2015년 2월 9일 월요일

History of Ancient Pottery 2

History of Ancient Pottery 2

41. Psykter 173
42. Deinos or lebes 173
43. Oinochoë (7th century) 177
44. Oinochoë (5th century) 177
45. Prochoös 178
46. Olpe 178
47. Epichysis 179
48. Kyathos 179
49. Kotyle 184
50. Kantharos 188
51. Kylix (earlier form) 190
52. Kylix (later form) 191
53. Phiale 191
54. Rhyton 193
55. Pinax 194
56. Lekythos 196
57. Lekythos (later form) 196
58. Alabastron 197
59. Aryballos 197
60. Pyxis 198
61. Epinetron or Onos 199
62. Askos 200
63. Apulian askos 200
64. Guttus 200
65. Potter’s wheel, from _Ant. Denkm._
Corinthian pinakes 207
66. Potter’s wheel (vase of about _Ath. Mitth._
500 B.C.) 208
67. Boy polishing vase; interior _Blümner_
of pottery 213
68. Seilenos as potter 216
69. Interior of furnace _Ant. Denkm._
(Corinthian pinax) 217
70. Interior of pottery _Ath. Mitth._ 218
71. Red-figured fragment,
incomplete 222
72. Studio of vase-painter _Blümner_ 223
73. Vase-painter varnishing cup _Jahrbuch_ 227
74. Vase-painter using feather- _Jahrbuch_
brush 228
75. Cypriote jug with concentric _Brit. Mus._
circles 251
76. Cypriote vase from Ormidhia _Baumeister_ 254
77. “Owl-vase” from Troy _Schliemann_ 258
78. Deep cup from Troy _Schliemann_ 259
79. Vase in form of pig from Troy _Schliemann_ 259
80. Double-necked vase from Troy _Schliemann_ 259
81. Vases from Thera _Baumeister_ 261
82. Mycenaean vases with marine _Brit. Mus._
subjects 273
83. Ornamentation on Geometrical _Perrot_
vases 283
84. Geometrical vase with panels _Brit. Mus._ 284
85. Boeotian Geometrical vases _Jahrbuch_ 288
86. Coffer from Thebes (Boeotian _Jahrbuch_
Geometrical) 289
87. Burgon lebes _Brit. Mus._ 296
88. Warrior vase from Mycenae _Schliemann_ 297
89. Proto-Attic vase from Vourva _Ath. Mitth._ 299
90. The Dodwell pyxis (cover) _Baumeister_ 316
91. Vases of Samian or “Fikellura” _Brit. Mus._
style 337
92. The Arkesilaos cup (Bibl. _Baumeister_
Nat.) 342
93. Cyrenaic cup with Kyrene _Brit. Mus._ 344
94. Naukratis fragment with “mixed _Brit. Mus._
technique” 346
95. “Egyptian situla” from Daphnae _Brit. Mus._ 351
96. Kylix by Exekias _Wiener Vorl._ 381
97. Vase by Amasis: Perseus _Brit. Mus._
slaying Medusa 382
98. Vase from Temple of Kabeiri _Brit. Mus._ 392
99. Diagram of rendering of eye on _Brit. Mus. Cat._
Attic vase 408
100. Palmettes under handles (early _Jahrbuch_
R.F.) 414
101. Palmettes under handles (later _Riegl_
R.F.) 415
102. Development of maeander and _Brit. Mus. Cat._
cross pattern 416
103. Krater of Polygnotan style: _Mon. dell’ Inst._
Slaying of Niobids (Louvre) 442
104. Boeotian kylix _Brit. Mus._ 452
105. Burlesque scene: Herakles and _Jahrbuch_
Auge 474
106. Apulian sepulchral vase _Brit. Mus._ 477
107. Vase by Assteas in Madrid _Baumeister_ 480
108. Lucanian krater: Departure of _Brit. Mus._
warrior 482
109. Hydria with opaque painting on _Brit. Mus._
black ground 489
110. Phiale with Latin inscription _Brit. Mus._ 490
_American Journal of Archaeology._ Baltimore and Boston, 1885, etc. In
progress. (_Amer. Journ. of Arch._)
_Annali dell’ Instituto di corrispondenza archeologica._ Rome, 182985.
(_Ann. dell’ Inst._) Plates of vases re-edited by S. Reinach in
_Répertoire des Vases_, vol. i. (1899).
_Annual of the British School at Athens._ London, 1894, etc. In
progress. (_Brit. School Annual._)
_Antike Denkmäler_, herausgegeben vom kaiserl. deutschen Institut.
Berlin, 1887, etc. In progress. A supplementary atlas to the
_Jahrbuch_. (_Ant. Denkm._)
_Archaeologia_, or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. London,
1770, etc. Issued by the Society of Antiquaries. In progress.
_Archaeological Journal_, issued by the Royal Archaeological Institute.
London, 1845, etc. In progress. Numerous articles on Roman pottery,
etc. in Britain. (_Arch. Journ._)
_Archaeologische Zeitung._ Berlin, 184385. Vols. vii.xxv. have the
secondary title _Denkmäler, Forschungen und Berichte_. (_Arch.
Zeit._) Plates of vases re-edited by S. Reinach in _Répertoire_,
vol. i. (1899).
_Archaeologischer Anzeiger._ Berlin, 1886, etc. In progress; a
supplement bound up with the _Jahrbuch_ (new acquisitions of
museums, reports of meetings, etc.). (_Arch. Anzeiger._)
_Archaeologische-epigraphische Mittheilungen aus Oesterreich-Ungarn._
Vienna, 187797. Now superseded by _Jahreshefte_. (_Arch.-epigr.
Mitth. aus Oesterr._)
_Athenische Mittheilungen._ Athens, 1876, etc. In progress. Organ of
the German Archaeological Institute at Athens. (_Ath. Mitth._)
_Berichte der sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften._ Leipzig,
1846, etc. In progress. Important articles by O. Jahn, 185367.
(_Ber. d. sächs. Gesellsch._)
_Bonner Jahrbücher. Jahrbücher des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im
Rheinlande._ Bonn, 1842, etc. In progress. Important for notices of
pottery, etc., found in Germany, and for recent articles by
Dragendorff and others on Roman pottery (Arretine and provincial
wares, vols. xcvi., ci., cii., ciii.). (_Bonner Jahrb._)
_Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique._ Athens and Paris, 1877, etc.
In progress. (_Bull. de Corr. Hell._)
_Bullettino archeologico Napolitano._ Naples, 184262. Ser. i. 184248.
New ser. 185362. Re-edited by S. Reinach, 1899. (_Bull. Arch.
_Bullettino dell’ Instituto di corrispondenza archeologica._ Rome,
182985. Chiefly records of discoveries in Italy and elsewhere.
(_Bull. dell’ Inst._)
_Classical Review._ London, 1887, etc. In progress. Reviews of
archaeological books and records of discoveries.
_Comptes-Rendus de la Commission impériale archéologique._ Petersburg,
185988. Edited by L. Stephani. With folio atlas, re-edited by S.
Reinach in _Répertoire_, vol. i. (1899). (Stephani,
φημερς ρχαιολογική. Athens, 1883, etc. (new series). In progress.
Plates of vases, 188394, re-edited by S. Reinach in _Répertoire_,
vol. i. (1899). (Ἐφ. Ἀρχ.)
_Gazette archéologique._ Paris, 187589. (_Gaz. Arch._)
_Hermes._ Zeitschrift für classische Philologie. Berlin, 1866, etc. In
_Jahrbuch des kaiserlichen deutschen archaeologischen Instituts._
Berlin, 1886, etc. In progress. With _Arch. Anzeiger (q.v.)_ as
supplement and _Antike Denkmäler (q.v.)_ as atlas. (_Jahrbuch._)
_Jahreshefte des oesterreichischen archaeologischen Institutes._
Vienna, 1898, etc. In progress. (_Jahreshefte._)
_Journal of Hellenic Studies._ London, 1880, etc. In progress. With
atlas in 4to of plates to vols. i.viii., and supplementary papers
(No. 4 on Phylakopi). (_J.H.S._)
_Journal of the British Archaeological Association._ London, 1845, etc.
In progress. A few articles on Roman pottery in Britain. (_Journ.
Brit. Arch. Assoc._)
_Monumenti antichi_, pubblicati per cura della R. Accad. dei Lincei.
Milan, 1890, etc. In progress. (_Mon. antichi._)
_Monumenti inediti dell’ Instituto di corrispondenza archeologica._
Rome, 182985 (with supplementary volume, 1891). Re-edited (the
plates of vases) by S. Reinach in _Répertoire_, vol. i. (1899).
(_Mon. dell’ Inst._)
_Monuments Grecs_, publiés par l’Association pour l’encouragement des
Études grecques. Paris, 187298. (_Mon. Grecs._)
_Monuments Piot._ Fondation Eugène Piot. Monuments et mémoires publiés
par l’Académie des Inscriptions. Paris, 1894, etc. In progress.
_Museo italiano di antichità classica._ 3 vols. Florence, 188590.
Plates of vases re-edited by S. Reinach in _Répertoire_, vol. i.
(1899). (_Ath. Mitth._)
_Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità_, communicate alla R. Accademia dei
Lincei. Rome and Milan, 1876, etc. In progress. Important as a
record of recent discoveries in Italy and Sicily. (_Notizie degli
_Philologus._ Zeitschrift für das klassische Alterthum. Göttingen,
1846, etc. In progress. With occasional supplementary volumes.
_Revue archéologique._ Paris, 1844, etc. In progress (four series, each
numbered separately). (_Rev. Arch._)
_Römische Mittheilungen._ Rome, 1886, etc. In progress. Organ of German
Institute at Rome. (_Röm. Mitth._)
ADAMEK (L.). _Unsignierte Vasen des Amasis._ Prague, 1895 (Prager
Studien, Heft v.).
AMELUNG (W.). _Personnificierung des Lebens in der Natur in den
Vasenbildern der hellenistischen Zeit._ Munich, 1888. See also
ANDERSON (W. F. C.). See Engelmann and Schreiber.
_Antiquités du Bosphore cimmérien._ 3 vols. Petersburg, 1854, fol.
Vases, etc., found in the Crimea. (Re-edited in 8vo by S. Reinach,
ARNDT (P.). _Studien zur Vasenkunde._ Leipzig, 1887. Adopts Brunn’s
theory of the late Italian origin of black-figured vases.
_Athens_ (National Museum). _Catalogue des Vases peints_, by M.
COLLIGNON and L. COUVE. Paris, 1902. With atlas of photographic
plates. The fragments from the Acropolis form the subject of a
separate catalogue (in preparation).
_Aus der Anomia._ Collected articles, some relating to vases. Berlin,1890.

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