2016년 7월 3일 일요일

The House of the Trees & Other Poems 5

The House of the Trees & Other Poems 5

Upon the vast expanse of heat
Light-footed breezes pace;
To waves of gold they tread the wheat,
They lift the sunflower’s face.
The cruel sun is blotted out,
The west is black with rain,
The drooping leaves in mingled doubt
And hope look up again.
The weeds and grass on tiptoe stand,
A strange exultant thrill
Prepares the dazed uncertain land
For the wild tempest’s will.
The wind grows big and breathes aloud
As it runs hurrying past;
At one sharp blow the thunder-cloud
Lets loose the furious blast.
The earth is beaten, drenched and drowned,
The elements go mad;
Swift streams of joy flow o’er the ground,
And all the leaves are glad.
Then comes a momentary lull,
The darkest clouds are furled,
And lo, new washed and beautiful
And breathless gleams the world.
A Slow Rain
A drowsy rain is stealing
In slowness without stop;
The sun-dried earth is feeling
Its coolness, drop by drop.
The clouds are slowly wasting
Their too long garnered store,
Each thirsty clod is tasting
One drop--and then one more.
Oh, ravishing as slumber
To wearied limbs and eyes,
And countless as the number
Of stars in wintry skies,
And sweet as the caresses
By baby fingers made,
These delicate rain kisses
On leaf and flower and blade.
The Patient Earth
The patient earth that loves the grass,
The flocks and herds that o’er it pass,
That guards the smallest summer nest
Within her scented bosom pressed,
And gives to beetle, moth, and bee
A lavish hospitality,
Still waits through weary years to bind
The hearts of suffering human kind.
How far we roamed away from her,
The tender mother of us all!
Yet ’mid the city’s noises stir
The sound of birds that call and call,
Wind melodies that rise and fall
Along the perfumed woodland wall
We looked upon with childhood’s eyes;
The ugly streets are all a blur,
And in our hearts are homesick cries.
The loving earth that roots the trees
So closely to her inmost heart,
Has rooted us as well as these,
Not long from her we live apart;
We draw upon a lengthening string,
For months perhaps, perhaps for years,
And plume ourselves that we are free,
And then--we hear a robin sing
Where starving grass shows stunted spears,
Or haycart moving fragrantly
Where creaking tavern sign-boards swing;
Then closer, tighter draws the chain,
The man, too old and worn for tears,
Goes back to be a child again.
The greed that took us prisoner
First led our steps away from her;
For lust of gold we gave up life,
And sank heart-deep in worldly strife.
And when Success--belovèd name--
At last with faltering footsteps came,
The city’s rough, harsh imps of sound
And Competition’s crush and cheat
Were in her wreath securely bound;
Her fruits still savored of the street,
Its choking dust, its wearied feet,
Her poorest like her richest prize
Was rotted o’er with envious eyes,
And sickened with the human heat
Of hands that strove to clutch it fast,
And struggling gave it up at last.
Not so where nature summer-crowned
Makes fields and woods a pleasure-ground,
Sky-blest, wind-kissed, and circled round
With waters lapsing cool and sweet.
O Earth, sweet Mother, take us back!
With woodland strength and orchard joy,
And river peace without alloy,
Flood us who on the city’s track
Have followed stifling sordid years,
Cleanse us with dew and meadow rain,
Till life’s horizon lights and clears,
And nature claims us once again.
At Dawn
A spirit through
My window came when earth was soft with dew,
Close at the tender edge of dawn when all
The spring was new,
And bore me back
Along her rose-and-starry tinted track,
And showed me how the full-winged day emerged
From out the black.
She knew the speech
Of all the deep-pink blossoms of the peach,
Told in my ear the meanings of the trees,
The thoughts of each;
Explained to me
The language of the bird and frog and bee,
The messages the streams and rivers take
Unto the sea.
Alas! Alas!
I have forgot. The dream did from me pass.
I know not e’en the meaning dear and sweet
Of common grass.
And now when I
Roam this strange earth beneath a stranger sky,
Soft syllables of that forgotten speech
Faint as a sigh,
Come back again,
With sweet solicitings that urge like pain,
And brood like love--as full of light and dark
As April rain.

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