or
4-pounders, on the forecastle and poop, and she was placed under the
command of Captain Dudley Saltonstall. Jones, whose name stood first
on the list of first lieutenants, was appointed her executive officer.
Hopkins selected her for his flagship. Jones had been offered the
command of one of the smaller vessels of the squadron, but elected to
fill his present station, as presenting more opportunities for
acquiring information and seeing service. His experience in armed
vessels had been limited; he knew but little of the requirements of a
man-of-war, and deemed he could best fit himself for that higher
command to which he aspired and determined to deserve by beginning his
service under older and more experienced officers--a wise decision.
The next important vessel was another converted merchantman,
originally called the Sally, now named the Columbus, after the great
discoverer. She was a full-rigged ship of slightly less force and
armament than the Alfred, commanded by Captain Abraham Whipple,
already distinguished in a privateering way. In addition to these
there were two brigs called the Andrea Doria and the Cabot, commanded
by Captains Nicholas Biddle and John Burroughs Hopkins, a son of the
commander-in-chief. The Andrea Doria and Cabot carried fourteen
4-pounders each.
Hopkins arrived at Philadelphia in December, 1775, in the brig Katy,
of the Rhode Island navy, which was at once taken into the Continental
service and renamed the Providence, after the commander's native town.
She carried twelve light guns, 4-pounders. There were also secured a
ten-gun schooner called the Hornet, and the Wasp and Fly, two
eight-gun schooners or tenders, one of which Jones had refused. The
work of outfitting these ships as generously as the meager resources
of the colonies permitted had been carried on assiduously before the
arrival of the commander-in-chief, whose first duty, when he reached
Philadelphia, was formally to assume the command.
This assumption of command entailed the putting of the ships in
commission by publicly reading the orders appointing the commodore,
and assigning him to command, and hoisting and saluting the flags. The
officers previously appointed had been proceeding somewhat
irregularly, doubtless, by going on with their preparations prior to
this important ceremony. At any rate, in the latter part of December,
1775, or the early part of January, 1776--the date not being clear,
the authorities not only differing, but in no single case venturing
upon a definite statement--all things having been made ready,
Commodore Hopkins with his staff officers entered the commodore's
barge, lying at the foot of Walnut Street, and was rowed to the
flagship. The wharves and houses facing the river were crowded with
spectators to witness so momentous a ceremony as the commissioning of
the first American fleet.
It has been recorded that it was a bright, cold, clear winter morning.
The barge picked its way among the floating ice cakes of the Delaware,
and finally reached the Alfred. The commodore mounted the side,
followed by his staff, and was received with due honors in the gangway
by the captain and his officers in such full dress as they could
muster. The crew and the marines were drawn up in orderly ranks in the
waist and on the quarter deck. After the reading of the commodore's
commission and the orders assigning him to the command of the fleet,

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