2016년 10월 26일 수요일

Dan The Newsboy 5

Dan The Newsboy 5

He was an Englishman, as any one might see, and a decided improvement on
Nathan Gripp, whom he cordially hated.
"Yes, sir; she has been making vests for the last two years."
"For whom has she been working?"
"For Nathan Gripp."
"Humph! Has Gripp discharged her?"
"No, sir; she has discharged him."
Mr. Jackson laughed, and nodded to his salesman. He rather enjoyed this
allusion to his rival.
"Then she didn't like Gripp?"
"No, sir. He paid her starvation wages and made her wait for the money.
He's a mean fellow."
"I don't admire him much myself," said the Englishman. "How much now did
he pay for vest-making?"
"Twenty cents apiece."
"We don't pay much more ourselves. There is so much competition that we
have to sell low."
"Mother would rather make for you at eighteen cents than for Gripp for
twenty," said Dan.
Mr. Jackson was pleased, but he said, by way of drawing out Dan:
"How do you know but I am a mean skinflint, too?"
"You don't look like one," said the boy.
Mr. Jackson smiled graciously.
"Joseph," said he, "have we any vests ready for making?"
"Yes, sir. We have some bundles of half a dozen each."
"Take this boy's name and address and give him one. My boy, we will pay
your mother twenty-five cents each, but we expect good work."
"You will be satisfied, sir," said Dan, confidently, and he left the
store in excellent spirits.
"It's turned out right, after all," thought he; "but I am afraid we
shall miss the money old Gripp owed mother. I don't know how we are
going to pay the rent to-morrow. We shall be over two dollars short
unless something turns up."
Dan carried the bundle of work home, and told his mother what had
happened. She was pleased with the increase of pay, but that was in the
future. It would be a week before she could collect any pay from Jackson
& Co., and the landlord would not wait.
"I wish I could think of some way of raising money," said Dan, putting
his face between his hands and looking thoughtful. "If you only had some
jewels, mother, that we could raise money on now, we would be all
"I have nothing but my wedding-ring," said Mrs. Mordaunt, sadly.
"You must keep that, mother. Don't part with that unless you are obliged
"I would rather not, Dan, but if there is no other way----"
"There must be another way. I will find another way. Just don't think of
it any more, mother. When does the landlord come?"
"Generally between twelve and one."
"Then we shall have all the forenoon to forage round in. It's only two
dollars and a half we want. I ought to be able to raise two dollars and
a half."
"That is a great deal of money to us now, Dan."
"I wonder whether Shorty wouldn't lend it to me?" said Dan,
"Who is Shorty, my son?"
"He is a little hump-backed dwarf that keeps a cigar stand down on
Broadway, not far from Trinity Church. He has a good trade, and doesn't
waste his money. Yes, I will ask Shorty."
"I hope he will be willing to grant your request, Dan."
"I hope so, too. He's a good-natured fellow, Shorty is, and he'll do it,
if he can. I'll see him the first thing to-morrow morning."
Somewhat cheered by Dan's confident tone, Mrs. Mordaunt went to sleep as
early as usual, forgetting the trouble possibly in store.
The next morning, before selling his papers, Dan went round to Shorty's
"Good-morning, Dan," said the dwarf, in a singularly melodious voice.
"Good-morning, Shorty. I thought I'd find you here."
"Yes, I begin business early."
"I am going to ask a favor of you," said Dan, abruptly.
"What is it, Dan?"
"Our rent's due to-day, and we are two dollars and a half short. I can
make the fifty cents before noon. Can you lend me two dollars till I am
able to pay it?"
To Dan's dismay Shorty shook his head.
"I wish I could, Dan, but there's something in the way."
"If you're afraid I won't pay you back, you needn't think of that. I
never went back on a fellow that lent me money yet."
"I am not afraid of trusting you, Dan, but I haven't got the money."
"I understand," said Dan, coldly, for he suspected this to be a
"No, you don't understand," said Shorty, eagerly. "You think what I say
is a sham, but you wouldn't if you knew all."
"If I knew all," repeated Dan, surprised.
"Yes, I shall have to tell you. I didn't mean to, but I don't want you
to misunderstand me. The fact is, Dan," Shorty added, sheepishly, "I've
got more than myself to provide for now."
"What? You don't mean to say?" ejaculated Dan.
"I was married yesterday, Dan," said the cigar dealer, almost
apologetically, "and I've been buying furniture, and the fact is, I
haven't got a cent to spare."
"Of course you haven't," said Dan. "I never dreamed of this. Is your
wife--about your size?"
"No, Dan, she's rather tall. There she is, crossing the street. Do you
see her?"
Dan looked, and saw a tall woman, of twenty-five or thereabouts,
approaching the cigar stand. She was very plain, with a large mouth and
a long, aquiline nose.
"That's my wife," said the cigar dealer, regarding his tall partner with
evident pride. "Julia, my dear, this is my friend, Dan Mordaunt."
"Glad to see any friend of my husband," said the lady, in a deep, hoarse
voice, which might have been mistaken for a man's. "He must come and see
"So I will, thank you," answered Dan, surveying the female grenadier
with a wondering glance.
"We live at No. -- Varick street, Dan, and I shall be very glad to see
you any evening."
"By gracious!" said Dan to himself, "that's the queerest match I ever
heard of. She might take Shorty up in her arms and carry him off. I
don't think he'll beat her very often," and Dan smiled at the thought.
The morning wore away, and at eleven o'clock Dan had earned forty cents.
He began to get discouraged. There didn't seem to be much prospect of
raising the rent before twelve o'clock.
As Dan stood on the sidewalk with his bundle of papers, and only forty
cents toward the two dollars and a half required for the rent, he felt
like many a business man who has a note to meet and not enough money on
hand to pay it. Indeed, he was worse off, for generally business men
have friends who can help them with a temporary loan, but Dan's friends
were quite as poor as himself. One, however, Dick Stanton, a mere boy,
had the reputation of being more saving than his companions. It was
known that he had an account in the Bowery Savings Bank, and among the
street boys he was considered wealthy.
"Perhaps I can borrow two dollars of him," thought Dan, as Dick passed
him on his way to Canal street.
"I say, Dick," said Dan, "stop a minute. I want to speak to you."
"Go ahead, Dan."
"I want you to lend me two dollars. Our rent is due, and I can raise it all but that."   

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