2015년 10월 28일 수요일

Rosicrucian and Masonic 4

Rosicrucian and Masonic 4

Tried by the Inquisition for founding a Masonic lodge in the city of Rome, Cagliostro
was sentenced to die, a sentence later commuted by the Pope to life imprisonment in the old castle
of San Leo. Shortly after his incarceration, Cagliostro disappeared and the story was circulated that
he had been strangled in an attempt to escape from prison. In reaUty, however, he was liberated and
returned to his Masters in the East. But CagUostro-the idol of France, surnamed "the Father of the
Poor," who never received anything from anyone and gave everything to everyonewas most
adequately revenged. Though the people little understood this inexhaustible pitcher of bounty which
poured forth benefits and never required replenishment, they remembered him in the day of their
power, [pp 407-408]
Cagliostro founded the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry, which received into its mysteries many of
the French nobility and was regarded favorably by the most learned minds of Europe. Having
estabhshed the Egyptian Rite, Caghostro declared himself to be an agent of the order of the Knights
Templars and to have received initiation from them on the Isle of Malta. (See Morals and Dogma,
in which Albert Pike quotes Eliphas Levi on Cagliostro's affiliation with the Templars.) Called upon
the carpet by the Supreme Council of France, it was demanded of Cagliostro that he prove by what
authority he had founded a Masonic lodge in Paris independent of the Grand Orient. Of such
surpassing mentality was Cagliostro that the Supreme Council found it difficult to secure an
advocate qualified to discuss with Cagliostro philosophic Masonry and the ancient Mysteries he
claimed to represent. The Court de Gebelin~the greatest Egyptologist of his day and an authority on
ancient philosophies-was chosen as the outstanding scholar. A time was set and the Brethren
convened. Attired in an Oriental coat and a pair of violet-colored breeches, Cagliostro was haled
before this council of his peers. The Court de Gebelin asked three questions and then sat down,
admitting himself disqualified to interrogate a man so much his superior in every branch of
learning. Cagliostro then took the floor, reveaUng to the assembled Masons not only his personal
qualifications, but prophesying the future of France. He foretold the fall of the French throne, the
Reign of Terror, and the fall of the Bastille. At a later time he revealed the dates of the death of
Marie Antoinette and the King, and also the advent of Napoleon. Having finished his address,
Cagliostro made a spectacular exit, leaving the French Masonic lodge in consternation and utterly
incapable of coping with the profundity of his reasoning. Though no longer regarded as a ritual in
Freemasonry, the Egyptian Rite is available and all who read it will recognize its author to have
been no more a charlatan than was Plato, [pp 408-409]
Then appears that charming "first American gentleman," Dr. Benjamin Franklin, who together with
the Marquis de Lafayette, played an important role in this drama of empires. While in France, Dr.
Franklin was privileged to receive definite esoteric instruction. It is noteworthy that Franklin was
the first in America to reprint Anderson's Constitutions of the Free-Masons, which is a most prized
work on the subject, though its accuracy is disputed. Through all this stormy period, these
impressive figures come and go, part of a definite organiz:ation of political and religious thought--a
functioning body of philosophers represented in Spain by no less an individual than Cervantes, in
France by Cagliostro and St.-Germain, in Germany by Gichtel and Andreae, in England by Bacon,
More, and Raleigh, and in America by Washington and Franklin. Coincident with the Baconian
agitation in England, the Fama Fraternitatis and Confessio Fraternitatis appeared in Germany,
both of these works being contributions to the establishment of a philosophic government upon the
earth. One of the outstanding links between the Rosicrucian Mysteries of the Middle Ages and
modern Masonry is Elias Ashmole, the historian of the Order of the Garter and the first Englishman
to compile the alchemical writings of the English chemists.
The foregoing may seem to be a useless recital of inanities, but its purpose is to impress upon the
reader's mind the philosophical and political situation in Europe at the time of the inception of the
Masonic order. A philosophic clan, as it were, which had moved across the face of Europe under
such names as the "lUuminati" and the "Rosicrucians," had undermined in a subtle manner
the entire structure of regal and sacerdotal supremacy. The founders of Freemasonry were all men
who were more or less identified with the progressive tendencies of their day. Mystics, philosophers,
and alchemists were aU bound together with a secret tie and dedicated to the emancipation of
humanity from ignorance and oppression. In my researches among ancient books and manuscripts, I
have pieced together a little story of probabilities which has a direct bearing upon the subject. Long
before the establishment of Freemasonry as a iratemity, a group of mystics founded in Europe what
was called the "Society of Unknown Philosophers." Prominent among the profound thinkers who
formed the membership of this society were the alchemists, who were engaged in transmuting the
political and religious "base metal" of Europe into ethical and spiritual "gold"; the Qabbalists who,
as investigators of the superior orders of Nature, sought to discover a stable foundation for human
government; and lastly the astrologers who, from a study of the procession of the heavenly bodies,
hoped to find therein the rational archetype for all mundane procedure. Here and there is to be
found a character who contacted this society. By some it is believed that both Martin Luther and
also that great mystic, Philip Melanchthon, were connected with it. The first edition of the King
James Bible, Bible, which was edited by Francis Bacon and prepared under Masonic supervision,
bears more Mason's marks than the Cathedral of Strasburg. The same is true respecting the Masonic
symbolism found in the first Enghsh edition of Josephus' History of the Jews, [pp 409-410]
For some time, the Society of Unknown Philosophers moved extraneous to the church. Among the
fathers of the church, however, were a great number of scholarly and intelligent men who were
keenly interested in philosophy and ethics, prominent among them being the Jesuit Father,
Athanasius Kircher, who is recognized as one of the great scholars of his day. Both a Rosicrucian
and also a member of the Society of Unknown Philosophers, as revealed by the cryptograms in his
writings, Kircher was in harmony with this program of philosophic reconstruction. Since learning
was largely limited to churchmen, this body of philosophers soon developed an overwhelming
preponderance of ecclesiastics in its membership. The original anti-ecclesiastical ideals of the
society were thus speedily reduced to an innocuous state and the organization gradually converted
into an actual auxiliary of the church. A small portion of the membership, however, ever maintained
an aloofness from the literati of the faith, for it represented an unorthodox classthe alchemists,
Rosicrucians, Qabbalists, and magicians. This latter group accordingly retired from the outer
body of the society that had thus come to be known as the "Order of the Golden and Rose Cross"
and whose adepts were elevated to the dignity of Knights of the Golden Stone. Upon the withdrawal
of these initiated adepts, a powerful clerical body remained which possessed considerable of the
ancient lore but in many instances lacked the "keys" by which this symbolism could be interpreted.
As this body continued to increase in temporal power, its philosophical power grew
correspondingly less, [pp 410-411]
The smaller group of adepts that had withdrawn from the order remained inactive apparently,
having retired to what they termed the "House of the Holy Spirit," where they were enveloped by
certain "mists" impenetrable to the eyes of the profane. Among these reclusive adepts must be
included such well-known Rosicrucians as Robert Fludd, Eugenius Philalethes, John Heydon,
Michael Maier, and Henri Khunrath. These adepts in their retirement constituted a loosely
organized society which, though lacking the solidarity of a definite fraternity, occasionally initiated
a candidate and met annually at a specified place. It was the Comte de Chazal, an initiate of this
order, who "raised" Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom while the latter was on the Isle of Mauritius.
In due time, the original members of the order passed on, after first entrusting their secrets to
carefully chosen successors. In the meantime, a group of men in England, under the leadership of
such mystics as Ashmole and Fludd, had resolved upon repopularizing the ancient learning and
reclassifying philosophy in accordance with Bacon's plan for a world encyclopedia. These men had
undertaken to reconstruct ancient Platonic and Gnostic mysticism, but were unable to attain their
objective for lack of information. Elias Ashmole may have been a member of the European order of
Rosicrucians and as such evidently knew that in various parts of Europe there were isolated
individuals who were in possession of the secret doctrine handed down in unbroken line from the ancient Greeks and Egyptians through Boetius, the early Christian Church, and the Arabians, [p 411]The efforts of the English group to contact such individuals were evidently successful.

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