2015년 12월 21일 월요일

Cicero Letters to Atticus, Vol. 2 of 3 69

Cicero Letters to Atticus, Vol. 2 of 3 69

[Sidenote: _Scr. Brundisi prid. Id. Mai. a. 707_]
Quoniam iustas causas adfers, cur te hoc tempore videre non possim,
quaere, quaeso, quid sit mihi faciendum. Ille enim ita videtur
Alexandream tenere, ut eum scribere etiam pudeat de illis rebus, hi
autem ex Africa iam adfuturi videntur, Achaici, item ex Asia redituri
ad eos aut libero aliquo loco commoraturi. Quid mihi igitur putas
agendum? Video difficile esse consilium. Sum enim solus aut cum altero,
cui neque ad illos reditus sit neque ab his ipsis quicquam ad spem
ostendatur. Sed tamen scire velim, quid censeas; idque erat cum aliis,
cur te, si fieri posset, cuperem videre.
Minucium X̅I̅I̅ sola curasse scripsi ad te antea. Quod superest, velim
videas, ut curetur. Quintus non modo non cum magna prece ad me, sed
acerbissime scripsit, filius vero mirifico odio. Nihil fingi
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you were able to raise the £250,[183] if there had not been a good
receipt from Fufidius' estates. However I am looking forward eagerly
to your coming: it is my great desire to see you, if it is anyhow
possible--for indeed circumstances demand it. The end is now drawing
near; and, what it will be, it is easy to estimate at Rome, but here it
is more difficult. Farewell.
[183] 30,000 sesterces.
[Sidenote: _Brundisium, May 14_, B.C. _47_]
Since you give good reasons why I cannot see you at the present time,
pray consider what I am to do. For although Caesar holds Alexandria, he
seems to be ashamed even to send a dispatch about it, while the others
are apparently on the eve of coming here from Africa, and those in
Achaia too are either going to return from Asia to join them or they
are going to stop in some neutral place. So what do you think I am to
do? I see advice is difficult. For I am the one and only person--except
perhaps one other, who cannot return to the one party and who has no
hope at all offered him from the other. Still I should like to know
what you think: and that was one reason, among others, why I should
have liked to see you, if it were possible.
I told you before that Minucius has only paid £100.[184] Please see
that the rest is provided. Quintus in his letter instead of an earnest
appeal used the most bitter language, and his son showed extraordinary
animosity. There is no conceivable ill
[184] 12,000 sesterces.
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potest mali, quo non urgear. Omnia tamen sunt faciliora quam peccati
dolor, qui et maximus est et aeternus. Cuius peccati si socios essem
habiturus ego, quos putavi, tamen esset ea consolatio tenuis. Sed
habet aliorum omnium ratio exitum, mea nullum. Alii capti, alii
interclusi non veniunt in dubium de voluntate, eo minus scilicet, cum
se expedierint et una esse coeperint. Ei autem ipsi, qui sua voluntate
ad Fufium venerunt, nihil possunt nisi timidi existimari. Multi autem
sunt, qui, quocumque modo ad illos se recipere volent, recipientur.
Quo minus debes mirari non posse me tanto dolori resistere. Solius
enim meum peccatum corrigi non potest et fortasse Laeli. Sed quid me
id levat? Nam C. quidem Cassium aiunt consilium Alexandream eundi
Haec ad te scribo, non ut queas tu demere[185] sollicitudinem, sed ut
cognoscam, ecquid tu ad ea adferas, quae me conficiunt; ad quae gener
accedit et cetera, quae fletu reprimor ne scribam. Quin etiam Aesopi
filius me excruciat. Prorsus nihil abest, quin sim miserrimus. Sed
ad primum revertor, quid putes faciendum, occultene aliquo propius
veniendum an
[185] queas tu demere _M_ (_margin_): quem tuam demere _M_.
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with which I am not oppressed. But all of them are lighter to bear than
my sense of guilt: that is overwhelming and enduring. If I were to have
those, whom I thought I had, to share that guilt, that would still be
some consolation, though a poor one. But every one else's case admits
of some way out, mine of none. Some were captured, some cut off, so
there is no doubt about their intentions, especially since they have
extricated themselves and joined forces again. Nay even those, who of
their own free will came to Fufius,[186] can only be thought cowards.
But there are many who will be taken back, however they choose to take
themselves back to the fold. So you ought not to be surprised that I
cannot bear up against all my sorrow. For I am the one and only person
whose slip cannot be mended, except perhaps Laelius--and what good is
that?--for they say even C. Cassius has changed his mind about going to
[186] Q. Fufius Calenus was appointed governor of Greece after
Pharsalia by Caesar, and many Pompeians surrendered to him.
This I am writing to you not in the hope that you may remove my
care, but to know whether you have any suggestion to make about the
things that are wearing me out: to the rest you may add my son-in-law
and other things which tears prevent me from writing. Why, even
Aesopus'[187] son grieves me sorely. There is absolutely nothing
wanting to make me the most miserable of men. But I return to the first
point. What do you think I ought to do, come secretly
[187] Aesopus was a famous tragic actor and a friend of Cicero. His son
was dissolute and supposed to have a bad influence on Dolabella.
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mare transeundum. Nam hic maneri diutius non potest.
De Fufidianis quare nihil potuit confici? Genus enim condicionis eius
modi fuit, in quo non solet esse controversia, cum ea pars, quae
videtur esse minor, licitatione expleri posset. Hoc ego non sine causa
quaero. Suspicor enim coheredes dubiam nostram causam putare et eo rem
in integro esse malle. Vale.
Pr. Idus Maias.
[Sidenote: _Scr. Brundisi III Non. Iun. a. 707_]
Non meo vitio fit hoc quidem tempore (ante enim est peccatum), ut
me ista epistula nihil consoletur. Nam et exigue scripta est et
suspiciones magnas habet non esse ab illo; quas animadvertisse te
existimo. De obviam itione ita faciam, ut suades. Neque enim ulla
de adventu eius opinio est, neque, si qui ex Asia veniunt, quicquam
auditum esse dicunt de pace; cuius ego spe in hanc fraudem incidi.
Nihil video, quod sperandum putem, nunc praesertim, cum ea plaga in
Asia sit accepta, in Illyrico, in Cassiano negotio, in ipsa Alexandrea,
in urbe, in Italia. Ego vero, etiamsi rediturus ille est, qui adhuc
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somewhere nearer Rome, or cross the sea? For stay here any longer I
Why could nothing be settled about Fufidius' estate? For the
arrangement was one about which there is generally no dispute, since
the share, which seems smaller, can be made up by the proceeds of the
sale.[188] I have a reason for asking. For I suspect my co-heirs think
my case is doubtful, and so prefer to keep the matter open. Farewell.
[188] If property could not be divided fairly among heirs, the
indivisible part was put up for private auction among them and the
proceeds divided. May 14.

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