2017년 2월 23일 목요일

The Farmers Own Book 18

The Farmers Own Book 18

Take ¼ pound beeswax, separate into shavings, put in a pan and add ½
gallon of spirits of turpentine and 1 pint linseed oil; let it remain for
12 hours, then stir it well with a stick into a liquid; while stirring
add ¼ pound shellac varnish and 1 ounce alkinet root. Put this mixture
into a gallon jar and stand it before a fire or in an oven for a week,
just to keep it warm, shaking it up 3 or 4 times a day, then strain it
through a hair sieve or fine flannel. In using pour a tea spoonful on a
wad of baize or flannel, and go lightly over the face or other parts of
the mahogany furniture, then apply a similar dry wad briskly and in three
minutes it will produce a dark brilliant polish, unequalled and of great
value. The shellac varnish is made by taking ¼ pound good gum shellac and
pouring alcohol enough over to dissolve it, say as much as to cover the
Take 1 pint alcohol, ½ ounce of oil of lemon, color with tincture of
tamarisk. To make these essences for family use you should take 95 per
cent. alcohol and the quantity of oil named in the receipt, which will
save you three hundred per cent. paying you for your labor. If you wish
to make a pint, get a glass bottle that will hold a little more than a
pint and put your alcohol and oil in, shake and mix them well, then color
to suit.
To make 1 gallon of the essences for sale, take 1 gallon of common
alcohol and 2 ounces of the oil--color as in the others.
Take 1 pint alcohol, ½ ounce of oil of peppermint, and if you wish it
colored add in small quantities the tincture of tamarisk, stirring it,
until you have the color to suit your taste. This is excellent for cramp
colic in man or horse.
Take 40 grains sulphate of zinc to ½ pint of warm soft water, shake
until well dissolved and cork up tightly. In using pour out about 1 tea
spoonful into a cup and bathe the eyes with it. Never use by dipping
your finger into the bottle, but pour a small quantity out into a vessel
of some kind. This is the best eye water yet introduced and will be
certain to relieve the inflamed eye. Try it and its efficacy will soon
be manifested. Always bathe the eye of an evening, just before going to
bed--if it is used during the day you should keep out of the air. If too
strong add a little water. The cost of this preparation is but 6¼ cents,
and cannot be surpassed.
Take 1 pint of alcohol, ½ ounce of oil of cinnamon, color with the
tincture of red sanders, and mix as above. This is excellent in diarrhœa,
summer complaints or looseness of the bowels.
We have known instances of the most intense suffering, neither rest by
day or sleep at night, in which this process has effected cures. As soon
as it becomes apparent that a felon is making its appearance, which is
known by a constant soreness and pain proceeding from the bone, take
a strong cord of any kind and wrap it about the afflicted part, as
tightly as can be borne; keep it in this condition until the pain can be
endured no longer. Now loose the cords and soon as the pain, caused by
the cording subsides, tighten it again. Continue this for several days
or until the felon is completely blackened and killed.--We have known
several persons who have been afflicted with felons to try this remedy
with success--in fact we have never known it to fail. The cording stops
the circulation and then the sore has nothing to feed upon, when it soon
dies of starvation. We have faith in this remedy, even after a felon has
made considerable progress. If the felon has commenced at the bone the
sooner you have it cut the better; there is no application that will
burst or open the skin that is next to the bone, it should be cut if the
above remedy fails.--_Clipper._
Croton oil it is said will entirely remove this complaint. A minister
of the gospel who had been laid aside from his pastoral office by the
bronchitis, for three years, has entirely recovered his voice by the
application of croton oil to the surface of the throat, against the organ
affected, one drop daily rubbed over the surface produced a singular but
powerful eruption of the skin, which as it progressed restored his voice
to its full tone and vigor.
That have lost their appetite. Put urine in the slop, or when you can
conveniently, urinate in the trough as you pass along. This is excellent,
but a small quantity of ashes put in their slop cannot be surpassed for
restoring the appetite, and also very good for the kidneys, worms, &c.
Give it a trial and be convinced of its efficacy.
Take 1 pound of beeswax, ½ pint of lamp black, mix well while hot, and
when cooling off, add oil until it becomes of a proper consistency. In
the winter season add more oil. This makes a lasting grease, which cannot
be surpassed for carriages, &c.
Take sassafras leaves and dip them in warm water, then take castile soap
and make a thick lather, and apply with a soft brush as far as the sore
or inflammation extends, then apply the sassafras leaves, warm 3 or 4
thick, tie it up loosely, renew every 8 hours. This cannot be surpassed
for inflammation of this nature. Give it a trial and its effects will
soon be felt. Use none but castile soap.
The following certificate attests the value of this simple cure:--
MIDDLETOWN Frederick Co., Md.
June 5th, 1852.
_To all whom it may concern, greeting_:--
I hereby certify, that some time in March, 1847, my wife was
afflicted with a pain and swelling in her arm, which proved
extremely painful, and appeared to be contracting the arm,
leaving a red or purple streak as far as the swelling extended.
As some three or four of my children were then lying sick with
scarlet fever, also a negro girl, several physicians were sent
for to attend them, who were consulted in relation to my wife.
Some pronounced it the hysterics, others attempted to effect a
cure, but all in vain; at length it was pronounced a pest or
plague blister and very dangerous. The person who informed me
what it was, recommended me to Mr. J. D. Koogle for a cure. Mr.
Koogle came and applied poultices, which in an hour or two
after the first application relieved her so much as to enable
her to sleep, which she had not done for ten or twelve days.
Previous to this the physicians recommended every thing that
had a tendency to induce sleep without avail. Nothing could
ease her pain so as to enable her to sleep. She continued the
poultices recommended by Mr. Koogle until finally relieved,
though they left the hand and part of the arm perfectly
hollow--nothing but skin, bone and sinew--yet the parts are
now entirely healed and as full as usual, without any other
Yours, &c.
Take wheat flour and put into a hot stove, roast it to a brown color,
stir and mix it while browning. In using sprinkle on the sore--it
scarcely ever fails to heal after all other remedies have failed. The
sores should not be dried up too suddenly, and particularly when it is a
general breaking out over the face, hands, &c.
Drink as much whiskey as you can. It will do no harm and is a certain
cure--use it immediately after the bite.
Take of elecampane root 1½ ounces, cut it fine or pulverize if you can,
then boil it in one pint of new milk down to a quarter of a pint. Take
this in the morning fasting, and eat no food till 4 o’clock in the
afternoon. It should be taken every other morning--the two last doses
must weigh 2 ounces each. This may be used several times a day.
Take of yellow clay any quantity, and add vinegar enough to form a
poultice, apply it cold. To a sprained joint it gives very speedy relief,
often cures in one night. This cannot be surpassed for a fresh sprain on
Yellow poplar bark, dogwood bark, wild cherry bark, 1 ounce of each;
pulverize fine, and add to them 1 quart of whiskey, shake the bottle and
let it stand one week. A table spoonful in water three times a day is a
dose in cases of debility after fevers.
Take of basilicon ointment 1 ounce, venice turpentine ½ oz., pulverized

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