2015년 12월 22일 화요일

The Story of Nelson 23

The Story of Nelson 23

Having completely
obeyed my orders, with great injury to my health, I am going to England
for the benefit of it.” He adds that he will not fail his ally, should
another French fleet menace the Turkish dominions. “I shall hold
myself ready, if I am thought fit for such a service, to come forth,
and be the instrument of God’s vengeance on such miscreant infernal
scoundrels.” He writes to Earl Spencer, enclosing Berry’s account
of the capture of the French battleship, and assures himself that
his Lordship “will not be sparing of promotion to the deserving. My
friends wished me to be present. I have no such wish; for a something
might have been given me, which now cannot. Not for all the world
would I rob any man of a sprig of laurel--much less my children of the
_Foudroyant_! I love her as a fond father, a darling child, and glory
in her deeds. I am vain enough to feel the effects of my school. Lord
Keith sending me nothing, I have not, of course, a free communication.
I have wrote to him for permission to return to England, when you
will see a broken-hearted man.... My complaint, which is principally
a swelling of the heart, is at times alarming to my friends....”
“My mind is fixed for retreat at this moment,” he informs “fighting
Berry.” “Assure all the Foudroyants of my sincere regard and affection
for them. _They may depend upon me._” “I glory in them, my darling
children, served in my school, and all of us caught our professional
zeal and fire from the great and good Earl of St Vincent”--thus he
writes to Keith. None of his hundreds of letters more fully reveals the
charming nature of the man, than those quoted above. While Nelson was
fond enough of glory for himself, he was too large-hearted to deprive
others of it.
We have now to return to his unhappy and miscalculated transactions
with the people whom he served not wisely but too well, to show him
again “a vehement partisan of the Court of Naples,” as Judge O’Connor
Morris expresses it. “I purpose going in the _Foudroyant_,” he tells
Keith, on the 12th May, “in a few days, to Palermo, as I am under
an old promise to her Sicilian Majesty, that whenever she returned
to the Continent, I would escort her over. Her Majesty has now made
application to me for that purpose; and, as it may be necessary to
take another Ship for the escort, I purpose taking the _Alexander_
with me.” It is clear that Nelson had no right to enter into any such
arrangement, especially as there were too few rather than too many
ships for the blockade of Malta. Before Keith’s despatch was received
forbidding Nelson to use the vessels, the Admiral had left Malta for
Palermo, which he reached on the 31st May. But he _did_ get a despatch
ordering him to take the ships then at Leghorn to Spezia, which Nelson
only partly obeyed, and stationed himself at the former port to await
the convenience of the Queen and family. There he was met on the 24th
June by his Commander-in-chief, whose feelings may be gauged by his
letter to the Hon. A. Paget, Sir William Hamilton’s successor as Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the King of the Two
Sicilies. It was written at Leghorn on the 16th July, two days after
the disastrous defeat of the Austrians by Napoleon at Marengo.
He says: “I was so displeased by the withdrawing of the Ships from
before Malta, and with other proceedings that Her Majesty did not
take any notice of me latterally which had no effect on my attention
to Her Rank, what a Clamour to letting in the Ships to Malta will
occasion I assure you nothing has given me more real concern it was
so near exhausted.”[46] “The Paget Papers” make it quite clear that
Queen Caroline did not go out of her way to impress Keith, but rather
exhibited a fondness for snubbing him. He writes to Paget on another
occasion to the effect that “the Queen expected the Whole Squadron to
attend on Her Court which was impossible a Riot happened in the Square
the Queen desired I would go to the people, I declined having no
Authority to do so and disapproving of all tumults on every pretence
in short Her Majesty took leave of Every one in Public but me....”
An extremely important letter[47] will also be found in the same
collection of documents which sheds much light on the personalities
of the Royal folk with whom Nelson had so much to do in this phase of
his career. Paget is writing to Lord Grenville, Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs:
“The King, whose real character has from circumstances shown itself
during and since the revolution more than at any former period, is
timid and bigoted and, as is often the case in the same disposition,
cruel and revengeful. He has no natural turn for, nor do his habits
allow him to attend to business. He has no guide for his Conduct but
that of private consideration, and to take the present Instance,
whatever plea he may set forth for delaying his return to Naples, I am
in my own mind convinced, and I should not utter these opinions but
upon the surest grounds, that His Sicilian Majesty labours under the
strongest apprehensions for his own personal safety.
“The Queen’s character generally is too well known to Your Lordship to
require any comment upon it from me. I have every reason to suppose
that not from principles but from pique, Her Sicilian Majesty has
been very violent in opposing the King’s return since my arrival. She
had been taught to believe that I was sent here to Dictate and to use
haughty language upon the Subject, at which idea I know from _undoubted
authority_ she was most violently irritated.... But I have reason to
think that She has entirely lost her Influence, though she meddles as
much as ever in business. She assists at every Council that is held....
“The King and Queen of Naples are, as I have already mentioned,
upon the worst terms.... His Sicilian Majesty considers the former
intrigues of the Queen as the principal cause of the misfortunes that
have befallen Him. He has made a solemn vow not to return with Her
to Naples, on which account he is anxious that she should take this
Journey to Vienna.” He adds that he has been led to suppose that Queen
Caroline’s visit to Vienna “is to endeavour to produce a change in the
disposition of that Court which is thought to be extremely unfriendly,”
and that her Majesty’s uneasiness was due to a suspicion that the
Emperor might be led to take advantage of the defenceless state of the
Sicilian dominions. In a “Private and Confidential” note to Grenville
of the same date dealing with the intrigues of Lady Hamilton who,
according to Paget, had represented him as a Jacobin and coxcomb, he
mentions Nelson’s health as “I fear sadly impaired, & I am assured
that his fortune is fallen into the same state in consequence of great
losses which both His Lordship & Lady Hamilton have sustained at Faro &
other Games of Hazard. They are expected back from Malta every day, &
are then I understand to proceed by Sea to England.”
The Earl of Dundonald affords us an intimate glimpse of Nelson at this
time in his “Autobiography.” He was then serving under Keith, and had
several conversations with the great sailor during the visit of the
Commander-in-chief to Palermo. “From one of his frequent injunctions,
‘Never mind manœuvres, always go at them,’ I subsequently had reason,”
he says, “to consider myself indebted for successful attacks under
apparently difficult circumstances.
“The impression left on my mind during these opportunities of
association with Nelson was that of his being an embodiment of dashing
courage, which would not take much trouble to circumvent an enemy, but
being confronted with one would regard victory so much a matter of
course as hardly to deem the chance of defeat worth consideration.”
Permission for Nelson’s return home, either by land or sea, was
duly granted by the Admiralty. Earl Spencer took occasion to mildly
rebuke the Admiral in a private letter, stating that in his opinion
it appears “more advisable for you to come home at once, than to be
obliged to remain inactive at Palermo, while active service was going
on in other parts of the station. I should still much prefer your
remaining to complete the reduction of Malta, which I flatter myself
cannot be very far distant.” At the time of writing, news of the
capture of the _Guillaume Tell_ had not been received. After hoping
that she might strike to Nelson’s flag, Spencer adds: “I am quite
clear, and I believe I am joined in opinion by all our friends here,
that you will be more likely to recover your health and strength in
England than in an inactive situation at a Foreign Court, however
pleasing the respect and gratitude shown to you for your services may
be, and no testimonies of respect and gratitude from that Court to you
can be, I am convinced, too great for the very essential services you
have rendered it.”
[Illustration: Lady Hamilton
=Photo W. A. Mansell & Co.=]
Nelson struck his flag on the 11th July, and proceeded to England by
way of Florence, Ancona, Trieste, and Vienna. The journey was made by
land so far as Ancona, where the Queen, Nelson, Lord and Lady Hamilton,
and Miss Knight were taken on board a Russian vessel and landed at
Trieste on the 2nd August. The last-mentioned lady, to whom we have
been introduced on a previous page, was intimately acquainted with her
more eminent companions. The journey was of a very adventurous nature,
as the following extracts from her letters to “fighting Berry,” printed
by Nicolas, will prove:--
“July 16th.-- ... Lord Nelson is going on an expedition he disapproves,
and against his own convictions, because he has promised the Queen, and
that others advise her. I pity the Queen. Prince Belmonte directs the
march; and Lady Hamilton, though she does not like him, seconds his
proposals, because she hates the sea, and wishes to visit the different
Courts of Germany. Sir William says _he_ shall die by the way, and he
looks so ill, that I should not be surprised if he did. I am astonished
that the Queen, who is a sensible woman,[48] should consent to
run so great a risk; but I can assure you, that neither she nor the
Princesses forget their great obligations to you....
“ANCONA, _24th July_, 1800.--As I find delays succeed each other, and
England still recedes from us, I will not omit, at least, informing you
of our adventures. We left Leghorn the day after I wrote to you, ...
and owing more to good fortune than to prudence, arrived in twenty-six
hours at Florence, after passing within _two miles_ of the French
advanced posts. After a short stay, we proceeded on our way to this
place. At Castel San Giovanni, the coach, in which were Lord Nelson,
and Sir William and Lady Hamilton, was overturned; Sir William and Lady
Hamilton were hurt, but not dangerously. The wheel was repaired, but
broke again at Arezzo--the Queen two days’ journey before them, and
news of the French Army advancing rapidly, it was therefore decided
that they should proceed, and Mrs Cadogan[49] and I remain with the
broken carriage, as it was of less consequence we should be left
behind, or taken, than they.... Just as we were going to set off, we
received accounts of the French being very near the road where we had
to pass, and of its being also infested with Neapolitan deserters;
but at the same moment arrived a party of Austrians, and the Officers
gave us two soldiers as a guard. We travelled night and day; the roads
are almost destroyed, and the misery of the inhabitants is beyond
description. At length, however, we arrived at Ancona, and found that
the Queen had given up the idea of going in the _Bellona_, an Austrian
Frigate, fitted up with silk hangings, carpets, and eighty beds for
her reception, and now meant to go with a Russian Squadron of three
Frigates and a Brig. I believe she judged rightly; for there had been a
mutiny on board the _Bellona_, and, for the sake of accommodation, she
had reduced her guns to twenty-four, while the French, in possession
of the Coast, arm Trabaccoli, and other light Vessels, that could
easily surround and take her. This Russian Squadron is commanded by
Count Voinovitsch, a Dalmatian, who having seen his people ill-treated,
and their colours destroyed by the Germans last year at the Siege of
Ancona, made a vow never to come ashore, and keeps it religiously,
for he has not returned the Queen’s visit.... Lord Nelson talks often
of the _Foudroyant_, whatever is done to turn off the conversation;
and last night he was talking with Captain Messer of the manœuvres he
intended to make in case he accepted of another command. In short, I perceive that his thoughts turn towards England, and I hope, and believe he will be happy there.... Lord Nelson has been received with acclamations in all the towns of the Pope’s States.

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