2017년 2월 23일 목요일

The Farmers Own Book 24

The Farmers Own Book 24

The best time to dry cows is whilst feeding dry feed. A good dose of
physic and after it has operated, follow with an astringent drink, will
generally settle the business. Six drachms of alum dissolved in 1 pint
water, is a dose. The cow should be milked clean when the astringent is
given; feed on dry food for a few days. Should the udder get very hard in
a few days, milk clean and give another astringent drink, and the third
may be given if necessary.
This is a troublesome disease among cattle, at times the itching torments
the beast wonderfully, causing the cow to fall off in her milk, and
generally get thin in flesh, if suffered to remain any length of time.
The most effectual application is an ointment, which, sulphur is the
principal ingredient.
MANGE OINTMENT:--Take flour of sulphur 1 lb., strong mercurial ointment
2 ounces, common turpentine ½ pint, lard 1½ lb. Melt the turpentine and
lard together well; stir in the sulphur when it begins to cool--when
cool, rub the mercurial ointment on a marble slab, with the other
ingredients, mix these together. This should be well rubbed in with the
hand daily, wherever there is mange. If in the winter, the animal should
not be exposed to severe cold. Give a few doses of physic, with sulphur
added to it. Warbles gad fly or ose fly, is quite an annoyance to the
animal. The fly generally alights on the back, deposits the egg under the
skin, causing a tumour to rise the size of an hazel nut, some larger--it
soon bursts, leaving a hole on the top, for the grub or worm, which now
lives and feeds on the fatty matter.
REMEDY:--Squeeze out the worm or grub, by pressing firmly, if this cannot
be accomplished, open it with a lancet or knife, and put in a few drops
spirits turpentine, a few times which will destroy the grub.
This is a dreadful Disease, produced by the bite of a rabid or mad dog.
The symptoms of its approach are dullness, loss of appetite, the eyes
protruding and red; is continually voiding urine or dunging, saliva
drivels from his mouth: presently weakness of the loins, and staggering
appear; sometimes they linger six or seven days, and die. There is no
REMEDY:--Destroy the animal as soon as possible. Care should be taken
that the saliva is not received on a wound; any wound which it has fallen
on, should be immediately well burned with lunar caustic. Should you
see the rabid dog bite your animal, and find the spot, immediately burn
the wound well with the lunar caustic, there is a possibility of their
escape. The hair should be clipped off, and every scratch carefully
touched with the caustic.
Should the mother’s milk not be sufficient to operate upon the bowels,
or not at all, give 1 or 2 ounces Epsom salts, according to the
size: dissolve in ½ pint gruel, add a little ginger, and a few drops
peppermint, or as you may give Castor oil; if it should be an obstinate
case, give an injection or two of salts dissolved in water, and a little
castor oil, this will set all right.
This is an excellent powder for general derangements of the System. Such
as falling off of the milk, dullness, stupidness, staring of the hair,
This powder is truly astonishing in its effects on cattle, giving new
life and vigor to the animal. No owner of cattle should do without this
powder, and should adopt the rule to feed all his cattle, some of the
powder, once or twice a year, and especially before commencing to fatten
them. This powder is equally as good for Sheep. Take
½ pound gentian root,
½ “ flour of brimstone,
½ “ fenugreek,
½ “ rosin,
½ “ copperas,
¼ “ cream of tartar,
½ “ epsom salts,
½ “ juniper berries,
½ “ spice berries,
¼ “ salts nitre,
½ “ ginger,
¼ “ caraway seed,
¼ “ aniseed,
2 oz. antimony,
2 oz. columbo,
1 oz. gum asafœtida,
2 oz. alum,
Pulverize these articles fine and mix well, and it is ready for use. Any
of the above articles can be had at any Drug Store.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE:--Dose for a full grown animal, one tablespoonful once
or twice a day, as the case may require.
This powder cannot be excelled, it is an excellent medicine for all
derangements of the system, it is perfectly harmless, and should be
fed sometime in all chronic and lingering diseases, or at least until
entirely relieved, and the system put in perfect health. No animal can
thrive unless in health. Therefore every farmer should adopt the rule
to feed all his stock, and especially those which he wishes to fatten
with some of these powders; by so doing you will save feed and time. In
fattening, feed on offal.
DIRECTIONS:--For a full grown sheep, dose, 1 teaspoonful once or twice a
day, as the necessity of the case may require. Feed on offal.
Bots or Grubs, PAGE. 25-26
Brood Mares, 57
Chest Founder, 39
Chronic Cough, 45
Ears, 30
Enlargement of the Hock, 48
Epidemics, 44
Eyes, 29
Flatulent Colic, 9 10 11
Founder Acute, 52 53 54
Grease, 50 51
Inflammation, 40 41 42
---- Bladder, 15 16
---- Bowels, 22 23 24
---- Feet, 52 53 54
---- Kidneys, 17
---- Larynx, 43 44
---- Lungs, 18 19 20 21
Injury of the Eyes, 34
Lampass, 35
Membranes of the Nose, 27 28
Physicing, 47
Poll Evil, 5 6 7 8
Process of Teething, 36 37 38
Rabies or Madness, 33
Restiveness or taming Horses, 55 56
Spasmodic Colic, 12 13 14
Sprain of Back Sinews, 48

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