2016년 5월 3일 화요일

Lentala of The South Seas 7

Lentala of The South Seas 7

"Oh, yes!"
"Very much?"
Christopher solemnly nodded.
"If--if we want to go away with you and your people, would you take us?"
"Oh, yes!"
"And be kind to us?"
"Me?" He turned to me, and so did Beelo.
"Yes, Christopher."
"_He_ will," was the answer.
Beelo, seized with one of his unexpected whirlwinds, threw his arms
round Christopher, and laughed.
I turned him about, and, holding both his hands, looked smilingly into
his brilliant eyes.
"Show me the way to serve you and your sister, Beelo," I said. "I alone,
or Christopher and I together, will obey any instructions from you; we
will do whatever you say, go wherever you direct,--cut ourselves off
from every protection except yours. Isn't our trust complete?"
"Yes, Yoseph--Choseph," he banteringly answered. Then, in a flash, "I
mean Mr. Tudor."
"Joseph--to you," I returned.
He put his mouth through contortions over the F, and finally, with a
restful gasp, blurted out:
His gentleness overwhelmed me, and I, being naturally affectionate, and
timid only with women, forgot my feeling of constraint toward him, and
caught him in my arms. But he did not have for me the pressure and the
laughter that he had given Christopher. On the contrary, he resisted and
then sprang away.
I wondered what thoughts were perplexing him as he stood off, regarding
me in his odd little quizzical fashion, and was astounded when he said:
"Lentala says that Annabel is beautiful and lovely." I could not imagine
what had suggested Annabel to him at this particular moment, but I
hastily agreed. He seemed not altogether pleased, but went on:
"You like her very much?"
"Yes; very much indeed."
He looked a little sullen, but soon recovered, and broke out in a very
rush of gay spirits. In a short time he suddenly became grave.
"I must go," he said. With a gentle, pleading look at me, he asked:
"Won't you be a Senatra? Christopher will help you."
"Yes, Beelo,--anything you wish."
"Very well. I will come every day for--maybe three days, and teach
Christopher. You will watch us. When you and Christopher are alone, he
will teach you. But you must dress every time as a Senatra!"
"Of course." My relief was great. For some incomprehensible reason I
did not wish the boy to train me, for that would have necessitated a
disagreeable loss of dignity before him.
"Good! And in three or four days,"--an oddly embarrassed __EXPRESSION__
rose in his face,--"would you like to go with me--you and dear old
Christopher--to see--the beautiful--the kind--the true--Lentala?" He was
"Yes!" I answered, and made an effort to catch him; but he darted away,
showering a cascade of laughter behind him.
So I was right in supposing that Beelo had been preparing us to
penetrate the mysteries beyond the valley ramparts, and lift the veil
behind which our fate was hidden.
"Christopher!" I cried in my joy, seizing him by the shoulder; "do you
"Yes, sir."
CHAPTER V.--The Opening of a Pit.
--Insolence and Rebellion in Camp. A Riot Averted. I Train for a
Dangerous Rôle. Plotting Among Us for the Destruction of the Colony.--
WHEN Christopher began my training and pursued it with such amazing
thoroughness, my feeling of being ridiculous disappeared. My love of
adventure in these preparations was mingled with other emotions,--the
fascination of hazard, a ===wish to risk everything for the colony,
and a strong desire to see Lentala and solve the mystery of her whole
conduct. Beelo was a will-o'-the-wisp.
Complications arose in camp. Although I had taken care to exercise my
authority in a bland way, it became necessary at times to be severe. My
greatest difficulty was inability to find the source of a disaffection
working insidiously among the young men. Captain Mason had not observed
it, lacking my opportunity, and I decided to be more positive and to
find evidence before laying the matter before him.
I was intimately thrown with the men by directing the work on the farm.
The labor was exhausting on account of the heat. For this reason, and
because some men could bear the work better than others, and liked it,
I called out only volunteers; but selfishness on the part of some who
shirked brought grumbling. At first I had supposed that this was the
origin of the dissatisfaction, but presently a deeper cause appeared to
be in operation. As a test, and to secure fairness, I adopted a system
of levying on all the able-bodied men and requiring each to do his share
in turn.
In that way I came down on Rawley, who had never volunteered. When I
informed him one evening that his turn in the fields would come next
day, he stared at me in insolent silence.
That incident alone was not significant, but it made me alert, and I
instructed Christopher to keep a strict and secret watch on the camp. A
present necessity was to force the issue with Rawley, whose bearing was
a threat to the harmony and safety of the colony.
He had not taken the trouble to absent himself from the tables when I
called out the tale of men for the fields next morning, but lounged at
indolent unconcern. Annabel was not visible. Mr. Vancouver, sitting near
Rawley, had a suspiciously waiting air.
The young man did not rise with the others and prepare to go, but merely
stared at me. I went near and said in a low voice:
"These men will resent your refusal."
"Are you threatening me?" he said under his breath.
"Give my remark whatever construction you please," I answered.
He could not hide his anger and fear, for a glance showed him a
disquieting __EXPRESSION__ in the faces of the forty men waiting. Mr.
Vancouver looked surprised and irritated as he studied them. The men
in whom rebellion was stirring were such as he had always directed and
commanded,--artisans, mechanics, clerks, sturdy and spirited every one,
and loving fair play.
"Save yourself further trouble," Rawley drawled in an effort to be
nonchalant. "I'll go--if I feel like it, and when I'm ready."
Although the men could not hear him, they understood, and a murmur
arose. One of them angrily said: "He's too good to work."
Then came the outbreak.
"Put him under arrest! Duck him in the river! The snob!"
Annabel suddenly appeared. The men at once desisted, and she understood
the situation at a glance. Her astonishment grew as her look of angry
reproach at Rawley passed to her father and found him silent and pale,
as though for the first time he had seen the spirit of the common
She came to me and said: "Don't make trouble now. Be patient. You can
find a way."
I turned to the men.
"Gentlemen," I said, "I must remind you that you have not been empowered
by the colony to enforce its discipline. In this instance it is my
task alone, and I propose to handle it as I think best, without your
assistance, unless I call on you for it. Your attitude and remarks
just now were rebellious, and, if allowed by those in authority, would
disrupt us and place us at the mercy of savages. Leave this matter to
me, and depend on me to see it properly adjusted. Mr. Vancouver needs
Mr. Rawley today. Now to our work." My speech affected the men in two
quite different ways. Some, with a submissive glance at Mr. Vancouver
who was watching me curiously, were instantly satisfied; others looked
a little confused and rebellious, and were not cheerful in their
obedience. They appeared a trifle uneasy, as though something might
be afoot and they had not been informed. All of this sharpened my
After the day's work I had doubts as to whether I should report the
incident to Captain Mason, who had not been present. I felt that
something of an underground nature was at work, and that Mr. Vancouver
was its focus. I could make allowance for a man shattered by adversity,
but I supposed that Mr. Vancouver might have gathered himself up during
the weeks we had been held as prisoners.
It turned out that he had. When Christopher came to give me my drill in
the forest near the camp that day he brought disturbing information.
Mr. Vancouver and Rawley, in order to be alone, had gone into the forest
after I left for the fields, and talked. All that Christopher could
learn was that Mr. Vancouver was carrying on secret negotiations with
the king, and that a messenger from the palace was expected at a certain place within the forest in an hour.

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