2015년 10월 22일 목요일

Troubadour Tales 1

Troubadour Tales 1

Troubadour Tales
Author: Evaleen Stein
Troubadour Tales
“PIERROT! Pierrot! are thy saddle-bags well fastened? And how fare my
lutestrings? Have a care lest some of them snap with jogging over this
rough bit of road. And, Pierrot, next time we pass a fine periwinkle
thou hadst best jump down and pluck a fresh bunch for my Barbo’s ears.”
The speaker, Count Reynaurd of Poitiers, patted the fluffy black mane
of his horse Barbo, and loosened the great nosegay of blue flowers
tucked into his harness and nodding behind his ears. Barbo was gaily
decked out; long sprays of myrtle dangled from his saddle-bow, and a
wreath of periwinkle and violets hung round his neck; for the Count
Reynaurd was not only a noble lord, but also a famous troubadour. That
is to say, he spent his time riding from castle to castle, playing on
his lute or viol, and singing beautiful songs of his own making.
In the days when he lived, which was many hundred years ago, there
were numberless such poet-singers strolling over the sunny land of
France, and especially that part which lies to the south and is called
Provence. Many of the greatest of these kept little pages to wait
upon them and carry their musical instruments; and so it was that
Pierrot rode a little white palfrey by the side of Count Reynaurd, and
carried his lute, and gathered the periwinkle for the gay bouquets that
decorated Barbo’s ears.
It was May-time, and they were journeying through the lovely land of
Provence, which was quite enough to make any one happy, and the count
and Pierrot were fairly brimming over with good humor as they rode
along. They were bound for the old town of Aix, where in those days
stood the palace of the good King René, whom everybody loved.
Now, King René himself was a troubadour, although he could not wander
about over the country as did the others, but was obliged to stay in
Aix and govern his people. Yet he spent hours and hours every day
writing poetry and making up music for it; and he delighted above all
things to gather about him all who could finger a lutestring or sing a
merry song. There were always dozens of fine troubadours staying with
King René, and he was never weary of adding to their number, and of
seeking out the best in France; and so it chanced he had heard much of
the great skill of Pierrot’s master and also of another noble lord, the
Count William of Auvergne. The friends of each of these boasted that
none other in all France was worthy to be called the champion of the
troubadours. So René had sent messages to both, inviting them to come
and visit him, and to hold a contest of song, saying he would give a
beautiful collar of jewels to the one who sang the better.
In response to this invitation, the Count William was already in Aix,
having come the day before, after a long journey from his castle in
Auvergne. He was now resting, awaiting the Count Reynaurd, and pleasing
himself in thinking of the glory of winning the jeweled collar; for he
fully expected by and by to carry it off as his prize.
Meantime, Count Reynaurd and Pierrot trotted gaily along the road to
Aix. The almond-trees were in flower, and from one of them Pierrot had
broken a little switch covered with rosy blossoms, with which he now
and then tapped the flank of his little white palfrey, who would then
kick up her heels and frisk along at a rollicking pace. Pierrot’s own
legs looked lovely in party-colored hose, the right being a beautiful
pearl-gray and the left a delicate robin’s-egg blue; his doublet was of
pink silk embroidered in silver and slashed with white satin; and on
his head he wore a jaunty cap with a long feather. He was a handsome
little fellow, with bright eyes and dark curls, and as gay and lively
as the great black crickets that live in Provence.
His master, Count Reynaurd, looked very stately in a suit of
plum-colored velvet, with a collar of fine lace fastened with a golden
violet, which he often felt, so as to be sure he had not lost it and
that it was still tightly clasped. For the gold violet was a prize
that the count had just won in the town of Toulouse, whither, every
May-time, all the troubadours used to go and hold great contests,
called the Games of Flowers. At these games each one sang a song, and
the most skillful received prizes, a violet of gold and a rose of
silver being the most wished for.
So Count Reynaurd was very proud and happy thinking how finely the
violet would serve to clasp the collar of jewels he expected to win
from King René, and he smiled pleasantly when Pierrot called out to him:
“See, my Lord! are not those the high towers of Aix?”
Count Reynaurd looked ahead, and, sure enough, far in the distance rose
the city of Aix. They set their horses a-galloping, and in a little
while found themselves riding through its quaint, crooked streets, till
they reached the great square where stood the king’s palace. This was a
very beautiful one, strangely built, with two ancient round towers and
a wide porch with many pillars; all about it was a lovely garden full
of orange and acacia trees, and sweet roses and jasmines clambered over
Count Reynaurd and Pierrot dismounted at the palace gate, and were
led into the great hall where sat King René, wearing a blue robe
embroidered in bright flowers. He was an old man, and his hair and
long beard were quite white, but he was gay and happy-hearted as
Pierrot himself. When he saw the Count Reynaurd enter the hall, he
arose from his throne and came down and embraced and kissed him, and
patted Pierrot kindly. For René was not like most kings, who are very
particular to have everybody about them as stiff and uncomfortable as
Then presently the Count William, who had been walking in the garden,
hearing of the arrival of Reynaurd, came hurrying in, his own little
page Henri following close upon his heels. He greeted Count Reynaurd
very cordially, for he had often met him at the games of Toulouse, and
the little pages Henri and Pierrot soon became the best of friends also.
As the day was now drawing to a close, the good old king invited them
all into the banquet hall, where were already gathered numbers of
troubadours, and minnesingers who were the troubadours of Germany.
Some were eating and drinking; some were telling stories or making
up poetry; while still others were playing on all sorts of musical
instruments, and were altogether having the jolliest kind of time.
Reynaurd and Pierrot were very hungry after their long ride, and so
were glad to sit down at one of the long tables while the king’s
seneschals brought in roasted boar’s-head and venison pasties, and
large baskets of the fine white bread of Provence and of brown
marchpanes, which were nice little old-time French cookies full of
raisins and covered with nuts and poppy-seeds.
Pierrot waited upon his master very prettily, and then feasted upon
dainties to his heart’s content, all the while listening with delight
to the gay songs of the troubadours and minnesingers. By and by his
curly head began to nod, and he fell asleep while still munching a
marchpane, and slept so soundly that he had to be shaken when it was
time to go upstairs, where a little cot was spread for him close to the
great canopied bed of the Count Reynaurd.
So the days passed merrily on. But when, time after time, King René
fixed a day for the contest between the Counts Reynaurd and William,
they would plead that they were not ready; for they had grown so lazy
and pampered by the life they led in the palace that they dawdled away
their time in idle pleasure.
At last the king grew impatient, and declared that he would shut them
up, each in his own room, where they must stay for ten days composing
their songs; and he commanded that then they should appear before him,
and be judged and rewarded according to their skill.
So Count William and Count Reynaurd were escorted up the palace
stairway to their chamber doors, and each agreed, upon his knightly
honor, which was a very solemn vow indeed, that he would not set foot
beyond his threshold until the day appointed by the good king; and it
became the duty of Pierrot and Henri to bring food and wait upon their
noble masters.
But these two masters fared differently in their song-making. In
the apartments of Henri’s lord, things went far from smoothly; for,
although Count William was really a very accomplished troubadour,
yet when he found himself shut up and obliged to make a song, not a
word could he write. Indeed, poets declare that this is often the way
with them; most beautiful verses will suddenly pop into their heads,
sometimes in the middle of the night, so that they have to jump up in
the dark to get pencil and paper to write them down before they forget;
while, many times, if they have paper and pen ready, so contrary are
their wits that very likely they can not write a word! And so it was with the Count William.

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