2016년 8월 31일 수요일

질투의 화신 붉은 사원증과 붉은 튼살치료

질투의 화신 붉은 사원증과 붉은 튼살치료

2016831일 밤 10시에 방송된 SBS 수목드라마 질투의 화신’ (연출 오충환, 극본 하명희)에서는 표나리(공효진 분)가 표치열(김정현 분)에게 기상캐스터로 살아가는 자신의 신세에 대해 넋두리를 했다. ‘질투의 화신에서 표나리는 가방에서 자신의 사원증을 꺼내 만지작거리다 조용히 들어온 표치열에게 왔어?”라며 인사를 건넸다.
표치열은 표나리에게 다가가 나한테 할 말없어?”라고 물었고, 표나리는 누나 기상캐스터 말고 다른 거 할까?”라며 되물었다.
나리의 말을 들은 표치열은 기상캐스터하면서 아나운서 준비 한다고 하지 않았어? 혹시 모르니까 관두지마. 난 기상캐스터인 누나가 자랑스러워라며 표나리를 위로했다.
표나리는 여전히 우울한 얼굴로 너 왜 내 사원증이 색이 빨간색인줄 알아? 기상캐스터는 빨간색 비정규직. 아나운서는 파랑색. 안전한 정규직이지라며 나는 비정규직이라서 그런가. 이 신분증 색깔만 보인다라고 말하며 자신의 신세에 대해 한탄을 했다.
표나리는 간신히 기상캐스터가 됐는데 지금 내가 나가서 더 잘할 수 있는 게 뭔지 모르겠고. 내가 잘할 수 있는 아나운서 돼서 정직원 돼보는 게 누나 꿈이다라며 자신의 속마음을 털어 놓았다.
수목드라마 질투의 화신는 질투라곤 몰랐던 마초 기자와 재벌남이 생계형 기상캐스터를 만나 질투로 스타일 망가져 가며 애정을 구걸하는 양다리 로맨스로 매주 수,목요일 밤 10시에 방송된다.
카스트제도( 신분제)는 세계의 수많은 전근대 사회에서 나타났던 문화·사회적 현상으로, 일정 신분계층집단의 지위를 자손 대대로 세습하도록 하는 제도이다. 신분의 분류는 주로 집단의 경제력, 정치적 권력, 사회 문화에 기인되어 이루어진다. 카스트제 아래에서, 특별한 정변이 일어나거나, 개인적 능력이 매우 우수한 사례 등의 예외가 일어나지 않는 한 계층이동은 불가능에 가까웠다. 일반적으로, 카스트제는 주로 인도의 신분계층을 가리키는 용어로 사용되고 있다. 인도에서는 1947년 법적으로 금지되었지만 아직도 중장년이나 노년계층 또는 시골사람들에게는 인식속에 남아있다. 일부 국가에서는 아직 카스트제의 풍습이 남아있고, 대략 25000만 명 정도의 세계 인구가 카스트제로 인하여 차별을 받고 있다. 대항해시대에 인도와의 항해 무역을 하던 포르투갈인들과 스페인인들이 사용했던 '카스타(포르투갈어: Casta)'라는 용어로 부터 유래하였는데, 그 용어는 '순결한' 혹은 '순수한'이라는 의미를 내포하고 있다. 그러나 이 용어는 포르투갈인들의 14세기의 인도의 사회구조에 대한 선입견으로부터 기인한 인도 문화나 종교적 전통에 대한 몰이해에 기인해 있다. 인도의 카스트제는 고대 사회전통과 힌두교의 법과 연관이 크기 때문에 유럽인들은 이해하기가 어려웠다. 18세기, 영국이 인도를 점령하였을 때부터 영국인들에 의해 이 제도는 '카스트(Caste)'로 불리기 시작하였다.
인도에는 산업화에 따라 도시에는 카스트제도가 유명무실하나 소도시에는 아직 사회문화의 한 축을 형성하고 있다. 인도에서는 카스트를 산스크리트어로 색이라는 뜻에서 바르나(Varna)라고 부른다. 인도의 카스트 계급엔 주요 4개의 계층이 있다.:
계층 명칭 종사 직업 사회적 업무
브라만 성직자, 학자, 승려 등 사회인의 교육과 힌두교의 신들에게 기도를 드리는 일
크샤트리아 무사, 군인, 경찰관 등 사회 제도와 안보를 유지하며 국가를 통치하는 일
바이샤 상인, 수공업자, 연예인 등 생산 활동과 관련된 일
수드라 농민, 노동자 등 육체 노동과 관련된 일
카스트제도의 원래 목적은 사람을 계급순으로 나누는 것이 목적이 아니라 분업에 목적이 있었다. 다시말해 성직자, 무사, 경찰관 등 각각의 일을 사람들이 전문적으로 맡아서 하게끔 하기 위한 것이었다. 같은 카스트인 사람들끼리 결혼하게 한 것도 같은 직업을 가진 사람들이 결혼하였을때 서로간의 이해를 바탕으로 더 큰 시너지 효과가 나올것이라 생각했기 때문이다. 그러나 순수한 목적으로 시작했던 카스트제도는 시간이 지남에 따라 그 뜻이 변질되어 오늘날에 이르렀다. 카스트의 본 목적은 다르게 보는 것이 일반적이다. 아리안이라는 백인들이 들어와서 선주민들인 혼혈족을 지배하고 자기들의 기득권을 유지하기 위해 선주민들과 혼혈 뿐 아니라 식사하는 것까지 금하고자 종교의 이름을 빌려서 제도화시킨 것으로 보는 것이 더 타당하다 보는 것이다.
인도 카스트 제도처럼 현대의 한국에는 정규직과 비정규직이라는 카스트 제도가 있다. 단 차이점은 카스트 제도는 운명적으로 정해진 것이고, 비정규직은 낙타가 바늘 구멍을 뚫고 정규직이 될수 있다는 희망고문을 한다는 점이다.
어떻게 보면 비정규직이 늘어났다는 한국사회가 중산층 소비 붕괴, 내수시장 감소, 기업 매출 감소로 다시 고용을 줄이게 되는 출발점이 될수 있다.
붉은색 신분증으로 차별을 비정규직을 차별하는 것은 신호등의 붉은등 싸인처럼 우리 사회에 경고를 보이는 것이다. 이와 마찬가지로 이미지한의원에서는 붉은색으로 생기는 초기의 급성 적색 튼살을 이미지한의원의 튼살침인 ST침으로 치료할 수 있다

The Crimson Conquest 45

The Crimson Conquest 45

Far down the street the bristling column of spears turned to the left,
and the thunder of the drums at its head grew faint, to rise again as
her _hamaca_ reached the corner. Now she could see the plaza with its
expectant crowds, and shortly she emerged from the narrow way, while
waiting companies fell in on the right and left to form a hollow square.
Suddenly her eyes rested upon a group of bearded faces crowded close to
the lines, and she drew back into the shadow of the _hamaca_. They
stared with quiet insolence, and others were elbowing through the throng
from the direction of a building on the farther side of the square, over
whose door she saw with sinking heart the flag of Spain and the dark
colors of the Army of the Conquest. In front of the building was a
picketed line of horses and a loitering knot of Spaniards. Rava turned
away with a shiver, her brief happiness gone.
Before the Amarucancha the escort halted, and passing a double line of
kneeling nobles, the Ñusta was borne beneath the sculptured serpents.
The first court was crowded, but she had barely time for a glance before
her hands were seized by the Auqui Paullo, her younger brother, who had
sprung to the side of the _hamaca_. Rava embraced him fondly and was
about to alight when she saw a familiar, swarthy countenance near the
door of the audience chamber. The owner was looking intently, and as he
caught her eyes, doffed his sombrero and started forward. Her heart
seemed to cease beating. Paullo was startled by her suddenly heightened
"Great Inti!" he cried, in alarm. "What is it, Rava? Art ill?"
She grasped his arm convulsively. "Quick, oh, quick!" she gasped.
"Order my bearers forwardto my apartments!" and she sank, almost
fainting, into the shadow of the curtains. Mendoza halted with a shrug
as the _hamaca_ was raised, replaced his sombrero, and turned back. "By
the demon!" he muttered, with an unpleasant smile, "our haughty Señorita
Ñusta seemeth to disdain old acquaintance. _No importa_! _No importa_!
There are other days to follow."
As he entered the hall he cast a glance over his shoulder at the
_hamaca_ just disappearing into another court, and clicked his tongue in
his cheek.
_*The Inca Manco*_
Ignoring the salutes of the two sentinels of the royal guard, Mendoza
lounged into the audience room and stood leaning against the wall near
the door. It was a spacious apartment, resplendent with the usual
profusion and wealth of mural decoration thus far left undisturbed by
Pizarro’s rapacious followers. At the farther end of the hall an
assemblage of natives stood at some distance from the throne, on which
was seated the young Inca Manco. Behind him stood a group of nobles,
and at his side, on a lower seat, was Almagro, commandant of the city in
the absence of Pizarro, then on an expedition to the coast. On the left
of the throne, in the front line of nobles, were Juan and Gonzalo
Pizarro, recently superseded in command by Almagro, and now alcaldes of
Cuzco. These three officials, with eight Spanish regidores, constituted
the municipal government established by Pizarro. To the Inca had been
left the insignia of sovereignty, and little more. He had the privilege
of his councils and the conduct of his realm so far as these did not
conflict with Spanish interests; but, as now, the Conquistadors were at
his elbow in humiliating censorship.
The Inca Manco was a youth of twenty years, though his serious and
resolute __EXPRESSION__ made him look more mature. He resembled his
half-brother Atahualpa, but his countenance, of a finer type, was
lacking in the other’s fierceness, and in its delicate modelling was
more like that of the Ñusta Rava. As he sat listening to the _curaca_
of a distant town who had brought a case for adjudication, he wore an
air of thoughtful gloom. The lines of care about his mouth and eyes
vanished when he spoke, announcing his judgment in brisk, quiet tones,
full of decision and confidence. The decree was favorable to the
speaker, and as the latter uttered his gratitude the Inca spoke again
briefly and in lowered voice, his face alight with a trace of pleasure.
The _curaca_ retired, and the next, an aged man, advanced with
hesitation, and having knelt with head bowed to the floor, seemed unable
to finish his obeisance, but remained prostrate. The Inca said kindly,
the customary address strangely inconsistent with their disparity of
age, "Rise, my son, rise! We are waiting."
The old man rose painfully, and in a voice unsteady with age and
emotion, told of outrage that brought hot blood to his sovereign’s
cheek. The night beforehe had been waiting all day to make his
complainthis house had been broken into by a Viracocha soldier, and his
granddaughter carried away. His voice rose as he finished, and he
tottered forward to the dais, extending his trembling old hands in
"In the name of the God who shineth in mercy upon us both, Sapa Inca, I
pray to you for vengeance! She is but a childa mere childand the
light of mine old life. Grant that your just wrath shall fall upon the
head accursed of the son of that wholly accursed race."
The Inca had started partly to his feet, his dark eyes ablaze. He sat
again. "Where is the girl?" he demanded, hoarsely.
"Cowering in the darkest corner of the darkest chamber of her home, Sapa
Incahalf mada blighted buda blemished pearl!" He turned abruptly
upon Almagro, who, unacquainted with the Quichua, had given him little
heed, lolling wearily in his chair.
"O, thou Viracocha, offspring of Supay!" cried the old Indio, shaking
his clenched hands toward the Spaniard, "dost yawn at my sorrow,
monster? Hast the heart of a wolfthou who wearest the aspect of a man?
May the great Inti strike thee with thrice my grief, thrice mine
Almagro, listening with some surprise to the violent apostrophe, looked
toward the younger Pizarro: "What saith he, Juan?"
"By God, he hath told a tale of bitter wrong, Diego!" responded the
other, vehemently. "One of our men hath stolen his girl. It calleth
for the garrote, or I’m an Ethiopian!"
Almagro sat up and glanced quickly at the Inca, who raised his hand to
silence the complainant, and was now regarding the commandant with stern
eyes and burning cheeks.
"Viracocha Almagro," said Manco, "before thy general went from Cuzco he
engaged that neither house nor person of my subjects should suffer
violation. Thy soldier hath committed a crime which is punished in
Tavantinsuyu with death. I look to thee for vindication."
"Why, blood and wounds!" exclaimed the cavalier, when Manco’s words had
been translated. "Tell him, Juan, that we will indemnify withFiends!
but these people set no store by money. Say, then, that we will punish
with any just severityshort of death. That is out of reason."
The Inca’s eyes were fixed steadily upon Almagro while the answer was
being made known to him. "Viracocha," he said coldly, "this outrage is
not the first of its kind. Now, I demand the penalty of death."
Almagro’s scarred face flushed as his single eye met the Inca’s frown,
and he replied bluntly: "I refuse! Tell him I refuse, Juan. We’ll make
what reparation lieth within our power, but curse me if we’ll waste a
soldier at any man’s behest!" and Almagro glanced defiantly from the
Inca to the stern faces of his nobles.
Manco rose abruptly, dismissed his court with a few quick words, and
left the dais. As he passed the old man he spoke to him in an
undertone, and touching his white head lightly as he sank upon his
knees, moved toward the door, followed by his suite.
Almagro sprang to his feet. "How now, my puppet king! Dost turn us an
angry back? For the price of a breath of air I’d trim the fringe from
thy toy of a diadem!"
"Not so loud, Diego!" remonstrated Juan Pizarro. "He hath good offence.
I tell thee, we are not wise to make light of this soldier’s trespass,
_amigo_. One such outrage unpunished will breed a thousand, and before
we are aware the country will be about our ears. ’T is a cut at their
tenderest sensibility. I say, hang the knave and keep the peace."
"Kill a good fighting man for the sake of a twig of a heathen girl!
Thou ’rt mad, Juan. I had as lief sacrifice a horse. We’ll iron him
for forty days, and the matter will be forgotten. Come! Set the
business afoot. Have a public trial and advertise thy zeal, then keep
the affair hanging until interest is worn out. Parade justice for a
week, and these varlets will forget their grievance. _Vamos_!" They
left the empty hall, and indifferent to the dark looks of the throng in
front of the palace, sought their quarters in the old palace of the Inca
Tupac Yupanqui.
With the few nobles so privileged, Manco went to his apartments.
Controlling his agitation, he faced his counsellors. For a moment he
studied each, reading under their impassiveness the fire smouldering in
his own breast. In the group was Villaoma, the Villac Vmu, or high
priest of the empire, most sagacious of his advisers, as he had been
before to Huayna Capac and to the ill-fated Huascar. The old priest met
his look with one of keen scrutiny. Manco had been his favorite, and
from boyhood had been watched with an interest as deep and hopeful as if
of his own flesh and blood. Manco’s admission to the military order
came when Cuzco was prostrate before the conqueror Atahualpa, her armies
scattered, and the Inca Huascar a prisoner in the fortress at Xauxa.
When Pizarro, after the death of Atahualpa, marched upon the capital
with the new Inca, Toparca, Manco reassembled the forces of Cuzco and
prepared for resistance. Following the counsel of the Villac Vmu,
Prince Manco had suspended hostilities after Toparca’s death and laid
before Pizarro his own claim to the imperial _llautu_, temporarily
humiliating himself to forestall such other pretender as this king-maker
might advance. If he had underestimated the cost of this surrender of
dignity to policy, the Villac Vmu did not share his mistake; and when
the monarch presently realized the penalty for his pawned manhood, the
stings of injured pride, the chafing under arrogance, and the wounds of
slighted majesty, it was with difficulty that the priest restrained a
premature outbreak. Now he saw the fire long kept in check burning near
the surface. He held his peace, however, and Manco said merely:
"I would have thee come hither to-night, Villac Vmu, after the third
watchand you, my generals, Quehuar, Mayta, and Mocho. And come
prepared to counsel no longer caution, delay, butaction!" The effect
of the last word was electricalbut as a flash of heat lightning, and as
silent. It brightened their dark faces and fierce eyes for an instant,
and was gone. But he knew them well, this young warrior-emperor;
expected no reply, nor wished it. Presently he was alone.

The Crimson Conquest 44

The Crimson Conquest 44

"And now," continued Tendilla, "we must communicate with the Inca
"No better way than by _chasqui_," said the cook, "though there is
uncertainty of his reaching Cuzco. It is said there are roving bands of
Quitoansremnants of Atahualpa’s troopsstill in the mountains. Since
Manco’s coronation they have been hostile. But have you learned,
father, where the Ñusta was found?"
"Only that the place is called Xilcala, and is some six days’ march from
"Xilcala," repeated Pedro, and fixed the name in his memory. When he
pegged back to his _cantina_ he meditated a purpose.
Two days later the cook was admitted to Rava’s presence. She was
expecting him, and if he had been disposed to think disparagingly of the
grounds on which he was favored in her recollection, his modesty was
gently reproved by her evident pleasure. He found her changed. Her
pallor was sadly heightened, and the proud fire had gone from the dark
eyes. Sorrow seemed indelibly impressed upon the gentle face; but with
it a dignity strangely at variance with her youthfulness, and a
refinement of beauty almost startling to the good Pedro, who whispered
to himself, "Blessed saints! ’t is the face of an angel." As she
greeted him her eyes lighted with a faint smile, but he noted with a
twinge the quiver of lip and chin and the scarcely controlled tremor in
her voice.
"Ah, Pedro," she said, after bidding him to sit, and observing the
diffidence in his honest eyes, "Father Tendilla hath told me all. I
would that I could tell thee my gratitude, but thou knowest. Thou didst
come to mine aid at the moment of despair, when I thought that even
Heaven had forsaken me."
"I have done naught, Ñusta Rava. Father Tendilla and the señora——"
"Thou didst send them, Pedro; and it is twice, now, that I have owed
thee the means of my rescue. But for thy help at Caxamalca——" She
shuddered, then presently went on: "I know how our escape was made
possible, my friend. CristovalCristoval told me. Ah, Pedro, he loved
thee well!" A choking sob shook her frame, and covering her face with
her hands, she turned toward Señora Bolio, who hastened to her side.
Poor Pedro dashed his hand across his eyes, and sat bolt upright, his
lips compressed. In a moment Rava was able to proceed.
"He spoke of thee often, Pedro."
Pedro bent forward. "Ñusta Rava, is there no hope that Cristoval still
liveth? Do you know that it cannot be?"
"Oh, I know not, I know not! Once, on that dreadful night, I thought I
heard his voice rising above the clamor. I heard no more." She covered
her eyes as if to shut out the memory of the horror.
Pedro silently cursed himself for the stupidity of the question, and it
was moments before he could say something to divert her. He did so at
last, and soon took his leave. Rava said earnestly, "Thou’lt come
again, good Pedro?"
"I’ll come again, Ñusta Rava; and meanwhile, keep courage." He added to
himself as he crossed the court, "I would I might say, hope! _Ay de
mi_, Cristoval! if I could but know."
He tarried at the _cantina_ only while Pedrillo was saddling his mule,
then mounted and struck toward the fortress. Again his errand lay
beyond; and he drew rein at the _huasi_ of Municancha. The old Indio
gave him welcome, and to him Pedro narrated Rava’s flight from Caxamalca
with the gallant Viracocha Cristoval. He told of her recent perils and
deliverance, and begged Municancha’s aid in learning from Xilcala
whether the good soldier still lived, and if not, where lay his grave.
He found a willing helper. The old man, overjoyed by the news of the
safety of Rava, who had been mourned as dead throughout the empire, did
not hesitate. He had a nephew, Ocallo. Ocallo was summoned. He would
gladly accompany, would organize a company at once, and would be ready
to start the following dawn. They agreed upon a meeting place, and
having enjoined secrecy, Pedro rode back to Xauxa, grateful to the peg
which had won him so good a friend as Municancha.
Night had fallen before he reached the town. He told his plan to Father
Tendilla, arranged for his absence, received the confessor’s blessing,
and departed to prepare for the journey. Pedro worked late, completed
his preparations, and lay down for a few hours’ sleep. Long before dawn
he was up, and having breakfasted, was assisted by Pedrillo to arm. His
mule was brought, and with a few parting instructions, he was away. In
half an hour he was clear of the town, on the road going north. A brisk
trot for a mile or more, and he halted at a cross-road. A dim figure
rose out of the darkness and was hailed by Pedro in Quichua. After a
brief greeting, the man summoned half-a-dozen companions from a thicket
beside the road.
"Are we all here?" asked Pedro, looking over the group.
"All here, Viracochafour archers and two carriers," replied the one who
had first approached.
"Good! Then we will move. Take the lead, Ocallo. We should be well in
the mountains before the light."
Thus Pedro set out on his search for Cristoval.
_*A Glimpse of Cuzco*_
The interest at first aroused by Pedro’s disappearance gradually
subsided, and was suddenly forgotten for a time, in the excitement
following upon another departure. This was attended by tragic
circumstance. Fray Mauricio, having established himself at Xauxa, at
once denounced José to the commandant, Saavedra, as a heretic, demanding
his arrest. Saavedra, intimidated by threats of the Inquisition’s
vengeance, unwillingly consented. He was not prompt, however, and word
of the friar’s efforts reached the armorer, who was almost recovered
from his fever. The next morning Mauricio was found in his quarters,
stabbed to the heart. José had vanished.
Search was made in the town and neighboring mountains, but no trace of
the armorer was found, and as no reward was offered, the hunt was given
Pedro’s absence was not unnoted by Rava, however, and her gratitude for
his devotion and services inspired her persistent inquiries. To these
Father Tendilla made evasive replies, deeming it unwise to suggest a
hope which would probably renew her anguish when Pedro returned. But to
Señora Bolio, so much exercised that she even proposed to take the field
in search of the cook, he confided his mission, perplexed at that lady’s
attitude, which seemed too resolute to imply tenderness, but which
nevertheless indicated something more than mere solicitude. Even had
the good father been better versed in the gentle passion as manifested
in the feminine breast, the señora’s symptoms might easily have balked
his diagnosis. When she learned that Pedro had left Xauxa she suspected
it was prompted by his unconquerable coyness, and shocked the mild
priest by a characteristic opinion of the apparent treachery. But,
apprised of the fact, she melted in a manner no less surprising, blew
her nose violently to abort a threatened tear, and broke into eulogy
even more emphatic than her denunciation.
Rava’s spiritual growth had been such as to rejoice the good
missionary’s heart. She turned now with all the emotion born of grief,
the yearning of a heart bereft, the ardent faith of a sincere and
ingenuous mind, to the Mater Dolorosa and the Redeemer. Obedient to her
preceptor, she conquered the despair which he saw was menacing her life
itself. She found divine consolation, and in its realization her belief
received new strength. She was baptized and received the sacrament.
The occasion was one of utmost solemnity, and the garrison attended in
body. The little flock of native converts and as many more of the
people of Xauxa as the walls of the church would hold, gathered to see
the daughter of an Inca repudiate the gods of her fathers in their
ancient temple.
One morning Father Tendilla hastened to Rava with the news that a
_chasqui_ had arrived from Cuzco, announcing that the Inca Manco had
despatched an escort to convey her to the capital. Not many days later
the sun rose upon a city of tents on the plain outside the town. The
escort had arrived at nightfall the day beforebattalions of the
Incarial Guard, a hundred nobles, a throng of maids for the Ñusta’s
attendance, and a long train of camp servants, _hamaca_ bearers, and
carriers for the baggage. That morning the sacerdotal palace was
a-glitter with the richly costumed members of the royal suite, bringing
the Inca Manco’s brotherly greetings and their own homage to the
restored princess. Rava’s simpler life was of the past, and once more
she was a Daughter of the Sun.
A fortnight later the _cortège_ of the Ñusta was descending by the great
Chinchasuyu Road into the valley of Cuzco. As the column emerged from
the pass, and the fertile _bolson_ opened out below, Rava drew aside the
curtains of the _hamaca_. The arid slope dropped for hundreds of feet
to the uppermost terraces of the _andenes_ which clung to the
mountain-sides and ended with their green the bleak wilderness of eroded
rock. Beyond these the rolling floor of the valley, traversed by the
stream Cachimayo; and on the left, rising abruptly from the plain,
crowned by the ramparts and towers of its huge fortress, loomed the
sullen mass of the hill Sachsahuaman. At its feet lay Cuzco, the
"Navel," the centre of the universe, the ancient capital of the Incas;
and still farther away, the bastions of the gigantic circumvallation of
the Cordillera, its peaks delicately outlined against the azure of the
cloudless sky or the white of more distant snow-clad summits.
A faint haziness overhung the valley, with filmy spirals of white smoke
rising languidly above the roofs into the air, a-quiver with the warmth
of the lowland and lending lightness and unreality to the almost
dreamlike splendor of the capital. It seemed not of the West. The
bright walls of dwellings, the glare of street and plaza, the green of
interior court and garden, and the gold of the roofs of palace and
temple, were blended by distance into a harmonious beauty which might
have belonged rather to some metropolis of the fabled Orient.
As her escort wound slowly down, Rava looked forward with throbbing
heart, her eyes seeking in the confusion of roofs the spots endeared to
her by lifelong association. The palace, the Amarucancha, was easily
found on the great square, and even her own court with its shade of
quinuars. Beyond gleamed the golden roof of the Temple of the Sun, now
to her a symbol of the darkness from which she had been led by loving
hands, and whence she felt it her mission to rescue others. A turn hid
the city from view, and she leaned back with closed eyes until the
rhythmical tramp of the companies was echoed by the walls of houses, and
she heard the murmur of a multitude. The street was full of her people,
and as she looked from the _hamaca_ they raised a mighty shout, waving
hands and brightly colored scarfs and showering her with flowers. Her
heart was full as she smiled back their greetings, and in her joy over
theirs at beholding her again she could have embraced the humblest.

The Crimson Conquest 43

The Crimson Conquest 43

Rogelio looked at her in blank surprise; then, with a feeble effort at a
smile: "I would have a few words with her, Señora,and alone! Pray,
open the door."
The señora made no move to open the door, but replied tartly: "The
señorita hath no words to spare and no ear for listening. She is
The _veedor_ reddened slowly as astonishment turned to anger.
"Whatwhat, woman! Dost think to offer me hindrance in mine own house?
Stand aside, then gather thy belongings. Thou ’rt dismissed, dost hear?
dismissed!" He stepped forward.
For reply the lady thrust out her arm and in close proximity to his
nose, snapped her fingers. The _veedor_ gasped. His nerves were
already unstrung, and his indignation set him a-quiver as if he had been
some huge, fancifully-moulded jelly.
"Whyname of athoumy soul and body! What meanest thou, beldame?
inconceivable termagant!"
Alas! Rogelio. That was unfortunate, ill-considered, rash. As if thou
wert not enough distraught!and now to invite the overflow of this
brimming vessel of wrath! Before he could draw a second breath she was
outside, arms akimbo, her face thrust so close into his that her
features for a moment were a blur to his startled eyes. Then she
unrolled the infinite scroll of her diatribe,a withering flow of
invectives garnered in years of rude experience; a schedule of strange
metaphors, born of inspiration and chasing in so rapid sequence that his
bewildered ears no sooner received the shock of one than another
followed, twice more shocking; a torrent of hyperboles so weird in their
personal application that his ideas staggered in a vague, wondering
effort to comprehend, then floundered helpless in the stream; and each
member of her discourse emphasized by a jab at his nose with thumb and
finger that forced him back, step by step, across the court. The first
flush of rage vanished from his countenance and left an __EXPRESSION__ of
surprised impotency, his jaw working in a futile effort to articulate,
until, turning with uplifted hands, he fled.
As his door slammed, the breathless señora became conscious of another
man. A man at the moment was as a flaunt in the face of a maddened
bull, and she turned upon him. It was Pedro. He had watched the
episode from its beginning to its close. Now he was bowing low, cap in
"Señora Bolio," he said, with great unction, "my admiration! My
admiration, my homage, my reverence! My veneration, my stupefaction, my
awe! My——"
"Oh, drat thy gibberings!" interrupted the señora, with irritation. "Be
done with thy bobbing, and come hither. Thou ’rt the very man I wished
to see."
"Heaven forfend!" murmured Pedro. "Hast yet more wind?"
She eyed him sternly, then her features gradually relaxed. "Not for
thee, my chicken pie. But hearken, Pedro. I have news. This girldost
know it?is a Christian."
Pedro stared. "No!" he exclaimed. "And ’t is the Ñusta Rava?"
"’T is she, and she a Christian, Pedro, as I live! And she calleth for
Father Tendilla."
"For Father Tendilla! Then stew me, she shall have him! I’ll fetch
"Fetch him, Pedro. Go at once." And taking him by the shoulder, the
señora turned him toward the entrance of the court. "Make haste, and,
Pedro went a few paces, and halted; reflected a moment, and returned.
As the señora looked back he nodded toward Rogelio’s dcor, and
approaching it, rapped vigorously. There was silence, and he pounded
"Be off!" came a piping voice, not entirely steady.
Pedro pushed open the door, and heard a scurrying within. "Be off,
woman! I’m armed. Enter at thy peril!" trebled the voice. Pedro
thrust in his head. The _veedor_ was intrenched behind his table, bathed
in perspiration.
"Oh, thy pardon, _Veedor_! I thought thou didst bid me enter," said
Pedro, and closed the door with a grin.
"Hold, good Pedro! Wait! Tarry a moment, I pray thee, my dear friend,"
called the _veedor_, but Pedro was gone. As he left the court the door
opened, and Rogelio protruded his head, calling again; espied the señora
across the court, and retired abruptly.
_*Pedro Seeks Tidings of Cristoval*_
Pedro cantered into town and dismounted in front of the great, heavily
walled, low-roofed edifice that had been the Temple of the Sun,the
Temple of the Sun for centuries, but now surmounted by a cross, the
interior shorn of its symbols of pagan worship and its splendor, and
consecrated to the Holy Faith. Beside the gray old building was the
ancient palace of the priestly attendants, now sheltering the good
Father Tendilla and his assistants in the pious work of saving heathen
The gentle-mannered old priest was shocked at Pedro’s revelation of the
_veedor’s_ iniquity, and made instant preparations.
"Good Father," said the cook, as he held the stirrup for Tendilla to
mount, "if you can learn aught of Cristoval——"
"I will, my son. Come to-night," and the priest rode away.
Arrived at the fortress, he went directly to the commandant, and in half
an hour was at Rogelio’s door with a squad of halberdiers. It drew an
outbreak of squeaky protests from that worthy, but the priest, leaving
him grovelling in fear of the punishing hand of the Church, ordered a
sentinel posted at his door and sought the señora. She admitted him at
once to Rava’s room.
The girl was asleep, her tear-stained cheek resting on her clasped
hands. Even unconsciousness did not release her from her sorrow, for
she sighed heavily and moaned as Tendilla knelt for a brief prayer
beside her. He arose, and stood regarding her with compassion. With
deeper compassion still, when, awakening, she drew back with eyes wide
and deep with the unutterable fear of a creature hunted and caught. But
her recognition of his silvery hair and benevolent face was quick, and
with a sigh, the faintest smile, and a movement entirely queenly, she
extended her hand. He took it, and touching the dark head, murmured a
benediction. Rava raised her eyes, studying his with the unconscious
intensity and directness of gaze that had often given Cristoval the
feeling that she looked beyond; then the lines of anxiety softened into
an __EXPRESSION__ of trust. But that kindly old face brought a train of
recollections of dreadful days, and she turned away in sudden weeping.
If Señora Bolio had at first impressed Father Tendilla with some doubt
of that lady’s fitness for her post beside the prisoner, she dispelled
it now by the tenderness with which she soothed the storm of grief.
With whispered wordswords that might have sounded strangely enough to
the priest could he have heard them,she pressed the shaking form to her
bosom, while with moistened eyes he waited for the return of calm. When
the girl was able to hear him he approached.
"My child," he began, in Quichua, and Rava turned quickly with joy in
her tears at the sound of the tongue which she had not heard since the
wild night at Xilcala. "My child, I have come to tell thee thou hast
friends, and thy dangers are past. As soon as thou ’rt composed we will
go from this unhappy place to one of safety, and I hope in a few days to
place thee in thy brother’s care."
"Oh, Viracochamy father!" she cried, rising and nearing him with hands
pressed to her heart. "Is it true? is it true? Hath the sweet Virgin
Mother answered my prayers? Ah, Cristoval promised it would always be!
I believed him, and it is so! She hath heard me. She hath not turned
from Rava in her sorrow!" She drew the crucifix from her bosom and
kissed it passionately. "And he said thou wast good, and merciful, and
kind, my father. Oh, I know it is true. And thou wilt save me? Wilt
save me? Wilt take me from this wicked placebeyond the reach of these
cruel Viracochas? Ah, I thank thee, Blessed Mother! I thank thee, I
thank thee!" and she sank upon her knees, pressing the crucifix to her
Father Tendilla raised her gently and led her back to her couch. "It is
all true, my daughter. Thy prayers will never be in vain. Now, compose
thyself, and rest until I return. I go but for a moment."
He left the room, offering earnest thanks for her faith, and ordered the
_hamaca_. It was ready in a moment, and with the escort of halberdiers,
and the resolute señora riding close beside her litter, Rava left the
Early in the evening Pedro went to the priest. He found his old
confessor pacing the floor and full of mild enthusiasm.
"Ah, my son," said the father, beaming upon his visitor, "we have done a
good work this day. I shudder to think of the infinite wrong that might
have been but for thy prompt action in placing so rare a guardian as
Señora Bolio over this injured girl, and apprising me of her peril. The
señora, Pedro, is a remarkable woman. Where didst find her?"
"Stew me!your pardon, fatherI found her not. She found meas the
avalanche findeth the wayfarer." Pedro shook his head with a trace of
gloom in his jovial face, adding, "Yes, she is a remarkable woman. No
doubt of it! She hath powers and attributes, Father Tendilla. But, the
Ñusta Ravashe doth well?"
"Much more tranquil, and though most unhappy, beginneth to show
commendable patience and resignation. I have talked with her as my time
allowed, and would say from what I have seen, Pedro, that she is one of
the earth’s choicest blooms. Poor Peralta hath been a humble agent in
her salvation, but his task was well acquitted, and he shall have many
masses for his soul’s repose."
"Ah, _Madre_!" faltered Pedro. "Then Cristoval is dead?"
Father Tendilla shook his head sadly. "I fear it, Pedro. Duero hath so
said to Saavedra. I have forborne to ask the Ñusta, for the mention of
his name seemeth to pierce her heart. Alas! The old sad story of
mortal love and grief."
Pedro rose and stumped nervously about the room. When he seated himself
again his face was flushed and his hands were unsteady, but he said
nothing, and the father went on.
"I have told the Ñusta of thy part in her rescue, Pedro, and she would
see thee. She holdeth thee in kindly recollection."
"I am easily remembered," said Pedro, briefly. "I’m pegged in memories
wherever I roam," and he looked glumly at his wooden leg.
"For more than that, my son," said the priest, kindly. "Peralta never
forgot thee, and made the Ñusta partaker in full of his affection. But
thou must see her soonnot to-morrow, for she is much in need of quiet;
but possibly on the day following."
"_Bien!_" said Pedro, and his voice was hoarse.