2016년 5월 2일 월요일

Verses of a V.A.D. 5

Verses of a V.A.D. 5

Who shall avenge us for anguish unnamable,
Rivers of scarlet and crosses of grey,
Terror of night-time and blood-lust untamable,
Hate without pity where broken we lay?
A NIGHT of storm and thunder crashing by,
A bitter night of tempest and of rain--
Then calm at dawn beneath a wind-swept sky,
And broken flowers that will not bloom again.
An age of Death and Agony and Tears,
A cruel age of woe unguessed before--
Then peace to close the weary storm-wrecked years,
And broken hearts that bleed for evermore.
THE stars are shining bright above the camps,
The bugle calls float skyward, faintly clear;
Over the hill the mist-veiled motor lamps
Dwindle and disappear.
The notes of day’s good-bye arise and blend
With the low murmurous hum from tree and sod,
And swell into that question at the end
They ask each night of God--
Whether the dead within the burial ground
Will ever overthrow their crosses grey,
And rise triumphant from each lowly mound
To greet the dawning day.
Whether the eyes which battle sealed in sleep
Will open to reveillé once again,
And forms, once mangled, into rapture leap,
Forgetful of their pain.
But still the stars above the camp shine on,
Giving no answer for our sorrow’s ease,
And one more day with the Last Post has gone
Dying upon the breeze.
ÉTAPLES, _1918_.
BECAUSE I dare to stand outside the gate
Of that high temple wherein Fame abides,
And loudly knock, too eager to await
Whate’er betides,
May God forgive, since He alone can see
The joys that others have but I must miss,
For how shall Compensation come to me
If not through this?   

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