2015년 2월 27일 금요일

Cleg Kelly, Arab of the City 23

Cleg Kelly, Arab of the City 23

But a sudden thought of inconceivable grandeur flushed Cleg's cheek.
Once for all, he would show them what he could do. He would evade his
pursuers, make his late adversary burst with envy, and wring the heart
of Vara Kavannah, all by one incomparable act of daring. So he stood
still till Mistress McWalter arose again to her feet and charged upon
him with a perfect scream of anger. At the same time John McWalter
closed in upon the other side with his hay-fork and his dogs. Cleg
allowed them to approach till they were almost within striking distance
of him. Then, without giving himself a moment for reflection, he
wheeled about on his heels, balanced a moment on the brink, bent his
arms with the fingers touching into a beautiful bow, and sprang far out
into the black water.
So suddenly was this done that the good man of Loch Spellanderie,
approaching with his hay-fork from one direction, ran hastily into the
arms of his spouse charging from the other. And from her he received
a most unwifely ring on the side of the head with the poker, which
loosened every tooth John McWalter still retained in his jawbones.
"Tak' that, ye donnert auld deevil, for lettin' him by!" cried the
"Ye let him by yoursel', guidwife," cried her husband, who did not
often resent anything which his wife might do, but who felt that he
must draw the line at having to welcome the poker on the side of his
head. "Dinna come that road again, my woman. I declare to peace; had it
no been for the hay-time comin' on, and few hands to win it, I wad hae
stuck the fork brave and firmly intil ye, ye randy besom!"
To what lengths the quarrel would have gone if it had been allowed to
proceed, will never be known. For just at that moment the head of Cleg
emerged far out upon the dark waters of Loch Spellanderie.
Cleg Kelly swam nearly as easily in his clothes as without them. For he
had cast his coat at the beginning of the fray, and as to his trousers,
they were loose and especially well ventilated. So that the water
gushed in and out of the holes as he swam, much as though they had
been the gills of a fish. Indeed, they rather helped his progress than
Then from the dusky breadths of the lake arose the voice, mocking and
bitter, of the Thersites of the Sooth Back, equally well equipped for
compliment and deadly in debate.
"Loup in," he cried, "try a dook. It is fine and caller in here the
nicht. But leave the poker ahint ye. It will tak' ye a' your time to
keep your ain thick heid abune the water. Come on, you!" he cried
pointedly to Mistress McWalter. "That face o' yours hasna seen water
for a month, I'll wager. A soom will do you a' the guid in the world!
And you, ye guano-sack on stilts, come and try a spar oot here. I'll
learn ye to stick hay-fows into decent folk!"
But neither John McWalter nor yet his wife had a word to say in answer.
Then began such an exhibition as Loch Spellanderie had never seen.
Cleg trod water. He dived. He swam on his back, on his side, on his
breast. His arms described dignified alternate circleshalf in air and
half in water. He pretended to be drowning and let himself, after a
terror-striking outcry, sink slowly down into deep water, from which
presently he arose laughing.
And all the time his heart was hot and prideful within him.
"I'll learn her," he said over and over to himself, "I'll learn her to
tak' up wi' a country Jock."
And then he would execute another foolhardy prank, dismally rejoicing
the while in Vara's manifest terror.
"Cleg, come oot! Ye'll be drooned!" Vara cried, wringing her hands in
agony. Simple and innocent herself, she could not understand why her
kind good Cleg should act so. She had no conception of the evil spirit
of pride and vainglory, which upon occasion rent and tormented that
small pagan bosom.
"I'll show her!" remained the refrain of all Cleg's meditations for
many a day.
Finally, when this had gone on for a quarter of an hour, Cleg trod
water long enough to kiss his hand, and cry "Guidnicht!" to Mistress
McWalter and her husband, who meanwhile stood dumb and astonished on
the bank.
Then he turned and swam steadily away across the loch. He did not know
in the least how he would get his clothes dried, nor yet where he would
have to sleep. But his many adventures that day, and in especial the
way he had "taken the shine oot o' that loonie wi' the curls," warmed
and comforted him more than a brand new suit of dry clothes. So long as
he could see them he looked over his shoulder occasionally. And when he
noted the four dark figures still standing on the bank, Cleg chuckled
to himself and his proud heart rejoiced within him.
"I telled ye I wad show her," he said to himself, "and I hae shown her!"
Like most Scottish lakes, Loch Spellanderie is not wide, and Cleg
manfully ploughed his way across without fear of the result. For he
had often swam much further at the piers of Leith and Trinity, as
well as much longer in the many lochs which are girt like a girdle of
jewels round about his native city. But presently his clothes began to
tire him, and long ere the dark line of the trees on the further side
approached, he was longing to be on shore again.
Sometimes also he seemed to hear the voices of men before him, though,
owing the deep shadow of the trees, he could see no one. Cleg's arms
began to ache terribly, and his feet to drag lower and lower. The power
went out of his strokes. He called out lustily for the men to wait for
him. He could hear something like a boat moving along the edge of the
reeds, rustling through them with a sough as it went.
Suddenly Cleg saw something dark swimming slowly along the surface of
the water. He struck towards it fearlessly. It was a piece of wood
moved, as it seemed, by some mysterious power from the shore. Cleg
called out again for the men whose voices he had heard to wait for him.
But, instead of waiting, they promptly turned and fled. Cleg could
hear them crashing like bullocks through the briars and hazels of the
However, he was not far from the land now, and in a minute more he felt
his feet rest upon the shelving gravel of the lake shore. Cleg brought
the wedge-shaped piece of wood with him. He found upon holding it close
to his eyes in the dim light, that a double row of hooks was attached
to it beneath, and that there were half a dozen good trout leaping and
squirming upon different sides of it.
Cleg had no notion of the nature of the instrument he had captured. Nor
indeed had he the least idea that he had disturbed certain very honest
men in a wholly illegal operation.
He only shook himself like a water-dog and proceeded to run through the
wood at an easy trot, for the purpose of getting some heat back into
his chilled limbs.
As he ran his thoughts returned often to Loch Spellanderie, and each
time he cracked his thumbs with glee.
"I showed her, I'm thinkin'!" he said aloud.
Suddenly Cleg found himself out of the wood. He came upon a slight
fence of wire hung upon cloven undressed posts, over which ran the
shallow trench of the railway to Port Andrew.
Cleg knew himself on sure ground again so soon as he came to something
so familiar as the four-foot way. He felt as if he had a friend in each
telegraph post, and that the shining perspective of the parallel metals
stretched on and on into direct connection with Princes Street Station
and the North Bridge tram lines which ran almost to the Canongate Head.
He was, as it were, at home.
The boy hesitated a little which way to turn. But ultimately he decided
that he would take the left hand. So Cleg sped along the permanent way
towards Port Andrew at the rate of six miles an hour.
Had he known it, he was running as fast as he could out of all
civilisation. For at this point the railway passes into a purely
pastoral region of sheep and muircocks, where even farms and cot-houses
are scarcer than in any other part of the lowlands of Scotland.
Nevertheless Cleg kept up the steady swinging trot, which had come to
him by nature in direct descent from Tim Kelly, the Irish harvestman
and burglar who in his day had trotted so disastrously into Isbel
Beattie's life.
But Cleg was not to lie homeless and houseless that night, as Vara and
the children had often done. Cleg possessed all a cat's faculty for
falling on his feet.
At a lonely place on the side of the line he came upon a little cluster
of tanks and offices, which was yet not a station. There was, in fact,
no platform at all. It consisted mainly of the little tank for watering
the engine, and, set deep under an overhanging snout of heathery
moorland, an old narrow-windowed railway carriage raised upon wooden
Cleg stood petrified with astonishment before this strange encampment.
For there were lights in the windows, and the sound of voices came
cheerfully from within. Yet here was the lonely moor, with the birds
calling weirdly all about him, and only the parallel bars of the
four-foot way starting out east and west into the darkness, from the
broad stream of comfortable light which fell across them from the
windows of the wheelless railway carriage.
Finally Cleg plucked up heart to knock. He had a feeling that nothing
far amiss could happen to him, so near a railway which led at long
and last to Princes Street, where even at that moment so many of his
friends were busily engaged selling the evening papers. Besides which
he was in still nearer connection with his friends Muckle Alick,
the porter, and Duncan Urquhart, the goods enginedriver at Netherby
Cleg tapped gently, but there was at first no cessation in the noise.
He knocked a second time a little harder; still it was without effect.
A voice within took up a rollicking tune, and the words came rantingly
through the wooden partition. Cleg's hand slid down till it rested
upon the stirrup-shaped brass handle of a railway carriage. It turned
readily in his fingers, and Cleg peered curiously within.
He could now see the singer, who sat on a wooden chair with his
stocking-soles cocked up on the little stove which filled all one end
of the hut. There came from within a delightful smell of broiling bacon
ham, which hungry Cleg sniffed up with gusto.
The singer was a rough-haired, black-bearded man with a wide chest
and mighty shoulders, even though he could not be called a giant when
compared with Muckle Alick down at Netherby. And this is what he sang:
Auld Granny Grey Pow,
Fetch the bairnies in;
Bring them frae the Scaur Heid,
Whaur they mak' sic din.
Chase them frae the washin' pool,
Thrang at skippin' stanes
_Auld Granny Grey Pow,
Gather hame the weans._
The singer's voice sang this verse of the Poet of the Iron Road[6] so
gaily that Cleg felt that his quarters for the night were assured. He
was about to step within when a new voice spoke.
"'Deed and it micht serve ye better a deal, Poet Jock, gin ye wad
set doon your feet and lift your Bible to tak' a lesson to yoursel',
instead o' rantin' there at a gilravage o' vain sangsaye, even wastin'
your precious time in makkin' them, when ye micht be either readin'
the Company's rules or thinkin' aboot the concerns o' your never-dying
"You haud your tongue, Auld Chairlie," cried the singer, pausing a
moment, but not turning round; "gin ye hadna missed thae troots the
nicht and lost your otter to the keepers in Loch Spellanderie, ye wadna
hae been sitting there busy wi' Second Chronicles!"
And again the singer took up his ranting melody:
Bring in Rab to get him washed,
Weel I ken the loon,
Canna do unless he be
Dirt frae fit to croon.
Tam and Wull are juist the same
For a' I tak' sic pains
_Auld Granny Grey Pow,
Gather hame the weans._
So the singer sang, and ever as he came to the refrain he cuddled an
imaginary fiddle under his chin and played it brisk and tauntingly like
a spring:
_Auld Granny Grey Pow,
Gather hame the weans._
Then, before another word could be spoken, Cleg stepped inside.
"Guidnicht to ye a'!" he said politely.
The man who had been called Poet Jock took down his feet from the top
of the stove so quickly that the legs of the chair slipped from under
him, and he came down upon the floor of the carriage with a resounding
thump. Auld Chairlie, a white-haired old man who sat under a lamp with
a large book on his knee, also stood up so suddenly that the volume
slipped to the floor.
"O mercy! Lord, preserve me, what's this?" he cried, his teeth
chattering in his head as he spoke.
"Wha may you be and what do ye want?" asked poet Sandy, without,
however, getting up from the floor.
"I'm juist Cleg Kelly frae the Sooth Back," said the apparition.
"And whaur got ye that otter and troots?" broke in Auld Chairlie, who
could not take his eyes off them.
"I got them in the loch. Did ye think they grew in the field, man?"
retorted Cleg, whose natural man was rising within him at the enforced
"Preserve us a'I thocht ye had been either the deil or a gamekeeper!"
said Auld Chairlie, with intense earnestness; "weel, I'm awesome glad
ye are no a game watcher, at ony rate. We micht maybe hae managed to
gie the deil a bit fley by haudin' the muckle Bible to his e'e. But
gamekeepers are a' juist regairdless heathen loons that care neither
for Kirk nor ministerexcept maybe an orra while at election time."
"Aye, man, an' ye are Cleg Kelly? Where did ye 'Cleg' frae?" asked the
poet, who contented himself jovially with his position in the corner of
the floor, till a few cinders fell from the stove and made him leap to
his feet with an alacrity which was quite astounding in so big a man.
Then the reason why he had been content to sit still became manifest.
For his head struck the roof of the little carriage with a bang which
made him cower. Whereupon he sat down again, rubbing it ruefully,
muttering to himself, "There maun be the maist part o' an octavo volume
o' poems stuck to that roof already, and there gangs anither epic!"
When the Poet and Auld Chairlie had re-composed themselves in the
little hut, Cleg proceeded to tell them all his adventures, and
especially all those which concerned Mistress McWalter of Loch
Spellanderie, and the great swim across the water.
"We'll e'en hae yon trouts to our suppers yet!" said Poet Jock.
"Chairlie, man, pit on the pan. It's wonderfu' the works o' a gracious
And so in a trice the two noble loch trouts were frying with a pat
of butter and some oatmeal in the pan, and sending up a smell which
mingled deliciously enough with that of the fried ham which already
smoked upon an aschet by the fireside.
The good-hearted surfacemen at the Summit Hut seemed to take it for
granted that Cleg was to remain with them. At least neither of them
asked him any further questions. This might be because in the course of
his story he had mentioned familiarly the name of Duncan Urquhart the
goods guard, and the still greater one of Muckle Alick, the head porter
at Netherby. And these to a railway man on the Port Road were as good
as half-a-dozen certificates of character.
What a night it was in that wild place! The poet chanted his lays
between alternate mouthfuls of ham and fried scones of heavenly
toothsomeness. Auld Chairlie said quite a lengthy prayer by way of
asking a blessing. And the supplication would have continued a longer
time still, but for Poet Jock's base trick of rattling a knife and fork
on a plate, which caused Auld Chairlie to come to an abrupt stoppage
lest any unsportsmanlike march should be stolen upon him.
Finally, however, all started fair.
"I wadna' wonder gin thae troots were poached!" said the poet, winking
slily at Cleg; "ye wadna' believe what a set o' ill-contrivin' fallows
there are in this countryside!"
"As for me," said Auld Chairlie, "I can see naething wrang in catchin'
the bit things. Ye see it's no only allowed, it's commanded. Did ye
never read how the birds in the air and the fishes in the flood were
committed too or faither Aaidam to tell the names o' them? Noo, unless
he gruppit them, how could he possibly tell their names? The thing's
clean ridiculous!"
"Mony a decent man has gotten sixty days for believin' that!" cried the
poet between the mouthfuls.
In the middle of the meal the poet leaped up suddenly, checking
himself, however, in the middle of his spring with a quick remembrance
of the roof above him. "Preserve us, laddie, ye are a' wat!"
"So would you," quoth Cleg, who in the congenial atmosphere of the
cabin had recovered all his natural briskness, "gin ye had soomed Loch
Spellanderie as weel as me! Even a pairish minister wad be wat then!"
"Aye," said Auld Chairlie, sententiously, "that's juist like your poet.
He hears ye tell a' aboot soomin' a loch. But he never thinks that yewad hae to wat your claes when ye did it."

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