2017년 1월 31일 화요일

Hearts of Three 19

Hearts of Three 19

“But Leoncia?” Francis asked solicitously.
“Was born in the saddle, and in the saddle there are few Americanos she
would not weary,” came Enrico’s answer. “It would be well, with your
acquiescence, to swing out the long boat in case the _Dolores_ appears
upon us.”
“It’s all right, skipper, it’s all right,” Henry assured the breed
captain, who, standing on the beach with them, seemed loath to say
farewell and pull back to the _Angelique_ adrift half a mile away in the
dead calm which had fallen on Juchitan Inlet.
“It is what we call a diversion,” Francis explained. “That is a nice
word_diversion_. And it is even nicer when you see it work.”
“But if it don’t work,” Captain Trefethen protested, “then will it spell
a confounded word, which I may name as _catastrophe_.”
“That is what happened to the _Dolores_ when we tangled her propeller,”
Henry laughed. “But we do not know the meaning of that word. We use
_diversion_ instead. The proof that it will work is that we are leaving
Senor Solano’s two sons with you. Alvarado and Martinez know the
passages like a book. They will pilot you out with the first favoring
breeze. The Jefe is not interested in you. He is after us, and when we
take to the hills he’ll be on our trail with every last man of his.”
“Don’t you see!” Francis broke in. “The _Angelique_ is trapped. If we
remain on board he will capture us and the _Angelique_ as well. But we
make the diversion of taking to the hills. He pursues us. The
_Angelique_ goes free. And of course he won’t catch us.”
“But suppose I do lose the schooner!” the swarthy skipper persisted. “If
she goes on the rocks I will lose her, and the passages are very
“Then you will be paid for her, as I’ve told you before,” Francis said,
with a show of rising irritation.
“Also are there my numerous expenses——
Francis pulled out a pad and pencil, scribbled a note, and passed it
over, saying:
“Present that to Senor Melchor Gonzales at Bocas del Toro. It is for a
thousand gold. He is the banker; he is my agent, and he will pay it to
Captain Trefethen stared incredulously at the scrawled bit of paper.
“Oh, he’s good for it,” Henry said.
“Yes, sir, I know, sir, that Mr. Francis Morgan is a wealthy gentleman
of renown. But how wealthy is he? Is he as wealthy as I modestly am? I
own the _Angelique_, free of all debt. I own two town lots, unimproved,
in Colon. And I own four water-front lots in Belen that will make me
very wealthy when the Union Fruit Company begins the building of the
“How much, Francis, did your father leave you?” Henry quipped teasingly.
“Or, rather, how many?”
Francis shrugged his shoulders as he answered vaguely: “More than I have
fingers and toes.”
“Dollars, sir?” queried the captain.
Henry shook his head sharply.
“Thousands, sir?”
Again Henry shook his head.
“Millions, sir?”
“Now you’re talking,” Henry answered. “Mr. Francis Morgan is rich enough
to buy almost all of the Republic of Panama, with the Canal cut out of
the deal.”
The negro-Indian mariner looked his unbelief to Enrico Solano, who
“He is an honorable gentleman. I know. I have cashed his paper, drawn on
Senor Melchor Gonzales at Bocas del Toro, for a thousand pesos. There it
is in the bag there.”
He nodded his head up the beach to where Leoncia, in the midst of the
dunnage landed with them, was toying with trying to slip cartridges into
a Winchester rifle. The bag, which the skipper had long since noted, lay
at her feet in the sand.
“I do hate to travel strapped,” Francis explained embarrassedly to the
white men of the group. “One never knows when a dollar mayn’t come in
handy. I got caught with a broken machine at Smith River Comers, up New
York way, one night, with nothing but a check book, and, d’you know, I
couldn’t get even a cigarette in the town.”
“I trusted a white gentleman in Barbadoes once, who chartered my boat to
go fishing flying fish——” the captain began.
“Well, so long, skipper,” Henry shut him off. “You’d better be getting
on board, because we’re going to hike.”
And for Captain Trefethen, staring at the backs of his departing
passengers, remained naught but to obey. Helping to shove the boat off,
he climbed in, took the steering sweep, and directed his course toward
the _Angelique_. Glancing back from time to time, he saw the party on
the beach shoulder the baggage and disappear into the dense green wall
of vegetation.
* * * * *
They came out upon an inchoate clearing, and saw gangs of peons at work
chopping down and grubbing out the roots of the virgin tropic forest so
that rubber trees for the manufacture of automobile tires might be
planted to replace it. Leoncia, beside her father, walked in the lead.
Her brothers, Ricardo and Alesandro, in the middle, were burdened with
the dunnage, as were Francis and Henry, who brought up the rear. And
this strange procession was met by a slender, straight-backed,
hidalgo-appearing, elderly gentleman, who leaped his horse across
tree-trunks and stump-holes in order to gain to them.
He was off his horse, at sight of Enrico, sombrero in hand in
recognition of Leoncia, his hand extended to Enrico in greeting of
ancient friendship, his lips wording words and his eyes expressing
admiration to Enrico’s daughter.
The talk was in rapid-fire Spanish, and the request for horses preferred
and qualifiedly granted, ere the introduction of the two Morgans took
place. The haciendado’s horse, after the Latin fashion, was immediately
Leoncia’s, and, without ado, he shortened the stirrups and placed her
astride in the saddle. A murrain, he explained, had swept his plantation
of riding animals; but his chief overseer still possessed a
fair-conditioned one which was Enrico’s as soon as it could be procured.
His handshake to Henry and Francis was hearty as well as dignified, as
he took two full minutes ornately to state that any friend of his dear
friend Enrico was his friend. When Enrico asked the haciendado about the
trails up toward the Cordilleras and mentioned oil, Francis pricked up
his ears.
“Don’t tell me, Senor,” he began, “that they have located oil in
“They have,” the haciendado nodded gravely. “We knew of the oil ooze,
and had known of it for generations. But it was the Hermosillo Company
that sent its Gringo engineers in secretly and then bought up the land.
They say it is a great field. But I know nothing of oil myself. They
have many wells, and have bored much, and so much oil have they that it
is running away over the landscape. They say they cannot choke it
entirely down, such is the volume and pressure. What they need is the
pipe-line to ocean-carriage, which they have begun to build. In the
meantime it flows away down the canyons, an utter loss of incredible
“Have they built any tanks?” Francis demanded, his mind running eagerly
on Tampico Petroleum, to which most of his own fortune was pledged, and
of which, despite the rising stock-market, he had heard nothing since
his departure from New York.
The haciendado shook his head.
“Transportation,” he explained. “The freight from tide-water to the
gushers by mule-back has been prohibitive. But they have impounded much
of it. They have lakes of oil, great reservoirs in the hollows of the
hills, earthen-dammed, and still they cannot choke down the flow, and
still the precious substance flows down the canyons.”
“Have they roofed these reservoirs?” Francis inquired, remembering a
disastrous fire in the early days of Tampico Petroleum.
“No, Senor.”
Francis shook his head disapprovingly.
“They should be roofed,” he said. “A match from the drunken or
revengeful hand of any peon could set the whole works off. It’s poor
business, poor business.”
“But I am not the Hermosillo,” the haciendado said.
“For the Hermosillo Company, I meant, Senor,” Francis explained. “I am
an oil-man. I have paid through the nose to the tune of hundreds of
thousands for similar accidents or crimes. One never knows just how they
happen. What one does know is that they do happen——
What more Francis might have said about the expediency of protecting oil
reservoirs from stupid or wilful peons, was never to be known; for, at
the moment, the chief overseer of the plantation, stick in hand, rode
up, half his interest devoted to the newcomers, the other half to the
squad of peons working close at hand.
“Senor Ramirez, will you favor me by dismounting,” his employer, the
haciendado, politely addressed him, at the same time introducing him to
the strangers as soon as he had dismounted.
“The animal is yours, friend Enrico,” the haciendado said. “If it dies,
please return at your easy convenience the saddle and gear. And if your
convenience be not easy, please do not remember that there is to be any
return, save ever and always, of your love for me. I regret that you and
your party cannot now partake of my hospitality. But the Jefe is a
bloodhound, I know. We shall do our best to send him astray.”

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