2015년 2월 22일 일요일

Andy Grant's Pluck 2

Andy Grant's Pluck 2

"Yes, he has promised to take a mortgage of three thousand dollars on
the old place."
"I have heard he is a hard man, father. I don't think he is influenced
by kindness."
"I can't afford to inquire into his motives. It is enough that he will
furnish the money. But for that I might have to sell the farm, and then
we should be quite helpless."
About seven o'clock Squire Carter made his appearance. Andy opened the
door for him.
He was a tall, florid-faced man, with an air of consequence based upon
his knowledge that he was the richest man in the town.
"Good-evening, Andrew," he said, for he was always formal. "So you are
home from school?"
"Yes, sir."
"When did you come?"
"This afternoon, sir."
"I suppose you heard of your father's misfortune?"
"Yes, sir."
"Ha! it is very sad--very sad, indeed. I quite feel for your father. I
am trying to help him out of his trouble. He was a very foolish man to
risk so much on that rascal, Lawrence."
Andy was disposed to agree with the squire, but he did not like to hear
his father blamed.
"I think he realizes that he was unwise, Squire Carter," said Andy.
"Won't you walk in?"
"I suppose your father is at home?" said the squire, as he stepped into
the front entry.
"Yes, sir; he was expecting you."
Andy opened the door of the sitting room, and the squire entered. Mr.
Grant rose from the rocking-chair in which he was seated and welcomed
his visitor.
"I am glad to see you, squire," he said. "Take a seat by the fire."
"Thank you," said the squire, with dignity. "I came, as I said I would.
I do not desert an old neighbor because he has been unfortunate."
But for his patronizing tone his words would have awakened more
gratitude. As it was, his manner seemed to say: "See how kind-hearted I
Somehow, Andy felt more and more sorry to think his father must be
indebted to such a man.
"It is getting quite fallish," said the squire, rubbing his hands. "I
suppose I am more sensitive to cold, as my home is heated throughout
with steam."
"I hope we shall be able to make you comfortable, Squire Carter,"
returned Mrs. Grant, who had entered the room in time to hear this last
"Oh, yes, Mrs. Grant. I always adapt myself to circumstances."
"That is very kind in you," Andy was tempted to say, but he forbore. It
would not do to offend the village magnate.
"I see you have sent for Andrew," observed the squire, with a wave of
his hand toward the boy.
"Yes; I shall not be able to keep him at Penhurst Academy any longer."
"Very sensible decision of yours. No doubt it cost you a pretty penny to
keep him there?"
"The school charge is three hundred dollars a year."
"Bless my soul! How extravagant! You will excuse my saying so, but I
think you have been very unwise. It really seems like a wasteful use of
"Don't you believe in education, squire?" asked Mrs. Grant.
"Yes; but why couldn't he get all the education he needs here?"
"Because there is no one here who teaches Latin and Greek."
"And what good would Latin and Greek do him? I don't know anything of
Latin and Greek, and yet I flatter myself I have succeeded pretty well.
I believe I am looked up to in the village, eh?"
"No doubt you occupy a prominent position, squire, but the boy had a
fancy for the languages and wanted to go to college."
"I shall not send my son to college, though, of course, I can afford
"Perhaps he doesn't care to go."
"No the boy is sensible. He will be satisfied with the advantages his
father enjoyed. Supposing your boy had gone to college, what would you
have made of him?"
"He thought he would have liked to prepare himself for a teacher or
"It's a poor business, Neighbor Grant. A schoolmate of mine became a
teacher--the teacher of an academy--and I give you my word, he's as poor
as poverty."
"Money isn't everything, squire."
"It's a good deal, as in your present circumstances you must admit. But
we may as well come to business."
"You need to raise three thousand dollars, I believe, Neighbor Grant?"
began the squire.
"Yes, squire."
"Three thousand dollars is a good deal of money."
"I realize that," said Mr. Grant, sadly.
"I was about to say it is a good deal to raise on the security of the
"The farm cost me six thousand dollars."
"It would fetch only five thousand now. It wouldn't fetch that at a
forced sale."
"But for my losses, I wouldn't consider an offer of less than six
"Of course, you are attached to it, and that gives it a fancy value in
your eyes."
"It is good land and productive. Then, it is well situated, and the
buildings are good."
"Well, tolerable," said the squire, cautiously. "However, that's neither
here nor there. You want three thousand dollars, and I have agreed to
let you have it. I will take a mortgage for two years, the interest
being, as usual, six per cent."
"Two years?" repeated Farmer Grant, uneasily.
"Yes. I am not sure that I can spare the money longer than two years. I
give you that time to pay it off."
"But it will be impossible for me to pay it off in two years. In fact,
it will take all my income to live and pay the interest."
"Of course that isn't my lookout."
"Do you mean that you will foreclose in two years?"
"Not necessarily. I may not need the money so soon. Besides, you may
find some one else to take it off my hands."
"Can't you say five years, squire?" pleaded the farmer.
Squire Carter shook his head.
"No; you can take it or leave it. I am not at all anxious to take the
mortgage, and if my terms are not agreeable, we will consider the
negotiations at an end."
"I won't make any difficulty, squire; I accept your terms."
"That is sensible. I can't, for my part, see how five years would have
been more favorable to you than two."
"My son Andrew is sixteen. By the time he is twenty-one he might help
"There's not much chance of that--unless he marries a fortune," said the
squire, jocosely. "I suppose you will keep him at home to help you on
the farm?"
"We haven't talked the matter over yet. I will consult his wishes as far
as I can. He can't earn much money on the farm. What are you going to do
with your son?"
"Conrad will probably be a merchant, or a banker," said the squire,
"With your means you can select any path in life for him."
"True; as my son he will have a great advantage. Well, as our business
is arranged, I will leave you. If you will call at Lawyer Tower's office
to-morrow at noon the papers can be drawn up, and I will give you a
check for the money."
"Thank you, squire. I will meet the appointment."
"If you don't want Andrew to work on the farm I will turn over his case
in my mind and see if I can get him a position."
"Thank you. I should be glad to have him well started in some business
where he can raise himself."
As the term of the academy was so nearly completed, Andy went back with
his father's permission, to remain till vacation. He sought an interview
at once with Dr. Crabb, the principal, and informed him of the
necessity he was under of leaving the institution.
"I am really sorry, Andrew," said the doctor. "You are one of my best
pupils. I am not sure but the best. There is scarcely one that I would
not sooner lose. I shall be willing to take you for half price--that is,
for one hundred and fifty dollars--till you are ready for college."
"Thank you, Dr. Crabb," replied Andy, gratefully. "You are very kind,
but even that sum my father, in his changed circumstances, would be
unable to pay. Besides, it would be quite out of my power to go to
college even if I were prepared."
"It is a thousand pities," said the principal, with concern. "If you
must leave, you must. I am not sure but I should be willing to take you
"Thank you; but I feel that I ought to go to work at once to help my
father. It is not enough that I free him from expense."
"No doubt you are right. I respect you for your determination. You need
not hesitate to apply to me at any time in the future if you see any way
in which I can be of service to you."
"I think it will help me if you will give me a letter of recommendation,
which I can show to any one from whom I seek employment."
"I will give you such a letter with great pleasure;" and the doctor,
sitting down at his desk, wrote a first-class recommendation of his
favorite pupil.
There was general regret in the academy when it was learned that Andy
must leave them. One little boy of twelve--Dudley Cameron, a special
favorite of Andy--came to him to ask if there was no way by which he
could manage to stay.
"No, Dudley! I am too poor," said Andy.
"If I write to papa and ask him to send you a thousand dollars, will you
stay?" asked the little boy, earnestly.
"No, Dudley; you mustn't do anything of the kind. Even if your father
liked me as well as you do, and would give me the money, I could not
take it. I must go to work to help my father."
"You will write to me sometimes, Andy?"
"Yes; I will be sure to do that."
The little fellow's warm-hearted offer, and the __EXPRESSION__s of sympathy
and regret on the part of his schoolmates, cheered Andy. It was pleasant
to think that he would be missed.
On the closing day he received the first prize for scholarship from the
hands of Dr. Crabb.
"You will take my best wishes with you, Andy," said the venerable
principal. "Let me hear from you when you have made any business
The farewells were said, and Andy set out on his return home.
He was leaving the old life behind him. A new one lay before him, but
what it was to be he could not foresee.
He reached Arden in due course and set out to walk home. He had barely
started when he heard his name called.
Looking around, he saw Conrad Carter, the squire's only son, on his
"So you've come home from the academy?" said Conrad, curiously.
"Yes," answered Andy, briefly.
He never could bring himself to like Conrad, who made himself offensive
and unpopular by his airs of superiority. Indeed, there was no boy in
Arden so thoroughly disliked as Conrad.
"You'll have a pretty long vacation," went on Conrad, with a significant
"Yes, I suppose so."
"Oh, well, it's the best thing for you. I thought it foolish when your
father sent you off to the academy. If the Arden grammar school is good
enough for me it is good enough for you."
"There is nothing to prevent your going to the academy."
"I know that. My father could afford it, even if it cost a good deal
more. You wanted to go to college, didn't you?"
"It was very foolish for a poor boy like you."
"Of course your age and experience make your opinion of value," said
Andy, with a sarcasm which he did not care to conceal.
"I advise you not to be too independent," returned Conrad, displeased.
"Are you going to work on the farm?"
"I may till I get a situation."
"I'll speak to father. He might take you for an errand boy."
"I don't think that place would suit me."
"Why not?"
"I want to go into some mercantile establishment and learn business."
"That's what I am going to do when I get through school. Of course there
is no hurry in my case."
"I suppose not."
"I suppose you know that my father has taken a mortgage on your father's
"Yes, I know that."
"If your father can't pay the mortgage when it is due, father will have
to take the farm."
Andy made no answer, but thought Conrad more disagreeable than ever. By
way of changing the conversation, he said:
"That's a new bicycle, isn't it?"
"Yes; I got tired of the old one. This is a very expensive one.
Wouldn't you like to own a bicycle?"
"Of course, you never will."
"Then I must be content without one."
"Well, I must leave you. I'll come around soon and see you ride a horse
to plow."
As Conrad sped away on his wheel, Andy said to himself:
"I shouldn't like to be rich if it made me as disagreeable as Conrad."
The change in his father's circumstances had come so suddenly that Andy
could not immediately decide upon a plan of securing employment.
He was not idle, however. There was work to do on the farm, and he took
off his uniform, for Penhurst Academy was a military school, and donned,
instead, a rough farm suit, in which he assisted his father.
If he felt a pang of regret he did not show it, for he did not wish to
add to his father's grief over his imprudent act of friendship.
It was while he was at work hoeing corn that Conrad Carter came up one
day, and leaning against the fence, looked at Andy with an amused
"Oho, you've turned farmer in earnest!" he said.
"Yes, for the time being," answered Andy, composedly.
"You look fine in your overalls."
"Do you think so? Thank you for the compliment."
"You might as well keep on. You will probably succeed better as a farmer
than in business."
"I mean to succeed in anything I undertake."
"You've got a comfortable opinion of yourself."
"While you, on the contrary, are modest and unassuming."
"What do you mean?" asked Conrad, coloring.

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