2015년 2월 22일 일요일

Andy Grant's Pluck 8

Andy Grant's Pluck 8

"There is my card," said Mr. Flint.
Andy received it and read the name:
The two men conversed together, and when dinner was over they walked up
Broadway to Fourteenth Street. Turning the left-hand corner, they soon
reached a jewelry store of modest appearance, but evidently containing a
valuable stock.
A youth with light-brown hair, who seemed to have been born tired, was
leaning against the counter. This, doubtless, was the boy who was not
"John," said Mr. Flint, "have you carried the parcel to Forty-eighth
"No, sir," answered the boy.
"Why not?"
"I thought it would do just as well after lunch."
"There you are mistaken. Put on your hat at once and go," said his
employer, sharply.
"You see," went on Mr. Flint, after the boy had started, "the trouble I
have with John. He needs to be looked after continually."
"You won't have that trouble with Andy."
"No, I think not."
Walter Gale accompanied Mr. Flint to the back part of the store, where
they held a conversation in a low tone. Presently Walter Gale came back,
and signified to Andy that they must be going.
"Mr. Flint will expect you to present yourself for duty on Tuesday
morning," he said. "You will reach the store at eight o'clock."
"All right, sir."
On returning to the street, Walter Gale said:
"I propose to take the next train for Philadelphia. You may accompany me
to the Cortlandt Street station. Can you find your way from there to the
Grand Central Depot?"
"Yes, sir."
"You will get there in time to take the afternoon train back to Arden.
You haven't asked me what salary you are to receive."
"I should like to know, sir."
"Five dollars a week, which is better than is generally paid to a new
"Will it pay my expenses, Mr. Gale?" asked Andy, doubtfully.
"No; but you remember that I promised you five dollars a week. Instead
of paying it to you I will give you a note to Mrs. Norris, who keeps a
comfortable boarding house on Clinton Place. She knows me well, and will
assign you a room, looking to me for payment. That will leave you five
dollars a week for your personal expenses, clothing, etc."
"I shall be rich, Mr. Gale, thanks to your kindness."
"Mind, Andy, I am to have you back whenever I want you. Probably I may
spend some weeks with my uncle, and during this time you may as well
work for Mr. Flint."
"Do you think I shall suit him?" asked Andy, with some anxiety.
"I feel sure of it. You will find him strict in business, but kind and
reasonable. I shall expect to hear from you soon after you enter upon
your duties. I shall find life pretty dull at my uncle's house, and your
letters will bring something of the excitement of the outside world to
"I will write you every week, Mr. Gale."
"If it won't be asking too much of you, I shall be glad to have you do
Andy crossed the ferry with Mr. Gale, and then returning at once, took
the four o'clock train for Arden.
His news created considerable stir at home. All were pleased except Aunt
"Brother," she said, "are you going to trust Andy alone in New York?"
"Yes, Jane; he must begin to rely upon himself some time, and he may as
well begin now."
"It's temptin' Providence, in my opinion."
"It might be so with some boys, but I have faith in Andy's prudence and
good sense."
"He ain't any different from other boys, as you will find."
But in spite of these ominous words Andy made arrangements to leave
Arden on Monday morning. He looked forward eagerly to his new life in
New York.
Conrad was not slow in learning of Mr. Gale's departure from the hotel.
The intelligence pleased him, for, as he supposed, it threw Andy out of
employment. He sought an early opportunity of speaking to him on the
At five o'clock in the afternoon the mail came in at the post office.
Among those who congregated there at the time were Conrad and Andy.
"So you've lost your place?" began Conrad, abruptly.
"What do you mean?" asked Andy.
"Mr. Gale has left town, hasn't he?"
"Where has he gone?"
"To Pennsylvania, to stay with an uncle who is very sick."
"Do you think he will come back to Arden?"
"I don't know, but I think it is doubtful."
"I suppose, then, you will go back to work on the farm?"
Andy smiled.
"Things might be worse," he said.
"Yes. I think it is the best thing you can do."
"Why do you think so?"
"Oh, well, you are a poor boy, and there is nothing else for you to do."
"Did you ever think of becoming a farmer?"
"I should say not," replied Conrad, haughtily. "I shall probably be a
lawyer or a merchant."
"I might become a merchant myself--some day."
Conrad laughed.
"When you do," he said, "let me know."
"I will."
"By the way, you won't want that boat of yours now."
"Why not?"
"You won't get time to use it. I'll give you twenty dollars for it."
"It is not for sale," answered Andy, firmly.
"It will be after a while," said Conrad, in a self-satisfied tone. "I
will see the time when you will be glad enough to get the money I
During the few days that Andy remained at home he did some work on the
farm. Mr. Grant's boy helper was sick with a cold, and Andy stepped into
his place.
The next time of Conrad's meeting him he was at work digging potatoes.
Conrad smiled and nodded. He felt quite friendly as he witnessed what he
considered Andy's humiliation.
"My father may give you a little job," he said, as he leaned over the
"What is it?"
"He needs some work done round the house. He will pay you fifty cents a
day. When can you come?"
"Just at present I am too busy. If I can spare the time I will let you
"I like to see upstarts brought down to their level," thought Conrad.
"Andy Grant won't be putting on any more airs, I reckon."
On Monday morning Andy stood on the platform of the railroad station
with a good-sized gripsack in his hand. He was about starting for New
York to enter upon his duties at the jewelry store.
Swinging a light cane, Conrad Carter appeared on the platform with his
father, who was going to the city on business. With a good deal of
surprise he recognized Andy.
"Where are you going?" he asked, abruptly, with a glance at the
"To New York," answered Andy.
"What business have you there?"
"I have a position in a store on Union Square. I shall be pleased to
have you call when you are in the city."
Conrad was greatly surprised.
"What kind of a store is it?" he asked.
"A jewelry store. I haven't a card with me, but will send you one."
Conrad didn't appear to be glad at Andy's good fortune. He had made up
his mind that his humble rival, as he chose to consider him, would be
obliged to work on the farm, and now he had found a way to avoid it.
"I think your father will have to find some one else to assist him,"
Andy continued; "you see, I shall be otherwise occupied."
"What pay will you receive?"
"If you will excuse me, I would rather not tell."
"Oh, just as you like. Where will you live? Will you sleep in the
"No; I am to board on Clinton Place, with a Mrs. Norris."
"Did you know about this when we were talking the other day?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I would have done so if I had known how much interest you took in my
The rumble of the approaching train was heard, and Andy was obliged to
enter a car. It chanced that it was unusually full, and Andy found but
one vacant seat--the one beside Squire Carter.
The squire now noticed Andy for the first time.
"Where are you going, Andrew?" he asked.
"To New York, sir."
"On any special errand?"
"I am going to work there."
"Indeed! What kind of a place?"
"I shall have a place with Mr. Flint, of Union Square, a jeweler."
"I suppose Mr. Gale obtained you the place?"
"Yes, sir."
"I am not sure that you are acting wisely. I doubt if you can make
expenses. What are you to be paid?"
"Five dollars a week."
"That is very fair pay for a boy of your age, but it won't go very far
in New York."
"I suppose New York is an expensive place to live in," said Andy,
"Yes. You will have to pay all your wages for board. Your other expenses
will have to come out of your father's pocket."
"I may be advanced."
"It will be a good while, first. You seem to be acting very
This remark did not trouble Andy. As his board was to be paid by Mr.
Gale, his salary would be practically ten dollars a week; but this he
did not care to tell.
"Country boys are always in a stew to get work in the city," observed
the squire. "If they would only take the advice of their elders, they
would see that it is better to stay in the country."
"They think probably that there is more chance of advancement in the
city. Horace Greeley never would have risen to distinction if he had
remained in his native village."
"Ahem! there are exceptions. What is the number of the store where you
will be employed?"
Andy told him.
"I may call in upon you some time. I am often in the city on business."
"I shall be glad if you will," said Andy, sincerely. "It will seem
pleasant to me to see an Arden face."
Andy got out of the cars at the Grand Central Depot. He was not quite
sure of his way to Clinton Place, but he was not in the least disturbed.
He was naturally self-reliant.
He asked the question of a gentleman, and was advised to take a Fourth
Avenue car through the tunnel as far as Eighth Street, but he thought he
should prefer to walk, as it would enable him to enjoy the sights and
scenes of the metropolis. All these were fresh and interesting to him.
He had gone but a dozen steps from the depot when a plausible stranger
of thirty-five years, apparently, stopped him.
"Young man, may I have a word with you?" he asked.
"If you wish."
"I speak to you, because I judge from your appearance that you have a
good, kind heart."
"I hope you are right, sir."
"I am very awkwardly placed. My sister is very sick in Yonkers and has
sent for me. On my way to the depot in a horse car I had my pocket
picked, and I have not enough money to get to the bedside of my poor
sister. If you would kindly lend me a quarter--"
Andy was kind-hearted, and he was not versed in city wiles. He put his
hand in his pocket and drew out a twenty-five-cent silver coin.
"I am glad to help you," he said, as he passed the coin to the
"You have a noble heart. I thank you," said the stranger, feelingly.
Andy felt pleased to think that he had done the man a favor, but his
satisfaction was short-lived.
A stout, pleasant-looking man who had caught sight of the conference
addressed him.
"Did you give that man any money?" he asked.
"Yes sir."
"What did he need it for?"
"His pocket had been picked, and he wanted to go to Yonkers to visit his
sick sister."
His new friend laughed.
"That's a new story," he said. "The man is an arrant fraud. Your money
will be spent for drink. He has no sick sister."
This was quite a shock to Andy. He saw that he had been victimized, and
must hereafter be on his guard against plausible strangers.
By dint of a little inquiry Andy found his way to Mrs. Norris' boarding
house in Clinton Place. It was a plain three-story-and-basement house
of brick and looked thoroughly respectable.
Andy took a general view of it, and thought he should take it. To his
country eyes it looked quite aristocratic. It was higher than any house
in Arden, even Squire Carter's.
He ascended the steps and rang the bell.
It was answered by a Swedish girl named Eva, a blond girl of the true
Scandinavian type.
"Is Mrs. Norris at home?" he asked.
 "She is upstairs," was the reply.

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