2015년 10월 25일 일요일

Dick Kent on Special Duty 4

Dick Kent on Special Duty 4

That was Dick’s first impression of the man. Nor did he stand alone in
this respect. Sandy, too, had been impressed favorably. Just before
retiring for the night, the young Scotchman whispered in his chum’s ear:
“Look here, Dick, if you want my honest opinion, I think we’ve come on a
wild goose chase. I believe Corporal Rand is wrong. After seeing and
talking with this man Frischette, I’m absolutely certain that he’s
innocent. Someone else is the guilty person.”
“I can’t help thinking that too,” Dick replied. “If looks and actions
are not deceiving, Frischette is innocent. I doubt if he knows any more
about the case than he’s already told Rand. Just the same, we’ll remain
here and follow the corporal’s instructions.”
“Just wasting time,” grumbled Sandy.
Suddenly, they were aware of a presence near them. Both looked up
quickly and a little guiltily, expecting to see Frischette himself.
Instead it was TomaToma, a curious __EXPRESSION__ on his face, the light of
excitement in his eyes.
“Sandy, Dick,” he announced breathlessly, “you come with me. I find out
something important to tell you!”
Toma led Sandy and Dick to the seclusion of a poplar grove, a few rods
away from the house. His manner was mysterious. That he had come in
possession of information of extreme importance, neither of his two
friends could doubt. The young Indian’s eyes fairly snapped, as he
motioned Dick and Sandy to be seated, he himself taking a position near
them. Sprawling out on the soft turf, he began eagerly:
“I think better we come to this place, where no one hear us. I just find
out something about Frischette. Fontaine tell me. Good news for the
mounted police.”
“I hope you didn’t tell your friend what we were here for,” interrupted
Dick. “We mustn’t take anyone into our confidence.”
“I no tell him that,” Toma assured him. “All I do is ask once in a while
few questions ’bout Frischette. Then my friend, Fontaine, him talk. Tell
’em me all ’bout murder. He think MacGregor get money all right, an’
hide it away somewhere before police catch him. Never once it come in my
friend’s mind that mebbe Frischette take the money an’ the poke himself.
Frischette, he say, is good man, but very queer fellow. Once in a while
he do queer thingsthings Fontaine not understand. Every few days he get
out all his money, take it to room where he sleep, lock door, an’ begin
count many, many times. Over an’ over he count all his money ’til he get
tired, then he take an’ put it back in box an’ walk outside an’ find
another good place to hide it.”
“A miser!” gasped Sandy.
“I don’t know what you call him. But Frischette very queer that way.
Fontaine ’fraid to ask him any questions or make talk when Frischette
like that, because he act like crazy an’ swear an’ beat Fontaine with a
big stick if he say too much.”
“The mere fact that Frischette is a miser, Toma,” Sandy pointed out,
“doesn’t necessarily imply that he’s also a thief. If he wants to hide
his money and gloat over it, that’s his own privilege.”
Toma nodded.
“Yes, I know that. But Fontaine tell me something that make me think
that mebbe Frischette steal money too.”
“Is that so? What did he say?”
“He say,” Toma hurried on, “that two times last winter a very queer
thing happen. First time he wake up at night an’ hear someone walking in
room, where all the men sleep. Next morning one man him say he lost all
his money. Frischette feel very bad an’ give man mebbe ten dollars an’
say how sorry he is that once in a while thief comes like that in his
“So next time,” continued the young Indian, “when Fontaine hear someone
walk again in middle of the night, he go quick as he can to Frischette’s
room, an’ he very much surprise when he see no one sleep in Frischette’s
bed. Quick he go back again to room, an’ all at once he meet Frischette
coming out.”
“‘What you do here?’” Frischette say.
“‘I hear noise,’ Fontaine tell him, ‘an’ I go to wake you up.’
“‘I hear noise too,’ Frischette say, ‘so I come in here to find out
mebbe another bad thief come,’ he say.
“Next morning, sure enough, two men lose all their money, an’ Frischette
very sorry again an’ say bad things ’bout thief an’ give each man ten
“It does look suspicious,” mused Dick.
“Something of a coincidence,” agreed Sandy.
They sat for a short time deep in thought. Sandy got out his knife and
began whittling a stick. Dick’s gaze wandered thoughtfully away to the
fringe of woodland opposite.
“It might not be very difficult,” he broke forth suddenly, “to determine
beyond the shadow of a doubt whether or not Frischette is a thief. In
fact, I have a plan. We might try it.”
“What is your plan?” asked Sandy.
“We’ll lay a trap for him. Between us we can scrape up a little roll of
money, and we’ll use that as bait. I’ll pull it out of my pocket when
he’s looking, and pretend I’m counting it.”
“Yes, yes! Go on.”
“I’ll return the money to the inside pocket of my coat while he’s still
watching me. At night, when he comes into the room, I’ll throw my coat
carelessly over a chair.”
“Look here,” objected Sandy, a wry smile on his face, “I don’t think we
have fifty dollars between us. Hardly an impressive roll, is it?”
Dick grinned. “I can easily remedy that.”
As he spoke, he pulled from his pocket a number of old envelopes,
containing letters, wadded them together and then began wrapping crisp
new bills around them. With the acquisition of the bank notes Toma and
Sandy gave him, the dummy had grown to noble proportions. The boys
laughed gleefully over the subterfuge.
A short time later, returning to the house, Dick awaited his
opportunity. Frischette was nowhere to be seen, when first they entered,
but presently a noise at the back attracted their attention and
immediately afterward Frischette came through the door, leading into the
kitchen, carrying a box under his arm.
Dick and Sandy exchanged significant glances. Both recalled what Toma
had told them regarding that box. Also they observed the inexplicable
change that had come over their host. His animation and vivacity were
gone. From under their shaggy brows his dark eyes darted glances from
right to leftthe look of a maniac or insane person. Without even a nod,
he passed by the three boys and entered his own room.
“Got ’em again,” whispered Sandy, much taken aback. “Not a very good
time for the working out of our plan, is it? He’s deeply engrossed in
that mysterious box by this time.”
“We’d better try it out on him tomorrow,” decided Dick. “He’ll be in
there several hours, and it will probably take him another hour to find
a new hiding place for his precious treasure chest. It’s getting late
now. We ought to be in bed.”
The boys went over and sat down on a long bench near the fireplace and
began idly to take mental inventory of the room. Bear skins hung from
the wall. In the center of the room stood a long rough board table,
covered with a somewhat frayed and tattered cloth. Above the mantel were
several firearms of various caliber and design.
Suddenly, Sandy leaned forward and clapped Dick on the knee.
“Dick, I have an idea. Just for the fun of it, let’s follow the old
rascal and find out where he hides that box.”
Dick looked at the other dubiously.
“Well,” he hesitated. “I don’t know. It seems like meddling to meprying
into something that doesn’t concern us.”
“Wait a moment, Dick. Is it really meddling? For the sake of argument,
suppose that box contained Dewberry’s poke and money. We already have a
suspicion that such may be the case. Why wouldn’t we be justified in
following him, when he leaves his room, and attempt to find where he
hides the box?”
“But surely you wouldn’t open it?”
“Why not? I don’t think I would have any scruples about that. Remember
you are dealing with a crook.”
“Are we?” argued Dick. “What makes you so sure? We have proved nothing
against him. Neither has Corporal Rand. He may be entirely innocent.”
Sandy lifted his shoulders in a gesture of impatience.
“I’m afraid you’d make a poor detective. You’re too honest, too
cautious.” He paused, looked up and grinned. “Can you picture a
case-hardened police officer or the average sleuth passing up such an
opportunity? Candidly now?”
Dick was forced to admit that his chum was right. “I’ll grant you,” he
smiled, “that no one, working on a case like this, ought to have trouble
with his conscience.”
“No, he shouldn’t. As long as we are in the business, we might as well

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