2015년 2월 1일 일요일

The Memoires of Casanova 7

The Memoires of Casanova 7

"Dear aunt, excuse me."

"Well, then, Marton."

"Oh! dear aunt, why do you not insist upon my sister obeying your

"Alas! madame, these young ladies are quite right. Allow me to retire."

"No, my dear abbe, my nieces are very foolish; M. Rosa, I am sure, will

The good procurator takes me affectionately by the hand, and leads me to
the third story, where he leaves me. The moment I am alone I open my
letter, and I read the following:

"My aunt will invite you to supper; do not accept. Go away as soon as we
sit down to table, and Marton will escort you as far as the street door,
but do not leave the house. When the street door is closed again,
everyone thinking you are gone, go upstairs in the dark as far as the
third floor, where you must wait for us. We will come up the moment M.
Rosa has left the house, and our aunt has gone to bed. Angela will be at
liberty to grant you throughout the night a tete-a-tete which, I trust,
will prove a happy one."

Oh! what joy-what gratitude for the lucky chance which allowed me to
read this letter on the very spot where I was to expect the dear abject
of my love! Certain of finding my way without the slightest difficulty,
I returned to Madame Orio's sitting-room, overwhelmed with happiness.


An Unlucky Night I Fall in Love with the Two Sisters, and Forget Angela-
-A Ball at My House--Juliette's Humiliation--My Return to Pasian--
Lucie's Misfortune--A Propitious Storm

On my reappearance, Madame Orio told me, with many heart-felt thanks,
that I must for the future consider myself as a privileged and welcome
friend, and the evening passed off very pleasantly. As the hour for
supper drew near, I excused myself so well that Madame Orio could not
insist upon my accepting her invitation to stay. Marton rose to light me
out of the room, but her aunt, believing Nanette to be my favourite,
gave her such an imperative order to accompany me that she was compelled
to obey. She went down the stairs rapidly, opened and closed the street
door very noisily, and putting her light out, she reentered the sitting
room, leaving me in darkness. I went upstairs softly: when I reached the
third landing I found the chamber of the two sisters, and, throwing
myself upon a sofa, I waited patiently for the rising of the star of my
happiness. An hour passed amidst the sweetest dreams of my imagination;
at last I hear the noise of the street door opening and closing, and, a
few minutes after, the two sisters come in with my Angela. I draw her
towards me, and caring for nobody else, I keep up for two full hours my
conversation with her. The clock strikes midnight; I am pitied for
having gone so late supperless, but I am shocked at such an idea; I
answer that, with such happiness as I am enjoying, I can suffer from no
human want. I am told that I am a prisoner, that the key of the house
door is under the aunt's pillow, and that it is opened only by herself
as she goes in the morning to the first mass. I wonder at my young
friends imagining that such news can be anything but delightful to me. I
express all my joy at the certainty of passing the next five hours with
the beloved mistress of my heart. Another hour is spent, when suddenly
Nanette begins to laugh, Angela wants to know the reason, and Marton
whispering a few words to her, they both laugh likewise. This puzzles
me. In my turn, I want to know what causes this general laughter, and at
last Nanette, putting on an air of anxiety, tells me that they have no
more candle, and that in a few minutes we shall be in the dark. This is
a piece of news particularly agreeable to me, but I do not let my
satisfaction appear on my countenance, and saying how truly I am sorry
for their sake, I propose that they should go to bed and sleep quietly
under my respectful guardianship. My proposal increases their merriment.

"What can we do in the dark?"

"We can talk."

We were four; for the last three hours we had been talking, and I was
the hero of the romance. Love is a great poet, its resources are
inexhaustible, but if the end it has in view is not obtained, it feels
weary and remains silent. My Angela listened willingly, but little
disposed to talk herself, she seldom answered, and she displayed good
sense rather than wit. To weaken the force of my arguments, she was
often satisfied with hurling at me a proverb, somewhat in the fashion of
the Romans throwing the catapult. Every time that my poor hands came to
the assistance of love, she drew herself back or repulsed me. Yet, in
spite of all, I went on talking and using my hands without losing
courage, but I gave myself up to despair when I found that my rather
artful arguing astounded her without bringing conviction to her heart,
which was only disquieted, never softened. On the other hand, I could
see with astonishment upon their countenances the impression made upon
the two sisters by the ardent speeches I poured out to Angela. This
metaphysical curve struck me as unnatural, it ought to have been an
angle; I was then, unhappily for myself, studying geometry. I was in
such a state that, notwithstanding the cold, I was perspiring profusely.
At last the light was nearly out, and Nanette took it away.

The moment we were in the dark, I very naturally extended my arms to
seize her whom I loved; but I only met with empty space, and I could not
help laughing at the rapidity with which Angela had availed herself of
the opportunity of escaping me. For one full hour I poured out all the
tender, cheerful words that love inspired me with, to persuade her to
come back to me; I could only suppose that it was a joke to tease me.
But I became impatient.

"The joke," I said, "has lasted long enough; it is foolish, as I could
not run after you, and I am surprised to hear you laugh, for your
strange conduct leads me to suppose that you are making fun of me. Come
and take your seat near me, and if I must speak to you without seeing
you let my hands assure me that I am not addressing my words to the
empty air. To continue this game would be an insult to me, and my love
does not deserve such a return."

"Well, be calm. I will listen to every word you may say, but you must
feel that it would not be decent for me to place myself near you in this
dark room."

"Do you want me to stand where I am until morning?"

"Lie down on the bed, and go to sleep."

"In wonder, indeed, at your thinking me capable of doing so in the state
I am in. Well, I suppose we must play at blind man's buff."

Thereupon, I began to feel right and left, everywhere, but in vain.
Whenever I caught anyone it always turned out to be Nanette or Marton,
who at once discovered themselves, and I, stupid Don Quixote, instantly
would let them go! Love and prejudice blinded me, I could not see how
ridiculous I was with my respectful reserve. I had not yet read the
anecdotes of Louis XIII, king of France, but I had read Boccacio. I kept
on seeking in vain, reproaching her with her cruelty, and entreating her
to let me catch her; but she would only answer that the difficulty of
meeting each other was mutual. The room was not large, and I was enraged
at my want of success.

Tired and still more vexed, I sat down, and for the next hour I told the
history of Roger, when Angelica disappears through the power of the
magic ring which the loving knight had so imprudently given her:

'Cosi dicendo, intorno a la fortuna Brancolando n'andava come cieco. O
quante volte abbraccio l'aria vana Speyando la donzella abbracciar

Angela had not read Ariosto, but Nanette had done so several times. She
undertook the defence of Angelica, and blamed the simplicity of Roger,
who, if he had been wise, would never have trusted the ring to a
coquette. I was delighted with Nanette, but I was yet too much of a
novice to apply her remarks to myself.

Only one more hour remained, and I was to leave before the break of day,
for Madame Orio would have died rather than give way to the temptation
of missing the early mass. During that hour I spoke to Angela, trying to
convince her that she ought to come and sit by me. My soul went through
every gradation of hope and despair, and the reader cannot possibly
realize it unless he has been placed in a similar position. I exhausted
the most convincing arguments; then I had recourse to prayers, and even
to tears; but, seeing all was useless, I gave way to that feeling of
noble indignation which lends dignity to anger. Had I not been in the
dark, I might, I truly believe, have struck the proud monster, the cruel
girl, who had thus for five hours condemned me to the most distressing
suffering. I poured out all the abuse, all the insulting words that
despised love can suggest to an infuriated mind; I loaded her with the
deepest curses; I swore that my love had entirely turned into hatred,
and, as a finale, I advised her to be careful, as I would kill her the
moment I would set my eyes on her.

My invectives came to an end with the darkness. At the first break of
day, and as soon as I heard the noise made by the bolt and the key of
the street door, which Madame Orio was opening to let herself out, that
she might seek in the church the repose of which her pious soul was in
need, I got myself ready and looked for my cloak and for my hat. But how
can I ever portray the consternation in which I was thrown when, casting
a sly glance upon the young friends, I found the three bathed in tears!
In my shame and despair I thought of committing suicide, and sitting
down again, I recollected my brutal speeches, and upbraided myself for
having wantonly caused them to weep. I could not say one word; I felt
choking; at last tears came to my assistance, and I gave way to a fit of
crying which relieved me. Nanette then remarked that her aunt would soon
return home; I dried my eyes, and, not venturing another look at Angela
or at her friends, I ran away without uttering a word, and threw myself
on my bed, where sleep would not visit my troubled mind.

At noon, M. de Malipiero, noticing the change in my countenance,
enquired what ailed me, and longing to unburden my heart, I told him all
that had happened. The wise old man did not laugh at my sorrow, but by
his sensible advice he managed to console me and to give me courage. He
was in the same predicament with the beautiful Therese. Yet he could not
help giving way to his merriment when at dinner he saw me, in spite of
my grief, eat with increased appetite; I had gone without my supper the
night before; he complimented me upon my happy constitution.

I was determined never to visit Madame Orio's house, and on that very
day I held an argument in metaphysics, in which I contended that any
being of whom we had only an abstract idea, could only exist
abstractedly, and I was right; but it was a very easy task to give to my
thesis an irreligious turn, and I was obliged to recant. A few days
afterwards I went to Padua, where I took my degree of doctor 'utroque

When I returned to Venice, I received a note from M. Rosa, who entreated
me to call upon Madame Orio; she wished to see me, and, feeling certain
of not meeting Angela, I paid her a visit the same evening. The two
graceful sisters were so kind, so pleasant, that they scattered to the
winds the shame I felt at seeing them after the fearful night I had
passed in their room two months before. The labours of writing my thesis
and passing my examination were of course sufficient excuses for Madame
Orio, who only wanted to reproach me for having remained so long away
from her house.

As I left, Nanette gave me a letter containing a note from Angela, the
contents of which ran as follows:

"If you are not afraid of passing another night with me you shall have
no reason to complain of me, for I love you, and I wish to hear from
your own lips whether you would still have loved me if I had consented
to become contemptible in your eyes."

This is the letter of Nanette, who alone had her wits about her:

"M. Rosa having undertaken to bring you back to our house, I prepare
these few lines to let you know that Angela is in despair at having lost
you. I confess that the night you spent with us was a cruel one, but I
do not think that you did rightly in giving up your visits to Madame
Orio. If you still feel any love for Angela, I advise you to take your
chances once more. Accept a rendezvous for another night; she may
vindicate herself, and you will be happy. Believe me; come. Farewell!"

Those two letters afforded me much gratification, for I had it in my
power to enjoy my revenge by shewing to Angela the coldest contempt.
Therefore, on the following Sunday I went to Madame Orio's house, having
provided myself with a smoked tongue and a couple of bottles of Cyprus
wine; but to my great surprise my cruel mistress was not there. Nanette
told me that she had met her at church in the morning, and that she
would not be able to come before supper-time. Trusting to that promise I
declined Madam Orio's invitation, and before the family sat down to
supper I left the room as I had done on the former occasion, and slipped
upstairs. I longed to represent the character I had prepared myself for,
and feeling assured that Angela, even if she should prove less cruel,
would only grant me insignificant favours, I despised them in
anticipation, and resolved to be avenged.

After waiting three quarters of an hour the street door was locked, and
a moment later Nanette and Marton entered the room.

"Where is Angela?" I enquired.

"She must have been unable to come, or to send a message. Yet she knows
you are here."

"She thinks she has made a fool of me; but I suspected she would act in
this way. You know her now. She is trifling with me, and very likely she
is now revelling in her triumph. She has made use of you to allure me in
the snare, and it is all the better for her; had she come, I meant to
have had my turn, and to have laughed at her."

"Ah! you must allow me to have my doubts as to that."

"Doubt me not, beautiful Nanette; the pleasant night we are going to
spend without her must convince you."

"That is to say that, as a man of sense, you can accept us as a
makeshift; but you can sleep here, and my sister can lie with me on the
sofa in the next room."

"I cannot hinder you, but it would be great unkindness on your part. At
all events, I do not intend to go to bed."

"What! you would have the courage to spend seven hours alone with us?
Why, I am certain that in a short time you will be at a loss what to
say, and you will fall asleep."

"Well, we shall see. In the mean-time here are provisions. You will not
be so cruel as to let me eat alone? Can you get any bread?"

"Yes, and to please you we must have a second supper."

"I ought to be in love with you. Tell me, beautiful Nanette, if I were
as much attached to you as I was to Angela, would you follow her example
and make me unhappy?"

"How can you ask such a question? It is worthy of a conceited man. All I
can answer is, that I do not know what I would do."

They laid the cloth, brought some bread, some Parmesan cheese and water,
laughing all the while, and then we went to work. The wine, to which
they were not accustomed, went to their heads, and their gaiety was soon
delightful. I wondered, as I looked at them, at my having been blind
enough not to see their merit.

After our supper, which was delicious, I sat between them, holding their
hands, which I pressed to my lips, asking them whether they were truly
my friends, and whether they approved of Angela's conduct towards me.
They both answered that it had made them shed many tears. "Then let me,"
I said, "have for you the tender feelings of a brother, and share those
feelings yourselves as if you were my sisters; let us exchange, in all
innocence, proofs of our mutual affection, and swear to each other an
eternal fidelity."

The first kiss I gave them was prompted by entirely harmless motives,
and they returned the kiss, as they assured me a few days afterwards
only to prove to me that they reciprocated my brotherly feelings; but
those innocent kisses, as we repeated them, very soon became ardent
ones, and kindled a flame which certainly took us by surprise, for we
stopped, as by common consent, after a short time, looking at each other
very much astonished and rather serious. They both left me without
affectation, and I remained alone with my thoughts. Indeed, it was
natural that the burning kisses I had given and received should have
sent through me the fire of passion, and that I should suddenly have
fallen madly in love with the two amiable sisters. Both were handsomer
than Angela, and they were superior to her--Nanette by her charming wit,
Marton by her sweet and simple nature; I could not understand how I had
been so long in rendering them the justice they deserved, but they were
the innocent daughters of a noble family, and the lucky chance which had
thrown them in my way ought not to prove a calamity for them. I was not
vain enough to suppose that they loved me, but I could well enough admit
that my kisses had influenced them in the same manner that their kisses
had influenced me, and, believing this to be the case, it was evident
that, with a little cunning on my part, and of sly practices of which
they were ignorant, I could easily, during the long night I was going to
spend with them, obtain favours, the consequences of which might be very
positive. The very thought made me shudder, and I firmly resolved to
respect their virtue, never dreaming that circumstances might prove too
strong for me.

When they returned, I read upon their countenances perfect security and
satisfaction, and I quickly put on the same appearance, with a full
determination not to expose myself again to the danger of their kisses.

For one hour we spoke of Angela, and I expressed my determination never
to see her again, as I had every proof that she did not care for me.
"She loves you," said the artless Marton; "I know she does, but if you
do not mean to marry her, you will do well to give up all intercourse
with her, for she is quite determined not to grant you even a kiss as
long as you are not her acknowledged suitor. You must therefore either
give up the acquaintance altogether, or make up your mind that she will
refuse you everything."

"You argue very well, but how do you know that she loves me?"

"I am quite sure of it, and as you have promised to be our brother, I
can tell you why I have that conviction. When Angela is in bed with me,
she embraces me lovingly and calls me her dear abbe."

The words were scarcely spoken when Nanette, laughing heartily, placed
her hand on her sister's lips, but the innocent confession had such an
effect upon me that I could hardly control myself.

Marton told Nanette that I could not possibly be ignorant of what takes
place between young girls sleeping together.

"There is no doubt," I said, "that everybody knows those trifles, and I
do not think, dear Nanette, that you ought to reproach your sister with
indiscretion for her friendly confidence."

"It cannot be helped now, but such things ought not to be mentioned. If
Angela knew it!"

"She would be vexed, of course; but Marton has given me a mark of her
friendship which I never can forget. But it is all over; I hate Angela,
and I do not mean to speak to her any more! she is false, and she wishes
my ruin."

"Yet, loving you, is she wrong to think of having you for her husband?"

"Granted that she is not; but she thinks only of her own self, for she
knows what I suffer, and her conduct would be very different if she
loved me. In the mean time, thanks to her imagination, she finds the
means of satisfying her senses with the charming Marton who kindly
performs the part of her husband."

Nanette laughed louder, but I kept very serious, and I went on talking
to her sister, and praising her sincerity. I said that very likely, and
to reciprocate her kindness, Angela must likewise have been her husband,
but she answered, with a smile, that Angela played husband only to
Nanette, and Nanette could not deny it.

"But," said I, "what name did Nanette, in her rapture, give to her

"Nobody knows."

"Do you love anyone, Nanette?"

"I do; but my secret is my own."

This reserve gave me the suspicion that I had something to do with her
secret, and that Nanette was the rival of Angela. Such a delightful
conversation caused me to lose the wish of passing an idle night with
two girls so well made for love.

"It is very lucky," I exclaimed, "that I have for you only feelings of
friendship; otherwise it would be very hard to pass the night without
giving way to the temptation of bestowing upon you proofs of my
affection, for you are both so lovely, so bewitching, that you would
turn the brains of any man."

As I went on talking, I pretended to be somewhat sleepy; Nanette being
the first to notice it, said, "Go to bed without any ceremony, we will
lie down on the sofa in the adjoining room."

"I would be a very poor-spirited fellow indeed, if I agreed to this; let
us talk; my sleepiness will soon pass off, but I am anxious about you.
Go to bed yourselves, my charming friends, and I will go into the next
room. If you are afraid of me, lock the door, but you would do me an
injustice, for I feel only a brother's yearnings towards you."

"We cannot accept such an arrangement," said Nanette, "but let me
persuade you; take this bed."

"I cannot sleep with my clothes on."

"Undress yourself; we will not look at you."

"I have no fear of it, but how could I find the heart to sleep, while on
my account you are compelled to sit up?"

"Well," said Marton, "we can lie down, too, without undressing."

"If you shew me such distrust, you will offend me. Tell me, Nanette, do
you think I am an honest man?"

"Most certainly."

"Well, then, give me a proof of your good opinion; lie down near me in
the bed, undressed, and rely on my word of honour that I will not even
lay a finger upon you. Besides, you are two against one, what can you
fear? Will you not be free to get out of the bed in case I should not
keep quiet? In short, unless you consent to give me this mark of your
confidence in me, at least when I have fallen asleep, I cannot go to

I said no more, and pretended to be very sleepy. They exchanged a few
words, whispering to each other, and Marton told me to go to bed, that
they would follow me as soon as I was asleep. Nanette made me the same
promise, I turned my back to them, undressed myself quickly, and wishing
them good night, I went to bed. I immediately pretended to fall asleep,
but soon I dozed in good earnest, and only woke when they came to bed.
Then, turning round as if I wished to resume my slumbers, I remained
very quiet until I could suppose them fast asleep; at all events, if
they did not sleep, they were at liberty to pretend to do so. Their
backs were towards me, and the light was out; therefore I could only act
at random, and I paid my first compliments to the one who was lying on
my right, not knowing whether she was Nanette or Marton. I find her bent
in two, and wrapped up in the only garment she had kept on. Taking my
time, and sparing her modesty, I compel her by degrees to acknowledge
her defeat, and convince her that it is better to feign sleep and to let
me proceed. Her natural instincts soon working in concert with mine, I
reach the goal; and my efforts, crowned with the most complete success,
leave me not the shadow of a doubt that I have gathered those first-
fruits to which our prejudice makes us attach so great an importance.
Enraptured at having enjoyed my manhood completely and for the first
time, I quietly leave my beauty in order to do homage to the other
sister. I find her motionless, lying on her back like a person wrapped
in profound and undisturbed slumber. Carefully managing my advance, as
if I were afraid of waking her up, I begin by gently gratifying her
senses, and I ascertain the delightful fact that, like her sister, she
is still in possession of her maidenhood. As soon as a natural movement
proves to me that love accepts the offering, I take my measures to
consummate the sacrifice. At that moment, giving way suddenly to the
violence of her feelings, and tired of her assumed dissimulation, she
warmly locks me in her arms at the very instant of the voluptuous
crisis, smothers me with kisses, shares my raptures, and love blends our
souls in the most ecstatic enjoyment.

Guessing her to be Nanette, I whisper her name.

"Yes, I am Nanette," she answers; "and I declare myself happy, as well
as my sister, if you prove yourself true and faithful."

"Until death, my beloved ones, and as everything we have done is the
work of love, do not let us ever mention the name of Angela."

After this, I begged that she would give us a light; but Marton, always
kind and obliging, got out of bed leaving us alone. When I saw Nanette
in my arms, beaming with love, and Marton near the bed, holding a
candle, with her eyes reproaching us with ingratitude because we did not
speak to her, who, by accepting my first caresses, had encouraged her
sister to follow her example, I realized all my happiness.

"Let us get up, my darlings," said I, "and swear to each other eternal

When we had risen we performed, all three together, ablutions which made
them laugh a good deal, and which gave a new impetus to the ardour of
our feelings. Sitting up in the simple costume of nature, we ate the
remains of our supper, exchanging those thousand trifling words which
love alone can understand, and we again retired to our bed, where we
spent a most delightful night giving each other mutual and oft-repeated
proofs of our passionate ardour. Nanette was the recipient of my last
bounties, for Madame Orio having left the house to go to church, I had
to hasten my departure, after assuring the two lovely sisters that they
had effectually extinguished whatever flame might still have flickered
in my heart for Angela. I went home and slept soundly until dinner-time.

M. de Malipiero passed a remark upon my cheerful looks and the dark
circles around my eyes, but I kept my own counsel, and I allowed him to
think whatever he pleased. On the following day I paid a visit to Madame
Orio, and Angela not being of the party, I remained to supper and
retired with M. Rosa. During the evening Nanette contrived to give me a
letter and a small parcel. The parcel contained a small lump of wax with
the stamp of a key, and the letter told me to have a key made, and to
use it to enter the house whenever I wished to spend the night with
them. She informed me at the same time that Angela had slept with them
the night following our adventures, and that, thanks to their mutual and
usual practices, she had guessed the real state of things, that they had
not denied it, adding that it was all her fault, and that Angela, after
abusing them most vehemently, had sworn never again to darken their
doors; but they did not care a jot.

A few days afterwards our good fortune delivered us from Angela; she was
taken to Vicenza by her father, who had removed there for a couple of
years, having been engaged to paint frescoes in some houses in that
city. Thanks to her absence, I found myself undisturbed possessor of the
two charming sisters, with whom I spent at least two nights every week,
finding no difficulty in entering the house with the key which I had
speedily procured.

Carnival was nearly over, when M. Manzoni informed me one day that the
celebrated Juliette wished to see me, and regretted much that I had
ceased to visit her. I felt curious as to what she had to say to me, and
accompanied him to her house. She received me very politely, and
remarking that she had heard of a large hall I had in my house, she said
she would like to give a ball there, if I would give her the use of it.
I readily consented, and she handed me twenty-four sequins for the
supper and for the band, undertaking to send people to place chandeliers
in the hall and in my other rooms.

M. de Sanvitali had left Venice, and the Parmesan government had placed
his estates in chancery in consequence of his extravagant expenditure. I
met him at Versailles ten years afterwards. He wore the insignia of the
king's order of knighthood, and was grand equerry to the eldest daughter
of Louis XV., Duchess of Parma, who, like all the French princesses,
could not be reconciled to the climate of Italy.

The ball took place, and went off splendidly. All the guests belonged to
Juliette's set, with the exception of Madame Orio, her nieces, and the
procurator Rosa, who sat together in the room adjoining the hall, and
whom I had been permitted to introduce as persons of no consequence

While the after-supper minuets were being danced Juliette took me apart,
and said, "Take me to your bedroom; I have just got an amusing idea."

My room was on the third story; I shewed her the way. The moment we
entered she bolted the door, much to my surprise. "I wish you," she
said, "to dress me up in your ecclesiastical clothes, and I will
disguise you as a woman with my own things. We will go down and dance
together. Come, let us first dress our hair."

Feeling sure of something pleasant to come, and delighted with such an
unusual adventure, I lose no time in arranging her hair, and I let her
afterwards dress mine. She applies rouge and a few beauty spots to my
face; I humour her in everything, and to prove her satisfaction, she
gives me with the best of grace a very loving kiss, on condition that I
do not ask for anything else.

"As you please, beautiful Juliette, but I give you due notice that I
adore you!"

I place upon my bed a shirt, an abbe's neckband, a pair of drawers,
black silk stockings--in fact, a complete fit-out. Coming near the bed,
Juliette drops her skirt, and cleverly gets into the drawers, which were
not a bad fit, but when she comes to the breeches there is some
difficulty; the waistband is too narrow, and the only remedy is to rip
it behind or to cut it, if necessary. I undertake to make everything
right, and, as I sit on the foot of my bed, she places herself in front
of me, with her back towards me. I begin my work, but she thinks that I
want to see too much, that I am not skilful enough, and that my fingers
wander in unnecessary places; she gets fidgety, leaves me, tears the
breeches, and manages in her own way. Then I help her to put her shoes
on, and I pass the shirt over her head, but as I am disposing the ruffle
and the neck-band, she complains of my hands being too curious; and in
truth, her bosom was rather scanty. She calls me a knave and rascal, but
I take no notice of her. I was not going to be duped, and I thought that
a woman who had been paid one hundred thousand ducats was well worth
some study. At last, her toilet being completed, my turn comes. In spite
of her objections I quickly get rid of my breeches, and she must put on
me the chemise, then a skirt, in a word she has to dress me up. But all
at once, playing the coquette, she gets angry because I do not conceal
from her looks the very apparent proof that her charms have some effect
on a particular part of my being, and she refuses to grant me the favour
which would soon afford both relief and calm. I try to kiss her, and she
repulses me, whereupon I lose patience, and in spite of herself she has
to witness the last stage of my excitement. At the sight of this, she
pours out every insulting word she can think of; I endeavour to prove
that she is to blame, but it is all in vain.

However, she is compelled to complete my disguise. There is no doubt
that an honest woman would not have exposed herself to such an
adventure, unless she had intended to prove her tender feelings, and
that she would not have drawn back at the very moment she saw them
shared by her companion; but women like Juliette are often guided by a
spirit of contradiction which causes them to act against their own
interests. Besides, she felt disappointed when she found out that I was
not timid, and my want of restraint appeared to her a want of respect.
She would not have objected to my stealing a few light favours which she
would have allowed me to take, as being of no importance, but, by doing
that, I should have flattered her vanity too highly.

Our disguise being complete, we went together to the dancing-hall, where
the enthusiastic applause of the guests soon restored our good temper.
Everybody gave me credit for a piece of fortune which I had not enjoyed,
but I was not ill-pleased with the rumour, and went on dancing with the
false abbe, who was only too charming. Juliette treated me so well
during the night that I construed her manners towards me into some sort
of repentance, and I almost regretted what had taken place between us;
it was a momentary weakness for which I was sorely punished.

At the end of the quadrille all the men thought they had a right to take
liberties with the abbe, and I became myself rather free with the young
girls, who would have been afraid of exposing themselves to ridicule had
they offered any opposition to my caresses.

M. Querini was foolish enough to enquire from me whether I had kept on
my breeches, and as I answered that I had been compelled to lend them to
Juliette, he looked very unhappy, sat down in a corner of the room, and
refused to dance.

Every one of the guests soon remarked that I had on a woman's chemise,
and nobody entertained a doubt of the sacrifice having been consummated,
with the exception of Nanette and Marton, who could not imagine the
possibility of my being unfaithful to them. Juliette perceived that she
had been guilty of great imprudence, but it was too late to remedy the

When we returned to my chamber upstairs, thinking that she had repented
of her previous behaviour, and feeling some desire to possess her, I
thought I would kiss her, and I took hold of her hand, saying I was
disposed to give her every satisfaction, but she quickly slapped my face
in so violent a manner that, in my indignation, I was very near
returning the compliment. I undressed myself rapidly without looking at
her, she did the same, and we came downstairs; but, in spite of the cold
water I had applied to my cheek, everyone could easily see the stamp of
the large hand which had come in contact with my face.

Before leaving the house, Juliette took me apart, and told me, in the
most decided and impressive manner, that if I had any fancy for being
thrown out of the window, I could enjoy that pleasure whenever I liked
to enter her dwelling, and that she would have me murdered if this
night's adventure ever became publicly known. I took care not to give
her any cause for the execution of either of her threats, but I could
not prevent the fact of our having exchanged shirts being rather
notorious. As I was not seen at her house, it was generally supposed
that she had been compelled by M. Querini to keep me at a distance. The
reader will see how, six years later, this extraordinary woman thought
proper to feign entire forgetfulness of this adventure.

I passed Lent, partly in the company of my loved ones, partly in the
study of experimental physics at the Convent of the Salutation. My
evenings were always given to M. de Malipiero's assemblies. At Easter,
in order to keep the promise I had made to the Countess of Mont-Real,
and longing to see again my beautiful Lucie, I went to Pasean. I found
the guests entirely different to the set I had met the previous autumn.
Count Daniel, the eldest of the family, had married a Countess Gozzi,
and a young and wealthy government official, who had married a god-
daughter of the old countess, was there with his wife and his sister-in-
law. I thought the supper very long. The same room had been given to me,
and I was burning to see Lucie, whom I did not intend to treat any more
like a child. I did not see her before going to bed, but I expected her
early the next morning, when lo! instead of her pretty face brightening
my eyes, I see standing before me a fat, ugly servant-girl! I enquire
after the gatekeeper's family, but her answer is given in the peculiar
dialect of the place, and is, of course, unintelligible to me.

I wonder what has become of Lucie; I fancy that our intimacy has been
found out, I fancy that she is ill--dead, perhaps. I dress myself with
the intention of looking for her. If she has been forbidden to see me, I
think to myself, I will be even with them all, for somehow or other I
will contrive the means of speaking to her, and out of spite I will do
with her that which honour prevented love from accomplishing. As I was
revolving such thoughts, the gate-keeper comes in with a sorrowful
countenance. I enquire after his wife's health, and after his daughter,
but at the name of Lucie his eyes are filled with tears.

"What! is she dead?"

"Would to God she were!"

"What has she done?"

"She has run away with Count Daniel's courier, and we have been unable
to trace her anywhere."

His wife comes in at the moment he replies, and at these words, which
renewed her grief, the poor woman faints away. The keeper, seeing how
sincerely I felt for his misery, tells me that this great misfortune
befell them only a week before my arrival.

"I know that man l'Aigle," I say; "he is a scoundrel. Did he ask to
marry Lucie?"

"No; he knew well enough that our consent would have been refused!"

"I wonder at Lucie acting in such a way."

"He seduced her, and her running away made us suspect the truth, for she
had become very stout."

"Had he known her long?"

"About a month after your last visit she saw him for the first time. He
must have thrown a spell over her, for our Lucie was as pure as a dove,
and you can, I believe, bear testimony to her goodness."

"And no one knows where they are?"

"No one. God alone knows what this villain will do with her."

I grieved as much as the unfortunate parents; I went out and took a long
ramble in the woods to give way to my sad feelings. During two hours I
cogitated over considerations, some true, some false, which were all
prefaced by an if. If I had paid this visit, as I might have done, a
week sooner, loving Lucie would have confided in me, and I would have
prevented that self-murder. If I had acted with her as with Nanette and
Marton, she would not have been left by me in that state of ardent
excitement which must have proved the principal cause of her fault, and
she would not have fallen a prey to that scoundrel. If she had not known
me before meeting the courier, her innocent soul would never have
listened to such a man. I was in despair, for in my conscience I
acknowledged myself the primary agent of this infamous seduction; I had
prepared the way for the villain.

Had I known where to find Lucie, I would certainly have gone forth on
the instant to seek for her, but no trace whatever of her whereabouts
had been discovered.

Before I had been made acquainted with Lucie's misfortune I felt great
pride at having had sufficient power over myself to respect her
innocence; but after hearing what had happened I was ashamed of my own
reserve, and I promised myself that for the future I would on that score
act more wisely. I felt truly miserable when my imagination painted the
probability of the unfortunate girl being left to poverty and shame,
cursing the remembrance of me, and hating me as the first cause of her
misery. This fatal event caused me to adopt a new system, which in after
years I carried sometimes rather too far.

I joined the cheerful guests of the countess in the gardens, and
received such a welcome that I was soon again in my usual spirits, and
at dinner I delighted everyone.

My sorrow was so great that it was necessary either to drive it away at
once or to leave Pasean. But a new life crept into my being as I
examined the face and the disposition of the newly-married lady. Her
sister was prettier, but I was beginning to feel afraid of a novice; I
thought the work too great.

This newly-married lady, who was between nineteen and twenty years of
age, drew upon herself everybody's attention by her over-strained and
unnatural manners. A great talker, with a memory crammed with maxims and
precepts often without sense, but of which she loved to make a show,
very devout, and so jealous of her husband that she did not conceal her
vexation when he expressed his satisfaction at being seated at table
opposite her sister, she laid herself open to much ridicule. Her husband
was a giddy young fellow, who perhaps felt very deep affection for his
wife, but who imagined that, through good breeding, he ought to appear
very indifferent, and whose vanity found pleasure in giving her constant
causes for jealousy. She, in her turn, had a great dread of passing for
an idiot if she did not shew her appreciation of, and her resentment
for, his conduct. She felt uneasy in the midst of good company,
precisely because she wished to appear thoroughly at home. If I prattled
away with some of my trilling nonsense, she would stare at me, and in
her anxiety not to be thought stupid, she would laugh out of season. Her
oddity, her awkwardness, and her self-conceit gave me the desire to know
her better, and I began to dance attendance upon her.

My attentions, important and unimportant, my constant care, ever my
fopperies, let everybody know that I meditated conquest. The husband was
duly warned, but, with a great show of intrepidity, he answered with a
joke every time he was told that I was a formidable rival. On my side I
assumed a modest, and even sometimes a careless appearance, when, to
shew his freedom from jealousy, he excited me to make love to his wife,
who, on her part, understood but little how to perform the part of fancy

I had been paying my address to her for five or six days with great
constancy, when, taking a walk with her in the garden, she imprudently
confided to me the reason of her anxiety respecting her husband, and how
wrong he was to give her any cause for jealousy. I told her, speaking as
an old friend, that the best way to punish him would be to take no
apparent notice of her, husband's preference for her sister, and to
feign to be herself in love with me. In order to entice her more easily
to follow my advice, I added that I was well aware of my plan being a
very difficult one to carry out, and that to play successfully such a
character a woman must be particularly witty. I had touched her weak
point, and she exclaimed that she would play the part to perfection; but
in spite of her self-confidence she acquitted herself so badly that
everybody understood that the plan was of my own scheming.

If I happened to be alone with her in the dark paths of the garden, and
tried to make her play her part in real earnest, she would take the
dangerous step of running away, and rejoining the other guests; the
result being that, on my reappearance, I was called a bad sportsman who
frightened the bird away. I would not fail at the first opportunity to
reproach her for her flight, and to represent the triumph she had thus
prepared for her spouse. I praised her mind, but lamented over the
shortcomings of her education; I said that the tone, the manners I
adopted towards her, were those of good society, and proved the great
esteem I entertained for her intelligence, but in the middle of all my
fine speeches, towards the eleventh or twelfth day of my courtship, she
suddenly put me out of all conceit by telling me that, being a priest, I
ought to know that every amorous connection was a deadly sin, that God
could see every action of His creatures, and that she would neither damn
her soul nor place herself under the necessity of saying to her
confessor that she had so far forgotten herself as to commit such a sin
with a priest. I objected that I was not yet a priest, but she foiled me
by enquiring point-blank whether or not the act I had in view was to be
numbered amongst the cardinal sins, for, not feeling the courage to deny
it, I felt that I must give up the argument and put an end to the adventure.

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