2015년 10월 21일 수요일

Philip II of Spain 1

Philip II of Spain 1

Philip II of Spain
Author: Martin Andrew Sharp Hume
Philip’s failure, and the reasons for it--His birth and infancy--His
appearance and character--His education by Siliceo and Zuñiga--The
emperor meets his son--The consolidation of authority in
Spain--Suggestions for marriage with Jeanne d’Albret--Philip made
Regent of Spain--The emperor’s instructions to his son--His system
of government--Character of his councillors--Philip’s marriage with
Maria of Portugal--Birth of Don Carlos and death of the princess--Doña
Isabel de Osorio--Philip in his domestic relations--Project for
securing to Philip the imperial crown--The suzerainty of Spain over
Italy--Philip’s voyage through Germany.....Page 1
The union of the Low Countries to Spain--The Italian suzerainty--The
effects thereof--Etiquette of the House of Burgundy adopted in
Spain--Ruy Gomez--Philip’s voyage--His unpopularity with Germans and
Flemings--Fresh proposals for his marriage--The family compact for
the imperial succession--Defection of Maurice of Saxony--War with
France--Treaty of Passau--Defeat of the emperor at Metz.....20
Proposal to marry Philip to Queen Mary of England--The need for
alliance with England--The negotiations of Renard--Opposition
of France--Unpopularity of the match in England--Philip’s voyage
to England--His affability--His first interview with Mary--The
marriage--Philip made King of Naples--Failure of the objects of the
marriage--Philip’s policy in England--Pole’s mission--Philip and the
persecution of Catholics in England--Philip’s disappointment and
Philip in favour of a moderate policy in England--His attitude towards
religion generally--He requests armed aid from England against the
French--The emperor’s embarrassments in Italy--Alba made Philip’s
viceroy in Italy--Factions in Philip’s court--Ruy Gomez and Alba--The
emperor’s abdication--Philip’s changed position--His attitude towards
the papacy--The Spanish Church--Pope Paul IV. and the Spaniards in
Italy--Excommunication of Philip--Invasion of Rome by Alba--Philip’s
second visit to England.....43
French intrigue against Mary--England at war with France--Battle
of St. Quintin--Philip’s tardiness--The English contingent--The
loss of Calais--Feria goes to England--His negotiations--Condition
of England--The English fleet used by Philip--Philip and
Elizabeth--Negotiations for peace--Death of Mary--Plans for
Elizabeth’s marriage--Peace of Cateau Cambresis--Philip’s policy in
Philip’s plan for a French alliance--His marriage with Elizabeth
de Valois--Philip’s embarrassments in the Netherlands--De
Granvelle--Philip’s departure from Flanders--Condition of
affairs in Spain--The Spanish Church--Death of Paul IV.--The
Inquisition--Bartolomé de Carranza--Philip’s arrival and routine in
Spain--The auto de fé at Valladolid.....64
Arrival of Elizabeth de Valois in Spain--Her influence over
Philip--Position of affairs in France--War with England--Philip’s
attitude towards France--Death of Francis II.--Spanish disaster at Los
Gelves--Position of Spain in the Mediterranean Page 79
Don Carlos--His relations with Elizabeth de Valois--French intrigues
for his marriage--His illness--The Cortes of Aragon--Jeanne d’Albret
and Henry of Navarre--The Council of Trent and the Inquisition--Philip
and the pope--Renewed struggles with the Turks--Siege of Malta.....88
Troubles in the Netherlands--Granvelle’s unpopularity--William
of Orange and Egmont--Their resignation and protest--Margaret of
Parma--Assembly of the Chapter of the Golden Fleece--Riots at
Valenciennes--Discontent of the Flemish nobles--They retire from
government--Granvelle’s dismissal--The maladministration of the
States--Egmont’s mission to Spain--Philip’s policy in the States--The
Beggars--Orange’s action--Philip determines to exterminate heresy in
the States--Philip’s projected voyage thither.....99
Renewed contest between Philip and the papacy--Condition of Don
Carlos--His arrest and imprisonment--Philip’s explanations--Carlos’
last illness and death--Death of Elizabeth de Valois--The interviews
of Bayonne and the Catholic League--Catharine de Medici--Philip face
to face with Protestantism--Philip and the Moriscos--Rising of the
Moriscos--Deza at Granada--Don Juan of Austria--Expulsion of the
Moriscos from Andalucia.....115
Philip and England--Elizabeth seizes his treasure--Spanish plots
against her--Philip and the northern rebellion--The excommunication
of Elizabeth--Ridolfi’s plot--Philip’s hesitancy--Prohibition of
English trade with Spain--Its futility--Alba’s retirement from
Flanders--Philip’s responsibility for Alba’s proceedings--The tenth
penny--Philip’s disapproval--Orange’s approaches to the French.....136
Philip’s fourth marriage--The killing of Montigny--Anne of
Austria--Philip’s domestic life--His industry--The Escorial--His
patronage of art--His character--Renewed war with the Turks--Don Juan
commands the Spanish force--The victory of Lepanto--Don Juan’s great
projects--Antonio Perez.....153
The Spanish troops in Flanders--Don Juan sent to Flanders--His
projects for invading England--Mutiny of the Spanish troops
in Flanders--The Spanish fury--Evacuation of Flanders by the
Spanish troops--Perez’s plot against Don Juan--The murder of
Escobedo--Don Juan seizes Namur--Renewal of the war--The battle
of Gemblours--Desperation of Don Juan--His death--Alexander
Philip’s ineffectual action against Elizabeth--The Desmond
rebellion--Philip’s conquest of Portugal--Recall of Alba and Granvelle
to Philip’s councils--Don Antonio, Prior of O Crato--Death of Anne
of Austria--Philip in Portugal--Flight of Antonio--His reception in
England and France--The Duke of Alençon--Philip and Mary Stuart--James
Stuart--Fresh proposals of the Scottish Catholics to Philip--Philip
and Granvelle’s views with regard to England--Lennox and the Jesuits
mismanage the plot--Philip’s claim to the English crown--Expulsion
of Mendoza from England--The English exiles urge Philip to invade
England--Sixtus V.--Intrigues in Rome--The Babington plot.....182
The Infanta to be Queen of England--Approaches of the Scottish
Catholic lords to Philip--Execution of Mary Stuart--Intrigues for
the English succession--Drake’s expedition to Cadiz--The peace
negotiations with Farnese--Preparations for the Armada--Sailing of
the Armada from Lisbon--Its return to Vigo--Medina Sidonia advises
its abandonment--Its strength--Engagements with the English--Panic at
Calais--Final defeat--Causes of the disaster--Philip’s reception of
the news.....202
Don Antonio in England--Catharine’s support of him--Strozzi’s
defeat at St. Michaels--Philip’s patronage of assassination--Philip
and the League--Renewal of the war of religion in France--The
murder of Guise--Imprisonment of Antonio Perez and the Princess
of Eboli--Perez’s treachery--His escape to Aragon--The _fueros_
of Aragon--Philip proceeds against Perez--Perez arrested by the
Inquisition of Aragon--Rising in Zaragoza--Perez’s escape--Suppression
of the Aragonese.....223
Philip and Mayenne--The English attack upon Lisbon--Assassination
of Henry III.--Philip’s plans in France--The war of the League--The
battle of Ivry--Philip’s attitude towards Mayenne--Farnese enters

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