2015년 2월 1일 일요일

The Memoires of Casanova 9

The Memoires of Casanova 9

I did not give way to any burst of passion, but I felt the most intense
indignation. Late in the evening I expressed a wish to have some food
bought, for I could not starve; then, stretching myself upon a hard camp
bed, I passed the night amongst the soldiers without closing my eyes,
for these Sclavonians were singing, eating garlic, smoking a bad tobacco
which was most noxious, and drinking a wine of their own country, as
black as ink, which nobody else could swallow.

Early next morning Major Pelodoro (the governor of the fortress) called
me up to his room, and told me that, in compelling me to spend the night
in the guard-house, he had only obeyed the orders he had received from
Venice from the secretary of war. "Now, reverend sir," he added, "my
further orders are only to keep you a prisoner in the fort, and I am
responsible for your remaining here. I give you the whole of the
fortress for your prison. You shall have a good room in which you will
find your bed and all your luggage. Walk anywhere you please; but
recollect that, if you should escape, you would cause my ruin. I am
sorry that my instructions are to give you only ten sous a day, but if
you have any friends in Venice able to send you some money, write to
them, and trust to me for the security of your letters. Now you may go
to bed, if you need rest."

I was taken to my room; it was large and on the first story, with two
windows from which I had a very fine view. I found my bed, and I
ascertained with great satisfaction that my trunk, of which I had the
keys, had not been forced open. The major had kindly supplied my table
with all the implements necessary for writing. A Sclavonian soldier
informed me very politely that he would attend upon me, and that I would
pay him for his services whenever I could, for everyone knew that I had
only ten sous a day. I began by ordering some soup, and, when I had
dispatched it, I went to bed and slept for nine hours. When I woke, I
received an invitation to supper from the major, and I began to imagine
that things, after all, would not be so very bad.

I went to the honest governor, whom I found in numerous company. He
presented me to his wife and to every person present. I met there
several officers, the chaplain of the fortress, a certain Paoli Vida,
one of the singers of St. Mark's Church, and his wife, a pretty woman,
sister-in-law of the major, whom the husband chose to confine in the
fort because he was very jealous (jealous men are not comfortable at
Venice), together with several other ladies, not very young, but whom I
thought very agreeable, owing to their kind welcome.

Cheerful as I was by nature, those pleasant guests easily managed to put
me in the best of humours. Everyone expressed a wish to know the reasons
which could have induced M. Grimani to send me to the fortress, so I
gave a faithful account of all my adventures since my grandmother's
death. I spoke for three hours without any bitterness, and even in a
pleasant tone, upon things which, said in a different manner, might have
displeased my audience; all expressed their satisfaction, and shewed so
much sympathy that, as we parted for the night, I received from all an
assurance of friendship and the offer of their services. This is a piece
of good fortune which has never failed me whenever I have been the
victim of oppression, until I reached the age of fifty. Whenever I met
with honest persons expressing a curiosity to know the history of the
misfortune under which I was labouring, and whenever I satisfied their
curiosity, I have inspired them with friendship, and with that sympathy
which was necessary to render them favourable and useful to me.

That success was owing to a very simple artifice; it was only to tell my
story in a quiet and truthful manner, without even avoiding the facts
which told against me. It is simple secret that many men do not know,
because the larger portion of humankind is composed of cowards; a man
who always tells the truth must be possessed of great moral courage.
Experience has taught me that truth is a talisman, the charm of which
never fails in its effect, provided it is not wasted upon unworthy
people, and I believe that a guilty man, who candidly speaks the truth
to his judge, has a better chance of being acquitted, than the innocent
man who hesitates and evades true statements. Of course the speaker must
be young, or at least in the prime of manhood; for an old man finds the
whole of nature combined against him.

The major had his joke respecting the visit paid and returned to the
seminarist's bed, but the chaplain and the ladies scolded him. The major
advised me to write out my story and send it to the secretary of war,
undertaking that he should receive it, and he assured me that he would
become my protector. All the ladies tried to induce me to follow the
major's advice.


My Short Stay in Fort St. Andre--My First Repentance in Love Affairs I
Enjoy the Sweets of Revenge, and Prove a Clever Alibi--Arrest of Count
Bonafede--My Release--Arrival of the Bishop--Farewell to Venice

The fort, in which the Republic usually kept only a garrison of one
hundred half-pay Sclavonians, happened to contain at that time two
thousand Albanian soldiers, who were called Cimariotes.

The secretary of war, who was generally known under the title of 'sage a
l'ecriture', had summoned these men from the East in consequence of some
impending promotion, as he wanted the officers to be on the spot in
order to prove their merits before being rewarded. They all came from
the part of Epirus called Albania, which belongs to the Republic of
Venice, and they had distinguished themselves in the last war against
the Turks. It was for me a new and extraordinary sight to examine some
eighteen or twenty officers, all of an advanced age, yet strong and
healthy, shewing the scars which covered their face and their chest, the
last naked and entirely exposed through military pride. The lieutenant-
colonel was particularly conspicuous by his wounds, for, without
exaggeration, he had lost one-fourth of his head. He had but one eye,
but one ear, and no jaw to speak of. Yet he could eat very well, speak
without difficulty, and was very cheerful. He had with him all his
family, composed of two pretty daughters, who looked all the prettier in
their national costume, and of seven sons, every one of them a soldier.
This lieutenant-colonel stood six feet high, and his figure was
magnificent, but his scars so completely deformed his features that his
face was truly horrid to look at. Yet I found so much attraction in him
that I liked him the moment I saw him, and I would have been much
pleased to converse with him if his breath had not sent forth such a
strong smell of garlic. All the Albanians had their pockets full of it,
and they enjoyed a piece of garlic with as much relish as we do a sugar-
plum. After this none can maintain it to be a poison, though the only
medicinal virtue it possesses is to excite the appetite, because it acts
like a tonic upon a weak stomach.

The lieutenant-colonel could not read, but he was not ashamed of his
ignorance, because not one amongst his men, except the priest and the
surgeon, could boast greater learning. Every man, officer or private,
had his purse full of gold; half of them, at least, were married, and we
had in the fortress a colony of five or six hundred women, with God
knows how many children! I felt greatly interested in them all. Happy
idleness! I often regret thee because thou hast often offered me new
sights, and for the same reason I hate old age which never offers but
what I know already, unless I should take up a gazette, but I cared
nothing for them in my young days.

Alone in my room I made an inventory of my trunk, and having put aside
everything of an ecclesiastical character, I sent for a Jew, and sold
the whole parcel unmercifully. Then I wrote to M. Rosa, enclosing all
the tickets of the articles I had pledged, requesting him to have them
sold without any exception, and to forward me the surplus raised by the
sale. Thanks to that double operation, I was enabled to give my
Sclavonian servant the ten sous allowed to me every day. Another
soldier, who had been a hair-dresser, took care of my hair which I had
been compelled to neglect, in consequence of the rules of the seminary.
I spent my time in walking about the fort and through the barracks, and
my two places of resort were the major's apartment for some intellectual
enjoyment, and the rooms of the Albanian lieutenant-colonel for a
sprinkling of love. The Albanian feeling certain that his colonel would
be appointed brigadier, solicited the command of the regiment, but he
had a rival and he feared his success. I wrote him a petition, short,
but so well composed that the secretary of war, having enquired the name
of the author, gave the Albanian his colonelcy. On his return to the
fort, the brave fellow, overjoyed at his success, hugged me in his arms,
saying that he owed it all to me; he invited me to a family dinner, in
which my very soul was parched by his garlic, and he presented me with
twelve botargoes and two pounds of excellent Turkish tobacco.

The result of my petition made all the other officers think that they
could not succeed without the assistance of my pen, and I willingly gave
it to everybody; this entailed many quarrels upon me, for I served all
interests, but, finding myself the lucky possessor of some forty
sequins, I was no longer in dread of poverty, and laughed at everything.
However, I met with an accident which made me pass six weeks in a very
unpleasant condition.

On the 2nd of April, the fatal anniversary of my first appearance in
this world, as I was getting up in the morning, I received in my room
the visit of a very handsome Greek woman, who told me that her husband,
then ensign in the regiment, had every right to claim the rank of
lieutenant, and that he would certainly be appointed, if it were not for
the opposition of his captain who was against him, because she had
refused him certain favours which she could bestow only upon her
husband. She handed me some certificates, and begged me to write a
petition which she would present herself to the secretary of war, adding
that she could only offer me her heart in payment. I answered that her
heart ought not to go alone; I acted as I had spoken, and I met with no
other resistance than the objection which a pretty woman is always sure
to feign for the sake of appearance. After that, I told her to come back
at noon, and that the petition would be ready. She was exact to the
appointment, and very kindly rewarded me a second time; and in the
evening, under pretence of some alterations to be made in the petition,
she afforded an excellent opportunity of reaping a third recompense.

But, alas! the path of pleasure is not strewn only with roses! On the
third day, I found out, much to my dismay, that a serpent had been hid
under the flowers. Six weeks of care and of rigid diet re-established my

When I met the handsome Greek again, I was foolish enough to reproach
her for the present she had bestowed upon me, but she baffled me by
laughing, and saying that she had only offered me what she possessed,
and that it was my own fault if I had not been sufficiently careful. The
reader cannot imagine how much this first misfortune grieved me, and
what deep shame I felt. I looked upon myself as a dishonoured man, and
while I am on that subject I may as well relate an incident which will
give some idea of my thoughtlessness.

Madame Vida, the major's sister-in-law, being alone with me one morning,
confided in me in a moment of unreserved confidence what she had to
suffer from the jealous disposition of her husband, and his cruelty in
having allowed her to sleep alone for the last four years, when she was
in the very flower of her age.

"I trust to God," she added, "that my husband will not find out that you
have spent an hour alone with me, for I should never hear the end of

Feeling deeply for her grief, and confidence begetting confidence, I was
stupid enough to tell her the sad state to which I had been reduced by
the cruel Greek woman, assuring her that I felt my misery all the more
deeply, because I should have been delighted to console her, and to give
her the opportunity of a revenge for her jealous husband's coldness. At
this speech, in which my simplicity and good faith could easily be
traced, she rose from her chair, and upbraided me with every insult
which an outraged honest woman might hurl at the head of a bold
libertine who has presumed too far. Astounded, but understanding
perfectly well the nature of my crime, I bowed myself out of her room;
but as I was leaving it she told me in the same angry tone that my
visits would not be welcome for the future, as I was a conceited puppy,
unworthy of the society of good and respectable women. I took care to
answer that a respectable woman would have been rather more reserved
than she had been in her confidences. On reflection I felt pretty sure
that, if I had been in good health, or had said nothing about my mishap,
she would have been but too happy to receive my consolations.

A few days after that incident I had a much greater cause to regret my
acquaintance with the Greek woman. On Ascension Day, as the ceremony of
the Bucentaur was celebrated near the fort, M. Rosa brought Madame Orio
and her two nieces to witness it, and I had the pleasure of treating
them all to a good dinner in my room. I found myself, during the day,
alone with my young friends in one of the casements, and they both
loaded me with the most loving caresses and kisses. I felt that they
expected some substantial proof of my love; but, to conceal the real
state, of things, I pretended to be afraid of being surprised, and they
had to be satisfied with my shallow excuse.

I had informed my mother by letter of all I had suffered from Grimani's
treatment; she answered that she had written to him on the subject, that
she had no doubt he would immediately set me at liberty, and that an
arrangement had been entered into by which M. Grimani would devote the
money raised by Razetta from the sale of the furniture to the settlement
of a small patrimony on my youngest brother. But in this matter Grimani
did not act honestly, for the patrimony was only settled thirteen years
afterwards, and even then only in a fictitious manner. I shall have an
opportunity later on of mentioning this unfortunate brother, who died
very poor in Rome twenty years ago.

Towards the middle of June the Cimariotes were sent back to the East,
and after their departure the garrison of the fort was reduced to its
usual number. I began to feel weary in this comparative solitude, and I
gave way to terrible fits of passion.

The heat was intense, and so disagreeable to me that I wrote to M.
Grimani, asking for two summer suits of clothes, and telling him where
they would be found, if Razetta had not sold them. A week afterwards I
was in the major's apartment when I saw the wretch Razetta come in,
accompanied by a man whom he introduced as Petrillo, the celebrated
favourite of the Empress of Russia, just arrived from St. Petersburg. He
ought to have said infamous instead of celebrated, and clown instead of

The major invited them to take a seat, and Razetta, receiving a parcel
from Grimani's gondolier, handed it to me, saying,

"I have brought you your rags; take them."

I answered:

"Some day I will bring you a 'rigano':"

At these words the scoundrel dared to raise his cane, but the indignant
major compelled him to lower his tone by asking him whether he had any
wish to pass the night in the guard-house. Petrillo, who had not yet
opened his lips, told me then that he was sorry not to have found me in
Venice, as I might have shewn him round certain places which must be
well known to me.

"Very likely we should have met your wife in such places," I answered.

"I am a good judge of faces," he said, "and I can see that you are a
true gallows-bird."

I was trembling with rage, and the major, who shared my utter disgust,
told them that he had business to transact, and they took their leave.
The major assured me that on the following day he would go to the war
office to complain of Razetta, and that he would have him punished for
his insolence.

I remained alone, a prey to feelings of the deepest indignation, and to
a most ardent thirst for revenge.

The fortress was entirely surrounded by water, and my windows were not
overlooked by any of the sentinels. A boat coming under my windows could
therefore easily take me to Venice during the night and bring me back to
the fortress before day-break. All that was necessary was to find a
boatman who, for a certain amount, would risk the galleys in case of
discovery. Amongst several who brought provisions to the fort, I chose a
boatman whose countenance pleased me, and I offered him one sequin; he
promised to let me know his decision on the following day. He was true
to his time, and declared himself ready to take me. He informed me that,
before deciding to serve me, he had wished to know whether I was kept in
the fort for any great crime, but as the wife of the major had told him
that my imprisonment had been caused by very trifling frolics, I could
rely upon him. We arranged that he should be under my window at the
beginning of the night, and that his boat should be provided with a mast
long enough to enable me to slide along it from the window to the boat.

The appointed hour came, and everything being ready I got safely into
the boat, landed at the Sclavonian quay, ordered the boatman to wait for
me, and wrapped up in a mariner's cloak I took my way straight to the
gate of Saint-Sauveur, and engaged the waiter of a coffee-room to take
me to Razetta's house.

Being quite certain that he would not be at home at that time, I rang
the bell, and I heard my sister's voice telling me that if I wanted to
see him I must call in the morning. Satisfied with this, I went to the
foot of the bridge and sat down, waiting there to see which way he would
come, and a few minutes before midnight I saw him advancing from the
square of Saint-Paul. It was all I wanted to know; I went back to my
boat and returned to the fort without any difficulty. At five o'clock in
the morning everyone in the garrison could see me enjoying my walk on
the platform.

Taking all the time necessary to mature my plans, I made the following
arrangements to secure my revenge with perfect safety, and to prove an
alibi in case I should kill my rascally enemy, as it was my intention to
do. The day preceding the night fixed for my expedition, I walked about
with the son of the Adjutant Zen, who was only twelve years old, but who
amused me much by his shrewdness. The reader will meet him again in the
year 1771. As I was walking with him, I jumped down from one of the
bastions, and feigned to sprain my ankle. Two soldiers carried me to my
room, and the surgeon of the fort, thinking that I was suffering from a
luxation, ordered me to keep to bed, and wrapped up the ankle in towels
saturated with camphorated spirits of wine. Everybody came to see me,
and I requested the soldier who served me to remain and to sleep in my
room. I knew that a glass of brandy was enough to stupefy the man, and
to make him sleep soundly. As soon as I saw him fast asleep, I begged
the surgeon and the chaplain, who had his room over mine, to leave me,
and at half-past ten I lowered myself in the boat.

As soon as I reached Venice, I bought a stout cudgel, and I sat myself
down on a door-step, at the corner of the street near Saint-Paul's
Square. A narrow canal at the end of the street, was, I thought, the
very place to throw my enemy in. That canal has now disappeared.

At a quarter before twelve I see Razetta, walking along leisurely. I
come out of the street with rapid strides, keeping near the wall to
compel him to make room for me, and I strike a first blow on the head,
and a second on his arm; the third blow sends him tumbling in the canal,
howling and screaming my name. At the same instant a Forlan, or citizen
of Forli, comes out of a house on my left side with a lantern in his
hand. A blow from my cudgel knocks the lantern out of his grasp, and the
man, frightened out of his wits, takes to his heels. I throw away my
stick, I run at full speed through the square and over the bridge, and
while people are hastening towards the spot where the disturbance had
taken place, I jump into the boat, and, thanks to a strong breeze
swelling our sail, I get back to the fortress. Twelve o'clock was
striking as I re-entered my room through the window. I quickly undress
myself, and the moment I am in my bed I wake up the soldier by my loud
screams, telling him to go for the surgeon, as I am dying of the colic.

The chaplain, roused by my screaming, comes down and finds me in
convulsions. In the hope that some diascordium would relieve me, the
good old man runs to his room and brings it, but while he has gone for
some water I hide the medicine. After half an hour of wry faces, I say
that I feel much better, and thanking all my friends, I beg them to
retire, which everyone does, wishing me a quiet sleep.

The next morning I could not get up in consequence of my sprained ankle,
although I had slept very well; the major was kind enough to call upon
me before going to Venice, and he said that very likely my colic had
been caused by the melon I had eaten for my dinner the day before.

The major returned at one o'clock in the afternoon. "I have good news to
give you," he said to me, with a joyful laugh. "Razetta was soundly
cudgelled last night and thrown into a canal."

"Has he been killed?"

"No; but I am glad of it for your sake, for his death would make your
position much more serious. You are accused of having done it."

"I am very glad people think me guilty; it is something of a revenge,
but it will be rather difficult to bring it home to me."

"Very difficult! All the same, Razetta swears he recognized you, and the
same declaration is made by the Forlan who says that you struck his hand
to make him drop his lantern. Razetta's nose is broken, three of his
teeth are gone, and his right arm is severely hurt. You have been
accused before the avogador, and M. Grimani has written to the war
office to complain of your release from the fortress without his
knowledge. I arrived at the office just in time. The secretary was
reading Grimani's letter, and I assured his excellency that it was a
false report, for I left you in bed this morning, suffering from a
sprained ankle. I told him likewise that at twelve o'clock last night
you were very near death from a severe attack of colic."

"Was it at midnight that Razetta was so well treated?"

"So says the official report. The war secretary wrote at once to M.
Grimani and informed him that you have not left the fort, and that you
are even now detained in it, and that the plaintiff is at liberty, if he
chooses, to send commissaries to ascertain the fact. Therefore, my dear
abbe, you must prepare yourself for an interrogatory."

"I expect it, and I will answer that I am very sorry to be innocent."

Three days afterwards, a commissary came to the fort with a clerk of the
court, and the proceedings were soon over. Everybody knew that I had
sprained my ankle; the chaplain, the surgeon, my body-servant, and
several others swore that at midnight I was in bed suffering from colic.
My alibi being thoroughly proved, the avogador sentenced Razetta and the
Forlan to pay all expenses without prejudice to my rights of action.

After this judgment, the major advised me to address to the secretary of
war a petition which he undertook to deliver himself, and to claim my
release from the fort. I gave notice of my proceedings to M. Grimani,
and a week afterwards the major told me that I was free, and that he
would himself take me to the abbe. It was at dinnertime, and in the
middle of some amusing conversation, that he imparted that piece of
information. Not supposing him to be in earnest, and in order to keep up
the joke, I told him very politely that I preferred his house to Venice,
and that, to prove it, I would be happy to remain a week longer, if he
would grant me permission to do so. I was taken at my word, and
everybody seemed very pleased. But when, two hours later, the news was
confirmed, and I could no longer doubt the truth of my release, I
repented the week which I had so foolishly thrown away as a present to
the major; yet I had not the courage to break my word, for everybody,
and particularly his wife, had shown such unaffected pleasure, it would
have been contemptible of me to change my mind. The good woman knew that
I owed her every kindness which I had enjoyed, and she might have
thought me ungrateful.

But I met in the fort with a last adventure, which I must not forget to

On the following day, an officer dressed in the national uniform called
upon the major, accompanied by an elderly man of about sixty years of
age, wearing a sword, and, presenting to the major a dispatch with the
seal of the war office, he waited for an answer, and went away as soon
as he had received one from the governor.

After the officer had taken leave, the major, addressing himself to the
elderly gentleman, to whom he gave the title of count, told him that his
orders were to keep him a prisoner, and that he gave him the whole of
the fort for his prison. The count offered him his sword, but the major
nobly refused to take it, and escorted him to the room he was to occupy.
Soon after, a servant in livery brought a bed and a trunk, and the next
morning the same servant, knocking at my door, told me that his master
begged the honour of my company to breakfast. I accepted the invitation,
and he received me with these words:

"Dear sir, there has been so much talk in Venice about the skill with
which you proved your incredible alibi, that I could not help asking for
the honour of your acquaintance."

"But, count, the alibi being a true one, there can be no skill required
to prove it. Allow me to say that those who doubt its truth are paying
me a very poor compliment, for--"

"Never mind; do not let us talk any more of that, and forgive me. But as
we happen to be companions in misfortune, I trust you will not refuse me
your friendship. Now for breakfast."

After our meal, the count, who had heard from me some portion of my
history, thought that my confidence called for a return on his part, and
he began: "I am the Count de Bonafede. In my early days I served under
Prince Eugene, but I gave up the army, and entered on a civil career in
Austria. I had to fly from Austria and take refuge in Bavaria in
consequence of an unfortunate duel. In Munich I made the acquaintance of
a young lady belonging to a noble family; I eloped with her and brought
her to Venice, where we were married. I have now been twenty years in
Venice. I have six children, and everybody knows me. About a week ago I
sent my servant to the postoffice for my letters, but they were refused
him because he had not any money to pay the postage. I went myself, but
the clerk would not deliver me my letters, although I assured him that I
would pay for them the next time. This made me angry, and I called upon
the Baron de Taxis, the postmaster, and complained of the clerk, but he
answered very rudely that the clerk had simply obeyed his orders, and
that my letters would only be delivered on payment of the postage. I
felt very indignant, but as I was in his house I controlled my anger,
went home, and wrote a note to him asking him to give me satisfaction
for his rudeness, telling him that I would never go out without my
sword, and that I would force him to fight whenever and wherever I
should meet him. I never came across him, but yesterday I was accosted
by the secretary of the inquisitors, who told me that I must forget the
baron's rude conduct, and go under the guidance of an officer whom he
pointed out to me, to imprison myself for a week in this fortress. I
shall thus have the pleasure of spending that time with you."

I told him that I had been free for the last twenty-four hours, but that
to shew my gratitude for his friendly confidence I would feel honoured
if he would allow me to keep him company. As I had already engaged
myself with the major, this was only a polite falsehood.

In the afternoon I happened to be with him on the tower of the fort, and
pointed out a gondola advancing towards the lower gate; he took his spy-
glass and told me that it was his wife and daughter coming to see him.
We went to meet the ladies, one of whom might once have been worth the
trouble of an elopement; the other, a young person between fourteen and
sixteen, struck me as a beauty of a new style. Her hair was of a
beautiful light auburn, her eyes were blue and very fine, her nose a
Roman, and her pretty mouth, half-open and laughing, exposed a set of
teeth as white as her complexion, although a beautiful rosy tint
somewhat veiled the whiteness of the last. Her figure was so slight that
it seemed out of nature, but her perfectly-formed breast appeared an
altar on which the god of love would have delighted to breathe the
sweetest incense. This splendid chest was, however, not yet well
furnished, but in my imagination I gave her all the embonpoint which
might have been desired, and I was so pleased that I could not take my
looks from her. I met her eyes, and her laughing countenance seemed to
say to me: "Only wait for two years, at the utmost, and all that your
imagination is now creating will then exist in reality."

She was elegantly dressed in the prevalent fashion, with large hoops,
and like the daughters of the nobility who have not yet attained the age
of puberty, although the young countess was marriageable. I had never
dared to stare so openly at the bosom of a young lady of quality, but I
thought there was no harm in fixing my eyes on a spot where there was
nothing yet but in expectation.

The count, after having exchanged a few words in German with his wife,
presented me in the most flattering manner, and I was received with
great politeness. The major joined us, deeming it his duty to escort the
countess all over the fortress, and I improved the excellent opportunity
thrown in my way by the inferiority of my position; I offered my arm to
the young lady, and the count left us to go to his room.

I was still an adept in the old Venetian fashion of attending upon
ladies, and the young countess thought me rather awkward, though I
believed myself very fashionable when I placed my hand under her arm,
but she drew it back in high merriment. Her mother turned round to
enquire what she was laughing at, and I was terribly confused when I
heard her answer that I had tickled her.

"This is the way to offer your arm to a lady," she said, and she passed
her hand through my arm, which I rounded in the most clumsy manner,
feeling it a very difficult task to resume a dignified countenance.
Thinking me a novice of the most innocent species, she very likely
determined to make sport of me. She began by remarking that by rounding
my arm as I had done I placed it too far from her waist, and that I was
consequently out of drawing. I told her I did not know how to draw, and
inquired whether it was one of her accomplishments.

"I am learning," she answered, "and when you call upon us I will shew
you Adam and Eve, after the Chevalier Liberi; I have made a copy which
has been found very fine by some professors, although they did not know
it was my work."

"Why did you not tell them?"

"Because those two figures are too naked."

"I am not curious to see your Adam, but I will look at your Eve with
pleasure, and keep your secret."

This answer made her laugh again, and again her mother turned round. I
put on the look of a simpleton, for, seeing the advantage I could derive
from her opinion of me, I had formed my plan at the very moment she
tried to teach me how to offer my arm to a lady.

She was so convinced of my simplicity that she ventured to say that she
considered her Adam by far more beautiful than her Eve, because in her
drawing of the man she had omitted nothing, every muscle being visible,
while there was none conspicuous in Eve. "It is," she added, "a figure
with nothing in it."

"Yet it is the one which I shall like best."

"No; believe me, Adam will please you most."

This conversation had greatly excited me. I had on a pair of linen
breeches, the weather being very warm.... I was afraid of the major and
the countess, who were a few yards in front of us, turning round .... I
was on thorns. To make matters worse, the young lady stumbled, one of
her shoes slipped off, and presenting me her pretty foot she asked me to
put the shoe right. I knelt on the ground, and, very likely without
thinking, she lifted up her skirt.... she had very wide hoops and no
petticoat.... what I saw was enough to strike me dead on the spot....
When I rose, she asked if anything was the matter with me.

A moment after, coming out of one of the casemates, her head-dress got
slightly out of order, and she begged that I would remedy the accident,
but, having to bend her head down, the state in which I was could no
longer remain a secret for her. In order to avoid greater confusion to
both of us, she enquired who had made my watch ribbon; I told her it was
a present from my sister, and she desired to examine it, but when I
answered her that it was fastened to the fob-pocket, and found that she
disbelieved me, I added that she could see for herself. She put her hand
to it, and a natural but involuntary excitement caused me to be very
indiscreet. She must have felt vexed, for she saw that she had made a
mistake in her estimate of my character; she became more timid, she
would not laugh any more, and we joined her mother and the major who was
shewing her, in a sentry-box, the body of Marshal de Schulenburg which
had been deposited there until the mausoleum erected for him was
completed. As for myself, I felt deeply ashamed. I thought myself the
first man who had alarmed her innocence, and I felt ready to do anything
to atone for the insult.

Such was my delicacy of feeling in those days. I used to credit people
with exalted sentiments, which often existed only in my imagination. I
must confess that time has entirely destroyed that delicacy; yet I do
not believe myself worse than other men, my equals in age and

We returned to the count's apartment, and the day passed off rather
gloomily. Towards evening the ladies went away, but the countess gave me
a pressing invitation to call upon them in Venice.

The young lady, whom I thought I had insulted, had made such a deep
impression upon me that the seven following days seemed very long; yet I
was impatient to see her again only that I might entreat her
forgiveness, and convince her of my repentance.

The following day the count was visited by his son; he was plain-
featured, but a thorough gentleman, and modest withal. Twenty-five years
afterwards I met him in Spain, a cadet in the king's body-guard. He had
served as a private twenty years before obtaining this poor promotion.
The reader will hear of him in good time; I will only mention here that
when I met him in Spain, he stood me out that I had never known him; his
self-love prompted this very contemptible lie.

Early on the eighth day the count left the fortress, and I took my
departure the same evening, having made an appointment at a coffee-house
in St. Mark's Square with the major who was to accompany me to M.
Grimani's house. I took leave of his wife, whose memory will always be
dear to me, and she said, "I thank you for your skill in proving your
alibi, but you have also to thank me for having understood you so well.
My husband never heard anything about it until it was all over."

As soon as I reached Venice, I went to pay a visit to Madame Orio, where
I was made welcome. I remained to supper, and my two charming
sweethearts who were praying for the death of the bishop, gave me the
most delightful hospitality for the night.

At noon the next day I met the major according to our appointment, and
we called upon the Abbe Grimani. He received me with the air of a guilty
man begging for mercy, and I was astounded at his stupidity when he
entreated me to forgive Razetta and his companion. He told me that the
bishop was expected very soon, and that he had ordered a room to be
ready for me, and that I could take my meals with him. Then he
introduced me to M. Valavero, a man of talent, who had just left the
ministry of war, his term of office having lasted the usual six months.
I paid my duty to him, and we kept up a kind of desultory conversation
until the departure of the major. When he had left us M. Valavero
entreated me to confess that I had been the guilty party in the attack
upon Razetta. I candidly told him that the thrashing had been my
handiwork, and I gave him all the particulars, which amused him
immensely. He remarked that, as I had perpetrated the affair before
midnight, the fools had made a mistake in their accusation; but that,
after all, the mistake had not materially helped me in proving the
alibi, because my sprained ankle, which everybody had supposed a real
accident, would of itself have been sufficient.

But I trust that my kind reader has not forgotten that I had a very
heavy weight upon my conscience, of which I longed to get rid. I had to
see the goddess of my fancy, to obtain my pardon, or die at her feet.

I found the house without difficulty; the count was not at home. The
countess received me very kindly, but her appearance caused me so great
a surprise that I did not know what to say to her. I had fancied that I
was going to visit an angel, that I would find her in a lovely paradise,
and I found myself in a large sitting-room furnished with four rickety
chairs and a dirty old table. There was hardly any light in the room
because the shutters were nearly closed. It might have been a precaution
against the heat, but I judged that it was more probably for the purpose
of concealing the windows, the glass of which was all broken. But this
visible darkness did not prevent me from remarking that the countess was
wrapped up in an old tattered gown, and that her chemise did not shine
by its cleanliness. Seeing that I was ill at ease, she left the room,
saying that she would send her daughter, who, a few minutes afterwards,
came in with an easy and noble appearance, and told me that she had
expected me with great impatience, but that I had surprised her at a
time at which she was not in the habit of receiving any visits.

I did not know what to answer, for she did not seem to me to be the same
person. Her miserable dishabille made her look almost ugly, and I
wondered at the impression she had produced upon me at the fortress. She
saw my surprise, and partly guessed my thoughts, for she put on a look,
not of vexation, but of sorrow which called forth all my pity. If she
had been a philosopher she might have rightly despised me as a man whose
sympathy was enlisted only by her fine dress, her nobility, or her
apparent wealth; but she endeavoured to bring me round by her sincerity.
She felt that if she could call a little sentiment into play, it would
certainly plead in her favour.

"I see that you are astonished, reverend sir, and I know the reason of
your surprise. You expected to see great splendour here, and you find
only misery. The government allows my father but a small salary, and
there are nine of us. As we must attend church on Sundays and holidays
in a style proper to our condition, we are often compelled to go without
our dinner, in order to get out of pledge the clothes which urgent need
too often obliges us to part with, and which we pledge anew on the
following day. If we did not attend mass, the curate would strike our
names off the list of those who share the alms of the Confraternity of
the Poor, and those alms alone keep us afloat."

What a sad tale! She had guessed rightly. I was touched, but rather with
shame than true emotion. I was not rich myself, and, as I was no longer
in love, I only heaved a deep sigh, and remained as cold as ice.
Nevertheless, her position was painful, and I answered politely,
speaking with kindness and assuring her of my sympathy. "Were I
wealthy," I said, "I would soon shew you that your tale of woe has not
fallen on unfeeling ears; but I am poor, and, being at the eve of my
departure from Venice, even my friendship would be useless to you."
Then, after some desultory talk, I expressed a hope that her beauty
would yet win happiness for her. She seemed to consider for a few
minutes, and said, "That may happen some day, provided that the man who
feels the power of my charms understands that they can be bestowed only
with my heart, and is willing to render me the justice I deserve; I am
only looking for a lawful marriage, without dreaming of rank or fortune;
I no longer believe in the first, and I know how to live without the
second; for I have been accustomed to poverty, and even to abject need;
but you cannot realize that. Come and see my drawings."

"You are very good, mademoiselle."

Alas! I was not thinking of her drawings, and I could no longer feel
interested in her Eve, but I followed her.

We came to a chamber in which I saw a table, a chair, a small toilet-
glass and a bed with the straw palliasse turned over, very likely for
the purpose of allowing the looker-on to suppose that there were sheets
underneath, but I was particularly disgusted by a certain smell, the
cause of which was recent; I was thunderstruck, and if I had been still
in love, this antidote would have been sufficiently powerful to cure me
instanter. I wished for nothing but to make my escape, never to return,
and I regretted that I could not throw on the table a handful of ducats,
which I should have considered the price of my ransom.

The poor girl shewed me her drawings; they were fine, and I praised
them, without alluding particularly to Eve, and without venturing a joke
upon Adam. I asked her, for the sake of saying something, why she did
not try to render her talent remunerative by learning pastel drawing.

"I wish I could," she answered, "but the box of chalks alone costs two

"Will you forgive me if I am bold enough to offer you six?"

"Alas! I accept them gratefully, and to be indebted to you for such a
service makes me truly happy."

Unable to keep back her tears, she turned her head round to conceal them
from me, and I took that opportunity of laying the money on the table,
and out of politeness, wishing to spare her every unnecessary
humiliation, I saluted her lips with a kiss which she was at liberty to
consider a loving one, as I wanted her to ascribe my reserve to the
respect I felt for her. I then left her with a promise to call another
day to see her father. I never kept my promise. The reader will see how
I met her again after ten years.

How many thoughts crowded upon my mind as I left that house! What a
lesson! I compared reality with the imagination, and I had to give the
preference to the last, as reality is always dependent on it. I then
began to forsee a truth which has been clearly proved to me in my after
life, namely, that love is only a feeling of curiosity more or less
intense, grafted upon the inclination placed in us by nature that the
species may be preserved. And truly, woman is like a book, which, good
or bad, must at first please us by the frontispiece. If this is not
interesting, we do not feel any wish to read the book, and our wish is
in direct proportion to the interest we feel. The frontispiece of woman
runs from top to bottom like that of a book, and her feet, which are
most important to every man who shares my taste, offer the same interest
as the edition of the work. If it is true that most amateurs bestow
little or no attention upon the feet of a woman, it is likewise a fact
that most readers care little or nothing whether a book is of the first
edition or the tenth. At all events, women are quite right to take the
greatest care of their face, of their dress, of their general
appearance; for it is only by that part of the frontispiece that they
can call forth a wish to read them in those men who have not been
endowed by nature with the privilege of blindness. And just in the same
manner that men, who have read a great many books, are certain to feel
at last a desire for perusing new works even if they are bad, a man who
has known many women, and all handsome women, feels at last a curiosity
for ugly specimens when he meets with entirely new ones. It is all very
well for his eye to discover the paint which conceals the reality, but
his passion has become a vice, and suggests some argument in favour of
the lying frontispiece. It is possible, at least he thinks so, that the
work may prove better than the title-page, and the reality more
acceptable than the paint which hides it. He then tries to peruse the
book, but the leaves have not been opened; he meets with some
resistance, the living book must be read according to established rules,
and the book-worm falls a victim to a coquetry, the monster which
persecutes all those who make a business of love. As for thee,
intelligent man, who hast read the few preceding lines, let me tell thee
that, if they do not assist in opening thy eyes, thou art lost; I mean
that thou art certain of being a victim to the fair sex to the very last
moment of thy life. If my candour does not displease thee, accept my
congratulations. In the evening I called upon Madame Orio, as I wanted
to inform her charming nieces that, being an inmate of Grimani's house,
I could not sleep out for the first night. I found there the faithful
Rosa, who told me that the affair of the alibi was in every mouth, and
that, as such celebrity was evidently caused by a very decided belief in
the untruth of the alibi itself, I ought to fear a retaliation of the
same sort on the part of Razetta, and to keep on my guard, particularly
at night. I felt all the importance of this advice, and I took care
never to go out in the evening otherwise than in a gondola, or
accompanied by some friends. Madame Manzoni told me that I was acting
wisely, because, although the judges could not do otherwise than acquit
me, everybody knew the real truth of the matter, and Razetta could not
fail to be my deadly foe.

Three or four days afterwards M. Grimani announced the arrival of the
bishop, who had put up at the convent of his order, at Saint-Francois de
Paul. He presented me himself to the prelate as a jewel highly prized by
himself, and as if he had been the only person worthy of descanting upon
its beauty.

I saw a fine monk wearing his pectoral cross. He would have reminded me
of Father Mancia if he had not looked stouter and less reserved. He was
about thirty-four, and had been made a bishop by the grace of God, the
Holy See, and my mother. After pronouncing over me a blessing, which I
received kneeling, and giving me his hand to kiss, he embraced me
warmly, calling me his dear son in the Latin language, in which he
continued to address me. I thought that, being a Calabrian, he might
feel ashamed of his Italian, but he undeceived me by speaking in that
language to M. Grimani. He told me that, as he could not take me with
him from Venice, I should have to proceed to Rome, where Grimani would
take care to send me, and that I would procure his address at Ancona
from one of his friends, called Lazari, a Minim monk, who would likewise
supply me with the means of continuing my journey.

"When we meet in Rome," he added, "we can go together to Martorano by
way of Naples. Call upon me to-morrow morning, and have your breakfast
with me. I intend to leave the day after."

As we were on our way back to his house, M. Grimani treated me to a long
lecture on morals, which nearly caused me to burst into loud laughter.
Amongst other things, he informed me that I ought not to study too hard,
because the air in Calabria was very heavy, and I might become
consumptive from too close application to my books.

The next morning at day-break I went to the bishop. After saying his
mass, we took some chocolate, and for three hours he laid me under
examination. I saw clearly that he was not pleased with me, but I was
well enough pleased with him. He seemed to me a worthy man, and as he
was to lead me along the great highway of the Church, I felt attracted
towards him, for, at the time, although I entertained a good opinion of
my personal appearance, I had no confidence whatever in my talents.

After the departure of the good bishop, M. Grimani gave me a letter left
by him, which I was to deliver to Father Lazari, at the Convent of the
Minims, in Ancona. M. Grimani informed me that he would send me to that
city with the ambassador from Venice, who was on the point of sailing. I
had therefore to keep myself in readiness, and, as I was anxious to be
out of his hands, I approved all his arrangements. As soon as I had
notice of the day on which the suite of the ambassador would embark, I
went to pay my last farewell to all my acquaintances. I left my brother
Francois in the school of M. Joli, a celebrated decorative painter. As
the peotta in which I was to sail would not leave before daybreak, I
spent the short night in the arms of the two sisters, who, this time,
entertained no hope of ever seeing me again. On my side I could not
forsee what would happen, for I was abandoning myself to fate, and I
thought it would be useless to think of the future. The night was
therefore spent between joy and sadness, between pleasures and tears. As
I bade them adieu, I returned the key which had opened so often for me
the road to happiness.

This, my first love affair, did not give me any experience of the world,
for our intercourse was always a happy one, and was never disturbed by
any quarrel or stained by any interested motive. We often felt, all
three of us, as if we must raise our souls towards the eternal
Providence of God, to thank Him for having, by His particular
protection, kept from us all the accidents which might have disturbed
the sweet peace we were enjoying.

I left in the hands of Madame Manzoni all my papers, and all the
forbidden books I possessed. The good woman, who was twenty years older
than I, and who, believing in an immutable destiny, took pleasure in
turning the leaves of the great book of fate, told me that she was
certain of restoring to me all I left with her, before the end of the
following year, at the latest. Her prediction caused me both surprise
and pleasure, and feeling deep reverence for her, I thought myself bound
to assist the realization of her foresight. After all, if she predicted
the future, it was not through superstition, or in consequence of some
vain foreboding which reason must condemn, but through her knowledge of
the world, and of the nature of the person she was addressing. She used
to laugh because she never made a mistake.

I embarked from St. Mark's landing. M. Grimani had given me ten sequins,
which he thought would keep me during my stay in the lazzaretto of
Ancona for the necessary quarantine, after which it was not to be
supposed that I could want any money. I shared Grimani's certainty on
the subject, and with my natural thoughtlessness I cared nothing about
it. Yet I must say that, unknown to everybody, I had in my purse forty
bright sequins, which powerfully contributed to increase my
cheerfulness, and I left Venice full of joy and without one regret.



My Misfortunes in Chiozza--Father Stephano--The Lazzaretto at Ancona--
The Greek Slave--My Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Loretto--I Go to Rome on
Foot, and From Rome to Naples to Meet the Bishop--I Cannot Join Him--
Good Luck Offers Me the Means of Reaching Martorano, Which Place I Very
Quickly Leave to Return to Naples

The retinue of the ambassador, which was styled "grand," appeared to me
very small. It was composed of a Milanese steward, named Carcinelli, of a priest who fulfilled the duties of secretary because he could not write, of an old woman acting as housekeeper, of a man cook with his ugly wife, and eight or ten servants. We reached Chiozza about noon. Immediately after landing, I politely asked the steward where I should put up, and his answer was:

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