2015년 12월 28일 월요일

life is dawn on the earth 17

life is dawn on the earth 17

Two-thirds natural size. (_a._) Tubuli. (_b._) Canals. Magnified. _a_
and _b_ from another specimen.]
Still another mode of occurrence is presented by a remarkable specimen
from Tudor in Ontario, and from beds probably on the horizon of the
Upper Laurentian or Huronian.[Y] It occurs in a rock scarcely at all
metamorphic, and the fossil is represented by white carbonate of lime,
while the containing matrix is a dark-coloured coarse limestone. In
this specimen the material filling the chambers has not penetrated
the canals except in a few places, where they appear filled with dark
carbonaceous matter. In mode of preservation these Tudor specimens
much resemble the ordinary fossils of the Silurian rocks. One of
the specimens in the collection of the Geological Survey (fig. 30)
presents a clavate form, as if it had been a detached individual
supported on one end at the bottom of the sea. It shows, as does
also the original Calumet specimen, the septa approaching each other
and coalescing at the margin of the form, where there were probably
orifices communicating with the exterior. Other specimens of fragmental
Eozoon from the Petite Nation localities have their canals filled with
dolomite, which probably penetrated them after they were broken up
and imbedded in the rock. I have ascertained with respect to these
fragments of Eozoon, that they occur abundantly in certain layers of
the Laurentian limestone, beds of some thickness being in great part
made up of them, and coarse and fine fragments occur in alternate
layers, like the broken corals in some Silurian limestones.
[Footnote Y: See Note B, Chap. III.]
Finally, on this part of the subject, careful observation of many
specimens of Laurentian limestone which present no trace of Eozoon
when viewed by the naked eye, and no evidence of structure when acted
on with acids, are nevertheless organic, and consist of fragments
of Eozoon, and possibly of other organisms, not infiltrated with
silicates, but only with carbonate of lime, and consequently revealing
only obscure indications of their minute structure. I have satisfied
myself of this by long and patient investigations, which scarcely admit
of any adequate representation, either by words or figures.
Every worker in those applications of the microscope to geological
specimens which have been termed micro-geology, is familiar with the
fact that crystalline forces and mechanical movements of material
often play the most fantastic tricks with fossilized organic matter.
In fossil woods, for example, we often have the tissues disorganized,
with radiating crystallizations of calcite and little spherical
concretions of quartz, or disseminated cubes and grains of pyrite,
or little veins filled with sulphate of barium or other minerals. We
need not, therefore, be surprised to find that in the venerable rocks
containing Eozoon, such things occur in the more highly crystalline
parts of the limestones, and even in some still showing traces of
the fossil. We find many disseminated crystals of magnetite, pyrite,
spinel, mica, and other minerals, curiously curved prisms of vermicular
mica, bundles of aciculi of tremolite and similar substances, veins of
calcite and crysolite or fibrous serpentine, which often traverse the
best specimens. Where these occur abundantly we usually find no organic
structures remaining, or if they exist they are in a very defective
state of preservation. Even in specimens presenting the lamination of
Eozoon to the naked eye, these crystalline actions have often destroyed
the minute structure; and I fear that some microscopists have been
victimised by having under their consideration only specimens in which
the actual characters had been too much defaced to be discernible. I
must here state that I have found some of the specimens sold under
the name of Eozoon Canadense by dealers in microscopical objects to
be almost or quite worthless, being destitute of any good structure,
and often merely pieces of Laurentian limestone with serpentine
grains only. I fear that the circulation of such specimens has done
much to cause scepticism as to the Foraminiferal nature of Eozoon. No
mistake can be greater than to suppose that any and every specimen
of Laurentian limestone must contain Eozoon. More especially have
I hitherto failed to detect traces of it in those carbonaceous or
graphitic limestones which are so very abundant in the Laurentian
country. Perhaps where vegetable matter was very abundant Eozoon
did not thrive, or on the other hand the growth of Eozoon may have
diminished the quantity of vegetable matter. It is also to be observed
that much compression and distortion have occurred in the beds of
Laurentian limestone and their contained fossils, and also that the
specimens are often broken by faults, some of which are so small as to
appear only on microscopic examination, and to shift the plates of the
fossil just as if they were beds of rock. This, though it sometimes
produces puzzling appearances, is an evidence that the fossils were
hard and brittle when this faulting took place, and is consequently
an additional proof of their extraneous origin. In some specimens it
would seem that the lower and older part of the fossil had been wholly
converted into serpentine or pyroxene, or had so nearly experienced
this change that only small parts of the calcareous wall can be
recognised. These portions correspond with fossil woods altogether
silicified, not only by the filling of the cells, but also by the
conversion of the walls into silica. I have specimens which manifestly
show the transition from the ordinary condition of filling with
serpentine to one in which the cell-walls are represented obscurely by
one shade of this mineral and the cavities by another.
The above considerations as to mode of preservation of Eozoon concur
with those in previous chapters in showing its oceanic character;
but the ocean of the Eozoic period may not have been so deep as at
present, and its waters were probably warm and well stocked with
mineral matters derived from the newly formed land, or from hot springs
in its own bottom. On this point the interesting investigations of
Dr. Hunt with reference to the chemical conditions of the Silurian
seas, allow us to suppose that the Laurentian ocean may have been much
more richly stored, more especially with salts of lime and magnesia,
than that of subsequent times. Hence the conditions of warmth, light,
and nutriment, required by such gigantic Protozoans would all be
present, and hence, also no doubt, some of the peculiarities of its
(A.) Dr. Sterry Hunt on the Mineralogy of Eozoon and the containing
It was fortunate for the recognition of Eozoon that Dr. Hunt had,
before its discovery, made so thorough researches into the chemistry
of the Laurentian series, and was prepared to show the chemical
possibilities of the preservation of fossils in these ancient
deposits. The following able summary of his views was appended to the
original description of the fossil in the _Journal of the Geological
"The details of structure have been preserved by the introduction
of certain mineral silicates, which have not only filled up the
chambers, cells, and canals left vacant by the disappearance of the
animal matter, but have in very many cases been injected into the
tubuli, filling even their smallest ramifications. These silicates
have thus taken the place of the original sarcode, while the
calcareous septa remain. It will then be understood that when the
replacement of the Eozoon by silicates is spoken of, this is to be
understood of the soft parts only; since the calcareous skeleton is
preserved, in most cases, without any alteration. The vacant spaces
left by the decay of the sarcode may be supposed to have been filled
by a process of infiltration, in which the silicates were deposited
from solution in water, like the silica which fills up the pores of
wood in the process of silicification. The replacing silicates, so
far as yet observed, are a white pyroxene, a pale green serpentine,
and a dark green alumino-magnesian mineral, which is allied in
composition to chlorite and to pyrosclerite, and which I have
referred to loganite. The calcareous septa in the last case are found
to be dolomitic, but in the other instances are nearly pure carbonate
of lime. The relations of the carbonate and the silicates are well
seen in thin sections under the microscope, especially by polarized
light. The calcite, dolomite, and pyroxene exhibit their crystalline
structure to the unaided eye; and the serpentine and loganite are
also seen to be crystalline when examined with the microscope. When
portions of the fossil are submitted to the action of an acid, the
carbonate of lime is dissolved, and a coherent mass of serpentine is
obtained, which is a perfect cast of the soft parts of the Eozoon.
The form of the sarcode which filled the chambers and cells is
beautifully shown, as well as the connecting canals and the groups
of tubuli; these latter are seen in great perfection upon surfaces
from which the carbonate of lime has been partially dissolved. Their
preservation is generally most complete when the replacing mineral is
serpentine, although very perfect specimens are sometimes found in
pyroxene. The crystallization of the latter mineral appears, however,
in most cases to have disturbed the calcareous septa.
"Serpentine and pyroxene are generally associated in these specimens,
as if their disposition had marked different stages of a continuous
process. At the Calumet, one specimen of the fossil exhibits the
whole of the sarcode replaced by serpentine; while, in another one
from the same locality, a layer of pale green translucent serpentine
occurs in immediate contact with the white pyroxene. The calcareous
septa in this specimen are very thin, and are transverse to the plane
of contact of the two minerals; yet they are seen to traverse both
the pyroxene and the serpentine without any interruption or change.
Some sections exhibit these two minerals filling adjacent cells,
or even portions of the same cell, a clear line of division being
visible between them. In the specimens from Grenville on the other
hand, it would seem as if the development of the Eozoon (considerable
masses of which were replaced by pyroxene) had been interrupted, and
that a second growth of the animal, which was replaced by serpentine,
had taken place upon the older masses, filling up their interstices."

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