2017년 2월 23일 목요일

The Farmers Own Book 16

The Farmers Own Book 16

Take of spirits of hartshorn 1 pint, pure carmine ½ drachm, put into a
bottle and shake well and it is fit for use.
Take of lunar caustic 100 grains, gum arabic 100 grains, make both fine
and pour water enough over to dissolve it, put into a phial and stop
To make the preparation to be used before writing on the linen, take 2
drachms of salts of tartar; 2 drachms gum arabic, dissolve these in 1
ounce of rain water. Before using the ink, wet whatever article you wish
to mark with this last preparation and dry with a smooth iron, then wash
the gum out and you have the name indellibly fixed.
Take 1 pound logwood, 1 gallon soft water, boil it 1 hour and add 25
grains of bycromate of pot ash, 12 grains of prusiate of pot ash, stir a
few minutes over the fire, take it off, and when settled strain it.
Take 1 gallon of soft soap, 4 ounces of sal soda, ½ gallon soft water,
and ½ gill of spirits of turpentine, place them all into a pot over a
fire and allow the mixture to boil a few minutes, it is then ready for
use and can be kept in an earthen or stone vessel. In using this fluid
the clothes intended to be washed should be soaked in water 10 or 12
hours, say over night, and then to a 10 or 12 gallon boiler or kettle
full of clothes, covered with water, add 1 pint of fluid, boil briskly
for fifteen minutes, and then wring them out in fresh water. It will be
found that little or no rubbing will be necessary.--This preparation will
save a great deal of hard rubbing and labor--it is truly worth trying.
Take 3 pounds of best rosin soap, 1 quart of best alcohol, 1 ounce of
venice turpentine, 1 ounce of oil of sassafras, or you may use bergamot
or the oil of lemon, or cinnamon, either of which will answer. Cut the
soap into thin shavings, put into a pan the alcohol and soap, melt over
a slow fire so as just to keep from boiling; when all is dissolved let
it boil a minute or two, you must be careful not to let the blaze of
the fire get to it or it will catch on fire; it is best to put it on
a stove where there will be no danger, keep stirring slowly until all
is melted, then add your venice turpentine, stirring and mixing for a
minute or so, then take your pan off the fire and put in your oil of
sassafras immediately, or whatever oil you intend using, the oil of
sassafras is however the best. This soap cannot be surpassed for shaving,
washing, and is excellent for sore or rough hands. Try it and you will be
surprised--the rosin soap used must be clear.
To make 1 quart, take nearly one half a pint of cold pressed castor oil
and fill it nearly full of 95 per cent. alcohol, then add ½ ounce of
spirits of hartshorn, ½ ounce of tincture of cantharides, 40 drops oil of
bergamot, which gives it an elegant perfume--shake well and it is ready
for use.
Wash your head first with whiskey, then apply the hair oil freely, pour
it on the head gently and rub with the hand or stiff brush. For children
only use the hair oil. To remove the dandruff, comb the head well with a
fine comb, do this every time you use the preparation. This oil should be
applied twice a week, which will loosen the dandruff so that it may be
easily removed. A great and valuable discovery for the hair and head, two
or three applications of which will remove every particle of dandruff,
purify the skin and prevent the hair from coming out, giving new life
and vigor to every hair on the head, and changing light or sandy hair to
a beautiful dark lustre; also curing dizzy or nervous headache. No one
should be without this valuable preparation, especially those who are
subject to dandruff eruptions of the skin, falling off of the hair, dizzy
or nervous headache. If it should make the head tender, only use half the
tincture of cantharides. The alcohol must be strictly 95 per cent.--you
can add hartshorn if not strong enough, also bergamot for perfume to
suit. It is good for tetter on the head. Every ingredient can be had at
almost any of the drug stores.
Take of cold pressed castor oil 2 ounces, tincture of cantharides ½
ounce, acetic acid ½ ounce, strong water of amonia 1½ ounces, oil of
nutmegs ½ drachm, oil of lavender ½ drachm, put this in a bottle, make
into a lotion, when it will be ready for use.
The head should be perfectly cleaned of all dirt and dandruff, with
castile soap and warm water, and the lotion applied freely and rubbed in
with a stiff hair brush once a day; in a week or two its good effects
will be manifested. This is the best preparation for baldness yet
introduced--give it a fair trial and you will not be disappointed. The
drugs of this preparation can be had at any of the drug stores.
Take of creosote 1 drachm, oil of cloves 1 drachm, tincture of camphor 2
drachms, oil of petroleum 2 drachms, mix them thoroughly and cork tight
for use. A few drops of this mixture on cotton and applied to the nerve
of the tooth will relieve the pain.
Take of supercarbonate of soda 1 ounce, pulverized orris root ½ an ounce,
cream of tartar ½ ounce, oil of roses 10 drops, mix them properly. This
may be used with the finger, rag or soft tooth brush.
Carbonate of magnesia any quantity, perfumed with the oil of cinnamon
or neroli. This is the best tooth powder for children--the teeth should
always be cleaned after eating, if you wish to keep the breath sweet.
Take of oil of bergamot 1 ounce, oil of lavender ½ ounce, oil of neroli 1
drachm, oil of roses 15 drops, oil of cloves 30 drops, new milk 1 pint,
pure alcohol 1 gallon, digest 1 day and filter through close flannel
several times.
Take of oil of bergamot 1 ounce, oil of lemon 1 ounce, oil of lavender
3 ounces, tincture of muck 1 drachm, pure alcohol 7 pints, rose water 1
pint, gum camphor 20 grains, mix and digest 1 day and filter--cork up
tight for use.
Take oil of roses 5 drops, oil of bergamot 1 ounce, oil of lemon 1 ounce,
oil of lavender 2½ ounces, oil of rosemary ½ ounce, oil of cinnamon
10 drops, pure alcohol 7 pints, new milk 1 pint. Let the mixture stand
one day and filter. All preparations of cologne should be kept closely
stopped, otherwise they will lose their fine flavor.
Take of 95 per cent. alcohol 1 pint, oil of origanum 2 ounces, gum
camphor 2 ounces, tartaric acid ½ ounce. Digest 1 day and mix well, when
it will be ready for use--cork up tight.--A few drops of this mixture on
cotton applied to the nerve, and the gums well rubbed with it will soon
relieve the pain. This is harmless and pleasant. If you cannot get any
cotton to the nerve, bathe the tooth and gums well with it.
Take of 1½ pounds of white mustard seed from 1 tea spoonful to 1 table
spoonful, between meals--the whole seeds in cold water.
Take saltpetre and loaf sugar of an equal proportion and make a liquid.
After packing the butter in a jar or sweet keg, pour over enough of the
liquid to cover the butter an inch or two. If you should wish to re-pack
the butter, pour off the liquid, which if sweet, may be used again when
you have done packing.
Reduce separately to a fine powder, in a dry mortar, 2 pounds of the best
common salt, 1 pound of saltpetre and 1 pound of loaf sugar; sift one of
them over the other on a sheet of paper, then mix them well together and
they are ready for use. 1 ounce of the preparation is enough, to a pound
of butter, and if well worked in will preserve it sweet for three years.
This is worth giving a trial.

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