2016년 5월 2일 월요일

Browere's Life Masks of Great Americans 8

Browere's Life Masks of Great Americans 8

It is certainly of curious interest to have busts of three generations,
in one family, made by the same hand and within a few days of each
other, as is the case with Browere’s casts of John, John Quincy, and
Charles Francis Adams.
_Mr. and Mrs. Madison_
“Jimmy” Madison and his wife “Dolly” were prominent characters in social
as well as in public life. He early made a name for himself by his
knowledge of constitutional law, and acquired fame by the practical use
he made of his knowledge, in the creation of the Constitution of the
United States, and in its interpretation in the celebrated letters of
the “Federalist.” With the close of Washington’s administration Madison
determined to retire to private life, but shortly before this he met the
coy North Carolina Quakeress, Dorothea Payn. She was at the time the
young widow of John Todd, to whom she had been married not quite a year,
and Madison made her his wife.
James Madison was born in 1751 and Dorothea Payn in 1772, but the score
and one years’ difference in their ages did
[Illustration: JAMES MADISON
Age 74]
not prevent them from enjoying a married life of two score and two years
of unclouded happiness. Madison died in 1836, and was survived by Mrs.
Madison for thirteen years.
Madison’s temperament, like that of his young bride, was tuned to too
high a pitch to be contented with quietness after the excitement
incident to his earlier career. Therefore his retirement, like stage
farewells, was only temporary, and he became afterward the fourth
President of the United States. As we have seen, it was Madison who
brought Browere to the notice of Jefferson, and Browere was commended to
Madison in the following letter from General Jacob Brown, the land hero
of the war of 1812, and later Commander-in-chief of the Army of the
United States:
WASHINGTON CITY, Oct. 1st, 1825.
_My Dear Sir_:
Mr. Browere waits on you and Mrs. Madison with the expectation of
being permitted to take your portrait busts from the life. As I
have a sincere regard for him as a gentleman and a scholar, and
great confidence in his skill as an artist (he having made two
busts of myself), in the art which he is cultivating, I name him to
you with much pleasure as being worthy of your encouragement and
patronage. I am interested in having Mr. Browere take your
likeness, for I have long been desirous to obtain a perfect one of
you. From what I have seen and heard of Mr. Browere’s efforts to
copy nature, I hope to receive from his hands that desideratum in a
faithful facsimile of my esteemed friend ex-President Madison. Be
pleased to present my most respectful regards to Mrs. Madison, and
believe me always
Your most devoted friend,
From this introduction Browere seems to have gained the friendship of
Mr. and Mrs. Madison, who took more than an ordinary interest in the
artist and his family. They were on terms of familiar intercourse, and
an infant, born to Mrs. Browere, July 3, 1826, was, by Mrs. Madison’s
permission, named for her. Some years later this child accompanied her
parents on an extended visit to Montpelier.
That Madison was satisfied with the result of Browere’s skill is shown
by the following:
Per request of Mr. Browere, busts of myself and of my wife,
regarded as exact likenesses, have been executed by him in
plaister, being casts made from the moulds formed on our persons,
of which this certificate is given under my hand at Montpelier, 19,
October, 1825.
[Illustration: “DOLLY” MADISON
Age 53]
Mr. and Mrs. Madison each submitted to Browere’s process a second time,
which is sufficient evidence that the ordeal was not severe and
hazardous. The bust of Madison is very fine in character and __EXPRESSION__,
but that of Mrs. Madison is of particular interest, as being the only
woman’s face handed down to us by Browere. Her great beauty has been
heralded by more than one voice and one pen, but not one of the many
portraits that we have of her, from that painted by Gilbert Stuart, aged
about thirty, to the one drawn by Mr. Eastman Johnson, shortly before
her death, sustains the verbal verdict of her admirers; and now the life
mask by Browere would seem to settle the question of her beauty in the
“Dolly” Madison was in her fifty and third year when Browere made his
mask of her face, and she lived on for a quarter century. She has always
been surrounded by an atmosphere of personal interest, not so much for
what she was as for what she was supposed to be. She doubtless possessed
a charm of manner that made her a most attractive hostess at the White
House during her reign of eight years, in which particular she shares
the laurels with the winsome wife of Mr. Cleveland.
_Charles Carroll of Carrollton_
The last of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, to be
gathered to his fathers, was the distinguished Marylander, Charles
Carroll of Carrollton, who so signed his name to distinguish himself
from a younger kinsman of the same name, his object being merely
purposes of convenience, and not the patriotic purpose of identifying
himself to the British, as is commonly stated. Charles Carroll was not a
member of the Continental Congress when the Declaration of Independence
was adopted, but took his seat a fortnight afterward, in time to sign
the instrument with the rest of the sitting delegates, when it was
placed before them on August 2, 1776.
Mr. Carroll died November 14, 1832, in his ninety-sixth
Age 88]
year, and his last public act was to lay the corner-stone of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad on July 4, 1828. From the description of his
personal appearance at this time, as given by Hon. John H. B. Latrobe,
it would seem as if it had been written of Browere’s bust, so true is
Browere’s work to the life. Mr. Latrobe says: “In my mind’s eye I see
Mr. Carroll now--a small, attenuated old man, with a prominent nose and
receding chin, [and] small eyes that sparkled when he was interested in
conversation. His head was small and his hair white, rather long and
silky, while his face and forehead were seamed with wrinkles.”
At the present time, when foreign matrimonial alliances of high degree,
with American women, are of almost daily occurrence, it is interesting
to note that among the first American women to marry into the nobility
of England were three granddaughters of the “signer,” Charles Carroll of
Carrollton. They were the children of his daughter, Mrs. Caton, and
became respectively the Marchioness of Wellesley, the Duchess of Leeds,
and Lady Stafford.
Browere, when he presented himself to Mr. Carroll for the purpose of
making his mask, was armed with the following letter from the eminent
scientist, Doctor Samuel Latham Mitchill, which contains the super-added
endorsements of Archibald Robertson, Richard Riker and M. M. Noah:
NEW YORK, July 8, 1825.
_My dear Sir_:
I approve your design of executing a likeness in statuary of the
Honorable Charles Carroll of Carrollton. When you shall present
yourself to him within a few days, I authorize you to employ my
testimony in favor of your skill, having submitted more than once
to your plastic operation. I know that you can perform it
successfully without pain and within a reasonable time. The
likenesses you have made are remarkably exact, so much so that they
may be truly called facsimile imitations of the life. Your gallery
contains so many specimens of correct casts that not only common
observers, but even critical judges bear witness to your industry,
genius and talents. I foresee that your collection of busts already
well advanced and rapidly enlarging, will, if your labors continue,
become a depositary of peculiar and intrinsic value. Without
instituting any invidious comparison between sister arts, the
professional branch under which you address Mr. Carroll, possesses,
in my humble opinion, all the superiority that sculpture exercises
over music and painting.     Yours, with kind feelings and fervent wishes for success,SAMUEL L. MITCHILL.

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