2016년 8월 28일 일요일

The Magic House and Other Poems 12

The Magic House and Other Poems 12

Also small limited editions on Dutch and Japanese paper. 21_s._ and
42_s._ _net_.
A companion book to Mr. Henley’s well-known _Lyra Heroica_. It is
believed that no such collection of splendid prose has ever been
brought within the compass of one volume. Each piece, whether
containing a character-sketch or incident, is complete in itself.
The book will be finely printed and bound.
=Henley.= ENGLISH LYRICS. Selected and Edited by W. E. HENLEY. In Two
A limited issue on hand-made paper. _Large crown 8vo. 10s. 6d.
A small issue on finest large Japanese paper. _Demy 8vo. 42s. net._
The announcement of this important collection of English Lyrics
will excite wide interest. It will be finely printed by Messrs.
Constable & Co., and issued in limited editions.
Descriptive, and Critical Studies. By T. K. CHEYNE, D.D., Oriel
Professor of the Interpretation of Holy scripture at Oxford. _Large
crown 8vo. 7s. 6d._
This important book is a historical sketch of O.T. Criticism in the
form of biographical studies from the days of Eichhorn to those of
Driver and Robertson Smith. It is the only book of its kind in
=Prior.= CAMBRIDGE SERMONS. Edited by C. H. PRIOR, M.A., Fellow and
Tutor of Pembroke College. _Crown 8vo. 6s._
A volume of sermons preached before the University of Cambridge by
various preachers, including the Archbishop of Canterbury and
Bishop Westcott.
=Collingwood.= JOHN RUSKIN: His Life and Work. By W. G. COLLINGWOOD,
M.A., late Scholar of University College, Oxford, Author of the
‘Art Teaching of John Ruskin,’ Editor of Mr. Ruskin’s Poems. _2
vols. 8vo. 32s._
Also a limited edition on hand-made paper, with the Illustrations
on India paper. £3, 3_s._ _net_.
[_All sold._
Also a small edition on Japanese paper. £5, 5_s._ _net_.
[_All sold._
This important work is written by Mr. Collingwood, who has been for
some years Mr. Ruskin’s private secretary, and who has had unique
advantages in obtaining materials for this book from Mr. Ruskin
himself and from his friends. It contains a large amount of new
matter, and of letters which have never been published, and is, in
fact, as near as is possible at present, a full and authoritative
biography of Mr. Ruskin. The book contains numerous portraits of
Mr. Ruskin, including a coloured one from a water-colour portrait
by himself, and also 13 sketches, never before published, by Mr.
Ruskin and Mr. Arthur Severn. A bibliography is added.
_The First Edition having been at once exhausted, a Second is now
‘No more magnificent volumes have been published for a long time
than “The Life and Work of John Ruskin.” In binding, paper,
printing, and illustrations they will satisfy the most fastidious.
They will be prized not only by the band of devotees who look up to
Mr. Ruskin as the teacher of the age, but by the many whom no
eccentricities can blind to his genius....’--_Times._
‘It is just because there are so many books about Mr. Ruskin that
these extra ones are needed. They survey all the others, and
supersede most of them, and they give us the great writer as a
whole.... He has given us everything needful--a biography, a
systematic account of his writings, and a bibliography.... This
most lovingly written and most profoundly interesting
book.’--_Daily News._
‘The record is one which is well worth telling; the more so as Mr.
Collingwood knows more about his subject than the rest of the
world.... His two volumes are fitted with elaborate indices and
tables, which will one day be of immense use to the students of
Ruskin’s work.... It is a book which will be very widely and
deservedly read.’--_St. James’s Gazette._
‘To a large number of people these volumes will be more
pre-eminently the book of the year than any other that has been, or
is likely to be, published.... It is long since we have had a
biography with such varied delights of substance and of form. Such
a book is a pleasure for the day, and a joy for ever.’--_Daily
‘It is not likely that much will require to be added to this record
of his career which has come from the pen of Mr. W. G. Collingwood.
Mr. Ruskin could not well have been more fortunate in his
‘A noble monument of a noble subject. One of the most beautiful
books about one of the noblest lives of our century. The volumes
are exceedingly handsome, and the illustrations very
beautiful.’--_Glasgow Herald._
‘It is indeed an excellent biography of Ruskin.’--_Scotsman._
=John Beever.= PRACTICAL FLY-FISHING, Founded on Nature, by JOHN
BEEVER, late of the Thwaite House, Coniston. A New Edition, with a
Memoir of the Author by W. G. COLLINGWOOD, M.A., Author of ‘The
Life and Work of John Ruskin,’ etc. Also additional Notes and a
chapter on Char-Fishing, by A. and A. R. SEVERN. With a specially
designed title-page. _Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d._
Also a small edition on large paper. 10_s._ 6_d._ _net_.
A little book on Fly-Fishing by an old friend of Mr. Ruskin. It has
been out of print for some time, and being still much in request,
is now issued with a Memoir of the Author by W. G. Collingwood.
Printed on laid paper, and bound in buckram, gilt top. 5_s._
Also a small edition on large Dutch hand-made paper. _Price 12s.
6d. net._
A Volume of Lyrics and Sonnets by J. D. Hosken, the Postman Poet,
of Helston, Cornwall, whose interesting career is now more or less
well known to the literary public. Q, the Author of ‘The Splendid
Spur,’ etc., will write a critical and biographical introduction.
=Oscar Browning.= GUELPHS AND GHIBELLINES: A Short History of
Mediæval Italy, A.D. 1250-1409. By OSCAR BROWNING, Fellow and Tutor
of King’s College, Cambridge. _Crown 8vo. 5s._
=Oliphant.= THOMAS CHALMERS: A Biography. By Mrs. OLIPHANT. With
Portrait. _Crown 8vo. Buckram, 5s._
A Life of the celebrated Scottish divine from the capable and
sympathetic pen of Mrs. Oliphant, which will be welcome to a large
circle of readers. It is issued uniform with Mr. Lock’s ‘Life of
John Keble.’
=Anthony Hope.= A CHANGE OF AIR: A Novel. By ANTHONY HOPE, Author of
‘Mr. Witt’s Widow,’ etc. _1 vol. Crown 8vo. 6s._
A bright story by Mr. Hope, who has, the Athenum says, ‘a decided
outlook and individuality of his own.’
Author of ‘Mehalah,’ ‘Old Country Life,’ etc. _Crown 8vo. 3 vols.
31s. 6d._
A powerful and characteristic story of Devon life by the author of
=Benson.= DODO: A DETAIL OF THE DAY. By E. F. BENSON. _Crown 8vo. 2
vols. 21s._

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