2015년 3월 30일 월요일

The Russian Story Book 1

The Russian Story Book 1

The Russian Story Book
Containing tales from the song-cycles of Kiev and Novgorod
and other early sources
Author: Richard Wilson
Frank C. Papé
I have gone right into the heart of "Holy Russia," to Kiev and
Novgorod and the borders of the Caspian, in an endeavour to show by
means of some of the early legends the ideals and point of view of the
Russian nation while it was in the process of being made. The stories
of the song-cycles of Kiev and Novgorod tell of a barbaric, though
not a barbarian, world, full of high colour and spirited action,
of the knock-down blow followed quickly by the hand of friendship
freely extended to pick up the fallen foeman--if indeed he has had
the hardihood to survive.
The land of Vladimir and Ilya of Murom the Old Cossáck is a Christian
land, with the Christianity of the Greek Church, and it is before all
else an Easter land, where the Christian Festival of the Resurrection
means infinitely more than it can ever do in countries which are not
ice-bound for several winter months. The country is, moreover, an
outpost of Christianity towards the East--uninfluenced by Renaissance
or Reformation--and must therefore have developed interesting
characteristics entirely different from those of Western lands. I
think that such characteristics are clearly shown in these stories,
but I must leave those of my older readers who are interested in
this matter to find them out and to discover the Arthur, Guinevere
and Galahad of Russia; for my first concern is to tell a tale which
will please healthy-minded boys and girls in their early teens.
This book might have been written by a Russian who thoroughly
understands our language, or by an English author who has
spent the best part of a lifetime in studying Russia and the
Russians, illustrated by a native artist, and decorated by a Russian
designer. When such a volume does appear, it will have a great interest
for me. Meanwhile, I submit that there is some artistic unity, also,
in a volume of Russian stories, written by an Englishman, illustrated
by an English artist, and decorated by an English designer, the whole
production being for an English child.
One cannot delve far into these folk-lore records without becoming
indebted to Miss I. F. Hapgood's English renderings from the
collections of Kirshá Danilóv, P. B. Kirýeevsky, A. T. Gillferding,
Rybnikof, P. A. Bezsónof and others, published in New York in 1885;
to J. Curtin's literal translations from the Naródniya Rússyika
Shazki of A. N. Afanásieva; to W. R. S. Ralston's books on Russian
folk-song and fable; and to the writings of the Hon. Maurice Baring and
Mr. Stephen Graham. To all of these I desire to express my indebtedness
for help and guidance, though the responsibility for the telling
and interpretation of the tales is entirely my own. If this little
collection makes the British child more sympathetic towards Russia
and helps it to understand the Russian people to a small degree its
purpose will have been achieved.
R. W.
Hampstead, 1915.
Ilya and Cloudfall 11
Ilya meets Svyatogor and parts with Him 19
Ilya and Nightingale the Robber 33
Ilya and Falcon the Hunter 51
The Adventure of the Burning White Stone 73
How Quiet Dunai had brought the Princess Apraxia
to Kiev 83
The Story of Nikitich and Marina 103
How the Court of Vladimir received a Visitor from
India the Glorious 119
The Story of Kasyan and the Dream Maiden 149
How Stavr the Noble was saved by a Woman's Wiles 161
The Golden Horde 175
Whirlwind the Whistler, or the Kingdoms of Copper,
Silver, and Gold 195
Vasily the Turbulent 231
Nikita the Footless and the Terrible Tsar 267
Peerless Beauty the Cake-Baker 289
For thirty years Ilya sat upon the stove in his mother's cottage,
for he was a helpless cripple without arms or legs, and really of
no use to any one, either in the house or out of it. But when these
quiet years were past and over, Ilya came to his own, as you shall see.
One summer day his father and mother took down the wooden rakes and
went out into the sunny meadow round which the tall pines stood to
help to make the hay; and Ilya was left alone in the cottage with
his thoughts.
All at once he heard a deep voice at the door which said, "In the
Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." "Amen,"
responded Ilya at once, and three wayfarers entered after bowing at
the threshold. They were old and venerable, and Ilya knew them at
once to be singers of holy psalms, who never lacked food and drink
among the peasants whose lives they cheered. So, when they asked him
for something to drink, he spoke gently to them, partly, however,
because he feared the result of their displeasure.
"Venerable masters," he said, "whatever is within the house is yours,
but, to my sorrow, I cannot rise to wait upon you." Then the holy men
looked steadily at him, and before their steadfast gaze Ilya's eyes
fell in humility as before the Holy Cross; and as he looked downwards
they said to him, "Arise and wash yourself, for you shall be able to
walk and to wait upon us."
Somehow, Ilya seemed to obey them in spite of himself. He got down
from the stove and walked with the legs of a full-grown man of mighty
stature. Then stretching out his brawny arms he took the cup, filled it
with the drink of the rye, and offered it to the holy guests on bended
knee. They took it from him, drank one after the other, and gave it
to him again, saying, "Drink in your turn, Ilya." The young man obeyed
without a word, and then awaited the further pleasure of the visitors.
"Ilya, son of weakness," they said, "how is it with your strength?"
"I thank you with reverence, venerable sirs," he replied, bowing low
before them, "my strength is now such as could surely move the earth."
The old men turned from him and regarded each other with a look of
wisdom so pure and clear and like a shaft of brightest sunlight that
Ilya's eyes sought the earthen floor of the cottage once again.
Then one of the guests, who seemed to be the leader, said in a quiet
voice of authority, "Give us to drink once more," and Ilya obeyed
without question. "Drink now yourself, Ilya," they said, and he did so.
"Ilya, son of weakness," they said, "how is it now with your strength?"
"I thank you with reverence, venerable sirs," he said, "my strength
is great, but only half the strength I had."
"That is well," said the old men; "if it were greater, then moist
Mother Earth would be too frail to bear you."
Then the old men told Ilya to go out into the summer sunlight, and
he walked out of the cottage for the first time, followed by his
deliverers; and there, standing in the light, the young man received
his blessing and his charge.
"Ilya, son of strength," they said, "it is God Himself who has redeemed
you from weakness. Therefore you are bound to defend the faith of
Christ against all unbelievers, however bold and daring they may be,
remembering always that it is not written that you should come to
your death in battle.
"In the whole white world there is none stronger than you except
Svyatogor, whom you will meet before long. Avoid conflict with him,
and him alone; do not spend your strength on the soil or the meadow
or the forest, but set out without delay for the royal city of Kiev."
Having spoken these words, the old men vanished, and Ilya did not
see either how or where they went. He only knew that he stood alone
in the light of the sun, and he stretched out his great arms as if
he had just awakened from a long refreshing sleep.
Then the young giant went to seek his father and mother, and found
them resting in the shade of the pine trees by the side of the
meadow. The whole company was asleep, and taking up one of their
axes, Ilya began to hew at the trunks of the pines. It is a matter
for wonder that the sound of the crashing trunks which was soon heard
did not immediately awake the sleepers, for the young man laid about
him lustily during the space of an hour, and at the end of that time
had felled a small wood about the extent of a field; which is really
not so very marvellous after all, seeing that he had been storing up
strength for thirty years. When he had finished this work he drove
all the axes lying near the sleepers into a tree-stump with a quiet
laugh. "Ah," he said to himself, "they must ask me for these axes if
they wish to use them again."
After a while the young man's parents and their labourers awoke from
sleep, for by his tree-felling Ilya had taken away the shade, and the
hot sunlight was now beating full upon their faces. With blinking
eyes they looked around, and when they saw the fallen timber and
the axes deeply embedded in the stump of a tree, they began somewhat
slowly to be filled with very great wonder, and said to one another,"Who has done this?"

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