2015년 12월 28일 월요일

life is dawn on the earth 11

life is dawn on the earth 11

Then the growth was arrested, and possibly these upper layers gave off reproductive germs, fitted
to float or swim away and to establish new colonies. We may have
such reproductive germs in certain curious globular bodies, like
loose cells, found in connection with irregular Eozoon in one of
the Laurentian limestones at Long Lake and elsewhere. These curious
organisms I observed some years ago, but no description of them was
published at the time, as I hoped to obtain better examples. I now
figure some of them, and give their description in a note. (Fig. 18).
I have recently obtained numerous additional examples from the beds
holding Eozoon at St. Pierre, on the Ottawa. They occur at this place
on the surface of layers of the limestone in vast numbers, as if they
had been growing separately on the bottom, or had been drifted over
it by currents. These we shall further discuss hereafter. Such was
the general mode of growth of Eozoon, and we may now consider more in
detail some questions as to its gigantic size, its precise mode of
nutrition, the arrangement of its parts, its relations to more modern
forms, and the effects of its growth in the Laurentian seas. In the
meantime a study of our illustration, Plate IV., which is intended as a
magnified restoration of the animal, will enable the reader distinctly
to understand its structure and probable mode of growth, and to avail
himself intelligently of the partial representations of its fossilized
remains in the other plates and woodcuts.
[Illustration: Fig. 18. _Minute Foraminiferal forms from the Laurentian
of Long Lake._
Highly magnified. (_a._) Single cell, showing tubulated wall. (_b, c._)
Portions of same more highly magnified. (_d._) Serpentine cast of a
similar chamber, decalcified, and showing casts of tubuli.]
With respect to its size, we shall find in a subsequent chapter that
this was rivalled by some succeeding animals of the same humble type
in the Silurian age; and that, as a whole, foraminiferal animals have
been diminishing in size in the lapse of geological time. It is indeed
a fact of so frequent occurrence that it may almost be regarded as
a law of the introduction of new forms of life, that they assume in
their early history gigantic dimensions, and are afterwards continued
by less magnificent species. The relations of this to external
conditions, in the case of higher animals, are often complex and
difficult to understand; but in organisms so low as Eozoon and its
allies, they lie more on the surface. Such creatures may be regarded
as the simplest and most ready media for the conversion of vegetable
matter into animal tissues, and their functions are almost entirely
limited to those of nutrition. Hence it is likely that they will be
able to appear in the most gigantic forms under such conditions as
afford them the greatest amount of pabulum for the nourishment of
their soft parts and for their skeletons. There is reason to believe,
for example, that the occurrence, both in the chalk and the deep-sea
mud, of immense quantities of the minute bodies known as Coccoliths
along with Foraminifera, is not accidental. The Coccoliths appear to
be grains of calcareous matter formed in minute plants adapted to a
deep-sea habitat; and these, along with the vegetable and animal debris
constantly being derived from the death of the living things at the
surface, afford the material both of sarcode and shell. Now if the
Laurentian graphite represents an exuberance of vegetable growth in
those old seas proportionate to the great supplies of carbonic acid
in the atmosphere and in the waters, and if the Eozoic ocean was even
better supplied with carbonate of lime than those Silurian seas whose
vast limestones bear testimony to their richness in such material, we
can easily imagine that the conditions may have been more favourable
to a creature like Eozoon than those of any other period of geological
Growing, as Eozoon did, on the floor of the ocean, and covering wide
patches with more or less irregular masses, it must have thrown up from
its whole surface its pseudopods to seize whatever floating particles
of food the waters carried over it. There is also reason to believe,
from the outline of certain specimens, that it often grew upward in
cylindrical or club-shaped forms, and that the broader patches were
penetrated by large pits or oscula, admitting the sea-water deeply into
the substance of the masses. In this way its growth might be rapid and
continuous; but it does not seem to have possessed the power of growing
indefinitely by new and living layers covering those that had died,
in the manner of some corals. Its life seems to have had a definite
termination, and when that was reached an entirely new colony had to
be commenced. In this it had more affinity with the Foraminifera, as
we now know them, than with the corals, though practically it had the
same power with the coral polyps of accumulating limestone in the sea
bottom, a power indeed still possessed by its foraminiferal successors.
In the case of coral limestones, we know that a large proportion of
these consist not of continuous reefs but of fragments of coral mixed
with other calcareous organisms, spread usually by waves and currents
in continuous beds over the sea bottom. In like manner we find in
the limestones containing Eozoon, layers of fragmental matter which
shows in places the characteristic structures, and which evidently
represents the debris swept from the Eozoic masses and reefs by the
action of the waves. It is with this fragmental matter that the small
rounded organisms already referred to most frequently occur; and while
they may be distinct animals, they may also be the fry of Eozoon, or
small portions of its acervuline upper surface floated off in a living
state, and possibly capable of living independently and of founding new
It is only by a somewhat wild poetical licence that Eozoon has been
represented as a "kind of enormous composite animal stretching from the
shores of Labrador to Lake Superior, and thence northward and southward
to an unknown distance, and forming masses 1500 feet in depth." We may
discuss by-and-by the question of the composite nature of masses of
Eozoon, and we see in the corals evidence of the great size to which
composite animals of a higher grade can attain. In the case of Eozoon
we must imagine an ocean floor more uniform and level than that now
existing. On this the organism would establish itself in spots and
patches. These might finally become confluent over large areas, just
as massive corals do. As individual masses attained maturity and died,
their pores would be filled up with limestone or silicious deposits,
and thus could form a solid basis for new generations, and in this way
limestone to an indefinite extent might be produced. Further, wherever
such masses were high enough to be attacked by the breakers, or where
portions of the sea bottom were elevated, the more fragile parts of the
surface would be broken up and scattered widely in beds of fragments
over the bottom of the sea, while here and there beds of mud or sand
or of volcanic debris would be deposited over the living or dead
organic mass, and would form the layers of gneiss and other schistose
rocks interstratified with the Laurentian limestone. In this way, in
short, Eozoon would perform a function combining that which corals and
Foraminifera perform in the modern seas; forming both reef limestones
and extensive chalky beds, and probably living both in the shallow and
the deeper parts of the ocean. If in connection with this we consider
the rapidity with which the soft, simple, and almost structureless
sarcode of these Protozoa can be built up, and the probability that
they were more abundantly supplied with food, both for nourishing their
soft parts and skeletons, than any similar creatures in later times, we
can readily understand the great volume and extent of the Laurentian
limestones which they aided in producing. I say aided in producing,
because I would not desire to commit myself to the doctrine that the
Laurentian limestones are wholly of this origin. There may have been
other animal limestone-builders than Eozoon, and there may have been
limestones formed by plants like the modern Nullipores or by merely
mineral deposition.
[Illustration: Fig. 19. _Section of a Nummulite, from Eocene Limestone
of Syria._
Showing chambers, tubuli, and canals. Compare this and fig. 20 with
figs. 10 and 11.]
[Illustration: Fig. 20. _Portion of shell of Calcarina._
Magnified, after Carpenter. (_a._) Cells. (_b._) Original cell-wall
with tubuli. (_c._) Supplementary skeleton with canals.]
Its relations to modern animals of its type have been very clearly
defined by Dr. Carpenter. In the structure of its proper wall and its
fine parallel perforations, it resembles the _Nummulites_ and their
allies; and the organism may therefore be regarded as an aberrant
member of the Nummuline group, which affords some of the largest and
most widely distributed of the fossil Foraminifera. This resemblance
may be seen in fig. 19. To the Nummulites it also conforms in its
tendency to form a supplemental or intermediate skeleton with canals,
though the canals themselves in their arrangement more nearly resemble
Calcarina, which is represented in fig. 20. In its superposition of
many layers, and in its tendency to a heaped up or acervuline irregular
growth it resembles _Polytrema_ and _Tinoporus_, forms of a different
group in so far as shell-structure is concerned. It may thus be
regarded as a composite type, combining peculiarities now observed in
two groups, or it may be regarded as a representative in the Nummuline
series of Polytrema and Tinoporus in the Rotaline series. At the time
when Dr. Carpenter stated these affinities, it might be objected that
Foraminifera of these families are in the main found in the Modern and
Tertiary periods. Dr. Carpenter has since shown that the curious oval
Foraminifer called _Fusulina_, found in the coal formation, is in like
manner allied to both Nummulites and Rotalines; and still more recently
Mr. Brady has discovered a true Nummulite in the Lower Carboniferous of
Belgium. This group being now fairly brought down to the Palæozoic, we
may hope finally to trace it back to the Primordial, and thus to bring
it still nearer to Eozoon in time.
[Illustration: Fig. 21. _Foraminiferal Rock Builders._
(_a._) Nummulites lævigata--Eocene. (_b._) The same, showing chambered
interior. (_c._) Milioline limestone, magnified--Eocene, Paris. (_d._)
Hard Chalk, section magnified--Cretaceous.]
Though Eozoon was probably not the only animal of the Laurentian seas,
yet it was in all likelihood the most conspicuous and important as
a collector of calcareous matter, filling the same place afterwards
occupied by the reef-building corals. Though probably less efficient
than these as a constructor of solid limestones, from its less
permanent and continuous growth, it formed wide floors and patches
on the sea-bottom, and when these were broken up vast quantities of
limestone were formed from their debris. It must also be borne in mind
that Eozoon was not everywhere infiltrated with serpentine or other
silicious minerals; quantities of its substance were merely filled
with carbonate of lime, resembling the chamber-wall so closely that

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