2015년 2월 22일 일요일

Andy Grant's Pluck 14

Andy Grant's Pluck 14

John was the first to see him.
"Hello, Andy!" he exclaimed. "How are you getting along?"
"Pretty well, thank you."
"I suppose you haven't struck a job yet?"
"Oh, yes, I have."
"You have!" ejaculated John, in surprise. "What kind of a job?"
"I am in a large real estate office down town."
"Did they take you without a recommendation?"
"My uncle wouldn't give you one."
"I wouldn't ask him for one."
"Who did recommend you, then?"
"Mrs. Mason, of West Fifty-sixth Street."
"I know. She is one of our customers."
"Probably she hasn't heard of your being suspected of pawning a watch
from our stock."
"You might tell her."
"Perhaps I shall," John said to himself. "What pay do you get?"
"Five dollars a week."
"I didn't think you would get a place."
Andy smiled.
"I presume Mr. Rich did not care to have me get another place."
"He thought you would have to go back to the country."
"I am better off than when I was in the jewelry store," said Andy. "How
are you getting along?"
"Oh, first-class."
"I hope you will be able to keep the place."
"I didn't know but you might be wanting to come back."
"I wouldn't go back if I had the chance."
John was pleased to hear this. He was afraid that Mr. Flint might not be
satisfied with his uncle's explanation, and that somehow the truth might
come out.
"You must excuse me now," said Andy. "I ought to go back to the office
at once."
John returned to the jeweler's full of excitement.
"Whom do you think I met just now, Uncle Simon?" he asked.
"Did you speak with him?"
"I suppose he is hunting for a place."
"No; he has got one."
"Where is he working?"
"In a real estate office down town. He is getting five dollars a week."
"I didn't think he could get a place without a recommendation."
"He was recommended by one of our customers--Mrs. Mason."
"I see. Well, that is lucky for him."
Simon Rich spoke indifferently. He was rather glad that Andy had found a
place, as Mr. Flint would be less likely to find fault with his
Not so John. He had never forgiven Andy for superseding him, and he felt
aggrieved that he had so soon found employment. Thinking it over, there
came to him a mean suggestion. He might be able to get Andy discharged
from his present place.
As his uncle seemed indifferent, and might not approve of his
contemplated action, he decided to say nothing about it.
That evening, after supper, he made his way up to West Fifty-sixth
Street, and sought out the residence of Mrs. Mason.
He rang the bell.
"Can I see Mrs. Mason?" he asked.
"What name shall I mention?"
"Say it is a boy from Mr. Flint's."
Mrs. Mason received the message in some surprise. What could a boy from
Flint's have to say to her?
However, she entered the parlor, where John Crandall was waiting to see
"You are from Mr. Flint's?" she asked.
"Yes, ma'am."
"What business can you have with me? I have bought no jewelry lately."
"I know it, Mrs. Mason. It isn't about jewelry I wish to speak."
"What, then?"
"I met, to-day, a boy who was lately employed by our firm--Andrew
"He said you had recommended him to a real estate firm down town."
"I did so."
"Perhaps you didn't know that he had been discharged from our place for
"I begin to understand," thought Mrs. Mason, and she sat down and
examined John curiously.
"Did he steal anything?"
"Yes, ma'am," answered John, glibly. "He took a watch--a gold watch out
of the case and pawned it."
"That was bad. And you have come up to tell me of it? You are very
considerate. Did Mr. Rich send you, or do you come of your own accord?"
"I came of my own accord. I thought you were deceived in the boy."
"What do you think I ought to do?"
"I thought you would take back the recommendation and get the boy
"Can you wait here half an hour while I consider what is best to be
"Oh, yes, ma'am." ("I guess I've put a spoke in his wheel," thought
In about half an hour the door opened, and to John's amazement Andy
walked in.
"You here!" he gasped.
"Yes; I hear you have been warning Mrs. Mason against me."
"I thought she ought to know that you were sent away from our store in
"I have something to say to you," said Andy, quietly. "I have been to
the pawnbroker's, and got a description of the boy who pawned the
John turned pale.
"I see you understand," Andy went on, "who did it. So do I, and so does
Mrs. Mason. You won't make anything by your attempt to injure me.
John Crandall left the house without a word. He began to be alarmed.
"Suppose Andy tells Flint," he soliloquized. "No matter; he can't prove
But he felt uneasy, nevertheless. He did not say anything to his uncle
about his visit.
Mr. Crawford was something more than an ordinary real estate dealer. He
was thorough and painstaking in whatever he undertook.
In his private office he had a library of volumes relating to
architecture, practical building, real estate, law, etc. This Andy
discovered, and he asked his employer if he might borrow books
Mr. Crawford seemed pleased, but he asked:
"Do you think you will feel any interest in such dry volumes?"
"I shall not read for interest, but for improvement," answered Andy. "If
I am to follow up this business I want to find out all I can about it."
"You are an unusually sensible boy," said Mr. Crawford. "I am sure you
will succeed."
"I mean to, if it is possible."
From this time John Crawford felt an added interest in Andy, and took
pains to push him forward, and gave him practical information about real
"How do you like Andy, John?" asked Mrs. Mason, not long afterward.
"He is a treasure. He does credit to your recommendation."
"I am very much pleased to hear you say so. I consider him a remarkable
boy. Roy gets much higher marks at school since Andy began to help him
in his lessons."
One day Andy was sent up to the Grand Central Depot on an errand. He
arrived just as a train came in from the West. What was his surprise to
see Mr. Flint getting out of a parlor car.
"Mr. Flint!" he cried, joyfully.
"Andy!" exclaimed the jeweler. "It seems pleasant to see a home face.
But how do you happen to be up here at this time? Did Mr. Rich send
"Then you have not heard--" began Andy.
"Heard what?"
"That I have been discharged from your store."
"When did this happen?" asked the jeweler, abruptly.
"About two weeks ago."
"Rich never wrote me about it. Who is in your place?"
"John Crandall."
"His nephew? The boy I discharged?"
"Yes, sir."
Mr. Flint's face assumed a stern look.
"This will have to be explained," he said. "What was the pretext for
discharging you?"
"Dishonesty. He charged me with stealing a gold watch and pawning it."
"Then you don't believe me guilty?"
"Certainly not."
"Thank you, Mr. Flint."
"Tell me the circumstances."
"Please excuse me now, Mr. Flint. I am in a real estate office, and am
on an errand. If you like, I will call at your house and explain. In the
meantime I will let Mr. Rich give you his version."
"Call this evening, Andy."
"It will have to be between seven and half-past seven, as I have a pupil
in the evening."
"Come to supper at my house, as soon after six as possible."
"Very well, sir."
Mr. Flint had telegraphed to Simon Rich of his coming, but through some
mistake the telegram did not reach him, so that he was quite taken by
surprise when his employer entered the store.
"I had no idea you were anywhere near New York, Mr. Flint," he said.
"Didn't you get my telegram from Buffalo, Mr. Rich?"
"No, sir. I hope you are well."
Just then John Crandall came in from an errand.
"You here!" said the jeweler. "Where is Andy Grant?"
"I was obliged to discharge him," replied Rich, nervously.
"Very much to my surprise I discovered that he had stolen a gold watch
from the case."
"What evidence had you of it?"
"I found the pawn ticket in his pocket. He pawned it on Third Avenue."
"This surprises me very much," said the jeweler, quietly. "Andrew did
not strike me as a dishonest boy."
"I was amazed, sir. I could hardly believe my eyes."
"What led you to search for the ticket?"
"I knew that the watch must have been taken either by him or John, who
came into the shop occasionally. I accordingly searched both."
"And you found the ticket in Andrew's pocket?"
"Yes, sir."
"What did he say? Did he admit the theft?"
"No; he brazened it out, but of course the evidence was overwhelming."
"So you discharged him?"
"Yes; I did not dare to have him remain."
"And you engaged your nephew in his place?"
"Yes, sir. John happened to be here, and knew something of the duties,
so I engaged him temporarily, subject, of course, to your approval."
"Where is Andrew now? Have you seen him since?"
"John saw him one day. Where was it, John?"
"On Broadway, near the St. Denis Hotel. He said he had a place."
"In a real estate office."
"I suppose you gave him no recommendation, Mr. Rich?"
"No, sir; I couldn't do it conscientiously. Of course, now that you have
returned, if you are dissatisfied with John's being here, we can
advertise for another boy."
"I will take a day to consider it. I shall only stay here half an hour
and then go up to the house."
When Mr. Flint left the store, Simon Rich said:
"The old man took Andy's discharge more quietly than I anticipated."
"Do you think he will let me stay, Uncle Simon?"
"I can't tell yet. One thing I must tell you--you won't stay long unless
you turn over a new leaf and attend to your duties."
"I'll do that, never fear! What I am afraid of is, that Andy will come
around and tell a lot of lies."
"I don't think it will work. You see, the pawn ticket was found in his
pocket. He can't get over that very well."
John knew more than his uncle of the nature of Andy's defense, and he
could not help feeling apprehensive.
Soon after six o'clock Andy made his appearance at Mr. Flint's house,
where he was cordially received.
"I have heard the story of Mr. Rich, Andy," he said. "Now let me have
your defense."
"I can give it very briefly. The watch was pawned by John Crandall. Of
course it was given him by Mr. Rich."
"How did you find that out?"
"I went around to the pawnbroker's, and obtained a description of the
boy who pawned the watch. It tallied exactly with John's appearance.
That was not all. I met, the same day, a boy named Jimmy Callahan. He
saw John coming out of the pawnbroker's the day before the charge was
made against me."
"That is pretty conclusive. Can you explain how the ticket was put in
your pocket?"
"No, sir; that puzzles me."
"It could easily be done, no doubt. Now, do you want to return to my
"No, sir, I think not. I am in a real estate office, and I think there
is more chance for me to rise."
"How did you obtain the position?"

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