2016년 9월 28일 수요일

The Great Taxicab Robbery 1

The Great Taxicab Robbery 1

The Great Taxicab Robbery
A True Detective Story
Author: James H. Collins
There are several reasons for this little book, but the best of all is
the main reasonthat it is a cracking good story, and right out of life.
The characters will be found interesting, and they are real people,
every one of them. The incidents are full of action and color. The plot
has mystery, surprise, interplay of mind and motivehad a novelist
invented it, the reader might declare it improbable. This is the kind of
story that is fundamentalthe kind Mr. Chesterton says is so necessary
to plain people that, when writers do not happen to write it, plain
people invent it for themselves in the form of folk-lore.
But apart from the story interest there are other reasons.
When the New York police department had run down all the threads of the
plot, and accounted for most of the characters by locking them up, they
had become so absorbed in the story themselves, as a story, that they
thought the public would enjoy following it from the inside.
While the crime was being dealt with, the police were subjected to
pretty severe criticism. They felt that the facts would make it clear
that they knew their trade and had been working at it diligently.
The story gives an insight into real police methods. These are very
different from the methods of the fiction detective, and also from the
average citizen’s idea of police work. They ought to be better known.
When the public understands that there is nothing secret, tyrannical or
dangerous in good police practice, and that our laws safeguard even the
guilty against abuses, there will be helpful public opinion behind
officers of the law, and we shall have a higher degree of order and
The directing mind in this case was that of Commissioner George
Dougherty, executive head of the detectives of the New York Police
Department. Thousands of clean, ambitious young fellows are constantly
putting on the policeman’s uniform all over the country, and rising to
places as detectives and officials. The manufacturer or merchant may
find himself in the police commissioner’s chair. Even the suburbanite,
with his bundles, may be, out at Lonesomehurst, a member of the village
council, and thus responsible for the supervision of a police force
that, though it be only two patrolmen and a chief, is important in its
place. So in writing the story there has been an effort to show how a
first-rate man like Commissioner Dougherty works. His methods are plain
business methods. Most of his life he has earned his living following
the policeman’s trade as a commercial business. What he did in a case of
this kind, and how, and why, are matters of general interest and
Finally, the story throws some useful light on criminals. It shows the
cunning of the underworld, and also its limitations. To free the
law-abiding mind of romantic notions about the criminal, and show him as
he is, is highly important in the prevention of crime.
Rhinelander Waldo, Commissioner of
Police, New York City
George S. Dougherty, Second Deputy 20
Police Commissioner
Edward P. Hughes, Inspector in Command 40
of Detective Bureau, and Dominick G.
Riley, Lieutenant and Aide to
Commissioner Dougherty
Geno Montani, Eddie Kinsman, Gene 60
Splaine, “Scotty the Lamb” and John
James Pasquale, Bob Delio, Jess 80
Albrazzo, and Matteo Arbrano
“Scotty” Receives Final Instructions 110
“The Brigands” “Stick-up” the Hold-up 126
Men for Theirs
GENO MONTANI, a taxicab proprietor.
WILBUR SMITH, an elderly bank teller.
FRANK WARDLE, a seventeen-year-old bank office boy.
EDDIE KINSMAN, alias “Collins,” alias “Eddie the Boob,” a hold-up man.
BILLY KELLER, alias “Dutch,” a hold-up man.
GENE SPLAINE, a hold-up man.
“SCOTTY THE LAMB,” a thieves’ helper, or “stall.”
JOE PHILADELPHIA, alias “The Kid,” a runner for thieves, or “lobbygow.”
JAMES PASQUALE, alias “Jimmy the Push,” keeper of shady resorts known
as “208” and “233.”
BOB DEILIO, partner of “Jimmy the Push.”
JESS ALBRAZZO, a middleman, formerly keeper of the Arch Café, pal of
Montani, “Jimmy the Push” and Bob Deilio.
PAULI GONZALES, } The “Three Brigands.”
“KING DODO,” a Bowery character.
RHINELANDER WALDO, Police Commissioner of New York.
GEORGE S. DOUGHERTY, Second Deputy Police Commissioner, executive head
of detectives.
INSPECTOR EDWARD P. HUGHES, in command of Detective Bureau.
POLICE LIEUTENANT DOMINICK G. RILEY, Aide of Commissioner Dougherty’s
THE DETECTIVES on “Plants,” “Trailing,” “Surrounding,” “Arresting,”
John P. Barron, Edward Boyle, Frank Campbell, James Dalton, James J.
Finan, John W. Finn, Joseph A. Daly, Daniel W. Clare, John Gaynor,
Anthony Grieco, John P. Griffith, Daniel F. Hallihan, Edward Lennon,
Henry Mugge, Richard Oliver, Gustavus J. Riley, James F. Shevlin,
Joseph Toner, George Trojan, James A. Watson.
“SWEDE ANNIE,” Kinsman’s sweetheart.
MYRTLE HORN, a pal of Annie.
ROSE LEVY, a newcomer in Thompson street, Jess Albrazzo’s girl.
MRS. ISABELLA GOODWIN, a police matron.
MRS. SULLIVAN, keeper of a West Side rooming house.
“JOSIE,” a lady of the Levee district, Chicago.
Detectives, policemen, informants, witnesses, denizens of the
underworld, newspaper reporters, trainmen, ticket sellers, etc.,
* * * * *
PLACEChiefly in New York, with Scenes in Chicago, Albany, Memphis,
Boston and Montreal.
TIMEFebruary and March, 1912.
Great Taxicab Robbery
On Thursday, February 15, 1912, the New York evening papers had a
startling news story.
Between ten and eleven o’clock that morning two messengers were sent in
a taxicab from the East River National Bank, at Broadway and Third
street, to draw $25,000 in currency from the Produce Exchange National
Bank, at Broadway and Beaver street, in the downtown financial district,
and bring it uptown. This transfer of money had been made several times
a week for so long a period without danger or loss that the messengers
were unarmed. One of them, Wilbur F. Smith, was an old man who had been
in the service of the bank thirty-five years, and the other was a mere
boy, named Wardle, seventeen years old. The taxicab man, an Italian
named Geno Montani, seemed almost a trusted employee, too, for he
operated two cabs from a stand near the bank, and was frequently called
upon for such trips.
While the cab was returning uptown through Church street with the money,
five men suddenly closed in upon it. According to the chauffeur’s story,
a sixth man forced him to slacken speed by stumbling in front of the
vehicle. Immediately two men on each side of the cab opened the doors.
Two assailants were boosted in and quickly beat the messengers into
insensibility, while their two helpers ran along on the sidewalk. The
fifth man climbed onto the seat beside the chauffeur, held a revolver to
his ribs, and ordered him to drive fast on peril of his life. This
fellow seemed to be familiar with automobiles, and threatened the driver
when he tried to slacken speed. That is a busy part of the city. Yet
nobody on the sidewalks seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary.
The cab dodged vehicles, going at high speed for several blocks. At Park
Place and Church street, after a trip of eleven blocks, at a busy
corner, the chauffeur was ordered to stop the cab, and the three robbers
got down, carrying the $25,000 in a leather bag, ran quickly to a black
automobile without a license number which was waiting for them, and in a
few moments were gone.

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