2015년 3월 2일 월요일

Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome 20

Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome 20

4. THE ERYMANTIAN BOAR.--The fourth task imposed upon Heracles by
Eurystheus was to bring alive to Mycenæ the Erymantian boar, which had laid
waste the region of Erymantia, and was the scourge of the surrounding
On his way thither he craved food and shelter of a Centaur named Pholus,
who received him with generous hospitality, setting before him a good and
plentiful repast. When Heracles expressed his surprise that at such a
well-furnished board {241} wine should be wanting, his host explained that
the wine-cellar was the common property of all the Centaurs, and that it
was against the rules for a cask to be broached, except all were present to
partake of it. By dint of persuasion, however, Heracles prevailed on his
kind host to make an exception in his favour; but the powerful, luscious
odour of the good old wine soon spread over the mountains, and brought
large numbers of Centaurs to the spot, all armed with huge rocks and
fir-trees. Heracles drove them back with fire-brands, and then, following
up his victory, pursued them with his arrows as far as Malea, where they
took refuge in the cave of the kind old Centaur Chiron. Unfortunately,
however, as Heracles was shooting at them with his poisoned darts, one of
these pierced the knee of Chiron. When Heracles discovered that it was the
friend of his early days that he had wounded, he was overcome with sorrow
and regret. He at once extracted the arrow, and anointed the wound with a
salve, the virtue of which had been taught him by Chiron himself. But all
his efforts were unavailing. The wound, imbued with the deadly poison of
the Hydra, was incurable, and so great was the agony of Chiron that, at the
intercession of Heracles, death was sent him by the gods; for otherwise,
being immortal, he would have been doomed to endless suffering.
Pholus, who had so kindly entertained Heracles, also perished by means of
one of these arrows, which he had extracted from the body of a dead
Centaur. While he was quietly examining it, astonished that so small and
insignificant an object should be productive of such serious results, the
arrow fell upon his foot and fatally wounded him. Full of grief at this
untoward event, Heracles buried him with due honours, and then set out to
chase the boar.
With loud shouts and terrible cries he first drove him out of the thickets
into the deep snow-drifts which covered the summit of the mountain, and
then, having at length wearied him with his incessant pursuit, he captured
the exhausted animal, bound him with a rope, and brought him alive to
5. CLEANSING THE STABLES OF AUGEAS.--After slaying the Erymantian boar
Eurystheus commanded Heracles to cleanse in one day the stables of Augeas.
Augeas was a king of Elis who was very rich in herds. Three thousand of his
cattle he kept near the royal palace in an inclosure where the refuse had
accumulated for many years. When Heracles presented himself before the
king, and offered to cleanse his stables in one day, provided he should
receive in return a tenth part of the herds, Augeas, thinking the feat
impossible, accepted his offer in the presence of his son Phyleus.
Near the palace were the two rivers Peneus and Alpheus, the streams of
which Heracles conducted into the stables by means of a trench which he dug
for this purpose, and as the waters rushed through the shed, they swept
away with them the whole mass of accumulated filth.
But when Augeas heard that this was one of the labours imposed by
Eurystheus, he refused the promised guerdon. Heracles brought the matter
before a court, and called Phyleus as a witness to the justice of his
claim, whereupon Augeas, without waiting for the delivery of the verdict,
angrily banished Heracles and his son from his dominions.
6. THE STYMPHALIDES.--The sixth task was to chase away the Stymphalides,
which were immense birds of prey who, as we have seen (in the legend of the
Argonauts), shot from their wings feathers sharp as arrows. The home of
these birds was on the shore of the lake Stymphalis, in Arcadia (after
which they were called), where they caused great destruction among men and
On approaching the lake, Heracles observed great numbers of them; and,
while hesitating how to commence the attack, he suddenly felt a hand on his
shoulder. Looking round he beheld the majestic form of Pallas-Athene, who
held in her hand a gigantic pair of brazen clappers made by Hephæstus, with
which she {243} presented him; whereupon he ascended to the summit of a
neighbouring hill, and commenced to rattle them violently. The shrill noise
of these instruments was so intolerable to the birds that they rose into
the air in terror, upon which he aimed at them with his arrows, destroying
them in great numbers, whilst such as escaped his darts flew away, never to
7. THE CRETAN BULL.--The seventh labour of Heracles was to capture the
Cretan bull.
Minos, king of Crete, having vowed to sacrifice to Poseidon any animal
which should first appear out of the sea, the god caused a magnificent bull
to emerge from the waves in order to test the sincerity of the Cretan king,
who, in making this vow, had alleged that he possessed no animal, among his
own herds, worthy the acceptance of the mighty sea-god. Charmed with the
splendid animal sent by Poseidon, and eager to possess it, Minos placed it
among his herds, and substituted as a sacrifice one of his own bulls.
Hereupon Poseidon, in order to punish the cupidity of Minos, caused the
animal to become mad, and commit such great havoc in the island as to
endanger the safety of the inhabitants. When Heracles, therefore, arrived
in Crete for the purpose of capturing the bull, Minos, far from opposing
his design, gladly gave him permission to do so.
The hero not only succeeded in securing the animal, but tamed him so
effectually that he rode on his back right across the sea as far as the
Peloponnesus. He now delivered him up to Eurystheus, who at once set him at
liberty, after which he became as ferocious and wild as before, roamed all
over Greece into Arcadia, and was eventually killed by Theseus on the
plains of Marathon.
8. THE MARES OF DIOMEDES.--The eighth labour of Heracles was to bring to
Eurystheus the mares of Diomedes, a son of Ares, and king of the
Bistonians, a warlike Thracian tribe. This king possessed a breed of wild
horses of tremendous size and strength, whose food consisted of human
flesh, and all strangers who had the {244} misfortune to enter the country
were made prisoners and flung before the horses, who devoured them.
When Heracles arrived he first captured the cruel Diomedes himself, and
then threw him before his own mares, who, after devouring their master,
became perfectly tame and tractable. They were then led by Heracles to the
sea-shore, when the Bistonians, enraged at the loss of their king, rushed
after the hero and attacked him. He now gave the animals in charge of his
friend Abderus, and made such a furious onslaught on his assailants that
they turned and fled.
But on his return from this encounter he found, to his great grief, that
the mares had torn his friend in pieces and devoured him. After celebrating
due funereal rites to the unfortunate Abderus, Heracles built a city in his
honour, which he named after him. He then returned to Tiryns, where he
delivered up the mares to Eurystheus, who set them loose on Mount Olympus,
where they became the prey of wild beasts.
It was after the performance of this task that Heracles joined the
Argonauts in their expedition to gain possession of the Golden Fleece, and
was left behind at Chios, as already narrated. During his wanderings he
undertook his ninth labour, which was to bring to Eurystheus the girdle of
Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons.
9. THE GIRDLE OF HIPPOLYTE.--The Amazons, who dwelt on the shores of the
Black Sea, near the river Thermodon, were a nation of warlike women,
renowned for their strength, courage, and great skill in horsemanship.
Their queen, Hippolyte, had received from her father, Ares, a beautiful
girdle, which she always wore as a sign of her royal power and authority,
and it was this girdle which Heracles was required to place in the hands of
Eurystheus, who designed it as a gift for his daughter Admete.
Foreseeing that this would be a task of no ordinary difficulty the hero
called to his aid a select band of brave companions, with whom he embarked
for the Amazonian {245} town Themiscyra. Here they were met by queen
Hippolyte, who was so impressed by the extraordinary stature and noble
bearing of Heracles that, on learning his errand, she at once consented to
present him with the coveted girdle. But Hera, his implacable enemy,
assuming the form of an Amazon, spread the report in the town that a
stranger was about to carry off their queen. The Amazons at once flew to
arms and mounted their horses, whereupon a battle ensued, in which many of
their bravest warriors were killed or wounded. Among the latter was their
most skilful leader, Melanippe, whom Heracles afterwards restored to
Hippolyte, receiving the girdle in exchange.
On his voyage home the hero stopped at Troy, where a new adventure awaited
During the time that Apollo and Poseidon were condemned by Zeus to a
temporary servitude on earth, they built for king Laomedon the famous walls
of Troy, afterwards so renowned in history; but when their work was
completed the king treacherously refused to give them the reward due to
them. The incensed deities now combined to punish the offender. Apollo sent
a pestilence which decimated the people, and Poseidon a flood, which bore
with it a marine monster, who swallowed in his huge jaws all that came
within his reach.
In his distress Laomedon consulted an oracle, and was informed that only by
the sacrifice of his own daughter Hesione could the anger of the gods be
appeased. Yielding at length to the urgent appeals of his people he
consented to make the sacrifice, and on the arrival of Heracles the maiden
was already chained to a rock in readiness to be devoured by the monster.
When Laomedon beheld the renowned hero, whose marvellous feats of strength
and courage had become the wonder and admiration of all mankind, he
earnestly implored him to save his daughter from her impending fate, and to
rid the country of the monster, holding out to him as a reward the horses
which Zeus had presented to {246} his grandfather Tros in compensation for
robbing him of his son Ganymede.
Heracles unhesitatingly accepted the offer, and when the monster appeared,
opening his terrible jaws to receive his prey, the hero, sword in hand,
attacked and slew him. But the perfidious monarch once more broke faith,
and Heracles, vowing future vengeance, departed for Mycenæ, where he
presented the girdle to Eurystheus.
10. THE OXEN OF GERYONES.--The tenth labour of Heracles was the capture of
the magnificent oxen belonging to the giant Geryon or Geryones, who dwelt
on the island of Erythia in the bay of Gadria (Cadiz). This giant, who was
the son of Chrysaor, had three bodies with three heads, six hands, and six
feet. He possessed a herd of splendid cattle, which were famous for their
size, beauty, and rich red colour. They were guarded by another giant named
Eurytion, and a two-headed dog called Orthrus, the offspring of Typhon and
In choosing for him a task so replete with danger, Eurystheus was in hopes
that he might rid himself for ever of his hated cousin. But the indomitable
courage of the hero rose with the prospect of this difficult and dangerous
After a long and wearisome journey he at last arrived at the western coast
of Africa, where, as a monument of his perilous expedition, he erected the
famous "Pillars of Hercules," one of which he placed on each side of the
Straits of Gibraltar. Here he found the intense heat so insufferable that
he angrily raised his bow towards heaven, and threatened to shoot the
sun-god. But Helios, far from being incensed at his audacity, was so struck
with admiration at his daring that he lent to him the golden boat with
which he accomplished his nocturnal transit from West to East, and thus
Heracles crossed over safely to the island of Erythia.
No sooner had he landed than Eurytion, accompanied by his savage dog
Orthrus, fiercely attacked him; but Heracles, with a superhuman effort,
slew the dog and {247} then his master. Hereupon he collected the herd, and
was proceeding to the sea-shore when Geryones himself met him, and a
desperate encounter took place, in which the giant perished.
Heracles then drove the cattle into the sea, and seizing one of the oxen by
the horns, swam with them over to the opposite coast of Iberia (Spain).
Then driving his magnificent prize before him through Gaul, Italy, Illyria,
and Thrace, he at length arrived, after many perilous adventures and
hair-breadth escapes, at Mycenæ, where he delivered them up to Eurystheus,
who sacrificed them to Hera.
Heracles had now executed his ten tasks, which had been accomplished in the
space of eight years; but Eurystheus refused to include the slaying of the
Hydra and the cleansing of the stables of Augeas among the number, alleging
as a reason that the one had been performed by the assistance of Iolaus,
and that the other had been executed for hire. He therefore insisted on
Heracles substituting two more labours in their place.
11. THE APPLES OF THE HESPERIDES.--The eleventh task imposed by Eurystheus
was to bring him the golden apples of the Hesperides, which grew on a tree
presented by Gæa to Hera, on the occasion of her marriage with Zeus. This
sacred tree was guarded by four maidens, daughters of Night, called the
Hesperides, who were assisted in their task by a terrible hundred-headed
dragon. This dragon never slept, and out of its hundred throats came a
constant hissing sound, which effectually warned off all intruders. But
what rendered the undertaking still more difficult was the complete
ignorance of the hero as to the locality of the garden, and he was forced,
in consequence, to make many fruitless journeys and to undergo many trials
before he could find it.
He first travelled through Thessaly and arrived at the river Echedorus,
where he met the giant Cycnus, the son of Ares and Pyrene, who challenged
him to single combat. In this encounter Heracles completely vanquished
{248} his opponent, who was killed in the contest; but now a mightier
adversary appeared on the scene, for the war-god himself came to avenge his
son. A terrible struggle ensued, which had lasted some time, when Zeus
interfered between the brothers, and put an end to the strife by hurling a
thunderbolt between them. Heracles proceeded on his journey, and reached
the banks of the river Eridanus, where dwelt the Nymphs, daughters of Zeus
and Themis. On seeking advice from them as to his route, they directed him
to the old sea-god Nereus, who alone knew the way to the Garden of the
Hesperides. Heracles found him asleep, and seizing the opportunity, held
him so firmly in his powerful grasp that he could not possibly escape, so
that notwithstanding his various metamorphoses he was at last compelled to
give the information required. The hero then crossed over to Libya, where
he engaged in a wrestling-match with king Anteos, son of Poseidon and Gæa,
which terminated fatally for his antagonist.
From thence he proceeded to Egypt, where reigned Busiris, another son of
Poseidon, who (acting on the advice given by an oracle during a time of
great scarcity) sacrificed all strangers to Zeus. When Heracles arrived he
was seized and dragged to the altar; but the powerful demi-god burst
asunder his bonds, and then slew Busiris and his son.
Resuming his journey he now wandered on through Arabia until he arrived at
Mount Caucasus, where Prometheus groaned in unceasing agony. It was at this
time that Heracles (as already related) shot the eagle which had so long
tortured the noble and devoted friend of mankind. Full of gratitude for his
deliverance, Prometheus instructed him how to find his way to that remote
region in the far West where Atlas supported the heavens on his shoulders,
near which lay the Garden of the Hesperides. He also warned Heracles not to
attempt to secure the precious fruit himself, but to assume for a time the
duties of Atlas, and to despatch him for the apples. {249}
On arriving at his destination Heracles followed the advice of Prometheus.
Atlas, who willingly entered into the arrangement, contrived to put the
dragon to sleep, and then, having cunningly outwitted the Hesperides,
carried off three of the golden apples, which he now brought to Heracles.
But when the latter was prepared to relinquish his burden, Atlas, having
once tasted the delights of freedom, declined to resume his post, and
announced his intention of being himself the bearer of the apples to
Eurystheus, leaving Heracles to fill his place. To this proposal the hero
feigned assent, merely begging that Atlas would be kind enough to support
the heavens for a few moments whilst he contrived a pad for his head. Atlas
good-naturedly threw down the apples and once more resumed his load, upon
which Heracles bade him adieu, and departed.
When Heracles conveyed the golden apples to Eurystheus the latter presented
them to the hero, whereupon Heracles placed the sacred fruit on the altar
of Pallas-Athene, who restored them to the garden of the Hesperides.
12. CERBERUS.--The twelfth and last labour which Eurystheus imposed on
Heracles was to bring up Cerberus from the lower world, believing that all
his heroic powers would be unavailing in the Realm of Shades, and that in
this, his last and most perilous undertaking, the hero must at length
succumb and perish.
Cerberus was a monster dog with three heads, out of whose awful jaws
dripped poison; the hair of his head and back was formed of venomous
snakes, and his body terminated in the tail of a dragon.
After being initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries, and {250} obtaining
from the priests certain information necessary for the accomplishment of
his task, Heracles set out for Tænarum in Lacolia, where there was an
opening which led to the under-world. Conducted by Hermes, he commenced his
descent into the awful gulf, where myriads of shades soon began to appear,
all of whom fled in terror at his approach, Meleager and Medusa alone
excepted. About to strike the latter with his sword, Hermes interfered and
stayed his hand, reminding him that she was but a shadow, and that
consequently no weapon could avail against her.
Arrived before the gates of Hades he found Theseus and Pirithöus, who had
been fixed to an enchanted rock by Aïdes for their presumption in
endeavouring to carry off Persephone. When they saw Heracles they implored
him to set them free. The hero succeeded in delivering Theseus, but when he
endeavoured to liberate Pirithöus, the earth shook so violently beneath him
that he was compelled to relinquish his task.
Proceeding further Heracles recognized Ascalaphus, who, as we have seen in
the history of Demeter, had revealed the fact that Persephone had swallowed
the seeds of a pomegranate offered to her by her husband, which bound her
to Aïdes for ever. Ascalaphus was groaning beneath a huge rock which
Demeter in her anger had hurled upon him, and which Heracles now removed,
releasing the sufferer.
Before the gates of his palace stood Aïdes the mighty ruler of the lower
world, and barred his entrance; but Heracles, aiming at him with one of his
unerring darts, shot him in the shoulder, so that for the first time the
god experienced the agony of mortal suffering. Heracles then demanded of
him permission to take Cerberus to the upper-world, and to this Aïdes
consented on condition that he should secure him unarmed. Protected by his
breastplate and lion's skin Heracles went in search of the monster, whom he
found at the mouth of the river Acheron. Undismayed by the hideous barking
which proceeded from his three heads, he seized the {251} throat with one
hand and the legs with the other, and although the dragon which served him
as a tail bit him severely, he did not relinquish his grasp. In this manner
he conducted him to the upper-world, through an opening near Troezen in
When Eurystheus beheld Cerberus he stood aghast, and despairing of ever
getting rid of his hated rival, he returned the hell-hound to the hero, who
restored him to Aïdes, and with this last task the subjection of Heracles
to Eurystheus terminated.
MURDER OF IPHITUS.--Free at last Heracles now returned to Thebes; and it
being impossible for him to live happily with Megara in consequence of his
having murdered her children he, with her own consent, gave her in marriage
to his nephew Iolaus. Heracles himself sought the hand of Iole, daughter of
Eurytus, king of Oechalia, who had instructed him when a boy in the use of
the bow. Hearing that this king had promised to give his daughter to him
who could surpass himself and his three sons in shooting with the bow,
Heracles lost no time in presenting himself as a competitor. He soon proved
that he was no unworthy pupil of Eurytus, for he signally defeated all his
opponents. But although the king treated him with marked respect and honour
he refused, nevertheless, to give him the hand of his daughter, fearing for
her a similar fate to that which had befallen Megara. Iphitus, the eldest
son of Eurytus, alone espoused the cause of Heracles, and essayed to induce
his father to give his consent to the marriage; but all to no purpose, and
at length, stung to the quick at his rejection, the hero angrily took his
Soon afterwards the oxen of the king were stolen by the notorious thief
Autolycus, and Heracles was suspected by Eurytus of having committed the
theft. But Iphitus loyally defended his absent friend, and proposed to seek
out Heracles, and with his assistance to go in search of the missing
cattle. {252}
The hero warmly welcomed his staunch young friend, and entered cordially
into his plan. They at once set out on their expedition; but their search
proved altogether unsuccessful. When they approached the city of Tiryns
they mounted a tower in hopes of discovering the missing herd in the
surrounding country; but as they stood on the topmost summit of the
building, Heracles became suddenly seized with one of his former attacks of
madness, and mistaking his friend Iphitus for an enemy, hurled him down
into the plain below, and he was killed on the spot.
Heracles now set forth on a weary pilgrimage, begging in vain that some one
would purify him from the murder of Iphitus. It was during these wanderings
that he arrived at the palace of his friend Admetus, whose beautiful and
heroic wife (Alcestes) he restored to her husband after a terrible struggle
with Death, as already related.
Soon after this event Heracles was struck with a fearful disease, and
betook himself to the temple of Delphi, hoping to obtain from the oracle
the means of relief. The priestess, however, refused him a response on the
ground of his having murdered Iphitus, whereupon the angry hero seized upon
the tripod, which he carried off, declaring that he would construct an
oracle for himself. Apollo, who witnessed the sacrilege, came down to
defend his sanctuary, and a violent struggle ensued. Zeus once more
interfered, and, flashing his lightnings between his two favourite sons,
ended the combat. The Pythia now vouchsafed an answer to the prayer of the
hero, and commanded him, in expiation of his crime, to allow himself to be
sold by Hermes for three years as a slave, the purchase-money to be given
to Eurytus in compensation for the loss of his son.
HERACLES BECOMES THE SLAVE OF OMPHALE.--Heracles bowed in submission to the
divine will, and was conducted by Hermes to Omphale, queen of Lydia. The
three talents which she paid for him were given {253} to Eurytus, who,
however, declined to accept the money, which was handed over to the children of Iphitus.

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