2015년 12월 28일 월요일

The Fleet. Its Rivers, Prison, and Marriages 27

The Fleet. Its Rivers, Prison, and Marriages 27

This, perhaps, is the earliest mention of the treadmill, as a
Still quoting Strype, (same edition):
"The Use of this Hospital now is for an House of Correction, and to
be a Place where all Strumpets, Night-walkers, Pickpockets, vagrant
and idle Persons, that are taken up for their ill Lives, as also
incorrigible and disobedient Servants, are committed by the Mayor and
Aldermen, who are Justices of the Peace within the said City; And
being so committed are forced to beat Hemp in publick View, with due
Correction of whipping, according to their Offence, for such a Time as
the President and Court shall see Cause."
Bridewell is well shown by Hogarth in the fourth picture of the
"Harlot's progress," where both men and women are seen "beetling"
In a very rare tract called "Mr. William Fullers Trip to Bridewell"
(1703) he gives a fairly graphic description of a prisoner's entry
therein. "As soon as I came there, the Word was _Strip, pull off your
Cloaths_, and with much intreaty, I prevail'd to keep on my Westcoat;
then I was set to a Block, a punny of Hemp was laid thereon, and _Ralph
Cumpton_ (a Journy Man in the Shop) presented me with a Beatle, bidding
me knock the Hemp with that, as fast as I could. This Beatle is of
Brazel,[80] and weigh'd about 12 pounds."
Previously to this, poor Fuller had to stand twice in the pillory, on
one of which occasions he was nearly killed by the mob, and when taken
to Bridewell, all black and blue as he was, he had a whipping:--"My
Hands were put in the Stocks, and then Mr. _Hemings_ the Whipper, began
to noint me with his Instrument, that had, I believe, about a dozen
Strings notted at the end, and with that I had Thirty Nine Stripes (so
that according to a certain Almanack Maker, who reckoned Dr. _Oates's_
Stripes by every String, I had twelve times Thirty Nine). I had given
the Rascal Half a Crown, but he afforded me very little favour, but
struck home at every stroak; I confess I could not forbear bawling
out, but good Sir _Robert_[81] knockt at last, and I was let out of the
The prisoners, if they chose, could find their own food, but they were
kept strictly at work as is quaintly put by Fuller--
"I had, in each Shop, the Thieves for my Fellow-labourers, and the
Journeymen, our Deputy Task Masters, were frequently calling to the
Prisoners, _Why don't you Work there, strike hard_: Then threaten,
and sometimes beat them with a small Cane. These Task-masters are so
accustomed to keeping their Prisoners hard at Work, that I have heard
themselves say, they have, frequently, (forgetting themselves) called
out, when they had no Prisoner in the Shop, as before, _Why don't you
work there_."
Ward (in the "London Spy") gives an almost too graphic account of this
prison, but expresses unmitigated disgust at the whipping of women,
which took place there, and solemnly protested against its continuance.
His description of a woman being flogged, is as follows:--
"My Friend Re-conducted me back into the first Quadrangle,
and led me up a pair of Stairs into a Spacious Chamber, where
the Court was sitting in great Grandeur and Order. A Grave
Gentleman, whose Awful Looks bespoke him some Honourable
Citizen, was mounted in the Judgement-Seat, Arm'd with a Hammer,
like a _Change-Broker_ at _Lloyd's Coffee House_, when selling
Goods by Inch of Candle, and a Woman under the Lash in the
next Room; where Folding doors were open'd, that the whole
Court might see the Punishment Inflicted; at last down went the
Hammer, and the Scourging ceas'd.... Another Accusation being
then deliver'd by a Flat-Cap against a poor Wench, who having
no Friend to speak in her behalf, Proclamation was made, _viz.
All you who are willing E----th T----ll, should have present
Punishment, pray hold up your hands._ Which was done accordingly:
[Illustration: WOMEN BEATING HEMP.]
And then she was order'd the Civility of the House, and was
forc'd to shew her tender Back and Breasts to the Grave Sages of
the August Assembly, who were mov'd by her Modest Mein, together
with the whiteness of her Skin, to give her but a gentle
John Howard, in his "State of the Prisons in England and Wales" (ed.
1777) gives the following description of Bridewell:--
"This building was formerly a Palace, near St. Bridget's (St. Bride's)
Well; from whence it had the name; which, after it became a Prison,
was applied to other Prisons of the same sort. It was given to the
City by King Edward VI. in 1552.
"That part of Bridewell which relates to my subject has wards for men
and women quite separate.[82] The men's ward on the ground floor, is a
day room in which they beat hemp; and a night room over it. One of the
upper chambers is fitting up for an Infirmary.--The woman's ward is
a day room on the ground floor, in which they beat hemp; and a night
room over it. I was told that the chamber above this is to be fitted
up for an Infirmary. The sick, have, hitherto, been commonly sent to
St. Bartholomew's Hospital. All the Prisoners are kept within doors.
"The women's rooms are large, and have opposite windows, for fresh
air. Their Ward, as well as the men's, has plenty of water: and there
is a Hand-Ventilator on the outside, with a tube to each room of the
women's ward. This is of great service, when the rooms are crowded
with Prisoners, and the weather is warm.
[Illustration: PASS ROOM, BRIDEWELL, 1808.]
"The Prisoners are employed by a Hemp dresser, who has the profit
of their labour, an apartment in the Prison, and a salary of £14.
I generally found them at work: they are provided for, so as to be
able to perform it. The hours of work are, in winter, from eight to
four; in summer from six to six, deducting meal times. The Steward
is allowed eightpence a day for the maintenance of each Prisoner;
and contracts to supply them as follows:--On Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
and Thursday, a penny loaf, ten ounces of dressed beef without bone,
broth, and three pints of ten shilling beer; on Wednesday, Friday, and
Saturday, a penny loaf, four ounces of cheese, or some butter, a pint
of milk pottage, and three pints of ten shilling beer.... In winter
they have some firing. The night rooms are supplied with straw. No
other Prison in _London_ has any straw, or other bedding.... I found
there in 1776:--
March 13. Prisoners 20
May 1. " 7
Dec. 3. " 24."
It continued as a House of Correction for the City of London until its
abolition, with other Civic prisons by an Act of 40 and 41 Vict. cap.
21, entitled "An Act to amend the Law relating to Prisons in England."
But there was an exception made in its favour, and it still remains
a House of Correction in a mild way--thanks to the very kindly and
fatherly wishes and representations of the Civic Authorities.
The good old days of Apprenticing boys to some craft for seven years,
during which he was to serve his master faithfully, and in return, was
to be housed, fed, and taught his business, have all but passed away,
but not quite. There are still some refractory apprentices, as there
ever have been. We know the common saying of "Boys will be boys,"
which is applied in mitigation of juvenile indiscretion, but there is
also another apothegm, "Little boys, when they are naughty, must be
smacked, and sent to bed." Bridewell has always been a place where idle
or refractory City apprentices have had the opportunity of pondering
over the errors of their ways, and in passing this Act, a special
exemption was made, and there still exist six cells, which, I am sorry
to say, are frequently occupied by erring youths. It is all done in
the kindest, and most fatherly way. The City Chamberlain from the time
of the Indentures of the lad being signed, to giving him his Freedom,
acts as his guardian, to a great extent. Has the lad any complaint
to make against his master it is to the Chamberlain he must appeal,
and _vice versâ_. The Cause is heard _in camerâ_, and every effort is
made to reconcile the parties, but, as will sometimes happen with a
boy who is obstinate, sullen, or vicious, all attempts to bring him
to a better sense fail, then the Chamberlain, by virtue of his office
commits the boy to Bridewell, where he eats the bread, and drinks the
water, of affliction for a while, a treatment, which combined with
the confinement, hard work, and enforced sequestration from society,
largely aided by the good advice of the Chaplain, very seldom fails
to effect its object, and render that lad a decent member of the
commonweal. It just arrests him in his downward path, there is no
publicity, the thing is never chronicled in any Newspaper, as it might
be, supposing no Bridewell existed, and the case was brought before a
police magistrate--it need never be known outside his family circle,
and he escapes the taint of being a gaol bird.
Bridewell seems to have been long associated with apprentices, not all
of them "_Thomas Idles_," I am happy to say; and Hatton in "The New
View of London" (1708) writes, showing the tender care that the City of
London have always had for their poor:
"It is also an Hospital for Indigent Persons, and where 20
Art Masters (as they are called) being decayed Traders as
Shoemakers, Taylors, Flax-dressers, &c., have Houses, and their
Servants, or Apprentices (being about 140 in all) have Cloaths
at the House Charge, and their Masters having the Profit of
their Work do often advance by this means their own Fortunes,
and these Boys, having served their time faithfully, have not
only their Freedom, but also £10 each towards carrying on their
respective Trades, and many have even arrived from nothing to be Governors."

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