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History of Ancient Pottery 3

History of Ancient Pottery 3

BAUMEISTER (A.). _Denkmäler des klassischen Alterthums._ 3 vols.
Munich, 188488. Excellent illustrations of numerous vases
accompanying the articles, which are arranged alphabetically in
dictionary-form. The article _Vasenkunde_, by Von Rohden, is
useful, but now somewhat out of date. (Baumeister.)
BEGER (L.). _Thesaurus Brandenburgicus selectus._ 3 vols. Köln, 1696,
fol. Publishes vases belonging to the Elector of Brandenburg (see
Vol. I. p. 16).
BENNDORF (O.). _Griechische und sicilische Vasenbilder._ Berlin,
186983, fol. Chiefly funerary vases and later fabrics. (Benndorf,
_Gr. u. Sic. Vasenb._) See also _Wiener Vorlegeblätter_.
_Berlin._ _Beschreibung der Vasensammlung im Antiquarium_, by A.
FURTWAENGLER. Berlin, 1885. 2 vols. With plates of shapes.
BLOCH (L.). _Die zuschauenden Götter in den rothfig. Vasengemälden._
Leipzig, 1888.
BLÜMNER (H.). _Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Künste._ 4
vols. Leipzig, 187586. (Vol. ii. _Arbeit in Thon_, for pottery and
terracottas; vol. iii. for building construction.) Out of date in
some particulars, but still exceedingly useful, and fairly well
illustrated. (Blümner, _Technologie_.)
BOECKH (A.) and others. _Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum._ 4 vols.
Berlin, 182877, fol. Vol. iv. contains many vase-inscriptions.
(Boeckh, _C.I.G._)
BÖHLAU (J.). _Aus ionischen und italischen Nekropolen._ Leipzig, 1898,
4to. Indispensable for the study of Ionic vase-fabrics. (Böhlau,
_Aus ion. u. ital. Nekrop._)
_Bologna_ (Museo Civico). _Catalogo dei vasi_, by G. PELLEGRINI.
Bologna, 1900. (Plates and cuts.)
BOLTE (J.). _De monumentis ad Odysseam pertinentibus capita selecta._
Berlin, 1882, 8vo.
_Bonn._ _Das akademische Kunstmuseum zu Bonn_, by R. KEKULÉ. Bonn, 1872.
_Bonner Studien._ Aufsätze aus der Alterthumswissenschaft R. Kekulé
gewidmet. Berlin, 1890. Collected papers, including several on
Greek vases.
_Boston._ _Catalogue of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman vases in the Museum
of Fine Arts._ Boston, 1893. By E. ROBINSON. Now withdrawn, owing
to re-numbering and extensive subsequent accessions, for which see
_Boston Museum Reports_ (below).
_Boston Museum Reports_, 1895, etc. In progress from 1896. Issued
annually, with full details of new acquisitions, describing many
unique specimens. (_Boston Mus. Report._)
BÖTTIGER (C. A.). _Griechische Vasengemälde._ Weimar and Magdeburg,
—— _Kleine Schriften._ 3 vols. Dresden, 183739.
_Bourguignon Collection._ _Sale Catalogue_, 18 March 1901. Paris, 1901.
(Best vases not included.)
BRANTEGHEM (A. VAN). See Froehner.
_British Museum._ _Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases._ Vol. i.,
by C. Smith, in preparation. Vol. ii., Black-figured vases, by H.
B. Walters (1893). Vol. iii., Red-figured vases, by C. Smith
(1896). Vol. iv., Vases of the later period, by H. B. Walters
(1896). (Referred to as _B. M. Cat. of Vases_, or B.M. with number
of vase.)
—— _Designs on Greek Vases_, by A. S. Murray and C. Smith. 1894, fol.
(Plates of interiors of R.F. kylikes.)
—— _White Athenian Vases_, by A. S. Murray and A. H. Smith. 1896, fol.
—— _Terracotta Sarcophagi_, by A. S. Murray. 1898, fol. (The sarcophagi
from Clazomenae, Kameiros, and Cervetri; see Chapters VIII. and
—— _Excavations in Cyprus_ (Enkomi, Curium, Amathus). 1900. By A. S.
Murray, H. B. Walters, and A. H. Smith.
BRÖNDSTED (P. O.). _A brief description of 32 ancient Greek painted
vases, lately found at Vulci by M. Campanari._ London, 1832, 8vo.
BRONGNIART (A.). _Traité des Arts Céramiques_, ou des Poteries
considerées dans leur Histoire, leur Pratique, et leur Théorie. 3rd
edn., 1877. 2 vols., with Atlas. (Brongniart, _Traité_.) See also
BRUNN (H.). _Geschichte der griechischen Künstler._ 2 vols. Stuttgart,
1859. The second volume has some account of the vase-painters then
—— _Probleme in der Geschichte der Vasenmalerei._ Munich, 1871, 4to.
Theory of Italian origin of B.F. vases.
—— _Neue Probleme in der Geschichte der Vasenmalerei._ Munich, 1886.
—— _Griechische Kunstgeschichte._ 2 vols. (incomplete). Munich,
189397. Deals with some of the earlier fabrics.
—— _Kleine Schriften._ Vol. i. Leipzig, 1898. In progress. See also Lau.
BULLE (H.). _Die Silene in der archaischen Kunst._ Munich, 1893.
_Burlington Fine Arts Club._ _Catalogue of objects of Greek Ceramic
Art_ (exhibited in 1888), by W. Froehner. (Mostly vases from
Branteghem Collection.)
—— _Catalogue of Exhibition of Ancient Greek Art_, 1903, by E. Strong
and others. A revised _édition de luxe_ (1904) with plates.
_Cambridge_ (Fitzwilliam Museum). _A Catalogue of the Greek vases in
the Fitzwilliam Museum_, by E. A. GARDNER. Cambridge, 1897. With
CANESSA (C. and E.). _Collection d’Antiquités_, à l’Hôtel Drouot, 11
May 1903, 4to. Paris, 1903. A sale catalogue of an anonymous
collection containing several interesting vases.
CANINO (Prince Lucien Bonaparte of). _Muséum Étrusque de L. Bonaparte,
prince de Canino._ Fouilles de 1828 à 1829. Vases peints avec
inscriptions. Viterbo, 1829, 4to. With atlas of plates, of which
only one part was published.
—— _Catalogo di scelte Antichità Etrusche trovate negli Scavi del Pr.
di Canino_, 182829. Viterbo, 1829, 4to.
CAYLUS (A. C. P. de). _Recueil d’antiquités égyptiennes, étrusques,
grecques et romaines._ 7 vols. Paris, 175267, 4to. (Vases given in
vols. i. and ii.)
CESNOLA (L. P. di). _Cyprus: its ancient cities, tombs, and temples._
(With a chapter on the pottery, by A. S. Murray.) London, 1877, 8vo.
CHRISTIE (J.). _Disquisitions upon the Painted Vases_, and their
connection with the Eleusinian Mysteries. London, 1825, 4to. (See
Vol. I. p. 21.)
COLLIGNON (M.). See Athens, Rayet.
_Commentationes philologae in honorem T. Mommseni._ Berlin, 1877, 4to.
Several useful papers on vases.
CONZE (A.). _Melische Thongefässe._ Leipzig, 1862. Folio plates.
—— _Zur Geschichte der Anfänge griechischer Kunst._ Vienna, 1870, 8vo.
See also _Wiener Vorlegeblätter_.
COREY (A. D.). _De Amazonum antiquissimis figuris._ Berlin, 1891, 8vo.
COUVE (L.). See Athens.
DAREMBERG (C.) and SAGLIO (E.), and subsequently E. POTTIER.
_Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines._ Paris, 1873,
etc. In progress (to M in 1904). (Daremberg and Saglio.) Special
reference should be made to the articles Figlinum, Forma, Lucerna,
and those on vase-shapes. The bibliographies are very exhaustive.
DENNIS (G.). _The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria._ 2 vols. London,
1878 (2nd edn.), 8vo. Introductory matter on vases antiquated;
useful as record of discoveries, etc. (Dennis, _Etruria_.)
DES VERGERS (N.). _Étrurie et les Étrusques._ 2 vols. and atlas. Paris,
186264. Some fine vases published.
DISNEY (J.). _Museum Disneianum_, being a description of a collection
of various ancient fictile vases in the possession of J. D. (now at
Cambridge). London, 1846, 4to.
DUBOIS-MAISONNEUVE (A.). _Introduction à l’étude des vases antiques
d’argile peints._ Paris, 1817, fol. (Dubois-Maisonneuve, _Introd._)
DUMONT (A.). _Inscriptions céramiques de Grèce._ Paris, 1872, 8vo.
(Inscriptions on handles of wine-amphorae.)
—— _Vases peints de la Grèce propre._ Paris, 1873. (Reprinted from the
_Gazette des Beaux Arts_.)
—— _Les Céramiques de la Grèce propre_; histoire de la peinture des
vases grecs depuis les origines jusqu'au V. siècle avant
Jésus-Christ. Illustrations by J. Chaplain. Revised by E. Pottier.
2 vols. Paris, 188890. Vol. i., on earlier vase fabrics (now
becoming out of date); plates mostly of later vases. Vol. ii.,
miscellaneous papers (vases, terracottas, etc.). (Dumont-Pottier.)
ENDT (J.). _Beiträge zur ionischen Vasenmalerei._ Prague, 1899, 8vo.
(Endt, _Ion. Vasenm._)
ENGELMANN (R.). _Bilder-Atlas zum Homer._ Leipzig, 1889. Translated by
W. F. C. Anderson: _Pictorial Atlas to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey_,
London, 1892. (Engelmann-Anderson.)
—— _Archaeologische Studien zu den Tragikern._ Berlin, 1900. _Eranos
Vindobonensis_ (collected papers). Vienna, 1893, 8vo.
FEA (C.). _Storia dei vasi fittili dipinti_ che si trovano nell’ antica
Etruria. Rome, 1832. (Dealing with “Etruscan” theory.)
_Festschrift für Johannes Overbeck_ (collected papers). Leipzig, 1893,
_Festschrift für Otto Benndorf zu seinem 60. Geburtstage gewidmet_
(collected papers). Vienna, 1898, 4to.
FIORELLI (G.). _Notizia dei vasi dipinti rinvenuti a Cuma nel 1856._
Naples, 1857. Plates reproduced in _Bull. Arch. Nap._ (_q.v._).
FLASCH (A.). _Angebliche Argonautenbilder._ Munich, 1870.
—— _Die Polychromie der griechischen Vasenbilder._ Würzburg, 1875.
_Florence._ _Führer durch die Antiken in Florenz_, by W. AMELUNG.
Munich, 1897.
FÖRSTER (P. R.). _Hochzeit des Zeus und der Hera_, Relief der
Schaubert’schen Sammlung in .... Breslau. Breslau, 1867, 4to.
—— _Der Raub und die Rückkehr der Persephone._ Stuttgart, 1873.
FROEHNER (W.). _Choix de vases grecs inédits de la collection du Prince
Napoléon._ Paris, 1867, fol.
—— _Deux peintures de vases grecs de la nécropole de Kameiros._ Paris,
1871, fol.
—— _Musées de France._ Recueil de monuments antiques. Paris, 1873, fol.
—— _Collection de M. Albert B_(_arre_). Paris, 1878, 4to. (Sale
—— _Collection Eugène Piot_, Antiquités. Paris, 1890. (Sale catalogue.)
—— _Collection van Branteghem._ Brussels, 1892, fol., with plates.
(Sale catalogue.)
—— _Collection d’antiquités du Comte Michael Tyszkiewicz._ Paris, 1898.
(Sale catalogue.)
And see Burlington Fine Arts Club, Marseilles Mus.
FURTWAENGLER (A.). _Eros in der Vasenmalerei._ Munich, 1875, 8vo.
—— _Collection Sabouroff._ 2 vols. (the first giving vases). Berlin,
188387, 4to. (Also a German edition; the vases now in Berlin.)
—— _Orpheus, Attische Vase aus Gela_ (in _50tes
Winckelmannsfestprogr._, 1890).
—— _Neuere Fälschungen von Antiken._ Munich, 1899, 4to.
—— and LOESCHCKE (G.). _Mykenische Thongefässe._ Berlin, 1879, obl. fol.
—— —— _Mykenische Vasen_: Vorhellenische Thongefässe aus dem Gebiete
des Mittelmeeres. Berlin, 1886, 4to, with atlas in fol.
—— and REICHHOLD (C.). _Die griechische Vasenmalerei_, Auswahl
hervorragender Vasenbilder. Munich, 1900, etc. Text by A. F. and C.
R.; plates (separate) by C. R. And see Berlin, Genick.
GARDNER (E. A.). See Cambridge, Naukratis.
GARDNER (P.). See Oxford.
GARGIULO (R.). _Cenni sulla maniera di rinvenire i vasi fittili
Italo-Greci._ Naples, 1831; 2nd edn., 1843.
—— _Raccolta de Monumenti più interessanti del Real Mus. Borb._ Naples,
18253-. 2 vols. of plates.
GENICK (A.) and FURTWAENGLER (A.). _Griechische Keramik._ 4to. Tafeln
ausgewählt und aufgenommen von A. G., mit Einleitung und
Beschreibung von A. F. 2nd edn. Berlin, 1883, 4to.
GERHARD (E.). _Antike Bildwerke._ Munich, 182844. Text in 8vo and
plates in fol.
—— _Berlins antike Bildwerke._ Berlin, 1836, 8vo.
—— _Griechische und etruskische Trinkschalen_ des königl. Museums zu
Berlin. Berlin, 1840, fol.
—— _Auserlesene griechische Vasenbilder._ 4 vols. Berlin, 184058.
(Gerhard, _A. V._) Re-edited by S. Reinach, _Répertoire_, vol. ii.
—— _Etruskische und campanische Vasenbilder_ des königl. Museums zu
Berlin. Berlin, 1843, fol.
—— _Apulische Vasenbilder_ des königl. Museums zu Berlin. Berlin, 1845,
—— _Trinkschalen und Gefässe_ des königl. Museums zu Berlin und anderer
Sammlungen. Berlin, 184850, fol.
—— _Gesammelte akademische Abhandlungen und kleine Schriften._ 2 vols.
in 8vo and atlas in 4to. Berlin, 186668. (Chiefly papers on
mythology, illustrated by vases.)
GIRARD (P.). _La Peinture antique._ Paris, 1892. Vases as illustrative
of Greek painting.
GORI (A. F.). _Museum Etruscum._ 3 vols. Florence, 173743, fol.
GSELL (S.). _Fouilles dans la nécropole de Vulci_, exécutées et
publiées aux frais de Prince Torlonia. Paris, 1891, 4to.
HANCARVILLE (P. F. HUGUES, _pseud._ D’). _Antiquités étrusques,
grecques, et romaines_, tirées du cabinet de M. Hamilton. 4 vols.
folio, 176667.
HARRISON (JANE E.). _Myths of the Odyssey in art and literature._
London, 1882, 8vo.
—— _Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens_ (with translation from
Pausanias, by M. de G. Verrall). London, 1890. Introduction
important for vases relating to Attic cults.
—— _Prolegomena to Greek Religion._ Cambridge, 1903. Numerous vases
interpreted with reference to mythology and religion.
—— and MACCOLL (D. S.). _Greek Vase-paintings._ London, 1894.
_Harrow School Museum._ Catalogue of the classical antiquities from the
collection of the late Sir G. Wilkinson, by CECIL TORR. Harrow,
1887, 8vo.
HARTWIG (P.). _Die griechischen Meisterschalen des strengen
rothfigurigen Stils._ Stuttgart, 1893, 4to, with atlas in fol.
Invaluable for a study of cups of R.F. period.
HELBIG (W.). _Das homerische Epos, aus den Denkmälern erlautert._ 2nd
edn. Leipzig, 1884, 8vo. (Vases used to illustrate civilisation of
Homeric poems.)
—— _Les vases du Dipylon et les naucraries._ Paris, 1898, 4to.
—— _Eine Heerschau des Peisistratos oder Hippias auf einer
schwarzfigurigen Schale._ Munich, 1898, 8vo.
—— _Les_ Ἱππες _Athéniens_. Paris, 1902, 4to. And see Rome.
HERMANN (P.). _Das Gräberfeld von Marion auf Cypern._ Berlin, 1888,
4to. An account of the finds by O. Richter and others at Poli,
Cyprus. (_48tes Winckelmannsfestprogr._)
HEYDEMANN (H.). _Iliupersis auf einer Trinkschale des Brygos._ Berlin,
1866, fol.
—— _Humoristische Vasenbilder aus Unteritalien._ Berlin, 1870. (_30tes
—— _Griechische Vasenbilder._ Berlin, 1870, fol. (Chiefly vases at
—— _Nereiden mit den Waffen des Achill._ Halle, 1879, fol.
—— _Satyr und Bakchennamen._ Halle, 1880. (5tes hallische
Festprogr.). Numerous other monographs, chiefly Hallische or
Winckelmannsfestprogramme. And see Naples.
HIRSCHFELD (G.). _Athena und Marsyas._ Berlin, 1872.
HOPPIN (J. C.). _Euthymides_; a study in Attic vase-painting. Leipzig,
HUDDILSTON (J. H.). _Greek Tragedy in the light of vase-paintings._
London and New York, 1892.
—— _Lessons from Greek Pottery._ London and New York, 1902. With
INGHIRAMI (F.). _Monimenti etruschi o di etrusco nome._ Ser. 5. Vasi
fittili. Fiesole, 1824, 4to.
—— _Galeria Omerica._ 3 vols. Fiesole, 183136.
—— _Etrusco Museo Chiusino._ 2 vols. Fiesole, 183234, 4to.
—— _Pitture di vasi fittili._ 4 vols. Fiesole, 183337.
—— _Pitture di vase etruschi._ 4 vols. Florence, 185256. (A second
edition of the preceding work.)
JAHN (O.). _Telephos und Troilos._ Kiel, 1841, 8vo.
—— _Ueber Darstellungen griechischer Dichter auf Vasenbildern._
Leipzig, 1861. (From _Abhandl. des sächs. Gesellsch._ viii.)
—— _Archaeologische Aufsätze._ Greifswald, 1845, 8vo.
—— _Archaeologische Beiträge._Berlin, 1847, 8vo.

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