2015년 12월 28일 월요일

life is dawn on the earth 22

life is dawn on the earth 22

"In the large quarry of Steinhag, from which I first obtained the
Eozoon, the enclosing rock is a grey hornblendic gneiss, which
sometimes passes into a hornblende-slate. The limestone is in many
places overlaid by a bed of hornblende-schist, sometimes five feet
in thickness, which separates it from the normal gneiss. In many
localities, a bed of serpentine, three or four feet thick, is
interposed between the limestone and the hornblende-schist; and in
some cases a zone, consisting chiefly of scapolite, crystalline and
almost compact, with an admixture however of hornblende and chlorite.
Below the serpentine band, the crystalline limestone appears divided
into distinct beds, and encloses various accidental minerals, among
which are reddish-white mica, chlorite, hornblende, tremolite,
chondrodite, rosellan, garnet, and scapolite, arranged in bands.
In several places the lime is mingled with serpentine, grains or
portions of which, often of the size of peas, are scattered through
the limestone with apparent irregularity, giving rise to a beautiful
variety of ophicalcite or serpentine-marble. These portions, which are
enclosed in the limestone destitute of serpentine, always present a
rounded outline. In one instance there appears, in a high naked wall
of limestone without serpentine, the outline of a mass of ophicalcite,
about sixteen feet long and twenty-five feet high, which, rising from
a broad base, ends in a point, and is separated from the enclosing
limestone by an undulating but clearly defined margin, as already well
described by Wineberger. This mass of ophicalcite recalls vividly a
reef-like structure. Within this and similar masses of ophicalcite in
the crystalline limestone, there are, so far as my observations in 1854
extend, no continuous lines or concentric layers of serpentine to be
observed, this mineral being always distributed in small grains and
patches. The few apparently regular layers which may be observed are
soon interrupted, and the whole aggregation is irregular."
It will be observed that this acervuline Eozoon of Steinhag appears to
exist in large reefs, and that in its want of lamination it differs
from the Canadian examples. In fossils of low organization, like
Foraminifera, such differences are often accidental and compatible with
specific unity, but yet there may be a difference specifically in the
Bavarian Eozoon as compared with the Canadian.
Gümbel also found in the Finnish and Bavarian limestones knotted
chambers, like those of Wentworth above mentioned (fig. 36), which he
regards as belonging to some other organism than Eozoon; and flocculi
having tubes, pores, and reticulations which would seem to point to the
presence of structures akin to sponges or possibly remains of seaweeds.
These observations Gümbel has extended into other localities in Bavaria
and Bohemia, and also in Silesia and Sweden, establishing the existence
of Eozoon fossils in all the Laurentian limestones of the middle and
north of Europe.
[Illustration: Fig. 36. _Archæospherinæ from Pargas in Finland._
(_After Gümbel._)
Gümbel has further found in beds overlying the older Eozoic series,
and probably of the same age with the Canadian Huronian, a different
species of Eozoon, with smaller and more contracted chambers, and
still finer and more crowded canals. This, which is to be regarded as
a distinct species, or at least a well-marked varietal form, he has
named _Eozoon Bavaricum_ (fig. 37). Thus this early introduction of
life is not peculiar to that old continent which we sometimes call the
New World, but applies to Europe as well, and Europe has furnished a
successor to Eozoon in the later Eozoic or Huronian period. In rocks of
this age in America, after long search and much slicing of limestones,
I have hitherto failed to find any decided organic remains other than
the Tudor and Madoc specimens of Eozoon. If these are really Huronian
and not Laurentian, the Eozoon from this horizon does not sensibly
differ from that of the Lower Laurentian. The curious limpet-like
objects from Newfoundland, discovered by Murray, and described by
Billings,[AH] under the name _Aspidella_, are believed to be Huronian,
but they have no connection with Eozoon, and therefore need not detain
us here.
[Footnote AH: _Canadian Naturalist_, 1871.]
[Illustration: Fig. 37. _Section of Eozoon Bavaricum, with Serpentine,
from the Crystalline Limestone of the Hercynian primitive Clay-state
Formation at Hohenberg; 25 diameters._
(_a._) Sparry carbonate of lime. (_b._) Cellular carbonate of lime.
(_c._) System of tubuli. (_d._) Serpentine replacing the coarser
ordinary variety. (_e._) Serpentine and hornblende replacing the finer
variety, in the very much contorted portions.]
Leaving the Eozoic age, we find ourselves next in the Primordial or
Cambrian, and here we discover the sea already tenanted by many
kinds of crustaceans and shell-fishes, which have been collected and
described by palæontologists in Bohemia, Scandinavia, Wales, and North
America;[AI] curiously enough, however, the rocks of this age are
not so rich in Foraminifera as those of some succeeding periods. Had
this primitive type played out its part in the Eozoic and exhausted
its energies, and did it remain in abeyance in the Primordial age to
resume its activity in the succeeding times? It is not necessary to
believe this. The geologist is familiar with the fact, that in one
formation he may have before him chiefly oceanic and deep-sea deposits,
and in another those of the shallower waters, and that alternations
of these may, in the same age or immediately succeeding ages, present
very different groups of fossils. Now the rocks and fossils of the
Laurentian seem to be oceanic in character, while the Huronian and
early Primordial rocks evidence great disturbances, and much coarse
and muddy sediment, such as that found in shallows or near the land.
They abound in coarse conglomerates, sandstones and thick beds of slate
or shale, but are not rich in limestones, which do not in the parts
of the world yet explored regain their importance till the succeeding
Siluro-Cambrian age. No doubt there were, in the Primordial, deep-sea
areas swarming with Foraminifera, the successors of Eozoon; but these
are as yet unknown or little known, and our known Primordial fauna is
chiefly that of the shallows. Enlarged knowledge may thus bridge over
much of the apparent gap in the life of these two great periods.
[Footnote AI: Barrande, Angelin, Hicks, Hall, Billings, etc.]
Only as yet on the coast of Labrador and neighbouring parts of North
America, and in rocks that were formed in seas that washed the old
Laurentian rocks, in which Eozoon was already as fully sealed up as
it is at this moment, do we find Protozoa which can claim any near
kinship to the proto-foraminifer. These are the fossils of the genus
_Archæocyathus_--"ancient cup-sponges, or cup-foraminifers," which
have been described in much detail by Mr. Billings in the reports of
the Canadian Survey. Mr. Billings regards them as possibly sponges,
or as intermediate between these and Foraminifera, and the silicious
spicules found in some of them justify this view, unless indeed, as
partly suspected by Mr. Billings, these belong to true sponges which
may have grown along with Archæocyathus or attached to it. Certain
it is, however, that if allied to sponges, they are allied also to
Foraminifera, and that some of them deviate altogether from the sponge
type and become calcareous chambered bodies, the animals of which can
have differed very little from those of the Laurentian Eozoon. It is
to these calcareous Foraminiferal species that I shall at present
restrict my attention. I give a few figures, for which I am indebted to
Mr. Billings, of three of his species (figs. 38 to 40), with enlarged
drawings of the structures of one of them which has the most decidedly
foraminiferal characters.
[Illustration: Fig. 38. _Archæocyathus Minganensis--a Primordial
Protozoon._ (_After Billings._)
(_a._) Pores of the inner wall.]
[Illustration: Fig. 39. _Archæocyathus profundus--showing the base of
attachment and radiating chambers._ (_After Billings._)]
[Illustration: Fig. 40. _Archæocyathus Atlanticus--showing outer
surface and longitudinal and transverse sections._ (_After Billings._)]
[Illustration: Fig. 41. _Structures of Archæocyathus Profundus._
(_a._) Lower acervuline portion. (_b._) Upper portion, with three of
the radiating laminæ. (_c._) Portion of lamina with pores and thickened
part with canals. In figs. _a_ and _b_ the calcareous part is unshaded.]
To understand Archæocyathus, let us imagine an inverted cone of
carbonate of lime from an inch or two to a foot in length, and with
its point buried in the mud at the bottom of the sea, while its open
cup extends upward into the water. The lower part buried in the soil
is composed of an irregular acervuline network of thick calcareous
plates, enclosing chambers communicating with one another (figs. 40
and 41 A). Above this where the cup expands, its walls are composed
of thin outer and inner plates, perforated with innumerable holes,
and connected with each other by vertical plates, which are also
perforated with round pores, establishing a communication between the
radiating chambers into which they divide the thickness of the wall
(figs. 38, 39, and 41 B). In such a structure the chambers in the wall
of the cup and the irregular chambers of the base would be filled with
gelatinous animal matter, and the pseudopods would project from the
numerous pores in the inner and outer wall. In the older parts of the
skeleton, the structure is further complicated by the formation of
thin transverse plates, irregular in distribution, and where greater
strength is required a calcareous thickening is added, which in some
places shows a canal system like that of Eozoon (fig. 41, B, C).[AJ]
As compared with Eozoon, the fossils want its fine perforated wall,
but have a more regular plan of growth. There are fragments in the
Eozoon limestones which may have belonged to structures like these;
and when we know more of the deep sea of the Primordial, we may
recover true species of Eozoon from it, or may find forms intermediate
between it and Archæocyathus. In the meantime I know no nearer bond of
connection between Eozoon and the Primordial age than that furnished
by the ancient cup Zoophytes of Labrador, though I have searched very
carefully in the fossiliferous conglomerates of Cambrian age on the
Lower St. Lawrence, which contain rocks of all the formations from the
Laurentian upwards, often with characteristic fossils. I have also made
sections of many of the fossiliferous pebbles in these conglomerates
without finding any certain remains of such organisms, though the
fragments of the crusts of some of the Primordial tribolites, when
their tubuli are infiltrated with dark carbonaceous matter, are so like
the supplemental skeleton of Eozoon, that but for their forms they
might readily be mistaken for it; and associated with them are broken
pieces of other porous organisms which may belong to Protozoa, though

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