2017년 2월 8일 수요일

Black is White 49

Black is White 49

“Murder will out,” he had said fretfully, little realising how closely
the trite old saying applied to the situation. He had accepted the
statements of Yvonne and Ranjab as to the accidental discharge of the
weapon, but for some reason had refrained from asking Brood a single
question, although he knew him to be a witness to the shooting.
Yvonne saw the reporters and, later on, an inspector of police. Ranjab
told his unhappy story. He had taken the weapon from a hook on the wall
for the purpose of cleaning it. It had been hanging there for years,
and all the time there had been a single cartridge left in the cylinder
unknown to anyone. He had started to remove the cylinder as he left the
All these years the hammer had been raised; death had been hanging over
them all the time that the pistol occupied its insecure position on the
wall. Somehow, he could not tell how, the hammer fell as he tugged at
the cylinder. No one could have known that the revolver was loaded. That
was all that he could say, except to declare that if his master’s son
died he would end his own miserable, valueless life.
His story was supported by the declarations of Mrs Brood, who, while
completely exonerating her husband’s servant, had but little to say
in explanation of the affair. She kept her wits about her. Most people
would have made the mistake of saying too much. She professed to know
nothing except that they were discussing young Mr Brood’s contemplated
trip abroad and that her husband had given orders to his servants to
pack a revolver in his son’s travelling--bag.
She had paid but little attention to the Hindu’s movements. All she
could say was that it was an accident--a horrible, blighting accident.
For the present it would not be possible for anyone to see the
heart--broken father. Doubtless later on he would be in the mood to
discuss the dreadful catastrophe, but not now. He was crushed with the
horror of the thing that had happened. And so she explained.
The house was in a state of subdued excitement. Servants spoke in
whispers and tiptoed through the halls. Nurses and other doctors came.
Two old men, shaking as with palsy, roamed about the place, intent only
on worming their way into the presence of their friend and supporter to
offer consolation and encouragement to him in his hour of tribulation.
They shuddered as they looked into each other’s faces, and they shook
their heads without speaking, for their minds were filled with doubt.
They did not question the truth of the story as told, but they had their
own opinions.
In support of the theory that they did not believe there was anything
accidental in the shooting of Frederic it is only necessary to speak of
their extraordinary attitude toward Ranjab. They shook hands with him
and told him that Allah would reward him. Later on, after they had
had time to think it all out for themselves, being somewhat slow of
comprehension, they sought out James Brood and offered to accept all
the blame for having loaded the revolver without consulting him, their
object having been to destroy a cat that infested the alley hard by.
They felt that it was absolutely necessary to account for the presence
of the unexploded cartridge.
“As a matter of fact, Jim, old man,” insisted Mr Riggs, “I am entirely
to blame for the whole business. I ought to have had more sense than to
leave a shell in------”
“You had nothing to do with it,” said Mr Dawes fiercely. “It was I who
loaded the devilish thing, and I’m going to confess to the police. To be
perfectly honest about it, I sort of recollect cocking it before I hung
it up on the nail. I sort of recollect it, I say, and that’s more than
you can do. No, sir, Jim; I’m the one to blame. I ought to be shot for
my carelessness. It was------”
“There’s no sense in your lying at a time like this,” said Mr Riggs
caustically, glaring at his lifelong friend. “I suppose it’s because
he can’t help it, Jim. Lying has got to be such a habit with him
“Well,” interrupted Mr Dawes vigorously, “to show you that I am not
lying, I intend to give myself up to the police and take the full
penalty for criminal and contributory negligence. I suppose you’ll
still say I’m lying after they’ve sent me to jail for a couple of years
“Yes, sir; I will,” said Mr Riggs with conviction. “And I shall have you
arrested for perjury if you try any of your tricks on me. I loaded it,
I cocked sir; I will,” said Mr Riggs with conviction. “And I shall have
you arrested for perjury if you try any of your tricks on me. I loaded
it, I cocked it, I hung it up------”
“And I suppose you fired it off!” exclaimed Mr Dawes savagely.
Mr Riggs took a long breath. “Yes, sir, you scoundrel, I am ready to
swear that I _did_ fire it off!” They glared at each other with such
ferocity that Brood, coming between them, laid his hands on their
shoulders, shaking his head as he spoke to them gently.
“Thank you, old pals. I understand what it is you are trying to do. It’s
no use. I fired the shot. It isn’t necessary to say anything more to
you, I’m sure, except that, as God is my witness, I did not intend the
bullet for Frederic. It was an accident in that respect. Thank you for
what you would do. It isn’t necessary, old pals. The story that Ranjab
tells must stand for the time being. Later on--well, I may _write_ my
own story and give it to the world.”
“.Write it?” said Mr Dawes, and Brood nodded his head slowly,
“Oh, Jim, you--you mustn’t do that!” groaned Mr Dawes, appalled. “You
ain’t such a coward as to do that!”
“There is one bullet left in that revolver. Ranjab advised me to save
it--for myself. He’s a thoughtful fellow,” said Brood.
“Jim,” said Mr Riggs, squaring himself, “it’s too bad that you didn’t
hit what you shot at.”
Mr Dawes turned on him in a flash. “None o’ that, Joe,” he said, and
this time he was very much in earnest. “She’s all right. You’ll all find
out she’s all right. I tell you a woman can’t nurse a feller back from
the edge of the grave, yes, from the very bottom of it almost, and not
betray her true nature to that same feller in more------”
“Jim,” interrupted Mr Riggs, ignoring his comrade’s defence, “I see
she’s going to nurse Freddy. Well, sir, if I was you, I’d------”
Brood stopped him with an impatient gesture.
“I must ask you not to discuss Mrs Brood.”
“I was just going to say, Jim, that if I was you I’d thank the Lord that
she’s going to do it,” substituted Mr Riggs somewhat hastily. “She’s a
wonderful nurse. She told me a bit ago that she was going to save his
life in spite of the doctor.”
“What does Dr Hodder say?” demanded Brood, pausing in his restless
pacing of the floor.
“He says the poor boy is as good as dead,” said Mr Riggs,
“Ain’t got a chance in a million,” said Mr Dawes.
They were surprised to see Brood wince. He hadn’t been so thin--skinned
in the olden days. His nerve was going back on him, that’s what it was;
poor Jim! Twenty years ago he would have stiffened his back and taken
it like a man. It did not occur to them that they might have broken the
news to him with tact and consideration.
“But you can depend on us, Jim, to pull him through,” said Mr Riggs
quickly. “Remember how we saved you back there in Calcutta when all the
fool doctors said you hadn’t a chance? Well, sir, we’re still------”
“If any feller can get well with a bullet through his----” began Mr
Dawes encouragingly, but stopped abruptly when he saw Brood put his
hands over his eyes and sink dejectedly into a chair, a deep groan on
his lips.
“I guess we’d better go,” whispered Mr Riggs, after a moment of
indecision, and then, inspired by a certain fear for his friend, struck
the gong resoundingly. Silently they made their way out of the room,
encountering Ranjab just outside the door.
“You must stick to it, Ranjab,” said Mr Riggs sternly.
“With your dying breath,” added Mr Dawes, and the Hindu, understanding,
gravely nodded his head.
“Well?” said Brood, long afterward, raising his haggard face to meet the
gaze of the motionless brown man who had been standing in his presence
for many minutes.
“She ask permission of _sahib_ to be near him until the end,” said the
Hindu. “She will not go away. I have heard the words she say to the
_sahibah_, and the _sahibah_ is silent as the tomb. She say no word for
herself, just sit and look at the floor and never move. Then she accuse
the _sahibah_ of being the cause of the young master’s death, and the
_sahibah_ only nod her head to that and go out of the room and up to the
place where the young master is, and they cannot keep her from going in.
She just look at the woman in the white cap and the woman step aside.
The _sahibah_ is now with the young master and the doctors. She is not
of this world, _sahib_, but of another.”
“And Miss Desmond? Where is she?”
“She wait in the hall outside his door. Ranjab have speech with her.
She does not believe Ranjab. She look into his eye and his eye is
not honest; she see it all. She say the young master shoot himself
“I shall tell her the truth, Ranjab,” said Brood stolidly. “She must
know, she and her mother. To--night I shall see them, but not now.
Suicide! Poor, poor Lydia!”
“Miss Lydia say she blame herself for everything. She is a coward, she
say, and Ranjab he understand. She came yesterday and went away. Ranjab
tell her the _sahib_ no can see her.”
“Yesterday? I know. She came to plead with me. I know,” groaned Brood
“She will not speak her thoughts to the world, _sahib_,” asserted
Ranjab. “Thy servant have spoken his words and she will not deny him. It

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