2015년 10월 25일 일요일

The Battle of the Falkland Islands 27

The Battle of the Falkland Islands 27

Admiralty congratulations not received till to-day. Myself, officers
and men desire to thank their Lordships for the approbation of our
_From_ C.-IN-C. HOME FLEETS, H.M.S. _Cyclops_.
(_Date_) 10.12.14. 1.14 A.M.
With reference to your telegram 485[10] may I be permitted to offer
my sincere congratulations on the splendid success attending your
_From_ ADMIRAL, _Marseillaise, Brest_. (_Date_) 10.12.14.
I beg to express to the Admiralty how fully I share their joy at the
brilliant revenge taken by the British Navy at the Falklands.
_From Petrograd._
_To_ VICE-ADMIRAL STURDEE, _Admiralty, London_.
(_Date_) 12.12.14. 3.0 A.M.
Please accept Heartiest Congratulations from the Russian Navy for the
Brilliant Action of your Squadron in fighting the Enemy and sweeping
out the oceans.
_From_ C.-IN-C. HOME FLEETS, H.M.S. _Cyclops_.
(_Date_) 11.12.14. 4.58 A.M.
Submit the hearty congratulation of the Grand Fleet on his victory
may be conveyed to Admiral Sturdee.
Messages exchanged between H.E. the Governor of the Falkland Islands
and C.-in-C. South Atlantic and Pacific:
_11th December, 1914._
Warmest congratulations from self and Colony on your Victory.
May I thank you and the Colony for myself, the R.A., Captains,
Officers and men of the Squadron for your congratulations on our
success, which will not be complete until _Dresden_ is accounted for.
We wish to convey our thanks for the early warning of the approach of
the enemy due to the good lookout from Sapper's Hill.
We feel the honour that the _Canopus_ and the Squadron were in a
position to prevent an old British Colony from being insulted or
injured in any way, and hope that the enemy will have been taught
a lesson not to repeat such action against any other part of the
British Empire.
This Memorandum is to be read to whole Ship's Company on the Quarter
_Invincible, at Port William,_
_11th December, 1914._
The Commander-in-Chief wishes to congratulate all the ships of the
squadron on the success of their main encounter with the enemy's
squadron, and to thank the Rear-Admiral, Captains, Officers and Men
for their individual assistance in attaining this great result. The
zeal and steadiness under fire of all hands were most noticeable.
2. The victory will not be complete until the remaining cruiser
is accounted for, and directly the squadron is coaled a further
organised search will be made.
3. One of the greatest merits of the action is the small list of
casualties due to the able handling of the ships by their Captains,
who utilised the power of the guns and the speed of the ships to the
best advantage. Further, the effective fire at long range and the
thorough organization were very evident and enabled the action to be
fought with success against a foe who displayed splendid courage,
determination and efficiency.
4. The excellent way in which the Engine Room Departments responded
to a sudden and unexpected demand reflects great credit on the
officers and the whole engine room complements--this demand was made
at a time when ships were coaling and making good defects during the
few hours the ships were in harbour.
5. The successful disposal of the two powerful cruisers, two of the
three light cruisers, and two colliers, will be of great advantage to
the Naval Strategy of the British Empire.
6. Therefore all concerned can feel that they have performed a
National Service on the 8th December, 1914, off the Falkland Islands.
(Signed) F. C. D. STURDEE,
_The Rear-Admiral, Captains, Officers, and all concerned,
South Atlantic and South Pacific Squadron._
_Lord Chamberlain's Office,
St. James's Palace, S.W.,
3rd March, 1915._
The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following
appointment to the Most Honourable Order of the Bath in recognition
of the services of the undermentioned Officer mentioned in the
foregoing dispatch:--
_To be an Additional Member of the Military Division of the Third
Class or Companion:_
_Admiralty, S.W.,
3rd March, 1915._
The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the award of
the _Distinguished Service Cross_ to the undermentioned officers in
recognition of their services mentioned in the foregoing dispatch:--
The following awards have also been made:--
_To receive the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal:_
Portsmouth R.F.R.B.-3307 Sergeant Charles Mayes, H.M.S. _Kent_. A
shell burst and ignited some cordite charges in the casemate; a
flash of flame went down the hoist into the ammunition passage.
Sergeant Mayes picked up a charge of cordite and threw it away.
He then got hold of a fire hose and flooded the compartment,
extinguishing the fire in some empty shell bags which were burning.
The extinction of this fire saved a disaster which might have led to
the loss of the ship.
_To receive the Distinguished Service Medal:_
Chf. P.O. D. Leighton, O.N. 124238.
P.O., 2nd Cl., M. J. Walton (R.F.R., A1756), O.N. 118358.
Ldg. Smn. F. S. Martin, O.N. 233301, Gnr's Mate, Gunlayer, 1st Cl.
Sigmn. F. Glover, O.N. 225731.
Chf. E.-R. Artr., 2nd Cl., J. G. Hill, O.N. 269646.
Actg. Chf. E.-R. Artr., 2nd Cl., R. Snowdon, O.N. 270654.
E.-R. Artr., 1st Cl., G. H. F. McCarten, O.N. 270023.
Stkr. P.O. G. S. Brewer, O.N. 150950.
Stkr. P.O. W. A. Townsend, O.N. 301650.
Stkr., 1st Cl., J. Smith, O.N. SS 111915.
Shpwrt., 1st Cl., A. N. E. England, O.N. 341971.
Shpwrt., 2nd Cl., A. C. H. Dymott, O.N. M. 8047.
The following officers subsequently received recognition:--
Vice-Admiral Sir F. C. Doveton Sturdee, K.C.B., C.V.O., C.M.G., was
honoured with a Baronetcy of the United Kingdom.
To be made Companions of the military division of the Bath:--
Captain John Luce (H.M.S. _Glasgow_).
Captain J. D. Allen (H.M.S. _Kent_).
Engineer-Commander E. J. Weeks was promoted to Acting Engineer-Captain.   

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