2015년 3월 2일 월요일

Town Geology 5

Town Geology 5

Now let us do the same, and say--If this strange dream be true, and
the lowlands of the North were once under an icy sea, ought we not to
find sea-shells in their sands and clays? Not abundantly, of course.
We can understand that the sea-animals would be too rapidly covered
up in mud, and too much disturbed by icebergs and boulders, to be
very abundant. But still, some should surely be found here and
Doubtless; and if my northern-town readers will search the boulder-
clay pits near them, they will most probably find a few shells, if
not in the clay itself, yet in sand-beds mixed with them, and
probably underlying them. And this is a notable fact, that the more
species of shells they find, the more they will find--if they work
out their names from any good book of conchology--of a northern type;
of shells which notoriously, at this day, inhabit the colder seas.
It is impossible for me here to enter at length on a subject on which
a whole literature has been already written. Those who wish to study
it may find all that they need know, and more, in Lyell's "Student's
Elements of Geology," and in chapter xii. of his "Antiquity of Man."
They will find that if the evidence of scientific conchologists be
worth anything, the period can be pointed out in the strata, though
not of course in time, at which these seas began to grow colder, and
southern and Mediterranean shells to disappear, their places being
taken by shells of a temperate, and at last of an Arctic climate;
which last have since retreated either toward their native North, or
into cold water at great depths. From Essex across to Wales, from
Wales to the aestuary of the Clyde, this fact has been verified again
and again. And in the search for these shells, a fresh fact, and a
most startling one, was discovered. They are to be found not only in
the clay of the lowlands, but at considerable heights up the hills,
showing that, at some time or other, these hills have been submerged
beneath the sea.
Let me give one example, which any tourist into Wales may see for
himself. Moel Tryfaen is a mountain over Carnarvon. Now perched on
the side of that mountain, fourteen hundred feet above the present
sea-level, is an ancient sea-beach, five-and-thirty feet thick, lying
on great ice-scratched boulders, which again lie on the mountain
slates. It was discovered by the late Mr. Trimmer, now, alas! lost
to Geology. Out of that beach fifty-seven different species of
shells have been taken; eleven of them are now exclusively Arctic,
and not found in our seas; four of them are still common to the
Arctic seas and to our own; and almost all the rest are northern
Fourteen hundred feet above the present sea: and that, it must be
understood, is not the greatest height at which such shells may be
found hereafter. For, according to Professor Ramsay, drift of the
same kind as that on Moel Tryfaen is found at a height of two
thousand three hundred feet.
Now I ask my readers to use their common sense over this astounding
fact--which, after all, is only one among hundreds; to let (as Mr.
Matthew Arnold would well say) their "thought play freely" about it;
and consider for themselves what those shells must mean. I say not
may, but must, unless we are to believe in a "Deus quidam deceptor,"
in a God who puts shells upon mountain-sides only to befool honest
human beings, and gives men intellects which are worthless for even
the simplest work. Those shells must mean that that mountain, and
therefore the mountains round it, must have been once fourteen
hundred feet at least lower than they are now. That the sea in which
they were sunk was far colder than now. That icebergs brought and
dropped boulders round their flanks. That upon those boulders a sea-
beach formed, and that dead shells were beaten into it from a sea-
bottom close by. That, and no less, Moel Tryfaen must mean.
But it must mean, also, a length of time which has been well called
"appalling." A length of time sufficient to let the mountain sink
into the sea. Then length of time enough to enable those Arctic
shells to crawl down from the northward, settle, and propagate
themselves generation after generation; then length of time enough to
uplift their dead remains, and the beach, and the boulders, and all
Snowdonia, fourteen hundred feet into the air. And if anyone should
object that the last upheaval may have been effected suddenly by a
few tremendous earthquakes, we must answer--We have no proof of it.
Earthquakes upheave lands now only by slight and intermittent upward
pulses; nay, some lands we know to rise without any earthquake
pulses, but by simple, slow, upward swelling of a few feet in a
century; and we have no reason, and therefore no right, to suppose
that Snowdonia was upheaved by any means or at any rate which we do
not witness now; and therefore we are bound to allow, not only that
there was a past "age of ice," but that that age was one of
altogether enormous duration.
But meanwhile some of you, I presume, will be ready to cry--Stop! It
may be our own weakness; but you are really going on too fast and too
far for our small imaginations. Have you not played with us, as well
as argued with us, till you have inveigled us step by step into a
conclusion which we cannot and will not believe? That all this land
should have been sunk beneath an icy sea? That Britain should have
been as Greenland is now? We can't believe it, and we won't.
If you say so, like stout common-sense Britons, who have a wholesome
dread of being taken in with fine words and wild speculations, I
assure you I shall not laugh at you even in private. On the
contrary, I shall say--what I am sure every scientific man will say--
So much the better. That is the sort of audience which we want, if
we are teaching natural science. We do not want haste, enthusiasm,
gobe-moucherie, as the French call it, which is agape to snap up any
new and vast fancy, just because it is new and vast. We want our
readers to be slow, suspicious, conservative, ready to "gib," as we
say of a horse, and refuse the collar up a steep place, saying--I
must stop and think. I don't like the look of the path ahead of me.
It seems an ugly place to get up. I don't know this road, and I
shall not hurry over it. I must go back a few steps, and make sure.
I must see whether it is the right road; whether there are not other
roads, a dozen of them perhaps, which would do as well and better
than this.
This is the temper which finds out truth, slowly, but once and for
all; and I shall be glad, not sorry, to see it in my readers.
And I am bound to say that it has been by that temper that this
theory has been worked out, and the existence of this past age of
ice, or glacial epoch, has been discovered, through many mistakes,
many corrections, and many changes of opinion about details, for
nearly forty years of hard work, by many men, in many lands.
As a very humble student of this subject, I may say that I have been
looking these facts in the face earnestly enough for more than twenty
years, and that I am about as certain that they can only be explained
by ice, as I am that my having got home by rail can only be explained
by steam.
But I think I know what startles you. It is the being asked to
believe in such an enormous change in climate, and in the height of
the land above the sea. Well--it is very astonishing, appalling--all
but incredible, if we had not the facts to prove it. But of the
facts there can be no doubt. There can be no doubt that the climate
of this northern hemisphere has changed enormously more than once.
There can be no doubt that the distribution of land and water, the
shape and size of its continents and seas, have changed again and
again. There can be no doubt that, for instance, long before the age
of ice, the whole North of Europe was much warmer than it is now.
Take Greenland, for instance. Disco Island lies in Baffin's Bay, off
the west coast of Greenland, in latitude 70 degrees, far within the
Arctic circle. Now there certain strata of rock, older than the ice,
have not been destroyed by the grinding of the ice-cap; and they are
full of fossil plants. But of what kind of plants? Of the same
families as now grow in the warmer parts of the United States. Even
a tulip-tree has been found among them. Now how is this to be
Either we must say that the climate of Greenland was then so much
warmer than now, that it had summers probably as hot as those of New
York; or we must say that these leaves and stems were floated thither
from the United States. But if we say the latter, we must allow a
change in the shape of the land which is enormous. For nothing now
can float northward from the United States into Baffin's Bay. The
polar current sets OUT of Baffin's Bay southward, bringing icebergs
down, not leaves up, through Davis's Straits. And in any case we
must allow that the hills of Disco Island were then the bottom of a
sea: or how would the leaves have been deposited in them at all?
So much for the change of climate and land which can be proved to
have gone on in Greenland. It has become colder. Why should it not
some day become warmer again?
Now for England. It can be proved, as far as common sense can prove
anything, that England was, before the age of ice, much warmer than
it is now, and grew gradually cooler and cooler, just as, while the
age of ice was dying out, it grew warmer again.
Now what proof is there of that?
This. Underneath London--as, I dare say, many of you know--there
lies four or five hundred feet of clay. But not ice-clay. Anything
but that, as you will see. It belongs to a formation late
(geologically speaking), but somewhat older than those Disco Island
And what sort of fossils do we find in it?
In the first place, the shells, which are abundant, are tropical--
Nautili, Cones, and such like. And more, fruits and seeds are found
in it, especially at the Isle of Sheppey. And what are they? Fruits
of Nipa palms, a form only found now at river-mouths in Eastern India
and the Indian islands; Anona-seeds; gourd-seeds; Acacia fruits--all
tropical again; and Proteaceous plants too--of an Australian type.
Surely your common sense would hint to you, that this London clay
must be mud laid down off the mouth of a tropical river. But your
common sense would be all but certain of that, when you found, as you
would find, the teeth and bones of crocodiles and turtles, who come
to land, remember, to lay their eggs; the bones, too, of large
mammals, allied to the tapir of India and South America, and the
water-hog of the Cape. If all this does not mean that there was once
a tropic climate and a tropic river running into some sea or other
where London now stands, I must give up common sense and reason as
deceitful and useless faculties; and believe nothing, not even the
evidence of my own senses.
And now, have I, or have I not, fulfilled the promise which I made--
rashly, I dare say some of you thought--in my first paper? Have I,
or have I not, made you prove to yourself, by your own common sense,
that the lowlands of Britain were underneath the sea in the days in
which these pebbles and boulders were laid down over your plains?
Nay, have we not proved more? Have we not found that that old sea
was an icy sea? Have we not wandered on, step by step, into a whole
true fairyland of wonders? to a time when all England, Scotland, and
Ireland were as Greenland is now? when mud streams have rushed down
from under glaciers on to a cold sea-bottom, when "ice, mast high,
came floating by, as green as emerald?" when Snowdon was sunk for at
least fourteen hundred feet of its height? when (as I could prove to
you, had I time) the peaks of the highest Cumberland and Scotch
mountains alone stood out, as islets in a frozen sea?
We want to get an answer to one strange question, and we have found a
group of questions stranger still, and got them answered too. But so
it is always in science. We know not what we shall discover. But
this, at least, we know, that it will be far more wonderful than we
had dreamed. The scientific explorer is always like Saul of old, who
set out simply to find his father's asses, and found them--and a
kingdom besides.
I should have liked to have told you more about this bygone age of
ice. I should have liked to say something to you on the curious
question--which is still an open one--whether there were not two ages
of ice; whether the climate here did not, after perhaps thousands of
years of Arctic cold, soften somewhat for a while--a few thousand
years, perhaps--and then harden again into a second age of ice,
somewhat less severe, probably, than the first. I should have liked
to have hinted at the probable causes of this change--indeed, of the
age of ice altogether--whether it was caused by a change in the
distribution of land and water, or by change in the height and size
of these islands, which made them large enough, and high enough, to
carry a sheet of eternal snow inland; or whether, finally, the age of
ice was caused by an actual change in the position of the whole
planet with regard to its orbit round the sun--shifting at once the
poles and the tropics; a deep question that latter, on which
astronomers, whose business it is, are still at work, and on which,
ere young folk are old, they will have discovered, I expect, some
startling facts. On that last question, I, being no astronomer,
cannot speak. But I should have liked to have said somewhat on
matters on which I have knowledge enough, at least, to teach you how
much there is to be learnt. I should have liked to tell the student
of sea-animals--how the ice-age helps to explain, and is again
explained by, the remarkable discoveries which Dr. Carpenter and Mr.
Wyville Thompson have just made, in the deep-sea dredgings in the
North Atlantic. I should have liked to tell the botanist somewhat of
the pro-glacial flora--the plants which lived here before the ice,
and lasted, some of them at least, through all those ages of fearful
cold, and linger still on the summits of Snowdon, and the highest
peaks of Cumberland and Scotland. I should have liked to have told
the lovers of zoology about the animals which lived before the ice--
of the mammoth, or woolly elephant; the woolly rhinoceros, the cave
lion and bear, the reindeer, the musk oxen, the lemmings and the
marmots which inhabited Britain till the ice drove them out
southward, even into the South of France; and how as the ice
retreated, and the climate became tolerable once more, some of them--
the mammoth and rhinoceros, the bison, the lion, and many another
mighty beast reoccupied our lowlands, at a time when the
hippopotamus, at least in summer, ranged freely from Africa and Spain
across what was then dry land between France and England, and fed by
the side of animals which have long since retreated to Norway and to
Canada. I should have liked to tell the archaeologist of the human
beings--probably from their weapons and their habits--of the same
race as the present Laplanders, who passed northward as the ice went
back, following the wild reindeer herds from the South of France into
our islands, which were no islands then, to be in their turn driven
northward by stronger races from the east and south. But space
presses, and I fear that I have written too much already.
At least, I have turned over for you a few grand and strange pages in
the book of nature, and taught you, I hope, a key by which to
decipher their hieroglyphics. At least, I have, I trust, taught you
to look, as I do, with something of interest, even of awe, upon the
pebbles in the street.
This is a large subject. For in the different towns of these
islands, the walls are built of stones of almost every age, from the
earliest to the latest; and the town-geologist may find a quite
different problem to solve in the nearest wall, on moving from one
town to another twenty miles off. All I can do, therefore, is to
take one set of towns, in the walls of which one sort of stones is
commonly found, and talk of them; taking care, of course, to choose a
stone which is widely distributed. And such, I think, we can find in
the so-called New Red sandstone, which, with its attendant marls,
covers a vast tract--and that a rich and busy one--of England. From
Hartlepool and the mouth of the Tees, down through Yorkshire and
Nottinghamshire; over the manufacturing districts of central England;
down the valley of the Severn; past Bristol and the Somersetshire
flats to Torquay in South Devon; up north-westward through Shropshire
and Cheshire; past Liverpool and northward through Lancashire;
reappearing again, north of the Lake mountains, about Carlisle and
the Scotch side of the Solway Frith, stretches the New Red sandstone
plain, from under which everywhere the coal-bearing rocks rise as
from a sea. It contains, in many places, excellent quarries of
building-stone; the most famous of which, perhaps, are the well-known
Runcorn quarries, near Liverpool, from which the old Romans brought
the material for the walls and temples of ancient Chester, and from
which the stone for the restoration of Chester Cathedral is being
taken at this day. In some quarters, especially in the north-west of
England, its soil is poor, because it is masked by that very boulder-
clay of which I spoke in my last paper. But its rich red marls,
wherever they come to the surface, are one of God's most precious
gifts to this favoured land. On them, one finds oneself at once in a
garden; amid the noblest of timber, wheat, roots, grass which is
green through the driest summers, and, in the western counties,
cider-orchards laden with red and golden fruit. I know, throughout
northern Europe, no such charming scenery, for quiet beauty and solid
wealth, as that of the New Red marls; and if I wished to show a
foreigner what England was, I should take him along them, from
Yorkshire to South Devon, and say--There. Is not that a country
worth living for,--and worth dying for if need be?
Another reason which I have for dealing with the New Red sandstone is
this--that (as I said just now) over great tracts of England,
especially about the manufacturing districts, the town-geologist will
find it covered immediately by the boulder clay.
The townsman, finding this, would have a fair right to suppose that
the clay was laid down immediately, or at least soon after, the
sandstones or marls on which it lies; that as soon as the one had
settled at the bottom of some old sea, the other settled on the top
of it, in the same sea.
A fair and reasonable guess, which would in many cases, indeed in
most, be quite true. But in this case it would be a mistake. The
sandstone and marls are immensely older than the boulder-clay. They
are, humanly speaking, some four or five worlds older.
What do I mean? This--that between the time when the one, and the
time when the other, was made, the British Islands, and probably the
whole continent of Europe, have changed four or five times; in shape;
in height above the sea, or depth below it; in climate; in the kinds
of plants and animals which have dwelt on them, or on their sea-
bottoms. And surely it is not too strong a metaphor, to call such
changes a change from an old world to a new one.
Mind. I do not say that these changes were sudden or violent. It is
far more probable that they are only part and parcel of that vast but
slow change which is going on everywhere over our whole globe. I
think that will appear probable in the course of this paper. But
that these changes have taken place, is my main thesis. The fact I
assert; and I am bound to try and prove it. And in trying to do so,
I shall no longer treat my readers, as I did in the first two papers,
like children. I shall take for granted that they now understand
something of the method by which geological problems are worked out;
and can trust it, and me; and shall state boldly the conclusions of
geologists, only giving proof where proof is specially needed.
Now you must understand that in England there are two great divisions
of these New Red sandstones, "Trias," as geologists call them. An
upper, called in Germany Keuper, which consists, atop, of the rich
red marl, below them, of sandstones, and of those vast deposits of
rock-salt, which have been long worked, and worked to such good
purpose, that a vast subsidence of land has just taken place near
Nantwich in Cheshire; and serious fears are entertained lest the town
itself may subside, to fill up the caverns below, from whence the
salt has been quarried. Underneath these beds again are those which
carry the building-stone of Runcorn. Now these beds altogether, in
Cheshire, at least, are about 3,400 feet thick; and were not laid
down in a year, or in a century either.
Below them lies a thousand feet of sandstones, known in Germany by
the name of "Bunter," from its mottled and spotted appearance. What
lies under them again, does not concern us just now.
I said that the geologists called these beds the Trias; that is, the
triple group. But as yet we have heard of only two parts of it.
Where is the third?
Not here, but in Germany. There, between the Keuper above and the
Bunter below, lies a great series of limestone beds, which, from the
abundance of fossils which they contain, go by the name of
Muschelkalk. A long epoch must therefore have intervened between the
laying down of the Bunter and of the Keuper. And we have a trace of
that long epoch, even in England. The Keuper lies, certainly,
immediately on the Bunter; but not always "conformably" on it. That
is, the beds are not exactly parallel. The Bunter had been slightly
tilted, and slightly waterworn, before the Keuper was laid on it.
It is reasonable, therefore, to suppose, that the Bunter in England
was dry land, and therefore safe from fresh deposit, through ages
during which it was deep enough beneath the sea in Germany, to have
the Muschelkalk laid down on it. Here again, then, as everywhere, we
have evidence of time--time, not only beyond all counting, but beyond
all imagining.
And now, perhaps, the reader will ask--If I am to believe that all
new land is made out of old land, and that all rocks and soils are
derived from the wear and tear of still older rocks, off what land
came this enormous heap of sands more than 5,000 feet thick in
places, stretching across England and into Germany?
It is difficult to answer. The shape and distribution of land in
those days were so different from what they are now, that the rocks
which furnished a great deal of our sandstone may be now, for aught I
know, a mile beneath the sea.
But over the land which still stands out of the sea near us there has
been wear and tear enough to account for any quantity of sand
deposit. As a single instance--It is a provable and proven fact--as
you may see from Mr. Ramsay's survey of North Wales--that over a
large tract to the south of Snowdon, between Port Madoc and Barmouth,
there has been ground off and carried away a mass of solid rock
20,000 feet thick; thick enough, in fact, if it were there still, to
make a range of mountains as high as the Andes. It is a provable and
proven fact that vast tracts of the centre of poor old Ireland were
once covered with coal-measures, which have been scraped off in
likewise, deprived of inestimable mineral wealth. The destruction of
rocks--"denudation" as it is called--in the district round Malvern,
is, I am told, provably enormous. Indeed, it is so over all Wales,
North England, and West and North Scotland. So there is enough of
rubbish to be accounted for to make our New Red sands. The round
pebbles in it being, I believe, pieces of Old Red sandstone, may have
come from the great Old Red sandstone region of South East Wales and
Herefordshire. Some of the rubbish, too,                         

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