2016년 10월 31일 월요일

War to the Knife 32

War to the Knife 32

"They have no modern craze for equality or socialistic rule?"
"None whatever. A chief is born to his exalted rank, which is
undisputed. At the same time, he must keep up to a certain standard
in war or peace, otherwise his _mana_, his general reputation and
influence, would suffer."
"And a slave?" inquired he.
"Oh, a slave is forced to work at the pleasure of his owner, and may
be killed for any reason or none at all. So also the common people of
the tribe must obey the chiefs, more particularly in war, though, like
those of other nations, they can make their voices heard at critical
"And the women?" queried Massinger.
"Oh, the women!" said Erena, while a graver __EXPRESSION__ overspread
her face. "I am afraid that they have to work hard, and are not so
much considered as they might be. They do most of the cultivation,
mat-making, cooking, and general household duties, particularly when
grown old. The younger ones have a better time of it."
"So they have everywhere. It is the prerogative of the sex. It only
shows that human nature is much the same everywhere, and that all
societies differ less in the essentials of life than is generally
Having skirted the river-shore, a part of which was of the nature
of quicksand, and so needed a guide to the manner born, they began
to ascend the slope of the volcanic hill, which, as throughout the
North Island, had been selected for the tribal castrum. After a
lengthened climb, which would have tested the powers of less practised
pedestrians, they stood upon the wind-swept summit, artificially
levelled, and through the heavy sliding gates entered the ancient
fortress. Before doing so they had to cross trenches, to scale
embankments, and had time to note the various strategic preparations
which, though crumbling or partially dismantled, exhibited the skill
with which they had been constructed. The water-supply, as in most of
the "castles" of the period, was the weak point, the besieged having
to steal out in the night at the peril of their lives to procure the
indispensable element.
"What a glorious view!" exclaimed he, as, side by side, they looked on
the wide expanse of land and sea which lay beneath and around them--the
broad estuary, the broken and fantastic outlines of the mountain range
beyond the river-bank.
The surf was breaking on the bar between the heads of the Hokianga,
while southward lay the valley, studded with the whares of the kainga
and the garden-like plots of the kumera fields. Almost unchanged was
the scene since the rude warrior, standing on stages behind these
palisades, launched his spear at the foe, or, wounded in the assault,
looked his last upon mountain and valley, sea and shore, but died
shouting defiance.
"What a strange thing is this life of ours!" said Massinger, musingly.
"It is less than a year since I was living contentedly in an English
county, on an estate which my forefathers had held for centuries. I had
then no more idea of quitting England than I have of setting out for
the planet Mars."
"And do you not regret the leaving such a paradise as England is said
to be, when one is born to wealth and honour?"
"I cannot say that I do. So far from it, that I consider I have made a
distinct advance in knowledge and development. My life then was narrow
and monotonous, leading to nothing save contentment with a round of
provincial duties."
"But travel, high companionship, ambition, the Parliament of
England,--noble-sounding words! What boundless fields of enjoyment and
exertion! Were not these enough to fill your heart?"
"Possibly. But all suddenly my life lost its savour; hope died,
ambition vanished; existence revealed itself merely as a pilgrimage
through a desert waste, haunted by lost illusions, and strewed with
withered garlands. For a while I thought to end it, but a convalescent
stage succeeded. I arranged my affairs and sold my place, resolved to
seek a cure for my soul's unrest beyond the narrow bounds of Britain."
"Sold your ancestral home! How _could_ you do such a thing? And what
possible reason could you have had for such a mad step, as I have no
doubt your friends called it?"
"That was the exact word they used. But I had made my choice.
All things habitual and familiar had become distasteful--finally
insupportable. I chose this colony as the most distant and interesting
of England's possessions; and here I am, an exile and a wanderer in a
new world, but"--turning to Erena--"honoured with the friendship of the
best of guides and most charming of comrades."
She heard almost as one not hearing; then, suddenly fixing her eyes,
bright with sudden fire, upon his countenance, said--
"May I be told the reason of this breaking away from all you held dear?
You said I was a comrade, and, believe me, no man ever had a truer.
Was it a----"
"A woman? Of course it was a woman. When is man's life eternally
blessed or cursed except by a woman? When is he hindered, injured,
ruined, and undone by any event that has not a woman in it?"
"And she was beautiful, clever, high-born?"
"All that and more; I had never met with her equal. She was an
acknowledged queen of society. She had but one fault."
"She did not love you?" said the girl, hastily, while her tones
vibrated with suppressed excitement.
"Not sufficiently to link her fate with mine for the journey from which
there is no retreat. She admitted approval, liking, respect--words
by which women disguise indifference; but she believed that she had
a mission in life, a call from heaven to go forth to the poor and
afflicted, to elevate the race--a sacred task, for which marriage would
unfit her."
"You pakehas are strange people," she said musingly. "And so she would
not be happy because she desired to teach, to help the poor, the
_common people_! And if she failed?"
"She would have wasted her own life, and ruined that of another."
"Life is often like that, so the books say--even the Bible. 'Vanity of
vanities!' Either people do not get what they want, or find that it is
not what they hoped for. Yet I suppose some people are happy--generally
those who know the least. Listen to that girl singing. She is, if any
one ever was."
They had been descending the hill, when at an angle of the narrow path
they came upon a young native woman, sitting at the door of a cottage
which bore traces of European construction. A child stood at her knee,
while she was busied about her simple task of needlework. The midday
sun had warmed, not oppressed, the atmosphere, and there was an air of
sensuous, natural enjoyment about her air and appearance as she looked
over the river meadows where the tribe was employed. Her face lighted
up with a smile of recognition as she saw Erena and her companion.
"Good morning, Hira. Where is Henare? You are all alone here?"
"Oh, he is at some road-work," she answered cheerfully, "but he always
comes home at night. He gets good wages from the contractor."
"What a nice cottage you have!--weather-boarded, too. Who built it?"
"Oh, Henare and another half-caste chap sawed the boards and put it up.
He likes living here better than in the kainga, and so do I. We can go
down there when we want to."
"Good-bye, then. I have been showing this pakeha gentleman the
pah.--Now, those people are just sufficiently educated to be happy and
contented," said Erena. "He is a steady, hard-working fellow, and, as
roads are beginning to be made, he is able from his pay to build a
cottage and live comfortably."
"Education is a problem. If it leads people to think correctly on the
great questions of life, it is--it must be--an advantage; but if,
through anything in their condition, it produces envy and discontent,
it is an evil, with which the nations have to reckon in the future."
"I sometimes wish I had not been educated myself," she said with a
sigh. "I seem to have all manner of tastes and hopes most unlikely to
be realized. Whereas----"
And just at that moment the lilt of the girl on the hillside came down
to them, joyous with the magic tones of youthful love and hope. It
furnished an answer to her questioning of fate, immediately apparent to
"Do not doubt for an instant!" exclaimed Massinger, touched to the
heart by the girl's saddened look, and realizing the justice of her
complaint. "_You_ were never born for such a life. Nature has gifted
you with the qualities which women have longed for in all ages. Your
day will come--a day of appreciation, fortune, happiness. Who can doubt
it that looks on you, that knows you as I do?"
In despite of her boding fears and the melancholy which so often
depressed her, she was not proof against this confident prediction.
Her youth's hey-day and nature's joyous anticipation protested alike
against a passing despondency.
"It may be as you say. Let me hope so. Do not the bright sun, the
blue sky, the dancing waves, all speak of happiness? And yet, and
yet----But here comes your schooner, rounding the point. Our time of
friendship is over. I wonder when we shall meet again?"
"When indeed?" thought her companion. But, determined in his heart that
this should not be his last interview with this fascinating creature,
so subtly compounded of the classic beauties of the wood-nymph and the
refinements of modern culture, he answered confidently

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