2017년 1월 23일 월요일

Hills of Han 35

Hills of Han 35

Frequently they passed trains of camels or asses or carts, often on
a precipice where one caravan hugged the loess wall while the other
flirted with death along the earthen edge. But though the Hansean or
Chihlean muleteers shouted and screamed in an exciting confusion of
voices and the Mongol camel drivers growled and the ponies plunged, no
animal or man was lost.
Nearly always the air was heavy with fine red dust. It enveloped
them like a fog, penetrating clothing, finding its way into packs and
hand-bags. At times it softened and exquisitely tinted the view.
At long intervals the little caravan wound its slow way through villages
that were usually built along a single narrow street. In the broader
valleys the villages, gray brown and faintly red like the soil of which
their bricks had once been moulded, clung compactly to hill-slopes
safely above the torrents of spring and autumn, each little settlement
with its brick or stone wall and its ornamental pagoda gates, and each
with its cluster of trees about some consequential tomb rising above the
low roofs in plumes of pale green April foliage.
Nowhere was there a sign of the disorder that was ravaging the province
like a virulent disease. Brachey was aware of no glances of more
than the usual passing curiosity from slanting eyes. He saw only the
traditional peaceful countryside of the Chinese interior.
This sense of peace and calm had an effect on his moody self that
increased as the day wore on. Life was turning unreal on his hands.
His judgment wavered and played tricks with memory. Had it been so
dangerous back there in T’ainan? Could it have been? He had to look
steadily at the ragged, trudging figure of the erstwhile elegant Mr. Po
to recapture a small degree of mental balance.... He had brought Betty
away. He saw this now with a nervous, vivid clarity for what it was,
an irrevocable act. It had come about naturally and simply; it had felt
inevitable; yet now at moments, unable to visualize again the danger
that had seemed terribly real in T’ainan he felt it only as the logical
end of the emotional drift that had carried the two of them far
out beyond the confines of reason. It was even possible that Mrs.
Boatwright’s judgment was the better.
But Betty couldn’t go back now; they had turned her off; not unless
her father should yet prove to be alive, and that was hardly thinkable.
Anxiously during the day, he asked Mr. Po about that. But Mr. Po’s
confidence in the accuracy of his information was unshakable. So here he
was, with a life on his hands, a life so dear to him that he could
not control his mind in merely thinking of her there in the litter,
traveling along without a question, for better or worse, with himself;
a life that perhaps, despite this new spirit of consecration that was
rising in his breast, he might succeed only in injuring. Brooding thus,
he became grave and remote from her.
In his distant way he was very considerate, very kind. During the
afternoon, as they moved up a long valley, skirting a broad watercourse
where peach and pear trees foamed with blossoms against the lower slopes
of the opposite hills, he persuaded her to descend from the litter
and walk for a mile or two with him. He felt then her struggle to keep
cheerful and make conversation, but himself lacked the experience with
women that would have made it possible for him to overcome his own
depression and brighten her, Once, when the caravan stopped to repack
a slipping saddle, he asked her to sketch the view for him. It was his
idea that she should be kept occupied when possible. He always corrected
his own moods in that disciplinary manner. But just then his feelings
were running so high, his tenderness toward her was so sensitively deep,
that he spoke bruskly.
They rode on through the sunset into the dusk. The red hills turned
slowly purple under the glowing western sky, swam mistily in a
world-wide sea of soft dame.
Betty opened her windows wide now; gazed out at this scene of unearthly
beauty with a sad deep light in her eyes.
They rode into another village. A soldier galloped on ahead to inspect
the less objectionable inn. He reappeared soon, and the caravan jingled
and creaked into a courtyard and stopped for the night. John dismounted
and plunged into argument with the innkeeper. The cook set to work
removing a pack-saddle. Coolies appeared. The mules were beaten to their
knees. Brachey threw his bridle to a soldier and helped Betty out of
the litter. Then they stood, he and she, amid the confusion, her hand
resting lightly on his arm, her eyes on him.
Here they were! He felt now her loneliness, her sadness, her--the word
rose--her helpless dependence upon himself. She was so helpless! His
heart throbbed with feeling. He couldn’t look down at her, standing
there so close. He couldn’t have spoken; not just then. He was
struggling with the impractical thought that he might yet protect her
from the savage tongues of the coast; from himself, even, when you came
to it. The depression that had been pulling him down all day was turning
now, rushing up and flooding his fired brain like a bitter tide. He
shouldn’t have let her come. It had been a beautiful impulse; her quiet
determination to give her life into his hands had thrilled him beyond
his deepest dreams of happiness, had lifted him to a plane of devotion
that he remembered now, felt again, even in his bitterness, as utter
beauty, intensified rather than darkened by the tragic quality of the
hour. But he shouldn’t have let her come. Mightn’t she, after all, have
been as safe hack there in the mission compound? What was the
matter?... He hadn’t thought of her coming on with him alone. That had
simply happened. It was bewildering. Life had swept them out of
commonplace safety, and now here they were! And nothing to do but go on,
go through!
“Oh, I left my bag in there,” he heard her saying, and himself got it
quickly from the litter.
Then John came. The “number one” rooms were to be theirs, it seemed;
Betty’s and his.... If only he could talk to her! She needed him so !
Never, perhaps, again, would she need him as now, and he, it seemed, was
failing her. Silently he led her up the steps of the little building at
the end of the courtyard and into the corridor; peered into one dim room
and then into the other; then curtly, roughly ordered John to spread for
her his own square of new matting.
Her hand was still on his arm, resting there, oh, so lightly. She seemed
very slim and small.
“It’s a dreadful place,” he made himself say. “But we’ll have to make
the best of it.”
“I don’t mind,” he thought she replied.
“Perhaps we’d better have dinner in here, It’s a little cleaner than my
She glanced up at him, then down: “I don’t believe I can eat anything.”
“But you must.”
“I--I’ll try.”
“I’ll ask Mr. Po to come in with us. He is a gentleman. And perhaps it
would be better.”
“Oh, yes,” said she, “of course.”
“Here’s John with hot water. I’ll leave you now.”
“You’ll--come back?”
“For dinner, yes.”
With this he gently withdrew his arm. As she watched him go her eyes
filled Then she closed her door.
Brachey found Mr. Po curled on the ground against a pack-saddle, smoking
a Chinese pipe.
He rose at once, all smiles, and bowed half-way to the ground. But he
thought it inadvisable to accept the invitation.
“I hate to be fly in ointments,” he said, with his curiously
dispassionate quickness and ease of speech, “but it’s really no go. Our
own men would play game of thick and thin blood brother, but to village
gossip monger I must remain muleteer and down and out person of no
account. It’s a dam’ sight safer for each and every one of us.”
Betty tried to set the dingy room to rights. John had laid a white
cloth over the table, and put out Brachey’s tin plate and cup, his
knife, fork and spoon, an English biscuit tin and a bright little
porcelain jar of Scotch jam that was decorated with a red-and-green
plaid. These things helped a little. She tidied herself as best she
could; and then waited.
For a time she sat by the table, very still, hands folded in her lap;
but this was difficult, for thoughts came--thoughts that spun around
and around and bewildered her--and tears. The tears she would not
permit. She got up; rearranged the things on the table; moved over to
the window, and through a hole in one of the paper squares watched with
half-seeing eyes the coolies and soldiers and animals in the courtyard.
Her head ached. And that wheel of patchwork thoughts spun uncontrollably
For a little time then the tears came unhindered. That her father, that
strong splendid man, could have been casually slain by vagabonds in a
Chinese city seemed now, as it had seemed all day, incredible. His loss
was only in part personal to her, so much of her life had been lived
on the other side of the world; but childhood memories of him rose, and
pictures of him as she had lately seen him, grave and kind and (since
that moving little talk about beauty and its importance in the struggle
of life) lovable. Her mother, too, had to-day become again a vivid
memory. And then the sheer mystery of death twisted and tortured her
sensitive Pagination, led her thoughts out into regions so grimly, darkly
beautiful, so unbearably poignant, that her slender frame shook with
The sensation of rootlessness, too, was upon her. But now it was
complete. There was no tie to hold her to life. Only this man on whom,
moved by sheer emotion, without a thought of self, yet (she thought now)
with utter unreasoning selfishness, she had fastened herself.
Mrs. Boatwright had called her bad. That couldn’t be true. She couldn’t
picture herself as that. Even now, in this bitter crisis, she wasn’t
hard, wasn’t even reckless; simply bewildered and terribly alone.

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