2016년 5월 2일 월요일

Browere's Life Masks of Great Americans 14

Browere's Life Masks of Great Americans 14

In the United States Senate he was for many years chairman of the
Judiciary Committee, and, on the Florida territorial bill voted against
the increase of slavery. He was a strict constructionist of the
Constitution, recognizing that as the only safe canon of interpretation
for a fundamental law; and he had pronounced views in favor of State
rights and against the power of the United States Supreme Court, to
overthrow State laws, believing this contrary to the provision of the
Constitution insuring the inviolability of contracts.
In 1828 he was called from the Senate to the gubernatorial chair of New
York, and, supporting Jackson for the Presidency, was made by him
Secretary of State, which office he resigned to accept the English
mission; but, by the opposition of John C. Calhoun, he was not
confirmed. This discreditable action increased Van Buren’s popularity,
and he succeeded Calhoun as Vice-President for Jackson’s second term,
soon being regarded as the lineal successor to the Presidency. He was
elected, over Harrison and over Webster, pledged to oppose any
interference with slavery in the slave States. The ruling act of his
administration was one for the lasting benefit of the nation, which
never should be forgotten. In his first message to Congress he
deprecated the deposit of public moneys in private banks, which had
followed Jackson’s removal of the deposits from the United States Bank,
and urged an independent treasury for the safe-keeping and disbursements
of the public money; but it was not until near the close of his
administration that he secured congressional assent to the measure. This
has been far-reaching in its beneficial effects, and too much honor
cannot be accorded Van Buren, for his action in the matter, which has
saved the treasury from great financial disruptions. Notwithstanding
this, his administration went down in a cloud, and he was overwhelmingly
defeated for a second term.
Van Buren was opposed to the extension of slavery, but on all other
points was an uncompromising Democrat. On this platform he was again
nominated for the Presidency, in 1848, with Charles Francis Adams as
Vice-President. The result of his candidature was the defeat of General
Cass, the regular Democratic nominee, and the election of General
Taylor. After this he retired from public life and devoted his time to
the writing of his “Inquiry into the Origin and Course of Political
Parties in the United States,” a work which has been called more an
apology than a history. When the Civil War came upon the nation, Van
Buren gave zealous support to the National Government. He was an intense
partisan, masterful in leadership, reducing politics to a fine art. It
has been well said that, “combining the statesman’s foresight with the
politician’s tact, he showed his sagacity, rather by seeking a majority
for his views than by following the views of a majority.” He was far
from being a demagogue, and he was frequently found fighting on the
unpopular side. His convictions were strong, and he adhered to them with
tenacity. While from peculiar circumstances his public career has been
the subject of much partisan denunciation, he is entitled, both for
activity and ability, to a higher niche in the temple of fame than is
commonly accorded him. Van Buren was small in stature and of blond
coloring. The physiognomist would accord to him penetration, quickness
of apprehension and benevolence of disposition, while the phrenologist
would add unusual reflective faculties, firmness and caution.
_Death Mask of James Monroe_
The masks that Browere made from the subject in full life, must not be
confused in any sense with the more common mask made after death. This
confusion could not occur with any one who has had an opportunity to
observe Browere’s work or to make comparison with the reproductions in
this book; but persons not familiar with these portrait busts, and
having only some knowledge of masks made after death, or of such life
masks as Clark Mills made,--which are thoroughly death-like in their
character,--might easily fall into such an error, and, looking upon the
latter as repulsive and worthless as portraiture, give no heed to the
different character and true value of Browere’s living likenesses.
Mr. Laurence Hutton, in his very curious and interesting volume entitled
“Portraits in Plaster,” says: “The value of a plaster cast as a
portrait of the dead or living face cannot for a moment be questioned.
It must of necessity be absolutely true to nature. It cannot flatter; it
cannot caricature. It shows the subject as he was, not only as others
saw him in the actual flesh, but as he saw himself. And in the case of a
death mask particularly, it shows the subject often as he permitted no
one but himself to see himself. He does not pose; he does not ‘try to
look pleasant.’ In his mask he is seen, as it were, with his mask off.”
I do not quote these words, of my accomplished friend Mr. Hutton, simply
for the purpose of combating them, but to show how differently two,
perfectly sincere, honest delvers after historic truth, can see the same
thing. Having made portraiture my study for many years, and thus having
in my mind’s eye, indelibly fixed, the faces of legions of public men, I
have yet to see a death mask that I could recognize at sight; many I
could recall when told whose masks they were, but more yet have, to my
vision, no resemblance whatever to the living man. Mr. Story, the
eminent American sculptor but recently deceased, recognized how
untrustworthy even life masks are as portraits. In speaking of what is
claimed to be Houdon’s original mask of Washington, which Mr. Story
owned, he wrote: “Indeed, a mask from the living face, though it repeats
exactly the true forms of the original, lacks the spirit and __EXPRESSION__
of the real person.” So true is this, that when Mr. St. Gaudens first
saw Clark Mills’s life mask of President Lincoln, he insisted that it
was a death mask; for, without “the spirit and __EXPRESSION__,” where can
the likeness be? As Sir Joshua Reynolds says in one of his Discourses:
“In portraits, the grace and, we may add, the likeness consists more in
taking the general air than in observing the exact similitude of every
feature.” In photography we have “the exact similitude of every
feature,” yet how often are photographs bad likenesses, because they
lack “the spirit and __EXPRESSION__”!
While it is possible to preserve “the spirit and __EXPRESSION__” as well as
to give “the exact similitude of every feature” in a life mask, as
exemplified in the marvellous work of Browere, it is impossible in a
death mask, for these evanescent qualities are then gone. I am not quite
certain that even “the exact similitude of every feature” is preserved
in a death mask; certainly the natural relation of one feature to
another is not. The death mask may, to a degree, be a correct
reproduction of the bony structure, but only to a limited degree as it
was in nature, for the obvious reason that the ligaments, holding the
sections of bone together in their proper places, become relaxed with
dissolution, and the bones lose their exact positions, which condition
even the slight weight of the plaster increases.
Masks, too, will sometimes approach caricature, if they will not
flatter, for they will reproduce peculiarities of formation which may
not be observable superficially. This view is emphasized by Lavater in
his “Physiognomy,” as quoted by Mr. Hutton. Lavater writes: “The dead
and the impressions of the dead, taken in plaster, are not less worthy
of observation [than the living faces]. The settled features _are much
more prominent_ than in the living and in the sleeping. What life makes
fugitive, death arrests. What was undefinable, is defined. All is
reduced to its proper level; each trait is in its exact proportion,
unless excruciating disease or accident have preceded death.” This is
undoubtedly true from the point of view of the physiognomist, and it is
his much desired vantage-ground, for his only object is to read the
features laid bare.
From Browere’s hand we have but one death mask, and although it is open
to much of the objection urged against death masks generally, it is
superior to any other death mask I have ever seen. It is difficult to
believe it was made after life was gone, so vibrant with life it seems.
It possesses more living, breathing qualities than the life masks made
by other men. If any proof were needed of the inestimable value of
Browere’s lost process for making masks, it can be found in the quality
of this death mask of James Monroe.
Monroe’s name is perhaps more familiarly known to the public than that
of any other President, save Washington and Lincoln, owing to its
association with the doctrine, which he
promulgated, of non-interference on the western hemisphere by European
nations, known as the “Monroe Doctrine.” He was the fourth of the seven
Virginian Presidents, and left William and Mary College, when only
eighteen, as a lieutenant in Hugh Mercer’s regiment, to join
Washington’s army. He served throughout the Revolutionary War, having
been wounded at Trenton, and was present at Monmouth, Brandywine, and
Germantown. In 1782 he took his seat in the Assembly of Virginia, and
later was a delegate to Congress. Monroe took an active part in the
controversy relative to the settlement of the Northwest Territory, which
was quieted only by the Ordinance of 1787; and although he had a hand in
originating the convention to frame a constitution for the General
Government, he was not a member of it, and opposed the ratification of
its work.
He was elected to the Senate of the United States in 1790, and held the
office until he was sent as minister to France, four years later. He was
a bitter anti-Federalist and opponent of the administration of
Washington, so that his appointment to France came as a great surprise;
and his action in recognizing the Republic, was an even greater surprise
to his home government. For this he was reprimanded, and on his return
published a defence of his conduct. He was Governor of Virginia, from
1797 to 1802, and returned to France as special envoy to negotiate with
Napoleon the purchase of Louisiana. He was again Governor of Virginia,
but resigned to accept the portfolio of state in Madison’s cabinet,
which was the stepping-stone to the succession in the Presidency. This
high office he held for two terms, and for the last term there was only
one electoral vote cast against him. It was in the second year of his
second term, 1823, that he enunciated the famous Monroe Doctrine of
“Hands off!” contained in two brief paragraphs in his annual message,
which doctrine is logically nullified by the present foreign policy of
the country.
Monroe’s administration has been designated “the Era of Good Feeling,”
and he should always be remembered as an upright and honest politician.
As is too often the case with men who give their best years to the
public service, his latter days were burdened by intense poverty, and he

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