2015년 2월 9일 월요일

History of Ancient Pottery 14

History of Ancient Pottery 14

Footnote 110:
_Cat._ 1615, 1901, 193132: see also _Branteghem Sale Cat._ 94.
Footnote 111:
_Cat._ 1974.
Footnote 112:
Bibl. Nat. 166; _Class. Review_, 1891, p. 73; Ἐφ. Ἀρχ. 1892, pl. 4.
Footnote 113:
See _Ergebnisse_, iv. p. 198 ff.
Footnote 114:
See p. 391.
Footnote 115:
See p. 451.
Footnote 116:
See Kekulé, _Thonfiguren aus Tanagra_, p. 13.
Footnote 117:
Isolated vase-finds from Tanagra are the early B.F. tripod, Berlin
1727, and the fine R.F. krater, Athens 1259.
Footnote 118:
_Bull. de Corr. Hell._ xix. p. 177.
Footnote 119:
Cf. Athens 678, 809, 1156, 1158.
Footnote 120:
Vases from Lamia are Nos. 1621 and 1984; from Lokris, 1354, 1434;
from Phokis, 1177, 1181.
Footnote 121:
_Branteghem Sale Cat._ No. 96.
Footnote 122:
_Ibid._ No. 43; Berlin 2938.
Footnote 123:
B.M. E 719, an alabastron formerly in the Branteghem collection.
Footnote 124:
_Ath. Mitth._ 1889, p. 151: see below, p. 217. A late B.F. vase of
“Kabeirion” style.
Footnote 125:
Fragments from Delphi are recorded in _Ann. dell’ Inst._ 1841, p. 10;
Jahn, _Vasens. zu München_, p. xxv; _Morgenblatt_, 1835, p. 698.
Footnote 126:
Furtwaengler and Loeschcke, p. 43.
Footnote 127:
_Ath. Mitth._ 1901, p. 237.
Footnote 128:
For Kephallenia see _J.H.S._ xxiv. p. 126.
Footnote 129:
_Ann. dell’ Inst._ 1847, p. 247, note 5; Mustoxidi, _Delle cose
Corciresi_, i. p. 271; B.M. A 1670.
Footnote 130:
A beautiful polychrome lekythos in the B.M. (D 70 = Plate LV.) is
from this island, on the authority of Raoul-Rochette (_Peint. Antiq._
p. 415); but see Benndorf, _Gr. u. Sic. Vasenb._ p. 42, where it is
attributed to Aegina.
Footnote 131:
Perrot, _Hist. de l’Art_, vii. pp. 51, 208.
Footnote 132:
_Ath. Mitth._ 1897, p. 259.
Footnote 133:
Stackelberg, pl. 48; _Magazin Encycl._ 1811, ii. p. 140; and see note
Footnote 134:
See also Brongniart, _Mus. Céram._ pl. 13, 11, and _Traité_, i. p.
576; _Bull. dell’ Inst._ 1829, p. 113, 1830, p. 129; _Ann. dell’
Inst._ 1837, p. 135, 1842, p. 103, 1847, p. 250; and numerous vases
in the Bibl. Nat. (see p. 689 of Catalogue).
Footnote 135:
_J.H.S._ xvii. p. 77; xviii. p. 281 ff.
Footnote 136:
B.M. B 8; Berlin 1682 = Reinach, i. 441; Reinach, i. 118, 2; B.M. E
508; Gerhard, _A.V.B._ iii. 238 = Reinach, ii. 120 (in Berlin),
signed by Ergotimos.
Footnote 137:
Pallat in _Ath. Mitth._ 1897, p. 265.
Footnote 138:
_Berl. Phil. Woch._ 1901, pp. 1001, 1436.
Footnote 139:
See Hesychius, _s.v._ Ἠχώ; he adds, λγει δΑγιναν, ἐπειδὴ ἐκε
στρακα πολλά ἐστι.
Footnote 140:
_Jahrbuch_, 1903, p. 124 ff.; Ἐφ. Ἀρχ. 1901, pls. 912, p. 173 ff.
Footnote 141:
Athens 618 = Baumeister, iii. p. 1963, fig. 2098.
Footnote 142:
_Ath. Mitth._ 1886, p. 16.
Footnote 143:
Furtwaengler and Loeschcke, p. 33.
Footnote 144:
Ross, _Reisen_, iii. p. 25.
Footnote 145:
Athens 1861.
Footnote 146:
_Class. Review_, 1899, p. 468.
Footnote 147:
E 732: see p. 357 and Fig. III.
Footnote 148:
Furtwaengler and Reichhold, _Gr. Vasenmalerei_, p. 220.
Footnote 149:
Furtwaengler and Loeschcke, p. 21. For Geometrical, see Brongniart
and Riocreux, _Mus. de Sèvres_, pl. 13, figs. 4, 13, 15, 16.
Footnote 150:
_Reisen_, i. p. 66; iii. p. 27. See also Berlin 3901, 4088;
Brongniart, _Traité_, i. p. 577; Bibl. Nat. 19, 21, 22. The Sèvres
vases mentioned by Brongniart were found about thirty feet below the
volcanic deposits.
Footnote 151:
See _Ath. Mitth._ 1903, p. 1 ff.; H. von Gaertringen, _Thera_, vol.
Footnote 152:
See Jahn, _Vasens. zu München_, p. xxvi; Berlin 1886; _Rhein. Mus._
1843, p. 435; Boettiger, _Vasengem._ i. p. 29.
Footnote 153:
These are fully described and illustrated in a volume issued by the
Hellenic Society (1904).
Footnote 154:
_Op. cit._ iii. p. 15 ff.
Footnote 155:
_J.H.S._ xxii. p. 46 ff.
Footnote 156:
_Mon. Grecs_, 1875, pls. 12.
Footnote 157:
_Rhein. Mus._ 1843. p. 435; Bibl. Nat. 873 (Chios); for Tenedos as a
pottery centre see Dio Chrys. _Orat._ 42, 5; Plutarch, _Vit. aer.
alien._ 2.
Footnote 158:
For ancient references to Samian ware see Chapter XXII., where the
subject is discussed in detail.
Footnote 159:
_Aus ion. u. ital. Nekrop._ (1898); he also found Cyrenaic,
Corinthian, and Attic pottery (p. 125 ff.). See below, p. 336.
Footnote 160:
See also _Arch. Zeit._ 1848, p. 280.
Footnote 161:
See Ross, _Reisen_, iv. p. 44.
Footnote 162:
Brongniart, _Traité_, i. p. 581 (plain wares only).
Footnote 163:
_J.H.S._ viii. p. 446. pl. 83.
Footnote 164:
Furtwaengler and Loeschcke, p. 33.
Footnote 165:
See Pottier, _Louvre Cat._ i. p. 130 ff.
Footnote 166:
See on the Geometrical pottery Pottier, _op. cit._ p. 136. It is
probably imported, although Dümmler (_Jahrbuch_, 1891, p. 268) thinks
Footnote 167:
There is at least one late R.F. vase from Crete in the National
Museum at Athens (_Cat._ 1851, 1860, 1921). See for other instances
of earlier finds, below, p. 269; Furtwaengler and Loeschcke, p. 22;
Pottier, _Louvre Cat._ i. p. 176.
Footnote 168:
_Proc. Soc. Antiqs._ 2nd Ser. xv. (1895), p. 351 ff.
Footnote 169:
See _J.H.S._ xxiii. p. 157 ff. for an estimate of the Knossos
pottery; also p. 265 below.
Footnote 170:
_British School Annual_, 18991900, p. 94 ff.; _J.H.S._ xxi. p. 78 ff.
Footnote 171:
_Ibid._ 190001, p. 121 ff.; _J.H.S._ xxiii. p. 248 ff.
Footnote 172:
_Ibid._ 19012, p. 289 ff.; 19023, p. 297.
Footnote 173:
_Rendiconti dell’ Accad. dei Lincei_, 1900, p. 631.
Footnote 174:
_American Journ. of Arch._ 1901, p. 371 ff., 302, 128; _British
School Annual_, 190102, p. 235 (Praesos).
Footnote 175:
Nos. 98 and 99 in the collection of M. van Branteghem were two fine
R.F. “aryballi” from Apollonia in Thrace.
Footnote 176:
The reader who wishes to gain a comprehensive idea of these vases is
referred to the plates of the Atlas to Stephani’s _Compte-Rendu de la
Comm. imp. arch. de St.-Pétersbourg_ (186183) = Reinach,
_Répertoire_, i. p. 1 ff.
Footnote 177:
See also Jahn, _Vasens. zu München_, p. xxvii.
Footnote 178:
_Compte-Rendu_, 187071, pl. 4 = Reinach, i. 34.
Footnote 179:
See an interesting article in _Anzeiger_, 1900, p. 151, on the
relations of the Black Sea colonies to Greece, especially in regard
to pottery.
Footnote 180:
See Dörpfeld, _Troja und Ilion_, i. p. 304 ff.
Footnote 181:
So Jahn, _Vasens_. p. xxvii, but from the illustration given in
Choiseul-Gouffier’s _Voyage pittoresque_, pt. 2, pl. 30, this seems
Footnote 182:
Jahn, _Vasens_. p. xxvii.
Footnote 183:
_Monuments Piot_, x. pls. 67.
Footnote 184:
The style resembled that of B 80 in the Brit. Mus.
Footnote 185:
See Perrot, _Hist. de l’Art_, vi. pp. 929, 931. The British Museum
possesses a similar one from Kalymnos (p. 273).
Footnote 186:
_Ion. u. ital. Nekrop._ pp. 867.
Footnote 187:
_Louvre Cat._ ii. p. 274; Pottier and Reinach, _Nécropole de Myrina_,
pp. 221, 499; _Bull. de Corr. Hell._ 1884, p. 509; _Ath. Mitth._
1887, p. 228.
Footnote 188:
_Röm. Mitth._ 1888, pl. 6; now in Brit. Mus.
Footnote 189:
See generally Chapter VIII.
Footnote 190:
_Ath. Mitth._ 1898, pl. 6, p. 38 ff.
Footnote 191:
Athen. xi. 481 A. See also _Ath. Mitth._ 1900, p. 94.
Footnote 192:
_Trans. Roy. Soc. Lit._ 2nd Ser. ii. (1847), p. 258, and plate, fig.
Footnote 193:
Chantre, _Recherches archéol._ pls. 814; _J.H.S._ xix. p. 37 ff.
Footnote 194:
_Ath. Mitth._ xii. (1887), pp. 226, 376.
Footnote 195:
Cf. Pliny, _H.N._ xxxv. 161; Athenaeus, i. 28 D; Lucian, _Lexiph._ 7.
For pottery from Datcha, near Knidos, see _Rev. Arch._ xxv. (1894),
p. 27.
Footnote 196:
Jahn, p. xxvii.
Footnote 197:
_Comptes-Rendus de l’Acad. des Inscr._ Aug. 1902, p. 428 ff.; 1903,
p. 216.
Footnote 198:
_Catalogue of Cyprus Museum_, Oxford, 1899.
Footnote 199:
See Hermann, _Gräberfeld von Marion_ (1888); _J.H.S._ xi. p. 41 ff.,
xii. p. 315; _Branteghem Sale Cat._ Nos. 1418, 2830.
Footnote 200:
_J.H.S._ xi. p. 273.
Footnote 201:
_B.M. Cat. of Vases_, iv. F 51012.
Footnote 202:
Petrie, _Hawara_, pl. 16, figs. 14.
Footnote 203:
It was presented to the British Museum by Sir E. Codrington in 1830.
Similar painted vases were found in Roman tombs at Curium, Cyprus
(_Excavations in Cyprus_, p. 78).
Footnote 204:
_Amer. Journ. of Arch._ 1885, p. 18.
Footnote 205:
See _Trans. Roy. Soc. of Lit._ 2nd Ser. ix. p. 165 ff., and _Arch.
Zeit._ 1846, p. 216; also p. 36 above.
Footnote 206:
_Bull. de Corr. Hell._ 1884, pl. 13; Froehner, _Ant. du Mus. de
Marseilles_, 192830.
Footnote 207:
_H.N._ xxxv. 161.
Footnote 208:
See Jahn, _Vasens. zu München_, p. lxxxiv; _Arch. Zeit._ 1850, pl. 18
= Reinach, i. 372; Micali, _Mon. Ined._ pl. 45, p. 279; and Schöne,
_Mus. Bocchi_, 1878.
Footnote 209:
_H.N._ xxxv. 160.
Footnote 210:
See Chapter XXII., and Brongniart, _Traité_, i. p. 583.
Footnote 211:
_Bull. dell’ Inst._ 1848, p. 62.
Footnote 212:
_Ibid._ 1847, p. 17.
Footnote 213:
_Class. Review_, 1899, p. 329; _Röm. Mitth._ 1899, pl. 7.
Footnote 214:
_Scavi della Certosa di Bologna_, text and plates, 1876: see also
_Bull. dell’ Inst._ 1872, pp. 12 ff., 76 ff., 108 ff.
Footnote 215:
See _Vasi Fitt._ iv. pl. 355, p. 82; _Bull. dell’ Inst._ 1849, p. 23.
Footnote 216:
P. lxxxiii.
Footnote 217:
Dennis, _Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria_, ii. p. 189; Micali, _Mon.
Ined._ p. 216.
Footnote 218:
_H.N._ xxxv. 160: Retinet hanc nobilitatem (_sc._ of Samian ware) et
Arretium in Italia.

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