2017년 2월 23일 목요일

Grit or The Young Boatman of Pine Point 40

Grit or The Young Boatman of Pine Point 40

"Tell me what you mean," he said savagely. "I am not the man to be
bearded in my own house. You will yet repent your temerity in thrusting
yourself here."
Benjamin Baker also rose to his feet, and, putting a whistle to his
mouth, whistled shrilly.
Instantly two stalwart policemen sprang into the apartment from the hall
"Seize that man!" said the detective.
"What does this mean?" asked Johnson, struggling, but ineffectually.
"It means, Colonel Johnson, alias Robert Kidd, that you are arrested on
a charge of being implicated in the attempt to steal a parcel of bonds
belonging to the National Bank of Chester, Maine."
"I don't know anything about it," said Johnson sullenly. "You've got the
wrong man."
"Possibly. If so, you'll be released, especially as there are other
charges against you. Guard him, men, while I search the house."
"Here, boy, show me where my young friend is concealed," said Baker to
Daniel, who was timidly peeping in at the door.
A minute later and Baker cut the cords that confined the hands and feet
of Grit.
"Now," said he quickly, "have you discovered anything that will be of
service to me?"
Grit opened for him the dark passage. The detective walked to the end,
and saw the room into which it opened.
"Do you know, Grit," he said, on his return, "you have done a splendid
day's work? With your help I have discovered the headquarters of a bold
and desperate gang of thieves, which has long baffled the efforts of the
Boston police. There is a standing reward of two thousand dollars for
their discovery, to which you will be entitled."
"No, sir; it belongs to you," said Grit modestly. "I could have done
nothing without you."
"Nor I without your information. But we can discuss this hereafter."
Johnson ground his teeth when Grit was brought upstairs, free, to see
him handcuffed and helpless.
"I believe you are at the bottom of this, you young rascal!" he said.
"You are right," said the detective. "We have received very valuable
information from this boy, whom you supposed to be in your power."
"I wish I had killed him!" said Johnson furiously.
"Fortunately, you were saved that crime, and need expect nothing worse
than a long term of imprisonment. Officers, take him along."
The Boston and Portland papers of the next morning contained full
accounts of the discovery of the rendezvous of a gang of robbers whose
operations had been extensive in and near Boston, together with the
arrest of their chief.
In the account full credit was given to our young hero, Grit, for his
agency in the affair, and it was announced that the prize offered would
be divided between Grit and the famous detective, Benjamin Baker.
It may readily be supposed that this account created great excitement in
Chester. Most of the villagers were heartily pleased by the good fortune
and sudden renown of the young boatman; but there was at least one
household to which the news brought no satisfaction. This was the home
of Phil Courtney.
"What a fuss the papers make about that boy!" exclaimed Phil, in
disgust. "I suppose he will put on no end of airs when he gets home."
"Very likely," said Mr. Courtney. "He seems to have had good luck,
that's all."
"It's pretty good luck to get a thousand dollars," said Phil enviously.
"Papa, will you do me a favor?"
"What is it?"
"Can't you put a thousand dollars in the bank for me, so that the
boatman can't crow over me?"
"Money is very scarce with me just now, Philip," said his father. "It
will do just as well to tell him you have a thousand dollars in my
"I would rather have it in a bank," said Philip.
"Then you'll have to wait till it is convenient for me," said his father
It was true that money was scarce with Mr. Courtney. I have already
stated that he had been speculating in Wall Street heavily, and with by
no means unvarying success. In fact, the same evening he received a
letter from his brother, stating that the market was so heavily against
him that he must at once forward five thousand dollars to protect his
margin, or the stocks carried on his account must be sold.
As Mr. Courtney was unable to meet this demand, the stocks were sold,
involving a loss of ten thousand dollars.
This, in addition to previous losses, so far crippled Mr. Courtney that
he was compelled materially to change his way of living, and Phil had to
come down in the social scale, much to his mortification.
But the star of the young boatman was in the ascendant.
On his return to Pine Point he found Mr. Jackson, the New York broker,
about to leave the hotel for a return to the city. He congratulated Grit
on his success as an amateur detective, and then asked:
"What are your plans, Grit? Probably you won't care to remain a
"No, sir; I have decided to give up that business, at any rate."
"Have you anything in view?"
"I thought I might get a situation of some kind in Boston. The
prize-money will keep us going till I can earn a good salary."
"Will your mother move from Pine Point?"
"Yes, sir; she would be lonely here without me."
"I have an amendment to offer to your plans, Grit."
"What is that, sir?"
"Come to New York instead of Boston."
"I have no objection, sir, if there is any opening there for me."
"There is, and in my office. Do you think you would like to enter my
"I should like it very much," said Grit eagerly.
"Then I will engage you at a salary of twelve dollars per week--for the
first year."
"Twelve dollars!" exclaimed Grit, overwhelmed. "I had no idea a green
hand could get such pay."
"Nor can they," answered Mr. Jackson, smiling; "but you remember that
there is an unsettled account between us. I have not forgotten that you
saved the life of my boy."
"I don't want any reward for that, sir."
"I appreciate your delicacy, but I shall feel better satisfied to
recognize it in my own way. I have another proposal to make to you. It
is this: Place in my hands as much of your thousand dollars as you can
spare, and I will invest it carefully for your advantage in stock
operations, and hope materially to increase it."
"I shall be delighted if you will do so, Mr. Jackson, and think myself
very fortunate that you take this trouble for me."
"Now, how soon can you go to New York?"
"When you think best, sir?"
"I advise you to go on with me, and select a home for your mother. Then
you can come back for her, and settle yourself down to work."

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