2015년 12월 28일 월요일

life is dawn on the earth 25

life is dawn on the earth 25

Contenting myself with these general remarks, I shall, for the benefit
of those who relish geological controversy, append to this chapter a
summary of the objections urged by the most active opponents of the
animal nature of Eozoon, with the replies that may be or have been
given; and I now merely add (in fig. 49) a magnified camera tracing of
a portion of a lamina of Eozoon with its canals and tubuli, to show
more fully the nature of the structures in controversy.
[Illustration: Fig. 49. _Portion of a thin Transverse Slice of a Lamina
of Eozoon, magnified, showing its structure, as traced with the camera._
(_a._) Nummuline wall of under side. (_b._) Intermediate skeleton with
canals. (_a´._) Nummuline wall of upper side. The two lower figures
show the lower and upper sides more highly magnified. The specimen is
one in which the canals are unusually well seen.]
It may be well, however, to sum up the evidence as it has been
presented by Sir W. E. Logan, Dr. Carpenter, Dr. Hunt, and the author,
in a short and intelligible form; and I shall do so under a few brief
heads, with some explanatory remarks:--
1. The Lower Laurentian of Canada, a rock formation whose
distribution, age, and structure have been thoroughly worked out by
the Canadian Survey, is found to contain thick and widely distributed
beds of limestone, related to the other beds in the same way in which
limestones occur in the sediments of other geological formations. There
also occur in the same formation, graphite, iron ores, and metallic
sulphides, in such relations as to suggest the idea that the limestones
as well as these other minerals are of organic origin.
2. In the limestones are found laminated bodies of definite form and
structure, composed of calcite alternating with serpentine and other
minerals. The forms of these bodies suggested a resemblance to the
Silurian Stromatoporæ, and the different mineral substances associated
with the calcite in the production of similar forms, showed that these
were not accidental or concretionary.
3. On microscopic examination, it proved that the calcareous laminæ
of these forms were similar in structure to the shells of modern
and fossil Foraminifera, more especially those of the Rotaline and
Nummuline types, and that the finer structures, though usually filled
with serpentine and other hydrous silicates, were sometimes occupied
with calcite, pyroxene, or dolomite, showing that they must when recent
have been empty canals and tubes.
4. The mode of filling thus suggested for the chambers and tubes of
Eozoon, is precisely that which takes place in modern Foraminifera
filled with glauconite, and in Palæozoic crinoids and corals filled
with other hydrous silicates.
5. The type of growth and structure predicated of Eozoon from the
observed appearances, in its great size, its laminated and acervuline
forms, and in its canal system and tubulation, are not only in
conformity with those of other Foraminifera, but such as might be
expected in a very ancient form of that group.
6. Indications exist of other organic bodies in the limestones
containing Eozoon, and also of the Eozoon being preserved not only in
reefs but in drifted fragmental beds as in the case of modern corals.
7. Similar organic structures have been found in the Laurentian
limestones of Massachusetts and New York, and also in those of various
parts of Europe, and Dr. Gümbel has found an additional species in
rocks succeeding the Laurentian in age.
8. The manner in which the structures of Eozoon are affected by the
faulting, development of crystals, mineral veins, and other effects of
disturbance and metamorphism in the containing rocks, is precisely that
which might be expected on the supposition that it is of organic origin.
9. The exertions of several active and able opponents have failed to
show how, otherwise than by organic agency, such structures as those
of Eozoon can be formed, except on the supposition of pseudomorphism
and replacement, which must be regarded as chemically extravagant, and
which would equally impugn the validity of all fossils determined
by microscopic structure. In like manner all comparisons of these
structures with dendritic and other imitative forms have signally
failed, in the opinion of those best qualified to judge.
Another and perhaps simpler way of putting the case is the
following:--Only three general modes of accounting for the existence
of Eozoon have been proposed. The first is that of Professors King and
Rowney, who regard the chambers and canals filled with serpentine as
arising from the erosion or partial dissolving away of serpentine and
its replacement by calcite. The objections to this are conclusive.
It does not explain the nummuline wall, which has to be separately
accounted for by confounding it, contrary to the observed facts,
with the veins of fibrous serpentine which actually pass through
cracks in the fossil. Such replacement is in the highest degree
unlikely on chemical grounds, and there is no evidence of it in the
numerous serpentine grains, nodules, and bands in the Laurentian
limestones. On the other hand, the opposite replacement, that of
limestone by serpentine, seems to have occurred. The mechanical
difficulties in accounting for the delicate canals on this theory are
also insurmountable. Finally, it does not account for the specimens
preserved in pyroxene and other silicates, and in dolomite and calcite.
A second mode of accounting for the facts is that the Eozoon forms are
merely peculiar concretions. But this fails to account for their great
difference from the other serpentine concretions in the same beds, and
for their regularity of plan and the delicacy of their structure, and
also for minerals of different kinds entering into their composition,
and still presenting precisely the same forms and structures. The only
remaining theory is that of the filling of cavities by infiltration
with serpentine. This accords with the fact that such infiltration by
minerals akin to serpentine exists in fossils in later rocks. It also
accords with the known aqueous origin of the serpentine nodules and
bands, the veins of fibrous serpentine, and the other minerals found
filling the cavities of Eozoon. Even the pyroxene has been shown by
Hunt to exist in the Laurentian in veins of aqueous origin. The only
difficulty existing on this view is how a calcite skeleton with such
chambers, canals, and tubuli could be formed; and this is solved by the
discovery that all these facts correspond precisely with those to be
found in the shells of modern oceanic Foraminifera. The existence then
of Eozoon, its structure, and its relations to the containing rocks and
minerals being admitted, no rational explanation of its origin seems at
present possible other than that advocated in the preceding pages.
If the reader will now turn to Plate VIII., page 207, he will find some
interesting illustrations of several very important facts bearing on
the above arguments. Fig. 1 represents a portion of a very thin slice
of a specimen traversed by veins of fibrous serpentine or chrysotile,
and having the calcite of the walls more broken by cleavage planes
than usual. The portion selected shows a part of one of the chambers
filled with serpentine, which presents the usual curdled aspect
almost impossible to represent in a drawing (_s_). It is traversed
by a branching vein of chrysotile (_s_´), which, where cut precisely
parallel to its fibres, shows clear fine cross lines, indicating the
sides of its constituent prisms, and where the plane of section has
passed obliquely to its fibres, has a curiously stippled or frowsy
appearance. On either side of the serpentine band is the nummuline
or proper wall, showing under a low power a milky appearance, which,
with a higher power, becomes resolved into a tissue of the most
beautiful parallel threads, representing the filling of its tubuli.
Nothing can be more distinct than the appearances presented by this
wall and the chrysotile vein, under every variety of magnifying power
and illumination; and all who have had an opportunity of examining my
specimens have expressed astonishment that appearances so dissimilar
should have been confounded with each other. On the lower side two
indentations are seen in the proper wall (_c_). These are connected
with the openings into small subordinate chamberlets, one of which is
in part included in the thickness of the slice. At the upper and lower
parts of the figure are seen portions of the intermediate skeleton
traversed by canals, which in the lower part are very large, though
from the analogy of other specimens it is probable that they have in
their interstices minute canaliculi not visible in this slice. Fig.
2, from the same specimen, shows the termination of one of the canals
against the proper wall, its end expanding into a wide disc of sarcode
on the surface of the wall, as may be seen in similar structures in
modern Foraminifera. In this specimen the canals are beautifully smooth
and cylindrical, but they sometimes present a knotted or jointed
appearance, especially in specimens decalcified by acids, in which
perhaps some erosion has taken place. They are also occasionally
fringed with minute crystals, especially in those specimens in which
the calcite has been partially replaced with other minerals. Fig. 3
shows an example of faulting of the proper wall, an appearance not
infrequently observed; and it also shows a vein chrysotile crossing the
line of fault, and not itself affected by it--a clear evidence of its
posterior origin. Figs. 4 and 5 are examples of specimens having the
canals filled with dolomite, and showing extremely fine canals in the
interstices of the others: an appearance observed only in the thicker
parts of the skeleton, and when these are very well preserved. These
dolomitized portions require some precautions for their observation,
either in slices or decalcified specimens, but when properly managed
they show the structures in very great perfection. The specimen in fig.
5 is from an abnormally thick portion of intermediate skeleton, having
unusually thick canals, and referred to in a previous chapter.
One object which I have in view in thus minutely directing attention
to these illustrations, is to show the nature of the misapprehensions
which may occur in examining specimens of this kind, and at the same
time the certainty which may be attained when proper precautions are
taken. I may add that such structures as those referred to are best
seen in extremely thin slices, and that the observer must not expect
that every specimen will exhibit them equally well. It is only by
preparing and examining many specimens that the best results can be
obtained. It often happens that one specimen is required to show well
one part of the structures, and a different one to show another; and
previous to actual trial, it is not easy to say which portion of
the structures any particular fragment will show most clearly. This
renders it somewhat difficult to supply one's friends with specimens.
Really good slices can be prepared only from the best material and by
skilled manipulators; imperfect slices may only mislead; and rough
specimens may not be properly prepared by persons unaccustomed to the
work, or if so prepared may not turn out satisfactory, or may not be
skilfully examined. These difficulties, however, Eozoon shares with

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