2015년 12월 28일 월요일

life is dawn on the earth 16

life is dawn on the earth 16

However this may be, the infiltration of the pores of Eozoon with
serpentine and other silicates has evidently been one main means of
the preservation of its structure. When so infiltrated no metamorphism
short of the complete fusion of the containing rock could obliterate
the minutest points of structure; and that such fusion has not
occurred, the preservation in the Laurentian rocks of the most delicate
lamination of the beds shows conclusively; while, as already stated, it
can be shown that the alteration which has occurred might have taken
place at a temperature far short of that necessary to fuse limestone.
Thus has it happened that these most ancient fossils have been
handed down to our time in a state of preservation comparable, as Dr.
Carpenter states, to that of the best preserved fossil Foraminifera
from the more recent formations that have come under his observation in
the course of all his long experience.
Let us now look more minutely at the nature of the typical specimens
of Eozoon as originally observed and described, and then turn to those
preserved in other ways, or more or less destroyed and defaced. Taking
a polished specimen from Petite Nation, like that delineated in Plate
V., we find the shell represented by white limestone, and the chambers
by light green serpentine. By acting on the surface with a dilute
acid we etch out the calcareous part, leaving a cast in serpentine
of the cavities occupied by the soft parts; and when this is done in
polished slices these may be made to print their own characters on
paper, as has actually been done in the case of Plate V., which is an
electrotype taken from an actual specimen, and shows both the laminated
and acervuline parts of the fossil. If the process of decalcification
has been carefully executed, we find in the excavated spaces delicate
ramifying processes of opaque serpentine or transparent dolomite, which
were originally imbedded in the calcareous substance, and which are
often of extreme fineness and complexity. (Plate VI. and fig. 10.)
These are casts of the canals which traversed the shell when still
inhabited by the animal. In some well preserved specimens we find the
original cell-wall represented by a delicate white film, which under
the microscope shows minute needle-like parallel processes representing
its still finer tubuli. It is evident that to have filled these tubuli
the serpentine must have been introduced in a state of actual solution,
and must have carried with it no foreign impurities. Consequently we
find that in the chambers themselves the serpentine is pure; and if we
examine it under polarized light, we see that it presents a singularly
curdled or irregularly laminated appearance, which I have designated
under the name septariiform, as if it had an imperfectly crystalline
structure, and had been deposited in irregular laminæ, beginning at
the sides of the chambers, and filling them toward the middle, and
had afterward been cracked by shrinkage, and the cracks filled with a
second deposit of serpentine. Now, serpentine is a hydrous silicate of
magnesia, and all that we need to suppose is that in the deposits of
the Laurentian sea magnesia was present instead of iron and potash,
and we can understand that the Laurentian fossil has been petrified
by infiltration with serpentine, as more modern Foraminifera have
been with glauconite, which, though it usually has little magnesia,
often has a considerable percentage of alumina. Further, in specimens
of Eozoon from Burgess, the filling mineral is loganite, a compound
of silica, alumina, magnesia and iron, with water, and in certain
Silurian limestones from New Brunswick and Wales, in which the delicate
microscopic pores of the skeletons of stalked star-fishes or Crinoids
have been filled with mineral deposits, so that when decalcified
these are most beautifully represented by their casts, Dr. Hunt has
proved the filling mineral to be a silicate of alumina, iron, magnesia
and potash, intermediate between serpentine and glauconite. We have,
therefore, ample warrant for adhering to Dr. Hunt's conclusion that
the Laurentian serpentine was deposited under conditions similar to
those of the modern green-sand. Indeed, independently of Eozoon, it is
impossible that any geologist who has studied the manner in which this
mineral is associated with the Laurentian limestones could believe it
to have been formed in any other way. Nor need we be astonished at
the fineness of the infiltration by which these minute tubes, perhaps
1/10000 of an inch in diameter, are filled with mineral matter. The
micro-geologist well knows how, in more modern deposits, the finest
pores of fossils are filled, and that mineral matter in solution
can penetrate the smallest openings that the microscope can detect.
Wherever the fluids of the living body can penetrate, there also
mineral substances can be carried, and this natural injection, effected
under great pressure and with the advantage of ample time, can surpass
any of the feats of the anatomical manipulator. Fig. 25 represents
a microscopic joint of a Crinoid from the Upper Silurian of New
Brunswick, injected with the hydrous silicate already referred to, and
fig. 26 shows a microscopic chambered or spiral shell, from a Welsh
Silurian limestone, with its cavities filled with a similar substance.
[Illustration: Fig. 25. _Joint of a Crinoid, having its pores injected
with a Hydrous Silicate._
Upper Silurian Limestone, Pole Hill, New Brunswick. Magnified 25
[Illustration: Fig. 26. _Shell from a Silurian Limestone, Wales; its
cavity filled with a Hydrous Silicate._
Magnified 25 diameters.]
It is only necessary to refer to the attempts which have been made to
explain by merely mineral deposits the occurrence of the serpentine
in the canals and chambers of Eozoon, and its presenting the form it
does, to see that this is the case. Prof. Rowney, for example, to avoid
the force of the argument from the canal system, is constrained to
imagine that the whole mass has at one time been serpentine, and that
this has been partially washed away, and replaced by calcite. If so,
whence the deposition of the supposed mass of serpentine, which has to
be accounted for in this way as well as in the other? How did it happen
to be eroded into so regular chambers, leaving intermediate floors and
partitions. And, more wonderful still, how did the regular dendritic
bundles, so delicate that they are removed by a breath, remain perfect,
and endure until they were imbedded in calcareous spar? Further, how
does it happen that in some specimens serpentine and pyroxene seem to
have encroached upon the structure, as if they and not calcite were the
eroding minerals? How any one who has looked at the structures can for
a moment imagine such a possibility, it is difficult to understand. If
we could suppose the serpentine to have been originally deposited as
a cellular or laminated mass, and its cavities filled with calcite in
a gelatinous or semi-fluid state, we might suppose the fine processes
of serpentine to have grown outward into these cavities in the mass,
as fibres of oxide of iron or manganese have grown in the silica of
moss-agate; but this theory would be encompassed with nearly as great
mechanical and chemical difficulties. The only rational view that any
one can take of the process is, that the calcareous matter was the
original substance, and that it had delicate tubes traversing it which
became injected with serpentine. The same explanation, and no other,
will suffice for those delicate cell-walls, penetrated by innumerable
threads of serpentine, which must have been injected into pores. It is
true that there are in some of the specimens cracks filled with fibrous
serpentine or chrysotile, but these traverse the mass in irregular
directions, and they consist of closely packed angular prisms,
instead of a matrix of limestone penetrated by cylindrical threads of
serpentine. (Fig. 27.) Here I must once for all protest against the
tendency of some opponents of Eozoon to confound these structures and
the canal system of Eozoon with the acicular crystals, and dendritic
or coralloidal forms, observed in some minerals. It is easy to make
such comparisons appear plausible to the uninitiated, but practised
observers cannot be so deceived, the differences are too marked and
essential. In illustration of this, I may refer to the highly magnified
canals in figs. 28 and 29. Further, it is evident from the examination
of the specimens, that the chrysotile veins, penetrating as they often
do diagonally or transversely across both chambers and walls, must have
originated subsequently to the origin and hardening of the rock and its
fossils, and result from aqueous deposition of fibrous serpentine in
cracks which traverse alike the fossils and their matrix. In specimens
now before me, nothing can be more plain than this entire independence
of the shining silky veins of fibrous serpentine, and the fact of their
having been formed subsequently to the fossilization of the Eozoon;
since they can be seen to run across the lamination, and to branch off
irregularly in lines altogether distinct from the structure. This,
while it shows that these veins have no connection with the fossil,
shows also that the latter was an original ingredient of the beds when
deposited, and not a product of subsequent concretionary action.
[Illustration: Fig. 27. _Diagram showing the different appearances
of the cell-wall of Eozoon and of a vein of Chrysotile, when highly
[Illustration: Fig. 28. _Casts of Canals of Eozoon in Serpentine,
decalcified and highly magnified._]
[Illustration: Fig. 29. _Canals of Eozoon._
Highly magnified.]
Taking the specimens preserved by serpentine as typical, we now turn
to certain other and, in some respects, less characteristic specimens,
which are nevertheless very instructive. At the Calumet some of
the masses are partly filled with serpentine and partly with white
pyroxene, an anhydrous silicate of lime and magnesia. The two minerals
can readily be distinguished when viewed with polarized light; and in
some slices I have seen part of a chamber or group of canals filled
with serpentine and part with pyroxene. In this case the pyroxene
or the materials which now compose it, must have been introduced by
infiltration, as well as the serpentine. This is the more remarkable as
pyroxene is most usually found as an ingredient of igneous rocks; but
Dr. Hunt has shown that in the Laurentian limestones and also in veins
traversing them, it occurs under conditions which imply its deposition
from water, either cold or warm. Gümbel remarks on this:--"Hunt, in
a very ingenious manner, compares this formation and deposition of
serpentine, pyroxene, and loganite, with that of glauconite, whose
formation has gone on uninterruptedly from the Silurian to the Tertiary
period, and is even now taking place in the depths of the sea; it being
well known that Ehrenberg and others have already shown that many of
the grains of glauconite are casts of the interior of foraminiferal
shells. In the light of this comparison, the notion that the serpentine
and such like minerals of the primitive limestones have been formed,
in a similar manner, in the chambers of Eozoic Foraminifera, loses any
traces of improbability which it might at first seem to possess."
In many parts of the skeleton of Eozoon, and even in the best
infiltrated serpentine specimens, there are portions of the cell-wall

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