2015년 2월 24일 화요일

Amiens Before and During the War 1

Amiens Before and During the War 1

Amiens Before and During the War
: Michelin & Cie
In the days of the Gauls, Amiens, then known as Samarobriva, or "Bridge
over the Somme," was the capital of the Ambiani, a tribe of Belgian
origin. Later it passed under Roman domination, and in the fifth century
under that of the Franks. Christianity was first preached there at the
beginning of the fourth century, by St. Firmin, first bishop and martyr
of Amiens. After the death of Charlemagne, the town became the property
of the counts and bishops. The latter were unable to defend it against
the Normans, who ravaged it on several occasions. In 1185, it was
annexed to the royal dominions, under Philippe Auguste. On account of
its position, between Paris and the sea, Amiens acquired great
importance at that time, and became the store-house for all the goods
sent down the river Somme for distribution over the whole of northern
France. The manufacture of cloth and linen, and the preparation of
"woad" (vegetable dye-stuff used on a very large scale in the Middle
Ages) caused Amiens to become as rich and flourishing as the Flemish
Built on the Somme, at the confluence of that river with its
tributaries, the Avre and the Selle, and at the junction of nine
different railways, Amiens is divided, topographically, into three
To the south, is the higher or new town, bounded by two lines of
boulevards planted with fine chestnut and linden trees, and occupying
the site of the ancient ramparts. Between this double belt, rise the
suburbs of Noyon, Henri-Ville, and Beauvais, with their straight
streets, handsome mansions, and brick-built residences.
In the centre, extending as far as the river Somme, is the business part
of the town, containing the shops, public buildings, and ancient
On the right bank, from the Somme to the lateral canal, which describes
a large semi-circle between the "ports d'Amont et d'Aval," lies old
Amiens or the lower town, with its narrow winding streets, wooden
houses, workshops and factories, situated between the many arms of the
This quarter is dominated by the ancient citadel, and prolonged by the
new suburbs of St. Maurice and St. Pierre, where the working population
of the spinning mills and factories lives.
Twice during the War, the strategical importance of Amiens caused it to
become the objective of the German armies.
How the Germans occupied Amiens in 1914
After the battle of Charleroi, and in consequence of von Kluck's
manifest intention to outflank the left wing of the retreating Allies,
Amiens became threatened.
At that time a group of divisions under General d'Amade, comprising the
81st, 82nd, 84th, and 88th territorials, and the 61st and 62nd reserves,
was stationed between Dunkirk and Mauberge, with orders to check enemy
cavalry raids.
However, the front allotted to these troops was so long that they formed
merely a thin curtain, which was obliged to retire before the approach
of the first German army.
Amiens was then occupied by Moroccan troops, which were hurriedly
despatched in the direction of Comon and Villers-Bretonneux, to organise
defensive positions.
General d'Amade arrived on August 27th.
His territorial divisions were sent by train to a point below the town,
with orders to prevent the Germans from crossing the Somme. On the same
day, the 61st and 62nd reserve divisions marched towards Péronne, their
ultimate destination being south of the Somme. However, on debouching
from Bapaume, they had an extremely violent engagement with a German
army corps. The battle continued until the following day, eventually
turning in favour of the enemy, and the two divisions were thrown back
Further to the east, General Sordet's cavalry corps, which was
supporting the left wing of the British army to the east of the line Le
Catelet-Roisel, sought to check the German advance, but was unable to
prevent the enemy from reaching the outskirts of Péronne on the evening
of the 27th. The cavalry accordingly withdrew to the south of the Somme.
On the 28th, the enemy took Péronne, and marched on Amiens. The cavalry
corps fell back towards the south.
On the 29th, General Maunoury, in command of a new army (the 6th), made
the necessary dispositions to prevent his left from being out-flanked,
and to check the enemy, whose advance-guards nearest Amiens had reached
Bray-sur-Somme, Chuignolles and Framerville. In the first line were
A brigade of Moroccan chasseurs;
The 14th division of the 7th corps, from Alsace, which had
detrained at Villers-Bretonneux on the 27th;
The 45th and 55th battalions of chasseurs.
On the right, in the direction of Nesle, were units of the 55th
The French attacked during the morning, inflicting heavy losses on the
enemy, and capturing the village of Proyart. At the same time, the four
territorial divisions moved up the Somme and established themselves in
In the evening, the enemy counter-attacked in superior numbers. The 7th
corps lost the positions won that morning, and withdrew to the south.
From that moment, the town became exposed; the territorials evacuated it
on the 30th, during the day, their rear-guard having several skirmishes
with enemy patrols near Cagny.
Occupation of Amiens
The enemy entered the town on August 31st, and immediately made
requisitions of all kinds, including food and money. These requisitions,
of a total value of about 500,000 frs., had to be complied with the same
[Illustration: _Retreat of the German Artillery_
Twelve town councillors and the Attorney-General were taken as hostages,
and were only released on September 11th after much anxious suspense and
At first, the Imperial army merely passed through Amiens on its forced
march "nach Paris." From the 1st to the 9th of September there were
practically no Germans in the town. Occasionally, officers paid hurried
visits, exacting further requisitions, and breaking open the safes of
the Savings Banks.
On September 9th, a garrison was installed, and a major appointed
Kommandant of the town. Injunctions, prohibitions, and requisitions
became more severe immediately. It was forbidden to be in the streets
after 8 p.m., or to sell newspapers. Motor vehicles were seized, and
Frenchmen residing in Amiens who had not been mobilised, were ordered to
the Citadel. Two-thirds of them were eventually released, but about a
thousand young men were sent away into captivity. They had scarcely
left, when the Germans withdrew precipitately from the town.
On September 11th, only a few laggards remained. The effect of the
defeat on the Marne was making itself felt.
On the 12th, General d'Amade's advance-guards, returning from the
vicinity of Rouen, re-entered the town and took a few prisoners. The
territorial divisions occupied Amiens until the 17th, when they left in
a north-easterly direction, taking part at the end of the month in the
battles at Péronne and Fricourt, which again fixed the front line
positions. Relieved and protected by lines of trenches, Amiens was safe
from the enemy until March, 1918.
How Amiens was saved in 1918
In 1918, a new onrush of the German armies brought them almost to the
gates of Amiens. On March 21st, Ludendorff opened his great offensive by
hurling a million fanatical troops against the 5th British Army.
Bapaume, Péronne, and Montdidier fell in a few days; a stretch of
territory, sixty kilometres broad, was occupied by the enemy, who
captured enormous booty. For a moment, the road to long-coveted Paris
seemed open. Thanks, however, to the prodigious resistance of the French
troops, who barred the valley of the Oise, the breach was promptly
closed. It was then that the enemy returned to his first objective,
_i.e._, the separation of the two Allied armies. On March 27th the
Germans hurled themselves at Amiens, which formed the hinge of the
Allies' front.
For several days the struggle continued to be extremely violent; the
enemy gained some ground, but was unable to break through. Démuin,
Moreuil, Marcelcave, and Hangard were fiercely disputed until March
31st. These villages mark the extreme line reached by the enemy--_i.e._,
17 kilometres from Amiens.
On April 4th, the Germans attacked again, determined to break through at
all costs. Against the French front alone, 15 kilometres in length,
eleven divisions were hurled. Crossing to the left bank of the Avre,
they took the villages of Morisel and Mailly-Raineval from Debeney's
army, and threatened the railway from Clermont to Amiens, which was
their objective. At Hangard, the British, shoulder to shoulder with the
French, repulsed all attacks. Further to the north, they withdrew to the
west of Hamel, and during the night were forced back to the
Villers-Bretonneux plateau. However, vigorous counter-attacks enabled
them to win back the lost ground next day.
From the 15th to the 19th of April, local offensives enabled the French
to clear the railway. However, the Germans had not given up their plan,
and after a violent bombardment during the night, they again attacked,
on April 24th at 5 a.m., the Franco-British junction between
Villers-Bretonneux, held by the British, and a point west of Moreuil.
Villers-Bretonneux fell, but the French troops were able to hold
Hailles. Bayonet fighting took place in the streets of Hangard, which
was lost during the night.
[Illustration: RAILWAY STATION, ST. ROCH.]
On the morning of the 26th, the French and British counter-attacked from
Villers-Bretonneux to the valley of the Luce, and drove the enemy back
to their starting-point of the 24th.
Once again, Amiens had escaped, but it remained within range of the
German heavy guns. The town, which had previously suffered on various
occasions from air bombardments, was now continuously and violently
bombarded, especially by artillery, from April to June. Ruins
accumulated in the town and suburbs, both of which had been evacuated by
the inhabitants on April 9th.
Liberation of Amiens
The final liberation of the town began on August 8th, with the great
Allied offensive. The 4th British army (Rawlinson) and the 1st French
army (Debeney), in liaison on the road from Amiens to Roye, attacked at
dawn from Braches to Morlancourt, the respective positions of Von der
Marwitz and Von Hutier. The Australian and Canadian infantry, supported
by numerous tanks, completely surprised the panic-stricken enemy. In a
few hours, Villers-Bretonneux was cleared, and in the evening the
British reached Chépilly, Framerville, Caix, and Beaucourt-en-Santerre.
To the south, the French, by clever manœuvring, advanced 8 kilometres,
and established themselves on the line
That night, Debeney and Rawlinson joined hands at Mezières, both having
captured enormous booty.
On the 9th, progress was maintained, in spite of the growing resistance
of the enemy. The British took the line of exterior defensive works of
Amiens, and reached Le Quesnel, Rosières-en-Santerre, Rainecourt, and
Morocourt. Debeney encircled Montdidier; to the north, his troops
captured Arvillers and Pierrepont, while to the south, an attack made in
the evening forced the enemy to evacuate the town on the following
morning and to retreat to La Bossière. During the same day (10th), the
British captured Proyart and approached Chaulnes.
From that moment Amiens was safe from further aggression, as the
Germans, harried by the victorious Allied armies, retreated each day.
=Douze otages pris parmi les membres du Conseil Municipal auxquels
s'est joint M. le Procureur-Général, répondent sur leur vie= de
l'engagement pris par la Municipalité qu'aucun acte d'hostilité ne
sera commis par la population contre les troupes allemandes.
Le 31 Août 1914.
_Le Sénateur-Maire_,
Twelve hostages chosen from the town councillors, and the Attorney
General, will answer with their lives for the undertaking entered into
by the Municipality that no hostile act will be committed by the
population against the German troops.
31st August, 1914.
Senator-Mayor: A. FIQUET.
[Illustration: CENTRE OF AMIENS
1. Place Samarobrive.
2. Rue Pingré.
3. Rue des Chaudronniers.
4. Passage Gossart.
5. Rue St.-Martin.
6. Rue du Bloc.
7. Rue St. Firmin the Confessor.
8. Rue de la Malmaison.
9. Rue de Metz-l'Évêque.
A--Old Water-Works (Museum); B--Hôtel Morgan de Belloy; D--St.
Germain's Church; E--Belfry; F--House of the White Gable; H--Hôtel
de Ville; K--Archer's house; L--Bailliage; S--Logis du Gouverneur
du Roi.
[Illustration: MAP OF AMIENS
POPULATION: 93,207 ALTITUDE: 27 metres
0 100 200 300 400 500m 1 Kilom.
A. École de Médecine
B. Église St Germain
D. Temple Protestant
Ec. Écoles
F. {Halle au Blé
{Salle des Fêtes
G. Gendarmerie
H. Hôtel de Ville
T. Théâtre
1. Pl. de Château d'Eau
2. Pl. de la Tuerie
3. Pl. Samarobrive
4. Pl. au Feurre
5. Pl. Fauvel
6. R. des Sœurs Grises
7. Pl. au Fil
8. R. des Chaudronniers
9. R. St Martin
10. Pl. Florent Caille
11. R. Henri IV
12. R. Cormont
13. R. Adadat-Lefèvre
14. R. de l'Oratoire
15. R. Gloriette
16. R. des Vergeaux
17. R. Delambre
18. R. Duméril
19. Pl. d'Aguesseau
20. R. Allart
[symbol] General Post Office
[symbol] Streets or roads to be avoided
by motor-cars
[Illustration: ITINERARY starting from the cathedral: follow the arrows
The Cathedral, pp. 9-34.
U--Theatre, p. 35.
S--Logis du Gouverneur du Roi en Picardie], p. 36.
--Rue des Trois-Cailloux. p. 36.
--St. Rémy church, p. 37.
--Museum, pp. 38-44.
--Prefecture, p. 45
1--corner of bombarded streets, p. 45.
H--Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall), p. 45.
L--Bailliage (Bailiwick), p. 46.
F--Maison du Blanc Pignon (House of the White Gable), p. 47.

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