2017년 2월 1일 수요일

Hearts of Three 30

Hearts of Three 30

“Drag him down!” Henry shouted to Francis. “He’s the only man who knows
the knot-language; and the eyes of Chia, whatever that may mean, have
not yet flashed.”
Francis obeyed, with an out-reach of arm to the old fellow’s legs,
jerking him down in a crumpled, skeleton-like fall.
Henry loosed his rifle, and elicited a fusillade in response. Next,
Ricardo, Francis, and the peon joined in. But the old man, still running
his knots, fixed his gaze across the far rim of the foot-step upon a
rugged wall of mountain beyond.
“Hold on!” shouted Francis, in a vain attempt to make himself heard
above the shooting.
He was compelled to crawl from one to another and shake them into
ceasing from firing. And to each, separately, he had to explain that all
their ammunition was with the mules, and that they must be sparing with
the little they had in their magazines and belts.
“And don’t let them hit you,” Henry warned. “They’ve got old muskets and
blunderbusses that will drive holes through you the size of
An hour later, the last cartridge, save several in Francis’ automatic
pistol, was gone; and to the irregular firing of the Caroos the pit
replied with silence. José Mancheno was the first to guess the
situation. He cautiously crept up to the edge of the pit to make sure,
then signaled to the Caroos that the ammunition of the besieged was
exhausted and to come on.
“Nicely trapped, senors,” he exulted down at the defenders, while from
all around the rim laughter arose from the Caroos.
But the next moment the change that came over the situation was as
astounding as a transformation scene in a pantomime. With wild cries of
terror the Caroos were fleeing. Such was their disorder and haste that
numbers of them dropped their muskets and machetes.
“Anyway, I’ll get you, Senor Buzzard,” Francis pleasantly assured
Mancheno, at the same time flourishing his pistol at him.
He leveled his weapon as Mancheno fled, but reconsidered and did not
draw trigger.
“I’ve only three shots left,” he explained to Henry, half in apology.
“And in this country one can never tell when three shots will come in
handiest, ‘as I’ve found out, beyond a doubt, beyond a doubt.’”
“Look!” the peon cried, pointing to his father and to the distant
mountainside. “That is why they ran away. They have learned the peril of
the sacred things of Maya.”
The old priest, running over the knots of the tassel in an ecstasy that
was almost trance-like, was gazing fixedly at the distant mountainside,
from which, side by side and close together, two bright flashes of light
were repeating themselves.
“Twin mirrors could do it in the hands of a man,” was Henry’s comment.
“They are the eyes of Chia,” the peon repeated. “It is so written in the
knots as you have heard my father say. _Wait in the foot-steps of the
God till the eyes of Chia flash._”
The old man rose to his feet and wildly proclaimed: “_To find the
treasure we must find the eyes!_”
“All right, old top,” Henry soothed him, as, with his small traveler’s
compass he took the bearings of the flashes.
* * * * *
“He’s got a compass inside his head,” Henry remarked an hour later of
the old priest, who led on the foremost mule. “I check him by the
compass, and, no matter how the natural obstacles compel him to deviate,
he comes back to the course as if he were himself a magnetic needle.”
Not since leaving the foot-step, had the flashings been visible. Only
from that one spot, evidently, did the rugged landscape permit the
seeing of them. Rugged the country was, broken into arroyos and cliffs,
interspersed with forest patches and stretches of sand and of volcanic
At last the way became impassable for their mounts, and Ricardo was left
behind to keep charge of the mules and mule-peons and to make a camp.
The remainder of the party continued on, scaling the jungle-clad steep
that blocked their way by hoisting themselves and one another up from
root to root. The old Maya, still leading, was oblivious to Leoncia’s
Suddenly, half a mile farther on, he halted and shrank back as if stung
by a viper. Francis laughed, and across the wild landscape came back a
discordant, mocking echo. The last priest of the Mayas ran the knots
hurriedly, picked out a particular string, ran its knots twice, and then
“_When the God laughs, beware!so say the knots._”
Fifteen minutes were lost ere Henry and Francis succeeded in only partly
convincing him, by repeated trials of their voices, that the thing was
an echo.
Half an hour later, they debouched on a series of abrupt-rolling
sand-dunes. Again the old man shrank back. From the sand in which they
strode, arose a clamor of noise. When they stood still, all was still. A
single step, and all the sand about them became vocal.
“_When the God laughs, beware!_” the old Maya warned.
Drawing a circle in the sand with his finger, which shouted at him as he
drew it, he sank down within it on his knees, and as his knees contacted
on the sand arose a very screaming and trumpeting of sound. The peon
joined his father inside the noisy circle, where, with his forefinger,
the old man was tracing screeching cabalistic figures and designs.
Leoncia was overcome, and clung both to Henry and Francis. Even Francis
was perturbed.
“The echo was an echo,” he said. “But here is no echo. I don’t
understand it. Frankly, it gets my goat.”
“Piffle!” Henry retorted, stirring the sand with his foot till it
shouted again. “It’s the barking sand. On the island of Kauai, down in
the Hawaiian Islands, I have been across similar barking sands——quite a
place for tourists, I assure you. Only this is a better specimen, and
much noisier. The scientists have a score of high-brow theories to
account for the phenomenon. It occurs in several other places in the
world, as I have heard. There’s only one thing to do, and that is to
follow the compass bearing which leads straight across. Such sands do
bark, but they have never been known to bite.”
But the last of the priests could not be persuaded out of his circle,
although they succeeded in disturbing him from his prayers long enough
to spout a flood of impassioned Maya speech.
“He says,” the son interpreted, “that we are bent on such sacrilege that
the very sands cry out against us. He will go no nearer to the dread
abode of Chia. Nor will I. His father died there, as is well known
amongst the Mayas. He says he will not die there. He says he is not old
enough to die.”
“The miserable octogenarian!” Francis laughed, and was startled by the
ghostly, mocking laugh of the echo, while all about them the sand-dunes
bayed in chorus. “Too youthful to die! How about you, Leoncia? Are you
too young to die yet a while?”
“Say,” she smiled back, moving her foot slightly so as to bring a moan
of reproach from the sand beneath it. “On the contrary, I am too old to
die just because the cliffs echo our laughter back at us and because the
sandhills bark at us. Come, let us go on. We are very close to those
flashings. Let the old man wait within his circle until we come back.”
She cast off their hands and stepped forward, and as they followed, all
the dunes became inarticulate, while one, near to them, down the sides
of which ran a slide of sand, rumbled and thundered. Fortunately for
them, as they were soon to learn, Francis, at abandoning the mules, had
equipped himself with a coil of thin, strong rope.
Once across the sands they encountered more echoes. On trials, they
found their halloes distinctly repeated as often as six or eight times.
“Hell’s bells,” said Henry. “No wonder the natives fight shy of such a
“Wasn’t it Mark Twain who wrote about a man whose hobby was making a
collection of echoes?” Francis queried.
“Never heard of him. But this is certainly some fine collection of Maya
echoes. They chose the region wisely for a hiding place. Undoubtedly it
was always sacred, even before the Spaniards came. The old priests knew
the natural causes of the mysteries, and passed them over to the herd as
mystery with a capital ‘M’ and supernatural in origin.”
Not many minutes afterward they emerged on an open, level space, close
under a crannied and ledge-ribbed cliff, and exchanged their single-file
mode of progression to three-abreast. The ground was a hard, brittle
crust of surface, so crystalline and dry as never to suggest that it was
aught else but crystalline and dry all the way down. In an ebullition of
spirits, desiring to keep both men on an equality of favor, Leoncia
seized their hands and started them into a run. At the end of half a
dozen strides the disaster happened. Simultaneously Henry and Francis
broke through the crust, sinking to their thighs, and Leoncia was only a
second behind them in breaking through and sinking almost as deep.
“Hell’s bells!” Henry muttered. “It’s the very devil’s own landscape.”
And his low-spoken words were whispered back to him from the nearby
cliffs on all sides and endlessly and sibilantly repeated.
Not at first did they fully apprehend their danger. It was when, by
their struggles, they found themselves waist-deep and steadily sinking,
that the two men grasped the gravity of the situation. Leoncia still
laughed at the predicament, for it seemed no more than that to her.
“Quicksand,” Francis gasped.
“Quicksand!” all the landscape gasped back at him, and continued to gasp
it in fading ghostly whispers, repeating it and gossiping about it with
gleeful unction.
“It’s a pot-hole filled with quicksand,” Henry corroborated.
“Maybe the old boy was right in sticking back there on the barking
sands,” observed Francis.
The ghostly whispering redoubled upon itself and was a long time in
dying away.
By this time they were midway between waist and arm-pits and sinking as
methodically as ever.
“Well, somebody’s got to get out of the scrape alive,” Henry remarked.
And, even without discussing the choice, both men began to hoist Leoncia
up, although the effort and her weight thrust them more quickly down.
When she stood, free and clear, a foot on the nearest shoulder of each
of the two men she loved, Francis said, though the landscape mocked him:
“Now, Leoncia, we’re going to toss you out of this. At the word ‘Go!’
let yourself go. And you must strike full length and softly on the
crust. You’ll slide a little. But don’t let yourself stop. Keep on
going. Crawl out to the solid land on your hands and knees. And,
whatever you do, don’t stand up until you reach the solid land.Ready, Henry?”

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