2016년 5월 2일 월요일

How to bring men to Christ 12

How to bring men to Christ 12

(b.) Prayer implies desire. There is no real prayer for the Baptism of
the Spirit unless there is _a deep desire for it_. As long as a man
thinks he can get along somehow without this blessing, he is not likely
to get it; but when a man reaches the place where he feels he must have
this no matter what it costs, he is far on the way toward receiving it.
Many a minister of the gospel and other worker has been brought to a
place where he has felt he could not go on with his ministry without
this gift and then the gift has soon followed and the character of his
work has been entirely transformed.
(c.) _The prayer to be effectual must be in faith (Mark xi. 24)._ James
says in regard to the prayer for wisdom, “Let him ask in faith, nothing
wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of sea driven with the
wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive
anything of the Lord.” (Jas. i. 6, 7.) The same principle, of course,
holds in regard to the prayer for the Holy Spirit. It is at this very
point that many miss the blessing. How to approach God in faith is
clearly taught by 1 Jno. v. 14, 15. “This is the confidence that we have
in Him, that, if we ask anything according to his will He heareth us,
and if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask, we know that we have
the petitions that we desired of him.” When we ask Him for the Baptism
of the Holy Spirit we know that we have asked something according to His
will for it is definitely promised in His word. Therefore we know that
“He heareth us; and if we know that He hear us we know that we have the
petition” which we have asked of him. As soon then as I am sure I have
met the conditions stated above of the gift of the Holy Spirit, and
asked it of God I have a right to count this blessing minethe prayer is
heard and I have the petition I asked of himand get up and enter into
my work assured that in my work will be seen the Spirit’s power. “But,”
some one will say, “shall we expect no manifestations?” Yes, but where?
In service. When I know on the authority of God’s word that my prayer is
heard, I have the right to enter upon any service to which He calls me
and confidently expect the manifestation of the Spirit’s power in that
service. It is a mistake to wait or look for, as so many do, the
manifestation in electric shocks or peculiar emotional experiences. They
may and often do accompany the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. But the Bible
clearly teaches us (i Cor. xii. 411) that the place to look for
manifestations, is in service and the most important, reliable and
scriptural manifestations are found in our work. “Must we not wait,” it
may be asked, “until we know that we have received the baptism of the
Holy Spirit?” Most assuredly, but how are we to know? The same way in
which we know we are saved, _by the testimony of God’s word_. When I
know I have met the conditions and have asked this gift which is
“according to his will” I know by God’s word (1 Jno. v. 14, 15.) that my
prayer is heard, and that I have the petition I desired of him. I have a
right to arise with no other evidence than the allsufficient evidence
of God’s word, and enter into the service to which God calls me. “Did
not the early disciples wait ten days?” it may again be asked. Yes, and
the reason why is clearly given in Acts ii. 1.“When the day of
Pentecost was fully come.” In the O. T. types the day of Pentecost had
been appointed as the day in God’s economy for the first giving of the
Holy Spirit and the offering of the firstfruits (the church) and so the
Holy Spirit could not be given until that day. (Lev. xxiii. 917.) But
after the Spirit was once given we find no protracted period of waiting
on the part of those who sought this blessing. (Acts iv. 31; viii. 15,
17; ix. 17, 20; xix. 6.) Men are obliged to wait today, but it is only
because they have not met the conditions, or do not believe and claim
the blessing simply on the Word of God. The moment we meet the
conditions and claim the blessing it is ours. (Mark xi. 24 R.V.) Any
child of God may lay down this book, meet the conditions, ask the
blessing, claim it and have it. In a Students’ Summer School at Lake
Geneva after a talk by F. B. Meyer on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, a
student remained to talk with me. He said he had heard of this before
and had been seeking it for months but could not get it. I found his
will was not surrendered, but that was soon settled. Then I said, “Let
us kneel down and ask God for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.” He did
so. Was that petition “according to his will?” I asked. “Yes.” “Was the
prayer heard?” After some hesitation, “It must have been.” “Have you
what you asked of Him?” “I don’t feel it.” I read 1 Jno. v. 15 from the
Bible that lay open before us: “If we know that he hears us, whatsoever
we ask, we know that _we have_ the petition we desired of him.” “Was the
prayer heard?” “Yes.” “Have you what you asked?” “I must have; for God
says so.” We arose and soon separated. Going back to the school in a few
days I met the young man again. His face was now all aglow and he knew
he had received what at first he took upon the bare word of God.
One thing more needs to be said before we leave this subject. _The
Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience that needs frequent
repeating._ This appears from a comparison of Acts ii. 4where Peter
with others was filled with the Holy Spiritwith Acts iv. 8.where Peter
was filled again,and with Acts iv. 31 where Peter with others was
filled yet again. A new filling is needed and should be sought for each
new emergency of Christian service. There are many who once knew
experimentally what the Baptism of the Holy Spirit meant who are trying
to work today in the power of that old experience and are working
without God. They need and must have a new Baptism before God can use
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