2017년 2월 23일 목요일

The Farmers Own Book 14

The Farmers Own Book 14

Pulverize these as fine as possible, put them into one gallon of French
brandy of the best quality, or best fourth-proof old rye whiskey; brandy
is best--put the whole into a bottle or jar--a bottle is best if one can
be had large enough at the top, which must be closed; then place the
bottle or jar in the sand, which should be at least two inches deep at
the bottom of the kettle or crock; fill in sand to come above the drugs
when settled, and put under it a slow fire, so as to keep it warm but
not to boil. Let it digest for fourteen days and filter the whole of it
through fine flannel several times, so as to separate the drugs well;
then put in each gallon 2 ounces spirits of camphor and 2 ounces spirits
saffron, when it will be ready for use.
For preventing cholera: first take one tablespoonful in the morning,
fasting on cold water, one at noon, and one at night. Second, for an
attack or symptoms take from 2 to 3 tablespoonsful every 5, 10 or 15
minutes, as the case may require, until relieved, when the doses may be
lessened, or not so often. Let the patient go to bed and keep warm and
quiet as possible until relieved. Third, for the third stage or relapse,
vomiting and pain in the stomach, take from 2 to 4 tablespoonsful every 5
or 10 minutes, as the case may be, until relieved or thrown into a sweat;
cover up warm, and if cold apply plenty of hot bricks or bottles with hot
water in, to the feet, hands, body, &c. mustard plaster on the stomach,
rubbing with the hand, some stimulant, as not a moment’s time should
be lost when the cold chill comes on. Fourth stage or relapse, attended
with cold sweats and rice water discharges, take large doses every 3 or
5 minutes; continue until the patient becomes warm and easier. No time
should be lost at this stage of the disease. Apply hot bricks, bottles,
&c. as before directed; when relieved the doses may be less and not so
often--say from ½ hour to 6 hours; continue 3 or 4 days as the case may
require, and do not fail to keep the patient warm, &c.
For bilious or cramp colic, cholera morbus, flux, bilious fever, &c.
administer doses as above. Let the patient go to bed and keep as quiet
as possible until relieved. In severe cases of cholera morbus, a mustard
plaster should be placed over the stomach, which must be kept on as long
as it can be borne. Travellers and families should not be without this
medicine, as it as considered by all who have used it to be the safest
and surest remedy for the above disease ever introduced. Take a friend’s
advice and never be without this remedy, as it was never known to fail
in curing what it is recommended to do. Give it a fair trial, and its
efficacy will soon be seen. By strictly obeying the directions it is
perfectly safe and harmless; it is also good in sick stomachs, &c.
This medicine, when persevered in according to directions, will
effectually cure cholera in all its stages, and all that it is
recommended to do, which can be attested by certificates from many
persons. By adding the tincture of cayenne you will find this medicine
effectual in cramp colic; add the tincture until as strong as it can be
To be more plain and simple,--in making of the cholera medicine, if in
the summer you can set the bottle or jar in the sun, which should be when
the sun is very warm, letting it remain some 3 or 4 weeks--the longer you
distil, the better the medicine. If in the winter season, you can place
your crock on the top of the stove, keeping the fire regular, so as not
to boil--if you distil until reduced one-third, it will be much stronger
and better.
Take of sarsaparilla root, coltsfoot root, or wild ginger root, sassafras
root, dogwood root, yellow poplar root, prickley ash root, spicewood
root, one handful of each, when dried, as much as you can hold in one
hand; cut the bark off of the roots and pulverize as fine as you can,
except the sarsaparilla, which must be cut in very small pieces; then put
the whole in one gallon of best fourth-proof old rye whiskey, and let it
stand for 1 or 2 weeks; but should you wish to use immediately, set the
vessel containing the ingredients on the stove, and keep just warm for 2
or 3 days, when it will be fit for use.
Take from 1 to 3 tablespoonsful 3 times a day, one hour before meals. It
may be taken 5 or 6 times a day provided it does not affect the nerves
too much. It is perfectly safe and has cured more cases of rheumatism
than any other remedy introduced.
I will cite one or two cases where it effected complete cures: Mr. Joshua
Deer, who had been in a most helpless condition for a long time, and
had tried many other remedies in vain, was cured in five days after he
commenced using it, so as to be able to take a ride on horseback, which
can be certified by a number of persons living in the neighborhood. Any
one doubting the above, can have it proven to their satisfaction by
addressing Ezra Deer, or Henry Gross, who was cured by it in less time.
Let it be understood that there never was a preparation that would
cure all cases: no, not one-fourth, therefore I have given a number of
preparations, so that if one fail, others may prove efficacious, though
the above remedy occupies the head of the list in our own estimation.
Never give up any one remedy until you have given it a fair trial. “He
that holds out faithfully shall be saved.”
This medicine can be distilled the same as the cholera medicine, bottled
up and kept for years. Mr. Joshua Deer, was cured with the distilled.
Henry Gross and others used it in liquor. You must keep from labor and
exposure, while using the above and be careful not to eat any thing
greasy, or that which will not agree with you.
Take 1 ounce of saltpetre, 1 quart of ale--if ale cannot be had take
whiskey or water--dissolve the saltpetre in the ale.
Take 1 wine glassful before breakfast, 1 before dinner, 1 before going
to bed, and continue until relieved. Should the second quart do no good,
stop taking it. You must keep from labor and exposure while using the
above. Mr. Dill was cured by this remedy, who had suffered for more than
a year constantly.
Take 1 ounce of sulphur, 1¼ ounces of saltpetre, ½ ounce of gum guscomb,
2 nutmegs, the whole to be finely pulverized, to which add 12 ounces of
Take 1 tea spoonful every night before going to bed, but if it should act
too free on the bowels, the quantity must be diminished.
Take 1 ounce of spirits of camphor, 1 ounce turpentine, 1 ounce sweet
oil, 1 drachm oil of juniper, 1 drachm carbonate of hartshorn, mix these
perfectly, and apply three times a day, rubbing it in by the stove or
fire with the palm of the hand for 15 minutes.
Take 2 ounces of saltpetre, 2 ounces spirits of hartshorn, 8 ounces of
sweet oil. Pulverize the saltpetre as fine as possible, and mix with
the spirits of hartshorn, letting it dissolve, then add the sweet oil.
Bathe and rub in with the palm of the hand for 15 minutes, at the fire
or stove, wrap with flannel if possible. If not strong enough you may
add hartshorn, if too strong add sweet oil. This is considered the best
liniment ever introduced for the purpose. Use freely.
Take 8 cayenne pepper pods, and 1 pint of whiskey, boil over a fire
until it is reduced to one-half the quantity, when it will be ready for
use. Bathe the parts affected with the liniment three times a day. This
liniment has often relieved where other remedies have failed.
For Swellings, Bruises, Chapped Hands, Frosted Feet, Rheumatism, Cuts,
Burns, Mosquito Bites, Stings, Pains in the Limbs, Back, Chest, &c. Take
1 ounce spirits of hartshorn, 1 ounce spirits camphor, 1 ounce saltpetre,
1 tea spoonful sweet oil, 2 teaspoonsful laudanum; put all into a
bottle, shake and mix well and it is ready for use. Bathe in at a fire
3 tablespoonsful 3 times a day, rubbing with the hand for 15 minutes.
Put the liniment into a bottle, and keep it corked tight. Never pour out
more than one table spoonful at a time, being careful to keep the bottle
corked tight. This liniment is far superior to any other in use, and you
can make as much for 10 cents as you generally buy for 50 cents. Try the
experiment and see for yourself.
The spirits of camphor is made by mixing 1½ ounces of gum camphor with ½
pint of 95 per cent. alcohol. Put into a bottle and let them dissolve,
shake occasionally, after which it will be ready for use.
The spirits of saltpetre is made by taking 2 ounces pulverized saltpetre
put into a bottle, then add 2 ounces spirits of hartshorn, and let it
remain half a day, shaking frequently, then add scant ½ pint 95 per cent.
alcohol, shake and let it dissolve, when it will be fit for use. For
rheumatism add more hartshorn, and bathe the parts affected well.
The chloride of gold made into an ointment with lard is said to speedily
relieve the pains of the gout or rheumatism. It stains the skin purple,
which can be easily removed by washing it with urine.
Take 2 balsam apples, put into ½ gallon of good fourth proof whiskey in a
jug and let it stand for a week or ten days, shaking occasionally. Dose,
one wine glassful three times a day. Keep from exposure while using and
eat nothing greasy or that disagrees with the stomach. This has cured
where other remedies have failed, and should the first ½ gallon not

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