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History of Ancient Pottery 4

History of Ancient Pottery 4

KIRCHHOFF (A.). _Studien zur Geschichte des griechischen Alphabets._
4th edn. Gütersloh, 1887.
KLEIN (W.). _Euphronios_; eine Studie zur Geschichte der griechischen
Malerei. 2nd edn. Vienna, 1886, 8vo.
—— _Die griechischen Vasen mit Meistersignaturen._ 2nd edn. Vienna,
1887, 8vo.
—— _Die griechischen Vasen mit Lieblingsinschriften._ 2nd edn. Vienna,
KNAPP (P.). _Nike in der Vasenmalerei._ Tübingen, 1876, 8vo.
_Kopenhagen. De malede Vaser i Antikkabinettet i Kjöbenhavn_.
Kopenhagen, 1862. Catalogue of the vases, by S. Birket Smith.
(Referred to as Kopenhagen, with number of vase.)
KRAMER (G.). _Ueber den Styl und die Herkunft der bemalten griechischen
Thongefässe._ Berlin, 1837.
KRAUSE (J. H.). _Angeiologie._ Halle, 1854, 8vo. (Study of vase-shapes
and their names.)
KRETSCHMER (P.). _Die griechischen Vaseninschriften ihrer Sprache nach
untersucht._ Gütersloh, 1894.
LA BORDE (A. DE). _Collection des vases grecs de M. le Comte de
Lambert._ 2 vols. Paris, 181328, fol. The vases are now at Vienna.
Re-edited by S. Reinach in _Répertoire_, vol. ii. (1900).
LA CHAUSSE (M. A. de = Caussius). _Romanum Museum._ Rome, 1690; 3rd
edn., 1746.
LANZI (L.). _Dei vasi antichi dipinti volgarmente chiamati Etruschi._
Florence, 1806.
LAU (TH.), BRUNN (H.), and KRELL (P.). _Die griechischen Vasen, ihre
Formen und Decorationssystem._ Plates and text. From originals at
Munich. Leipzig, 1877. (Brunn-Lau, Gr. Vasen.)
LENORMANT (C.) and DE WITTE (J.). _Élite des monuments
céramographiques._ 4 vols. Paris, 183761, 4to. (_Él. Cér._)
LETRONNE (J. A.). _Observations sur les noms de vases grecs._ Paris,
_London._ See British Museum.
LONGPÉRIER (H. A. PRÉVOST DE). _Musée Napoléon III._ Choix de monuments
antiques ... Texte explicatif par A. de L. Paris, unfinished,
186874, 4to.
_Louvre._ See Paris.
LÜTZOW (C. VON). _Zur Geschichte des Ornaments an den bemalten
griechischen Thongefässen._ Munich, 1858.
LUYNES (H. D’A. DE). _Description de quelques vases peints_, étrusques,
italiotes, siciliens et grecs. Paris, 1840, fol. The vases are now
in the Bibliothèque Nationale. Re-edited by S. Reinach,
_Répertoire_, ii, (1900).
MACCOLL (D. S.). See Harrison.
MACPHERSON (D.). _Antiquities of Kertch_, and researches in the
Cimmerian Bosphorus, etc. London, 1857, 4to. (Discoveries in the
_Madrid_ (Museo arquelogico nacional). _Catalogo del Museo_, by A. G.
Gutierrez and J. de D. de la Rada y Delgado. Part i. Madrid, 1883,
_Marseilles._ _Catalogue des antiquités grecques et romaines du Musée_,
by W. FROEHNER. 1897.
MARTHA (J.). _L'Art Étrusque._ Paris, 1889, 4to.
MASNER (K.). See Vienna.
MAYER (M.). _Die Giganten und Titanen in der antiken Sage und Kunst._
Berlin, 1886.
_Mélanges Perrot._ Paris, 1902, 4to. (Collected papers in honour of
Perrot.) (Recueil de mémoires concernant l’archéologie classique,
la littérature, et l’histoire anciennes, dedié à Georges Perrot.)
MICALI (G.). _Storia degli antichi popoli Italiani._ 3 tom. Firenze,
1832, 8vo. With atlas entitled _Monumenti per servire alla storia_,
etc. Fol.
——— _Monumenti inediti a illustrazione della storia degli antichi
popoli italiani._ Florence, 1844, 8vo, plates in fol. Vases found
in Etruria. (Micali, _Mon. Ined._)
MILCHHOEFER (A.). _Die Anfänge der Kunst in Griechenland._ Leipzig,
1883, 8vo.
MILLIET (P.). _Études sur les premières périodes de la céramique
grecque._ Paris, 1891.
MILLIN (A. L.). _Peintures des vases antiques._ 2 vols. Paris, 180810,
fol. The _Introduction_ of Dubois-Maisonneuve (_q.v._) was
published uniform with this. Re-edited by S. Reinach in 4to, Paris,
1891. (Millin-Reinach.)
MILLINGEN (F.). _Ancient Unedited Monuments_ of Grecian Art. 2 vols. in
one. London, 182226. (Millingen, _Anc. Uned. Monum._)
——— _Peintures antiques de vases grecs, tirées de diverses
collections._ Rome, 1813, fol. Re-edited by S. Reinach in 4to,
Paris, 1891. (Millingen-Reinach.)
——— _Peintures antiques de vases grecs de la collection de Sir J.
Coghill._ Rome, 1817, fol. Re-edited by S. Reinach in _Répertoire_,
ii. (1900).
MORGENTHAU (J. C.). _Ueber den Zusammenhang der Bilder auf griechischen
Vasen._ I. Die schwarzfigurigen Vasen. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo.
MOSES (H.). _A collection of antique vases, etc._, from various museums
and collections. London, 1814.
——— _Vases from the collection of Sir Henry Englefield._ London, 1848.
MUELLER (E.). _Drei griechische Vasenbilder._ Zurich, 1887. 4to.
MÜLLER (K. O.). _Denkmäler der Alten Kunst._ 183269, obl. fol. 2 vols.
(2nd re-edited by F. Wiestler).
—— —— Theil ii. 3rd edn., 1877. Text 4to; plates, 1881, obl. fol.
_Munich._ _Beschreibung der Vasensammlung König Ludwigs in der
Pinakothek_, by O. JAHN. Munich, 1855. With admirable introduction.
See also the guide (_Führer_) published in 1895. A new catalogue by
Furtwaengler said to be in progress.
MURRAY (A. S.). _Handbook of Greek Archaeology._ London, 1892. (Chaps.
i. and ii. deal with vases.) And see British Museum.
_Museo Borbonico._ Naples, 182457. 16 vols., 4to. Illustrations of the
collections in the Naples Museum (Real Museo Borbonico). See also
_Museo Gregoriano._ Museo Etrusci ... in Aedibus Vaticanis ...
Monumenta. 2 vols. (vases in 2nd). Rome, 1842, fol. (_Mus. Greg._)
MYRES, J. L. See Nicosia.
_Naples._ _Die Vasensammlungen des Museo Nazionale zu Neapel_, by H.
HEYDEMANN. Berlin, 1872. See also Gargiulo, Museo Borbonico.
_Naukratis, I._ and _II._ Third and Sixth Memoirs of the Egypt
Exploration Fund, by W. M. Flinders Petrie, E. A. Gardner, etc.
London, 188688. Plates of pottery found at Naukratis, discussed in
text by C. Smith and E. A. Gardner.
_Nicosia_ (Cyprus Museum). _A Catalogue of the Cyprus Museum_, by J. L.
OHNEFALSCH-RICHTER (M.). _Kypros, the Bible, and Homer._ 2 vols., text
and plates. Berlin, 1893. Also a German edition. Useful for
collected examples of Cypriote pottery and terracottas. See also
OVERBECK (J.). _Die Bildwerke zum thebischen und troischen
Heldenkreis._ 2 vols., text and atlas. Brunswick and Stuttgart,
185357. Lists of vases illustrating Theban and Trojan legends.
(Overbeck, _Her. Bildw._)
—— _Griechische Kunstmythologie._ Vols. ii.iv. only published (Zeus,
Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Apollo, and myths connected with them).
Leipzig, 187189. With atlas in fol. (Overbeck, _Kunstmythol._)
_Oxford_ (Ashmolean Museum). _Catalogue of the Greek Vases in the
Ashmolean Museum_, by P. Gardner. Oxford, 1893. With coloured
PANOFKA (T.). _Vasi di premio illustrati._ Florence, 1826.
—— _Musée Blacas._ Paris, 1829, fol. Vases mostly in B.M.
—— _Recherches sur les véritables noms des vases grecs._ Paris, 1829.
—— _Antiques du cabinet du comte Pourtalès-Gorgier._ Paris, 1834, 4to.
(Panofka, _Cab. Pourtalès_.)
—— _Bilder antiken Lebens._ Berlin, 1843, 4to.
—— _Griechinnen und Griechen nach Antiken skizzirt._ Berlin, 1844, 4to.
—— _Der Vasenbilder Panphaios._ Berlin, 1848.
—— _Von den Namen der Vasenbildner in Beziehung zu ihren bildlichen
Darstellungen._ Berlin, 1849, 4to.
—— _Die griechischen Eigennamen mit_ καλς in Zusammenhang mit dem
Bilderschmuck auf bemalten Gefässen. Berlin, 1850.
(And many other pamphlets with publication of vases, chiefly from
the mythological point of view, but now out of date.)
_Paris_ (Louvre). _Catalogue des vases antiques de terre cuite_, by E.
POTTIER. Paris, 1896, etc. In progress (two volumes issued, dealing
with earlier fabrics). With accompanying atlas of photographic
plates (2 vols., down to Euphronios).
_Paris_ (Bibliothèque Nationale). _Catalogue des vases dans le Cabinet
des Médailles_, by A. DE RIDDER. Paris, 190102. 2 vols. With
PASSERI (J. B.). _Picturae Etruscorum in Vasculis._ 3 vols. Rome,
176775, fol.
PATRONI (G.). _Ceramica antica nell’ Italia meridionale._ Naples, 1897.
A useful study of Greek and local fabrics of Southern Italy.
PELLEGRINI (G.). See Bologna.
PERROT (G.) and CHIPIEZ (C.). _Histoire de l’art dans l’antiquité._
(Text by Perrot, plates by Chipiez.) In progress: 8 vols, published
in 18821904. Vol. iii., Cypriote pottery; vol. vi., Mycenaean;
vol. vii., Dipylon. (Perrot, _Hist. de l’Art._)
_Petersburg._ _Vasensammlung der kaiserlichen Ermitage_, by L.
STEPHANI. Petersburg, 1869. 2 vols.
POLLAK (L.). _Zwei Vasen aus der Werkstatt Hierons._ Leipzig, 1900.
POTTIER (E.). _Étude sur les lécythes blancs attiques à représentations
funéraires._ Paris, 1883, 8vo. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises,
No. 30.)
—— _La peinture industrielle chez les Grecs._ Paris, 1898, 8vo.
—— and REINACH (S.). _La Nécropole de Myrina._ 2 vols. Paris, 1887.
See also Daremberg, Dumont, Paris.
RAOUL-ROCHETTE. _Monumens inédits d’antiquité figurée._ Paris, 1833,
—— _Peintures antiques inédites._ Paris, 1836, 4to.
RAVESTEIN (E. DE M. DE). _Musée de Ravestein_; Catalogue descriptif. 2
vols. Liège, 187172, 8vo.
RAYET (O.) and COLLIGNON (M.). _Histoire de la céramique grecque._
Paris, 1888. (More or less popular, and becoming out of date; well
illustrated.) (Rayet and Collignon.)
REINACH (S.). _Chroniques d’Orient._ Paris, 189196. 2 vols. Reprinted
from the _Revue Archéol._ (188395). Notes of discoveries, etc.
—— _Répertoire des Vases Peints._ Paris, 18991900. 2 vols. An
invaluable re-editing, with outline reductions of the plates, of
many publications of vases, with bibliographical notes and
explanations appended. See Laborde, de Luynes, Tischbein, etc., and
list of periodicals. (Referred to as _Reinach_, with number of
volume and page. In Chapters XII.-XV. the references are all to
this publication in preference to the original works.)
See also Millin, Millingen, _Ant. du Bosph. Cimm._, and Pottier.
REISCH (E.). See Rome.
RIDDER (A. DE). See Paris.
RIEGL (A.). _Stilfragen._ Grundlegungen zu einer Geschichte der
Ornamentik. Berlin, 1893, 8vo. A valuable study of early vegetable
ornament on vases.
ROBERT (C.). _Thanatos._ Berlin, 1879, 4to. (_39tes
—— _Bild und Lied._ Berlin, 1881, 8vo. On the relation of
vase-paintings to the Homeric poems.
—— _Archaeologische Märchen_ aus alter und neuer Zeit. Berlin, 1886,
8vo. Papers on various subjects, more or less controversial.
—— _Homerische Becher._ (_50tes Winckelmannsfestprogr._) Berlin, 1890.
ROBERT (C). _Scenen der Ilias und Aithiopis_ auf einer Vase der
Sammlung des Grafen M. Tyszkiewicz. Halle, 1891, fol. (_15tes Hall.
—— _Die Nekyiades Polygnot._ Halle, 1892. (_16tes Hallisches
Festprog._; a restoration of the painting on the basis of vases.)
—— _Die Iliupersis des Polygnot._ Halle, 1893. (_17tes Hallisches
Festprogr._; dealing similarly with that painting.)
—— _Die Marathonschlacht in der Poikile_ und weiteres über Polygnot.
(_18tes Hallisches Festprogr._) Halle, 1895.
ROBERTS (E. S.). _An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy._ Part i. The
archaic inscriptions and the Greek alphabet. Cambridge, 1887, 8vo.
ROBINSON (E.). See Boston.
ROEHL (H.). _Inscriptiones Graecae antiquissimae_ praeter Atticas in
Attica repertas. Berlin, 1882, fol. (Roehl, _I.G.A._)
ROHDEN (H. VON). See Baumeister.
_Rome_ (Vatican, Museo Gregoriano). _Führer durch die öffentlichen
Sammlungen in Rom_, by W. HELBIG and E. REISCH. 2nd edn., 1899. 2
vols. In vol. ii. is given a full description of the best vases
(about 250) in this collection; they are quoted as Helbig 1, 2, 3,
etc., according to the numbers of the book. See also _Museo
ROSCHER (W. H.). _Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen
Mythologie._ Leipzig, 1884, etc. In progress (down to P in 1904).
Many vases published in the later parts.
ROSS (L.). _Reisen auf die griechischen Inseln des ägäischen Meeres._
Halle, 184052, 4 vols., 8vo.
—— _Archaeologische Aufsätze._ 2 vols. Leipzig, 185561. With plates in
ROULEZ (J.). _Choix de vases peints du Musée d’antiquités de Leyde._
Gand, 1854. Re-edited by S. Reinach, _Répertoire_, vol. ii., 1900.
_Ruvo_ (Museo Jatta). See Jatta.
SALZMANN (A). _Nécropole de Camiros_. Paris, 186675, fol. Plates only.
SCHLIEMANN (H.). See Vol. I. p. 269.
SCHNEIDER (A.). _Der troische Sagenkreis in der älteren griechischen
Kunst._ Leipzig, 1886.
SCHNEIDER (F. J.). _Die zwölf Kämpfe des Herakles in der älteren
griechischen Kunst._ Leipzig, 1888.
SCHNEIDER (R.). _Die Geburt der Athena._ Vienna, 1880, 8vo.
SCHÖNE (R.). _Le antichità del Museo Bocchi di Adria._ Rome, 1878, 4to.
SCHREIBER (TH.) and ANDERSON (W. C. F.). _Atlas of Classical
Antiquities._ London, 1895, obl. 8vo. (Schreiber-Anderson.)
SCHULZ (H. W.). _Die Amazonenvase von Ruvo_, erklärt und in
Kunsthistorischer Beziehung betrachtet. Leipzig, 1851, fol. See
Reinach, _Répertoire_, vol. ii.
_Sèvres Museum._ _Description méthodique du Musée Céramique de Sèvres_,
by A. BRONGNIART and D. RIOCREUX. Paris, 1845. 2 vols., with atlas
of plates.
SITTL (K.). _Die Phineusschale und ähnliche Vasen mit bemalten
Flachreliefs._ Würzburg, 1892.
SMITH (A. H.). See British Museum.
SMITH (CECIL). _Catalogue of the Forman Collection of Antiquities_
(illustrated). London, 1899. And see British Museum.
SMITH (S. B.). See Kopenhagen.
STACKELBERG (O. M. VON). _Die Gräber der Hellenen._ Berlin, 1836, fol.
STEPHANI (L.). See Petersburg and _Compte-Rendu._
_Strena Helbigiana._ (Collected papers in honour of W. Helbig.)
Leipzig, 1900, 8vo.
STUDNICZKA (F.). _Kyrene, eine altgriechische Göttin._ Leipzig, 1890.
_Tanis II._ Fourth Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund (Tell-Nebesheh
and Defenneh). London, 1887. By W. M. F. PETRIE and F. L. GRIFFITH,
with notes on the Daphnae pottery by A. S. Murray.
THIERSCH (F.). _Ueber die hellenischen bemalten Vasen_, mit besonderer
Rücksicht auf die Sammlung des Königs Ludwigs von Bayern. Munich,
1849. From _Abhandl. d. k. bayer. Akad., Philosoph.-philol.
Classe_, vol iv.
THIERSCH (H.). _Tyrrhenische Amphoren._ Eine Studie zur Geschichte der
altattischen Vasenmalerei. Leipzig, 1899.
TISCHBEIN (W.). _Collection of engravings from ancient vases_ (the
second Hamilton Collection; see Vol. I. p. 17). 4 vols. Naples,
179195, fol. Re-edited by S. Reinach, _Répertoire_, vol. ii.,
1900. About 100 plates were engraved for a fifth volume, never
TREU (W.). _Griechische Thongefässe in Statuetten- und Büstenformen._
Berlin, 1875, 4to. (_35tes Winckelmannsfestprogr._)

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