2016년 8월 1일 월요일

Glimpses of Ocean Life 40

Glimpses of Ocean Life 40

Effete.= Barren, worn out.
=Elytra= (Gr. _elytron_, a sheath). The sheath or wing covers of
coleopterous insects (Beetles).
=Entomostraca= (Gr. _entoma_, insects; _ostracon_, a shell). The order
of small crustaceans, many of which are enclosed in an integument like
a bivalve shell.
=Entomology= (Gr. _entoma_, insects; _logos_, a discourse). The branch
of science treating of insects.
=Exuvium=, Pl. =exuviæ= (L. _exuo_, I cast off). The shell or skin of
an animal which is shed in moulting.
=Epizoa= (Gr. _epi_, upon; _zoon_, an animal). The class of low
organized parasitic crustaceans which live upon other animals.
=Fissiparous= (L. _fissus_, divided; _pario_, I produce). The
multiplication of a species by the self-cleavage of the individual into
two parts.
=Frond= (L. _frons_, a leaf). A term applied to that part of flowerless
plants resembling true leaves.
=Fucivorous= (L. _fucus_, sea-weed; _voro_, I devour). Animals which
subsist on sea-weed.
=Flora.= The plants which belong to a country or district.
=Foliaceous= (L. _folium_, a leaf). Shaped or arranged like leaves.
=Gasteropoda= (Gr. _gaster_, stomach; _pous_, a foot). That class of
animals which (like the Snail) have the locomotive organ attached to
the under part of the body.
=Gemmiparous= (L. _gemma_, a bud; _pario_, I produce). Propagation by
the growth of the young like a bud from the parent.
=Habitat.= The locality in which an animal habitually resides.
=Hinge.= That part of a shell at which the valves cohere.
=Hyaline= (Gr. _hualos_, crystal). The pellucid substance which
determines the spontaneous fission of cells.
=Hydra= (Gr. _hudra_, a water serpent). The modern generic name of
certain fresh water polypes.
=Hydrogen= (Gr. _hydor_, water; _gemmæ_, I produce). A gas forming one
of the components of water and atmospheric air.
=Infusoria.= The class of animalcules which abound in vegetable and
animal infusions.
=Lamellibranchiata= (L. _lamella_, a plate; _branchiæ_, gills). The
class of acephalous molluscs, with gills in the form of membraneous
plates, of which the oyster and mussel are familiar examples.
=Larva= (L. _larva_, a mask). Applied to an insect in its first active
state, which is generally different from, and, as it were, masks the
ulterior form.
=Ligament=. A membrane close by the hinge which connects the valves.
=Mantle.= The external soft, contractile skin of the mollusca, which
covers the viscera and a great part of the body like a cloak.
=Macroura= (Gr. _makros_, long; _oura_, a tail). A tribe of ten-footed
crustacea (as the Lobster, Cray-fish), which have long tails.
=Medusæ.= A genus or family of soft radiated animals or Acalephæ, so
called because their organs of motion and prehension are spread out
like the snaky hair of the fabled medusa.
=Molecules.= Microscopic particles of matter.
=Mollusc--Mollusca= (L. _mollis_, soft). The primary division of the
animal kingdom. It contains most shell-fish, slugs, &c.
=Monograph= (Gr. _monos_, one; _grapho_, I write). A written
description of a single thing, or class of things.
=Multivalve= (L. _multus_, many; _valvæ_, folding doors). Shells
composed of many pieces or valves, as the Chiton.
=Nudibranchiate= (L. _nudus_, naked; _branchiæ_, gills). An order of
gasteropods, in which the gills are exposed, as the Eolis, Doris, &c.
=Oxygen.= A gas which is one of the constituent parts of water and of
atmospheric air. It is essential to animal life.
=Oviparous= (L. _ovum_, an egg; _pario_, I bring forth). The animals
which bring forth eggs.
=Operculum= (from the Latin for lid). Applied to the horny or shelly
plate which closes certain univalve shells, as the Whelk, Periwinkle,
=Papillæ= (L. _papilla_, a nipple). Soft prominences which resemble in
form the teats of animals.
=Palpi= (L. _palpo_, I touch). The organs of touch commonly called
'feelers,' developed from the lablum and maxillæ of insects.
=Pectinated= (L. _pecten_, a comb). Toothed like a comb.
=Physograde= (Gr. _physis_, air; _gradior_, I advance). The acalephes
that swim by means of air-bladders.
=Phytophagous= (Gr. _phuton_, a plant; _phago_, I eat). Plant-eating
=Pulmonigrade= (L. _pulmo_, a lung; _gradior_, I walk). The tribe of
Medusæ which swim by contraction of the respiratory disc.
=Rotifera= (L. _rota_, a wheel; _fero_, I bear). The name of a class of
infusorial animalcules, characterized by the vibratile and apparently
rotating ciliary organs upon the heads.
=Rhodospermes.= The red-coloured sea-weeds.
=Serrated= (L. _serra_, a saw). Toothed like a saw.
=Sessile.= Attached by a base.
=Silicious= (L. _silex_, a flint). Flinty.
=Setæ.= Bristles, or similar parts.
=Spicula= (L. _spiculum_, a point or dart). Fine-pointed bodies, like
=Tuberculate.= Warty, or carved with small rounded knobs.
=Testacea= (L. _testa_, a shell). Molluscs with a shelly covering, as
the Oyster, Whelk, &c.
=Univalve= (L. _unus_, one; _valvæ_, doors). A shell composed of one
calcareous piece, as the Periwinkle.
=Umbones.= The base of a shell about the hinge.
=Viviparous= (L. _vivus_, alive; _pario_, I bring forth). The animals
which bring forth their young alive. See Oviparous.
=Whorl.= The spiral turn of a shell.
=Zoology= (Gr. _zoon_, animal; _logos_, a discourse). That branch of
science that treats of the habits, structure, and classification of
=Zoologist.= One who is acquainted with the science of Zoology.
=Zoophyte= (Gr. _zoon_, an animal; _phyton_, a plant). The lowest
primary division of the animal kingdom, which includes many animals
that are fixed to the ground and have the form of plants.
_Animalculæ_, 37.
_Actiniæ_ (Sea anemones), 38, 47.
_mesembryanthemum_, 48, 365.
_troglodytes_, 51, 62.
_bellis_, 56.
_dianthus_, 57, 62, 154, 366.
_crassicornis_, 61, 100.
_coriacea_, 56.
_parasitica_, 66.
_explorator_, 51.
Acorn barnacles, 145.
Adductor muscle, 178, 182.
Annelids, 154, 191, 315.
_Acalephæ_, 203.
Alternation of generations, 214.
_Aphrodite aculeata_, 267.

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